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Id Order Year Reference Country/Body Topic Excerpt from the respective meeting report Resulting decision number
1037 1 2024 73/1 Azerbaijan, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Guinea, Iceland, Mali, San Marino Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee therefore decided to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties the following draft decision on data and information reporting on the understanding that the Secretariat, in consultation with the President of the Implementation Committee, may remove from the decision text those parties that submit their data before the decision is adopted, making any other consequential adjustments to the numbers and paragraphs of the decision. Decision XXXVI/13
1038 2 2024 73/2 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Non-compliance with plan of action The Committee therefore decided to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties the following draft decision on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Decision XXXVI/16
1039 3 2024 73/3 Libya Compliance with plan of action The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the submission by Libya of an update on the progress made towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons and considering a ban on the import of such equipment, which had not yet been put in place; (b) To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat, by 31 March 2025, a further update on the progress made towards the implementation of the actions set out in paragraph 2 (c) of decision XXVII/11, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting.
1040 4 2024 73/4 Armenia Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by Armenia for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Armenia to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request Armenia to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, specifically, documentation substantiating collection and verification procedures and their findings, which could include any formal documentation such as licences, shipping or customs documentation from its customs or trading partners, or any purchasing or commercial documentation, such as invoices, that confirm import, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request Armenia, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1041 5 2024 73/5 Nigeria Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by Nigeria for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline year 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Nigeria to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request Nigeria to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, specifically, documentation substantiating collection and verification procedures and their findings, which could include any formal documentation such as licences, shipping or customs documentation from its customs or trading partners, or any purchasing or commercial documentation, such as invoices, that confirmed import in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request Nigeria, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1042 6 2024 73/6 Cook Islands Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by the Cook Islands for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline years 2020, and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by the Cook Islands to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request the party to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request the party, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1043 7 2024 73/7 Kiribati Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by Kiribati for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline year 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Kiribati to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request the party to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request the party, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1044 8 2024 73/8 Marshall Islands Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by the Marshall Islands for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by the Marshall Islands to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request the party to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request the party, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1045 9 2024 73/9 Nauru Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by Nauru for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Nauru to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request the party to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request the party, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1046 10 2024 73/10 Niue Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by Niue for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline year 2021 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Niue to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request the party to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request the party, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1047 11 2024 73/11 Tuvalu Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by Tuvalu for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Tuvalu to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request the party to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request the party, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1048 12 2024 73/12 Vanuatu Baseline change - request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the request by Vanuatu for the revision of its existing consumption data for the baseline year 2020 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Vanuatu to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request the party to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that was needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2025, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-fourth meeting; 2. To also request the party, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of their baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision I/11, which will ensure that the data will be treated with professional secrecy and maintained confidential when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1049 13 2024 73/13 All parties, Angola, Kenya, San Marino Licensing systems The Committee therefore decided to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties the following draft decision on the status of the establishment of licensing systems under Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol, on the understanding that the Secretariat, in consultation with the President of the Implementation Committee, would remove from the decision text those parties that submitted information about their establishment of HFC licensing systems before the decision was adopted, making any other consequential adjustments to the numbers and paragraphs of the decision. Decision XXXVI/15
1027 14 2024 72/1 San Marino Article 7 data reporting obligation (a) To note with concern that San Marino has not yet submitted required Article 7 data on Annex F substances for 2021 and 2022 to the Secretariat and therefore remains in non-compliance with its data reporting obligations under Article 7, paragraph 3 of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To urge San Marino to report to the Secretariat its outstanding data for 2021 and 2022 for Annex F substances (hydrofluorocarbons), in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, as a matter of urgency, and preferably no later than 15 September 2024, to enable the Committee to assess at its seventy-third meeting the status of compliance by San Marino with its data reporting obligations.
1028 15 2024 72/2 Eritrea Article 7 data reporting obligation (a) To note with concern that Eritrea has not yet submitted required Article 7 data on Annex F substances for baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 to the Secretariat and therefore remains in non-compliance with its data reporting obligations under Article 7, paragraph 2 of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To urge Eritrea to report to the Secretariat its outstanding data on hydrofluorocarbons for baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022, as a matter of urgency and preferably no later than 15 September 2024, to enable the Committee to assess at its seventy-third meeting the status of compliance by Eritrea with its data reporting obligations under paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol.
