The nominated technology applied in the food and vaccine cold chains, including those used in the nominations for game-changing systemic approaches, need to meet the following criteria:

  • does not use or contain any ozone-depleting substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol, i.e., uses substances with zero ozone-depletion potential (ODP);
  • utilizes refrigerants that have low global-warming potential (GWP) value*;
  • has design and operational features that enhance energy efficiency in a significant manner;
  • is commercially available and economically feasible; and
  • is applied in one of the targeted cold chain applications identified for this exhibition.

Target Cold Chain Technologies

The list below is provided only for guidance purpose and not restrictive. The cold chains coverage in this exhibition is only upstream to the retail point, including professional refrigeration and excluding domestic application.

Applications Temp Equipment
On site post-harvesting and/or precooling applications Various Small-scale refrigeration equipment for perishables e.g., dairy, fruits and vegetables
Storage of product, e.g., large warehouses 0/+12°C Product chilling equipment and chilled storage
Storage on board ships, aircraft, and containers 0/+12°C or -18/-5°C Walk-in chilling equipment, freezers, various sizes of compact equipment
Food processing plants Various Various equipment and refurbishing services to upgrade the existing facilities for higher environmental performance
Transport (large and smaller trucks, smaller containers for delivery at one address) 0/+12°C or frozen Various types of refrigeration equipment, dependent on the products handled, more temperature levels can be applied, including frozen, refrigerated and chilled storage for 0/+12° C
Distribution centers Various Dependent on the products handled, three temperature levels can be applied frozen storage -5/-28°C, chilled storage 0/+12°C, and cool storage +10/+12°C
Supermarkets (wholesale markets) Various Dependent on how the supermarket is using refrigeration (how the “cold” is distributed)
  1. With distributed, independent units for either medium or low temperature (distributed system)
  2. With a remotely operated, centralized refrigeration unit, with medium and low temperature compartments (centralized system)
Supermarkets and food services (Restaurants, cafes, tourism facilities, etc) Various Commercial storage units and professional refrigeration such as chest/upright freezers, blast chillers, cold rooms
Vaccines and other pharmaceutical products Various All types of warehouses, cold stores, isothermal refrigerated packaging and refrigerators or freezers used for storing, sorting and transporting vaccines and relevant pharmaceutical products

For this exhibition, technology is defined as applications and equipment (made up of mechanical, electrical, and electronic components) where refrigeration and cooling cycles use refrigerant fluids. It does not include:

  • Refrigerants by themselves
  • Individual components
  • Tools
  • Soft services and practices

The organizers reserve the right to combine nominations of the same technology submitted by the same provider for different applications.

*Applications using refrigerants with GWP values that are commercially and legally recognized as low in the countries where the technology has been deployed.