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Reported data

ODS consumption

‘Consumption‘ is calculated as Production (if any) + imports - exports.

ODS production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.

Destruction of controlled substances

Import/export of recovered/recycled/reclaimed substances

HCFC consumption

‘Consumption’ is calculated as production + imports – exports.

HCFC production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.

HFC consumption

‘Consumption‘ is calculated as Production (if any) + imports - exports.

HFC production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.

At a glance

Focal points:

  • Ms. Misaki Nishimura NFP
    Assistant Director
    Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
  • Mr. Makoto Tanabe NFP
    Senior Negotiator for Global Environment
    Global Environment Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
  • Mr. Tadashi Yamada FPLS
    Deputy Director / Focal Point on Licensing Systems
    Fluoride Gases Management Office, Chemical Management Policy Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
  • Mr. Masataka Nakano FPLS
    Focal Point on Licensing Systems
    Fluoride Gases Management Office, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Status of Ratification:

Vienna Convention 1988-09-30 Ac
Montreal Protocol 1988-09-30 At
London Amendment 1991-09-04 At
Copenhagen Amendment 1994-12-20 At
Montreal Amendment 2002-08-30 At
Beijing Amendment 2002-08-30 At
Kigali Amendment 2018-12-18 At
  • Ac - Accession
  • R - Ratification
  • At - Acceptance
  • Ap - Approval
  • Sc - Succession
Establishment of ODS licensing system: Yes
Establishment of HFC licensing system: Yes
Date HFC Licensing System Reported: 2019-08-07
Click here to view status of HFC licensing systems for all parties

Amounts consumed for laboratory and analytical uses

Laboratory and analytical uses: The parties have decided on a global exemption until 31 December 2021 concerning certain ozone depleting substances fo... Read more
Quarantine and pre-shipment uses: methyl bromide for quarantine and pre-shipment (QPS) applications is used to control pests and pathogens in certain imported and exported commodities, and QPS uses are not included in the calculated levels of consumption and production.

Research, development, public awareness and exchange of information (Article 9)

Several countries have reported every two years on activities undertaken by them with respect to promotion of research, development and exchange of information on best technologies, possible alternatives to controlled substances and costs and benefits of relevant control strategies and promoting public awareness.

Click here for an overview of reports submitted by all parties.

Reclamation facilities reported by the Parties (Decision VI/19(4))

Parties report periodically on the reclamation facilities and their capacities available in their countries.

Party Report Date Facility Name Address Reclaimed Substances Capacity Remarks
Japan 1995-05-02 Toyota Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. 1-30 Nitto-cho, Handa-shi, AICHI R-12 and Trichloroethane 130 tons/mon
Japan 1995-05-02 Sanwa yuka Kogyo Ltd. 36, Higashiishine, Ichiriyama-cho, Kariya-shi, AICHI R-12 and Trichloroethane 60 tons/mon
Japan 1995-05-02 Sankoh Chemicals Co., Ltd. 60, Ashihara-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya-shi, AICHI R12 and Trichloroethane 300 tons/mon
Japan 1995-05-02 Refrigerants Reclamation Center (RRC) 314-1 Oaza-makama, Kurihashi-cho, kitakatsushika-gun, SAITAMA R-12
500 kg/day
500 kg/day
500 kg/day
Japan 1995-05-02 Kansan Corporation 3156, Kuragano-cho, Takasaki-shi, GUNMA R-12  (100kg/h - aver.)
R-502 (100kg/h - aver.)
R-22 (100kg/h - aver.)
200 kg/h - max.
200 kg/h - max.
200 kg/h - max.
Japan 1995-05-02 Daikin Industries Ltd., Yodogawa Plant 1-1, Nishihitotsuya, Settsu-shi, OSAKA R-11
20 tons/mon
20 tons/mon
Click here for the list of facilities reported by all parties.

Information reported by the Parties on illegal trade (Decision XIV/7 (7))

Parties are invited to report to the Ozone Secretariat fully proved cases of illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances.

Party Seizure Date Year Substances Traded Volume Importing Exporting Country Illegal Trade Details Action Taken Remarks
Japan 01Jul, 2001 CFC-12 31,112 kg (each 300 g x 103,705 cans) China A firm purchased 103,705 cans of CFC-12 knowing the substance was illegal to import.
Japan 01 Oct, 2002 CFC-13 4,536kg (each 250 g X 18,142 cans) China A firm tried to import 18,142 cans of CFC-12 from China. The firm falsely declared to customs authorities that the drums contained ethylene glycol.
Japan 01 May, 2001 CFC-12 5400kg (each 250g x 21,600 cans) Thailand Two men tried to import 21,600 cans of CFC-12 from Thailand by air cargo. Instead, they made a false declaration of lubricants to the Customs authorities as lubricants.
Japan 01 Jul, 2001 CFC-12 11,745kg (each 300g x 39,150cans) China A firm tried to import 39,150 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, the firm made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 01 Jul, 2001 CFC-12 123,300kg (each 300g x 411,000cans) China A firm and affiliated firm tried to import 411,000 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, the firm made a false declaration report ten times of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 01 Jul, 2001 CFC-12 11,160kg (each 310g x 35,999cans) China Four Japanese tried to import 35,999 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, they made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 01 Mar, 2002 CFC-12 1,975kg (each 350g x 5,644cans) Egypt An Egyptian who is staying in Japan tried to import 5,644 cans of CFC-12 from Egypt by air cargo. Instead, he made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 01 Jun, 2002 CFC-12 2,871kg (each 250g x 11,483 cans) China-Hong Kong Four Japanese tried to import 11, 483 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, they made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 01Jun, 2002 CFC-12 2,708kg (each 250g x 10,830cans) China-Hong Kong Four Japanese tried to import 10,830 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, they made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 01Jul, 2002 CFC-12 6,030kg (each 250g x 24,120cans) Vietnam Two men tried to import 24,120 cans of CFC-12 from Vietnam by marine containers. Those cans were hidden behind the boxes that contained paints in the container. Instead, they made a false declaration of paints to the Customs.
Click here for reports submitted to date by all parties.
The Vienna Convention provides for that parties shall co-operate in conducting research and systematic observations and in formulating recommendations for future research and observation in areas related to the ozone layer. To this end the Ozone Research Managers meet every three years to review national and international research and monitoring activities to ensure coordination and identify gaps.
Reports submitted by Japan to the Ozone Research Managers meetings to date are available below:
To view reports submitted by all Parties to the Ozone Research Managers meetings to date, click here