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Reported data

ODS production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.
As a member of the European Union, consumption is reported in aggregated form, hence this party does not report its individual consumption.

Destruction of controlled substances

HCFC production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.
As a member of the European Union, consumption is reported in aggregated form, hence this party does not report its individual consumption.

HFC production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.
As a member of the European Union, consumption is reported in aggregated form, hence this party does not report its individual consumption.

At a glance

Focal points:

  • Mr. Alessando Giuliano Peru NFP
    National Focal Point
    SOGESID S.p.A. Technical Assistance Unit, Directorate-General for European and International Activity, Ministry of Environment and Energy Security

Status of Ratification:

Vienna Convention 1988-09-19 R
Montreal Protocol 1988-12-16 R
London Amendment 1992-02-21 Ap
Copenhagen Amendment 1995-01-04 R
Montreal Amendment 2001-05-01 R
Beijing Amendment 2004-10-22 R
Kigali Amendment 2022-05-25 R
  • Ac - Accession
  • R - Ratification
  • At - Acceptance
  • Ap - Approval
  • Sc - Succession
Establishment of ODS licensing system: Yes
Establishment of HFC licensing system: Yes
Date HFC Licensing System Reported: 2019-03-25
Click here to view status of HFC licensing systems for all parties

Reclamation facilities reported by the Parties (Decision VI/19(4))

Parties report periodically on the reclamation facilities and their capacities available in their countries.

Party Report Date Facility Name Address Reclaimed Substances Capacity Remarks
Italy 1996-04-22 Solveco Via Piemonte, 21
Borgaro Torinese (TO)
Chlorinate solvents 600 tons/yr
Italy 1996-04-22 Guido Tazzetti & C Via Negri, 1 Casale Monferrato (AL) Chlorinated and flourinated solvents 2000kg/day
Other Flourinated fluids
2000 kg/day
100 kg/hr
Italy 1996-04-22 Chimica Industriale Strada Piossasco 114
Rivalta Torinese (TO)
Chlorinated solvents 3000 ltrs/hr
Italy 1996-04-22 Blotto Fraz. Borche, 28
Cirie (TO)
Chlorinated and flourinated solvents 1450 ltrs/hr
Italy 1996-04-22 Austraplastic Regione industriale, 13
Trana (TO)
Chlorinated and flourinated solvents 4800 kg/day
Click here for the list of facilities reported by all parties.

Information reported by the Parties on illegal trade (Decision XIV/7 (7))

Parties are invited to report to the Ozone Secretariat fully proved cases of illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances.

