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Data reporting tools

Online reporting system
Mixtures/Blends tool

Under the Protocol, the Parties are required to report to the Secretariat various types of information. For some of those reporting requirements, guidelines or reporting forms have been prepared.


Article 7 ODS data reporting forms

Information required annually from all Parties to the Montreal Protocol.

Instructions /guidelines (updated as per decision XXX/10)

  AR | CH | EN | ES | FR | RU

Data reporting forms (updated as per decision XXX/10)

  AR | CH | EN | ES | FR | RU

Handbook on data reporting from UNEP-TIE

  AR | EN | ES | FR | RU

Forms for reporting information on quarantine and pre-shipment use of methyl bromide provided as examples in section 10.4.2 of the 2012 progress report of the technology and economic assessment panel (decision XXIV/15(4))



Proposed form for reporting process agents (updated as per decision XXIII/7)

 EN (Comments on this Form are Welcome)

Proposed forms for reporting laboratory and analytical uses (updated as per decision XXIII/6)

  AR | RU

  CH | EN | ES | FR

(Comments on the Forms are Welcome)

Reporting methyl bromide alternatives (decision EX.I/4 (1 & 2))