1030 16 2024 72/3 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Non-compliance with plan of action (a) To note with appreciation that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has submitted all outstanding data for 2022 in accordance with its data reporting obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol. The data submitted confirm that the party has adhered to its commitments contained in the plan of action to return to compliance for 2022, as set out in decision XXXII/6; (b) To note with great concern, however, that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has not yet provided an explanation for the deviations between its reported Article 7 data for production of 24.81 ozone-depleting-potential tonnes (ODP-tonnes) of hydrochlorofluorocarbons and annual consumption of 58.03 ODP-tonnes of hydrochlorofluorocarbons for 2021 and its commitment, as set out in decision XXXII/6, to reduce its production and consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons to no more than 24.80 ODP-tonnes and 58.00 ODP-tonnes, respectively, for that year; (c) To urge the party to provide an explanation for the deviations, as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 September 2024, and, if appropriate, to submit a revised plan of action to ensure its return to compliance with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2023, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-third meeting; 2 (d) To urge the party to submit its progress report on efforts to establish additional national policies, as set out in its plan of action to return to compliance adopted in decision XXXII/6, facilitating phase-out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons that might include, but would not be limited to, bans on imports, on production or on new installations, and certification of refrigeration technicians and companies, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-third meeting; (e) To continue to monitor closely the progress made by the party in implementing its plan of action and phasing out hydrochlorofluorocarbons; (f) To remind the party of decision XXXV/18.
1031 17 2024 72/4 Kazakhstan Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action (a) To note with appreciation that Kazakhstan has submitted all outstanding data in accordance with its data reporting obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, as urged in paragraph 3 of decision XXXV/17. The data submitted confirm that the party is in compliance with its commitments contained in the plan of action to return to compliance, as set out in decision XXIX/14, and with the Protocol’s control measures for 2022. (b) To continue monitoring closely the progress made by Kazakhstan in implementing its plan of action and phasing out hydrochlorofluorocarbons.
1032 18 2024 72/5 Libya Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action (a) To note with appreciation the submission by Libya of a further update on its progress towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons and towards considering a ban on the import of such equipment, which has not yet been put in place; (b) To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat, before 15 September 2024, a further update on the progress made in the implementation of the actions, stating specific steps to be taken towards achieving the goal set up in the plan of action and indicative time frame set out in paragraph 2 (c) of decision XXVII/11, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-third meeting.
1033 20 2024 72/6 Honduras Request for baseline change - approved Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Honduras in support of its request to revise its existing consumption data for baseline year 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Noting that decision XV/19 sets out the methodology for the submission of requests for revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by Honduras to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, To forward for consideration by the Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in the annex to the present report, by which the Meeting of the Parties would approve the request by Honduras for the revision of its consumption data for hydrofluorocarbons for baseline year 2022 to 1,024,898 CO2-equivalent tonnes. Decision XXXVI/14
1034 21 2024 72/7 El Salvador Request for baseline change - approved Noting with appreciation the information submitted by El Salvador in support of its request to revise its existing consumption data for baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), 3 Noting that decision XV/19 sets out the methodology for the submission of requests for revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by El Salvador to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, To forward for consideration by the Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in the annex to the present report, by which the Meeting of the Parties would approve the request by El Salvador for the revision of its consumption data for hydrofluorocarbons for baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 to 705,669 CO2-equivalent tonnes, 784,010 CO2-equivalent tonnes and 703,349 CO2-equivalent tonnes respectively. Decision XXXVI/14
1035 22 2024 72/8 Armenia Request for baseline change - not approved Taking note of the request by Armenia for the revision of its existing consumption data for baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which sets out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Armenia to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request Armenia to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that is needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in particular invoices or any other formal documents that confirm imports and exports of hydrofluorocarbons, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible and preferably before 15 September 2024, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-third meeting; 2. To also request Armenia, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of its baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat, which will ensure that the information is treated as confidential when it is reported to the Implementation Committee; 3. To invite Armenia to send a representative to the Implementation Committee’s seventy-third meeting.
