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Reported data

ODS consumption

‘Consumption‘ is calculated as Production (if any) + imports - exports.

Destruction of controlled substances

Import/export of recovered/recycled/reclaimed substances

HCFC consumption

‘Consumption’ is calculated as production + imports – exports.

HFC consumption

‘Consumption‘ is calculated as Production (if any) + imports - exports.

HFC production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.

At a glance

Focal points:

  • Mr. Volkan Polat NFP FPLS
    Head of Department of Monitoring of Green House Gas Emissions (NOU)
    The Presidency of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization And Climate Change (MoEUCC)
  • Ms. Sezin Sönmez Erbaş NFP FPLS
    Expert, National Ozone Officer
    The Presidency of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization And Climate Change (MoEUCC)
  • Mr. Orhan Solak NFP FPLS
    Head of Directorate of Climate Change and Focal Point of Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol
    The Presidency of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization And Climate Change (MoEUCC)

Status of Ratification:

Vienna Convention 1991-09-20 Ac
Montreal Protocol 1991-09-20 Ac
London Amendment 1995-04-13 R
Copenhagen Amendment 1995-11-10 R
Montreal Amendment 2003-10-24 R
Beijing Amendment 2003-10-24 R
Kigali Amendment 2021-11-10 R
  • Ac - Accession
  • R - Ratification
  • At - Acceptance
  • Ap - Approval
  • Sc - Succession
Establishment of ODS licensing system: Yes
Establishment of HFC licensing system: Yes
Date HFC Licensing System Reported: 2023-05-16
Click here to view status of HFC licensing systems for all parties

Amounts consumed for laboratory and analytical uses

Laboratory and analytical uses: The parties have decided on a global exemption until 31 December 2021 concerning certain ozone depleting substances fo... Read more
Quarantine and pre-shipment uses: methyl bromide for quarantine and pre-shipment (QPS) applications is used to control pests and pathogens in certain imported and exported commodities, and QPS uses are not included in the calculated levels of consumption and production.

Research, development, public awareness and exchange of information (Article 9)

Several countries have reported every two years on activities undertaken by them with respect to promotion of research, development and exchange of information on best technologies, possible alternatives to controlled substances and costs and benefits of relevant control strategies and promoting public awareness.

Click here for an overview of reports submitted by all parties.

Avoiding the unwanted import of products and equipment containing or relying on hydrochlorofluorocarbons (Decision XXVII/8)

The Ozone Secretariat maintains a list of those parties that have indicated they do not want to receive products and equipment containing or relying on HCFC.

Click here to access the list.

Information reported by the Parties on illegal trade (Decision XIV/7 (7))

Parties are invited to report to the Ozone Secretariat fully proved cases of illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances.

Party Seizure Date Year Substances Traded Volume Importing Exporting Country Illegal Trade Details Action Taken Remarks
Türkiye 6 February, 2022 Refrigerant Gas 12 Pieces UK Detected in a search carried out in a workplace upon notice; Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Article 3/7.
Türkiye 24 October, 2023 R-404А 980kg From China via Türkiye to UK 1.Misdeclaration 2.Based on previous risk analysis, it was detected in the vehicle arriving at İskenderun Port to exit from the country. 3. Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Articles 3/1, 3/5 and 3/21. The seized illegal goods were placed in a warehouse until the judicial process was concluded, in accordance with the relevant national legislation. The seized gas labeled REFRIGERANT 404A is contained in 100 pieces of 9,8 kg non-refillable and disposable cylinders. The legal cargo which the seized gas was stored was declared as refrigerator type cooling equipment.
Türkiye 28 February, 2020 HCFC-22 40kg Detected in a search carried out in a workplace upon notice; Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Article 3/7.
Türkiye 11 February, 2020 HCFC-22 11 Pieces Detected in a search carried out in a workplace upon notice; Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Article 3/5.
Türkiye 21 April, 2017 R-407 11kg Carried out by misdeclaration; Detected in the vehicle that wants to exit the free zone; Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Article 3/1.
Click here for reports submitted to date by all parties.
The Vienna Convention provides for that parties shall co-operate in conducting research and systematic observations and in formulating recommendations for future research and observation in areas related to the ozone layer. To this end the Ozone Research Managers meet every three years to review national and international research and monitoring activities to ensure coordination and identify gaps.
Reports submitted by Türkiye to the Ozone Research Managers meetings to date are available below:
To view reports submitted by all Parties to the Ozone Research Managers meetings to date, click here

The Multilateral Fund: US$62,593,880

The Multilateral Fund is the financial mechanism of the Montreal Protocol and provides financial and technical assistance to Article 5 (developing) countries to enable their compliance with the Protocol’s control measures.

The Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund has approved funding to Türkiye in the amount of US$62,593,880 as of 2024-12-08. This includes the funding for current ongoing projects (including agency fees):

Title Implementing agency Approved funding ($US)
HFC phase-down related projects UNIDO 2,368,964
HFC phase-down related projects UNDP 1,011,626
HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) UNIDO 4,738,817
Institutional strengthening UNIDO 1,228,531
Total 9,347,938

As at 2023-12-31, US$56,373,436 had been disbursed.

This information is provided by Multilateral Fund Secretariat. For more information please refer to the Multilateral Fund website