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Reported data

ODS consumption

‘Consumption‘ is calculated as Production (if any) + imports - exports.

HCFC consumption

‘Consumption’ is calculated as production + imports – exports.

HFC consumption

‘Consumption‘ is calculated as Production (if any) + imports - exports.

At a glance

Focal points:

  • Ms. Ir. Laksmi Dhewanthi, MA NFP
    Director General of Climate Change
    Ministry of Environment and Forestry
  • Ir. Bitul Zulhasni, M.Sc NFP FPLS
    Deputy Director of ODS Control
    Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Status of Ratification:

Vienna Convention 1992-06-26 Ac
Montreal Protocol 1992-06-26 R
London Amendment 1992-06-26 Ac
Copenhagen Amendment 1998-12-10 Ac
Montreal Amendment 2006-01-26 R
Beijing Amendment 2006-01-26 R
Kigali Amendment 2022-12-14 R
  • Ac - Accession
  • R - Ratification
  • At - Acceptance
  • Ap - Approval
  • Sc - Succession
Establishment of ODS licensing system: Yes
Establishment of HFC licensing system: Yes
Date HFC Licensing System Reported: 2024-01-25
Click here to view status of HFC licensing systems for all parties
Quarantine and pre-shipment uses: methyl bromide for quarantine and pre-shipment (QPS) applications is used to control pests and pathogens in certain imported and exported commodities, and QPS uses are not included in the calculated levels of consumption and production.

The Vienna Convention provides for that parties shall co-operate in conducting research and systematic observations and in formulating recommendations for future research and observation in areas related to the ozone layer. To this end the Ozone Research Managers meet every three years to review national and international research and monitoring activities to ensure coordination and identify gaps.
Reports submitted by Indonesia to the Ozone Research Managers meetings to date are available below:
To view reports submitted by all Parties to the Ozone Research Managers meetings to date, click here

The Multilateral Fund: US$86,582,006

The Multilateral Fund is the financial mechanism of the Montreal Protocol and provides financial and technical assistance to Article 5 (developing) countries to enable their compliance with the Protocol’s control measures.

The Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund has approved funding to Indonesia in the amount of US$86,582,006 as of 2024-12-08. This includes the funding for current ongoing projects (including agency fees):

Title Implementing agency Approved funding ($US)
HFC phase-down related projects IBRD 321,000
HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) UNDP 5,707,519
HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) Australia 552,388
Institutional strengthening UNDP 1,140,500
Total 7,721,407

As at 2023-12-31, US$78,499,785 had been disbursed.

This information is provided by Multilateral Fund Secretariat. For more information please refer to the Multilateral Fund website