1036 23 2024 72/9 Liberia Request for baseline change - not approved Taking note of the request by Liberia for the revision of its existing consumption data for baseline years 2020, 2021 and 2022 for Annex F, group I, controlled substances (hydrofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which sets out the methodology for the submission of requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the information provided by Liberia to support its request for the revision of its baseline data, Noting, however, that the information submitted was considered by the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol to be insufficient to enable it to approve the changes requested by the party, 1. To request Liberia to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information that is needed to meet the requirements of decision XV/19, in support of its request for the revision of its hydrofluorocarbon baseline data, as soon as possible, and preferably before 15 September 2024, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-third meeting; 2. To also request Liberia, in the event that the information required to support its request for the revision of its baseline data is confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat, which will ensure the confidentiality of the information when reporting on it to the Implementation Committee.
1029 24 2024 72/10 All parties, Angola, Eritrea, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mozambique, San Marino, Zambia Licensing systems (a) To take note with appreciation of the report on the status of establishment and implementation of import and export licensing systems for Annex F controlled substances under Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis of the Montreal Protocol presented by the Ozone Secretariat at the seventy second meeting of the Implementation Committee; (b) To note with appreciation that 149 parties to the Montreal Protocol that have ratified the Kigali Amendment to the Protocol have reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems as required under Article 4B, paragraph 3 of the Protocol, and that another four parties that have not yet ratified the Kigali Amendment have also reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems; (c) To urge the six parties listed in the annex to the present recommendation to provide information to the Secretariat before 15 September 2024 on the establishment of their licensing systems; (d) To request Lesotho and Mozambique to provide updates before 15 September 2024 on the establishment and implementation of their licensing systems, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-third meeting; (e) To continue reviewing periodically the status of the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems by all parties to the Montreal Protocol that have ratified the Kigali Amendment in accordance with Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis of the Protocol and paragraph 4 of decision XXXV/19, and to consider any appropriate recommendations to the parties. Annex to the recommendation Parties that have not yet reported on the establishment and operation of licensing systems in accordance with Article 4B, paragraph 3: 1. Angola 2. Eritrea 3. Kenya 4. Mali 5. San Marino 6. Zambia
1023 1 2023 71/1 All parties, Belgium, Croatia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, State of Palestine Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section A of annex I to the present report. XXXV/17
1024 2 2023 71/2 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Article 7 data reporting obligation - non-compliance with, Potential non-compliance - with plan of action The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section B of annex I to the present report. XXXV/18
1025 3 2023 71/3 Kazakhstan Article 7 data reporting obligation - non-compliance with The Committee therefore agreed to request Kazakhstan to report to the Secretariat its data for 2022, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, preferably no later than 15 March 2024, to enable the Committee to assess at its seventy-second meeting the status of compliance by Kazakhstan with its commitments for 2022 as set out in decision XXIX/14. n/a
1026 4 2023 71/4 All parties, Angola, Congo, El Salvador, Indonesia, Lesotho, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Zambia Licensing systems The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol the draft decision set out in section C of the annex to the present report, which, among other things, records the number of parties to the Montreal Protocol that have ratified the Kigali Amendment that had reported to the Secretariat on the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of Annex F controlled substances, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol. The Committee also agreed: (a) To urge the 13 parties listed in the appendix to the draft decision to provide information to the Secretariat on the establishment of their licensing systems, and to do so as a matter of urgency and preferably before 15 March 2024; (b) To continue reviewing periodically the status of the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems by all parties to the Montreal Protocol having ratified the Kigali Amendment in accordance with Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Protocol and consider any appropriate recommendations to the parties. XXXV/19
1018 5 2023 70/1 Afghanistan Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with concern that Afghanistan had not yet submitted its Article 7 data for 2021 to the Secretariat and therefore remained in non-compliance with its data reporting obligations under Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To urge Afghanistan to report to the Secretariat its data for 2021, in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Montreal Protocol as a matter of urgency, and preferably no later than 15 September 2023, to enable the Committee to assess at its seventy-first meeting the status of compliance by the party with its data reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. n/a
