Data reporting tools
Under the Protocol, the Parties are required to report to the Secretariat various types of information. For some of those reporting requirements, guidelines or reporting forms have been prepared.
Article 7 ODS data reporting forms
Information required annually from all Parties to the Montreal Protocol.
Proposed form for reporting process agents (updated as per decision XXIII/7)
EN (Comments on this Form are Welcome)
Essential use exemptions - handbooks, downloadable nomination forms and accounting framework forms
Handbook on Essential Use Nominations (2009)
Handbook on Essential Use Nominations (2005)
Recommended Form for Nomination for Essential Use (Other than MDIs)
Recommended Form for Nomination of the Aerosol Metered-Dose Inhaler (MDI) as an Essential Use
Reporting Accounting Framework for Essential Uses Other than Laboratory and Analytical Applications
Critical use exemptions - handbook, downloadable nomination forms and accounting framework forms
Handbook on Critical Use Nominations for Methyl bromide (2007)
Form 1 - CUN for preplant soil use (open field or protected) – new and continuing submissions
Form 2 - CUN for structures, commodities or objects – new submissions only
Reporting Accounting Framework for Critical Uses of Methyl Bromide
Reporting methyl bromide alternatives (decision EX.I/4 (1 & 2))