Party Seizure Date Year Substances Traded Volume Importing Exporting Country Illegal Trade Details Action Taken Remarks
Italy 5 February, 2020 R-410A and HFC-134a 6,000 kg of R-410A and 4,320 kg of HFC-134a from Türkiye to Italy Refrigerant Gases Seizure and confiscation
Italy 28 April, 2023 HFC-134a 715kg From Bulgaria to Italy concealment, Reg. UE 517/2014 art.16 seizure and report to the judicial authority
Italy 11 October, 2023 HFC-134a 12,000kg From China via Greece to Italy concealment, Reg. UE 517/2014 art.16 seizure and report to the judicial authority
Italy 5 December, 2019 HFC-134a, R-404A and HFO-1234yf 25.6 kg of HFC-134a, 9.8 kg of R-404A, and 5 kg of HFO-1234yf Unknown Products seized during a control at a retailer store Seizure and confiscation
Italy 6 February, 2020 HFCs 2,510 kg from Türkiye to Italy Infringement of the articles 16, 17 and 19 of the EU Regulation n. 517/2014 Implementing the articles 16 and 17 of the EU Regulation, a violation of the provisions has been notified pursuant to pertinent national Law ( art.11 of RDL 14.11.1926 n.1923, converted into the Law of 07 July 1927 n.1495 and subsequent amendments, as amended, most recently art. 67 Legislative Decree 12.30.1999 n. 507). In relation to article 19 infringement, art. 6 of Legislative Decree No. 26/2013 and subsequent amendments have been applied. The goods (138 gas cylinders) found at the warehouse were seized pursuant to art.13 L. 689/91 and articles 11 of Law 1495/1927 and 20 of Law 689/81. A total of 182.442 kg of HFCs imported in 2019 was found in violation of the EU Regulation n. 517/2014
Italy 31 October, 2023 HFC-125, HFC-32 and HFC-134a 13,190kg From China via Greece to Italy concealment, Reg. UE 517/2014 art.16 seizure and report to the judicial authority
Italy 5 September, 2023 R-410A and HFC-134a, gas mixtures R-410A is 22,750kg and HFC-134a is 23,000kg From Turkey via Italy to Germany The goods and documentation did not arrive at the German customs office of destination. Fake German customs stamp on two custom operations National violations for aggravated smuggling: Artt. 292, 293 e 295 lett. c e d, D.P.R. 43/1973 Seizure and report to the judicial authority. Issue of assessment notices for recovery of customs duties. Request to the German Customs Authority to verify the regularity of the stamp and the actual arrival of the goods at destination.
Italy 25 July 2019 HFCs 49.4 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 5 September, 2023 R-410A, R-404A and R-507A R-410A is 50,360kg; R-404A is 20,000 kg; R-507A is 78,800kg From China to Italy Placing on the market of unallocated hydrofluorocarbon quotas Art.15 Reg. UE 517/2014 Art. 13 D.Lgs. 163/2019 Seizure and report to the judicial authority. The real quantity imported was much higher than that intended for military use.
Italy 1 August, 2019 HFCs 46.3 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 16 August, 2019 HFCs 21.8 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 7 April, 2021 HFC-134a, R-404A 19.368 kg of HFC-134a and 4.280 kg of R404-A From China to Italy Refrigerant’s cylinders without labelling; OLAF Case OC/2018/1145; 3. Artt. 16-17 Reg. EU 517/2014 Administrative detention ex artt. 13 e 19 Law n° 689/81, penalties, reporting to the competent authorities. Violations: 1) art. 11 Law R.D.L. N° 1923/26, amended by art. 67 D.LGS. N° 507/99; 2) art. 6 Law N° 26/2013
Italy 26 August, 2019 HFCs 13.6 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 29 September, 2019 HFCs 22.2 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 10 November, 2019 HFCs 21.8 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 17 April, 2019 HFC-134a, R-404A, R-407C and R410A 8,160 kg of HFC-134a, 328 kg of R-404A, 340 kg of R-407C and 340 kg of R-410A from Türkiye to Italy Import without EU quota; omitted HFC portal registration and found in non-refillable containers. Seizure and crime report to the public prosecutor of Trieste
Italy 6 March, 2020 R-407C and R-410A 855 kg of R-407C and 1,470 kg of R-410A from Türkiye to Italy Import without EU quota; omitted HFC portal registration Seizure and crime report to the public prosecutor of Trieste
Italy 9 March, 2020 HFC-134a, HFC-143a, HFC-125 Germany/Netherlands Goods not declared seizure 40 cylinders with mixed refrigerant gas, cylinders labelled “Honest R-404A”
Italy 2 September, 2019 HFC-134a 408 kg From China via Türkiye to Italy art. 11 paragraph 1 of the UE Regulation n. 517/2014 (non-refillable container) seizure
Italy 29 January, 2020 HFC-134a, HFC-143a, R-410A and HFC-32 628 kg Transit from Greece art. 11 paragraph 1 of the EU Regulation n. 517/2014 (non-refillable container) seizure
Italy 9 August, 2020 R-404A 21.8 kg from Tunisia to Italy (Palermo) concealment, non-refillable cylinders hidden between luggage identified during travellers border controls; 3. Reg. UE 517/2014. Seizure and crime report to Public Prosecutor
Italy 20 December, 2020 HCFC-22 13.6 from Tunisia to Italy (Palermo) concealment, non-refillable cylinders hidden between luggage identified during travellers border controls; 3. Reg. EU 517/2014. Seizure and crime report to Public Prosecutor
Italy 17 October, 2021 HCFC-22 13.6 kg from Tunisia to Italy (Palermo) concealment, non-refillable cylinders hidden between luggage identified during travellers border controls; 3. Reg. EU 517/2014. Seizure and crime report to Public Prosecutor
Italy 21 September, 2020 HFC-32 12.040 kg from Tunisia to Italy (Palermo) Illegal importation without a quota; detected during a post clearance control of import custom declarations. Seizure and application of a fine
Italy 23 September, 2020 HCFC-22, R-404A, R-410A, and HFC-32 300 cylinders of total 3,700 kg From China to Italy Italian customs authorities identified the consignment (goods declared as empty cylinders) shipped by sea as suspicious. The importing company was not in possession of the necessary F-gas import quota. REG. UE 517 2014
Italy 21 July, 2020 HFC-32 12,040 kg from Tunisia to Italy The import was carried out without a quota Confiscated, applicable a administrative fine from € 206,58 to € 2.478,99 pursuant to art 11 RDL 1923/1926
Italy 18 May, 2021 From China to Italy Assessment review on internal verification on intelligence/initiative. Reg. EU n. 517 2014. Not released for free circulation The seizure was made in 2021 while the imports were in 2018-2019 when the quota system wasn’t well known
Italy 31 May, 2021 HFC-134a 544 kg from Ukraine to Italy Art. 16 Reg. EU n. 517/2014, imports without authorization, no quota for F-gas. Not released for free circulation The seizure was made in 2021 while the imports were made in 2018-2019 when the quota system wasn’t well known
Italy 15 November, 2021 R-404A 196 kg to Italy Assessment review on import without authorization. No notification received from the EC on the quota for F-gas import (EU n. 517/2014) Penalty imposed 16 cylinders
Italy 16 August, 2021 HFC-134a 3,950 kg from China via Netherlands to Italy no documentation relating to the assignment, no allocation of quota and registration in the European HFC Register; control at the Customs of Ancona, the customs declaration with which the goods were declared imported from China by the Italian company : Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons: Tetrafluorethane (freon gas) R134A, F-Gas contained in 5 cylinders for a total net weight of 3,950 Kg. The quantity of F-Gas, imported by the company, was intended to load the air conditioners of the ship under construction at the Shipyard located in the port of Ancona. EU Regulation n. 517/2014. Legislative Decree. n. 163/2019 Report of Seizure and Reliance in Judicial Free Case (Articles 354 and 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) Arrange, follow and complete checklists on fluorinated greenhouse gases in bulk according to the guidance of EU Regulation no. 517/2014; arrange, follow and complete F- Gas Equipment Checklist a greenhouse effect or whose functioning depends on these gases
Italy 20 January, 2022 R-407C 3,767 kg From China to Italy Ship Customs inspection on import with physical verification, fake declaration of possession of quota. Art 483 Penal Code. Crime report
Italy 30 June, 2022 R-410A n/a From France to Italy Assessment Review on Import documentary check on INF AM. Imports without authorization, i.e. quota for F-gas ex art. 2 Reg. EU n. 517/2014 (without registration and quota) crime report
Italy 2007 HCFC-22 35,040 kg HCFC-22 in the amount of 35,040 kg was imported in 2006 without an import licence. The case was detected by the European Commission through documentary cross checks. The competent authority investigated the matter and concluded that the failure to apply for a licence had been unintentional.
Italy 1 Jan to 31 Dec, 2005 Unknown Unknown In two cases the gross weight of the goods did not correspond to that declared. Sanction enforcement under Italian law.
Click here for reports submitted to date by all parties.
The Vienna Convention provides for that parties shall co-operate in conducting research and systematic observations and in formulating recommendations for future research and observation in areas related to the ozone layer. To this end the Ozone Research Managers meet every three years to review national and international research and monitoring activities to ensure coordination and identify gaps.
Reports submitted by Italy to the Ozone Research Managers meetings to date are available below:
To view reports submitted by all Parties to the Ozone Research Managers meetings to date, click here