1019 6 2023 70/2 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Article 7 data reporting obligation, Potential non-compliance - with plan of action The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with concern that, notwithstanding recommendations 68/4 and 69/4 and repeated reminders, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had not yet provided an explanation for the deviations between its reported Article 7 data for annual production of 24.81 ODP tonnes of HCFCs and annual consumption of 58.03 ODP tonnes of HCFCs for 2021 and its commitment, as set out in decision XXXII/6, to reduce its production and consumption of HCFCs to no more than 24.80 ODP tonnes and 58.00 ODP tonnes, respectively, for that year; (b) To request the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as a matter of urgency, to provide an explanation for the deviations, and to do so no later than 15 September 2023, and, if appropriate, to submit a revised plan of action to ensure its return to compliance with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for HCFCs in 2023, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-first meeting; (c) To also request the party to submit its progress report on the invitation of the Thirty-Second Meeting of the Parties set out in decision XXXII/6, paragraph 5, to establish additional national policies facilitating HCFC phase-out that might include, but would not be limited to, bans on imports, on production or on new installations, and certification of refrigeration technicians and companies, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-first meeting; (d) To further request the party to report to the Secretariat its data for 2022, in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Montreal Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2023, to enable the Committee to assess the status of compliance by the party with its commitments for 2022 as set out in decision XXXII/6, at its seventy-first meeting; (e) To continue to monitor closely the progress made by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in implementing its plan of action and phasing out HCFCs. n/a
1020 7 2023 70/3 Kazakhstan Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee therefore agreed: To request Kazakhstan to report to the Secretariat its data for 2022, in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Montreal Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2023, to enable the Committee to assess at its seventy-first meeting the status of compliance by Kazakhstan with its commitments for 2022 as set out in decision XXIX/14. n/a
1021 9 2023 70/4 Libya Compliance with plan of action The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the submission by Libya of a further update on the progress made towards implementing its commitments as set out in decision XXVII/11, including imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs and considering a ban on the import of such equipment; (b) To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat, by 15 March 2024, a further update on the progress made towards the implementation of the actions set out in decision XXVII/11, paragraph 2 (c), for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventy-second meeting. n/a
1022 10 2023 70/5 All parties, Angola, Congo, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Tajikistan, Zambia Licensing systems The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To take note with appreciation of the report on the status of establishment and implementation of import and export licensing systems for Annex F controlled substances under Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To note with appreciation that 132 parties to the Kigali Amendment to the Protocol had reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems in accordance with Article 4B, paragraph 3, of the Montreal Protocol, and that another five parties that had not yet ratified the Kigali Amendment had also reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems; (c) To urge the 13 parties listed in the appendix to the present recommendation to provide information to the Secretariat on the establishment of their licensing systems and to do so as a matter of urgency, and preferably before 15 September 2023; (d) To continue reviewing periodically the status of the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems by all parties to the Kigali Amendment to the Protocol in accordance with Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Protocol and consider any appropriate recommendations to the parties. Appendix to the recommendation Parties that have not yet reported on the establishment of licensing systems according to Article 4B, paragraph 3: 1. Angola 2. Congo 3. El Salvador 4. Ethiopia 5. Lesotho 6. Liberia 7. Mali 8. Mozambique 9. San Marino 10. Sao Tome and Principe 11. Somalia 12. Tajikistan 13. Zambia n/a
1013 1 2022 69/1 All parties, Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Congo, Israel, Russian Federation, San Marino, Somalia, Syrian Arab Republic Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision on data and information reporting set out in section A of annex I to the present report. XXXIV/14
1014 2 2022 69/2 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation - process agents (a) To note with concern that by the time of the Committee’s sixty-ninth meeting Israel had not reported on its use of controlled substances as process agents in 2021 as called for in paragraph 4 (a) of decision X/14; (b) To request Israel to submit the outstanding information to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 15 March 2023, for consideration by the Committee at its seventieth meeting. n/a
1015 3 2022 69/3 San Marino Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline (a) To note with concern that San Marino had not yet submitted its HFC baseline data for the years 2011–2013 in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and as urged in decision XXXIII/7; (b) To note that the failure by San Marino to report its HFC baseline data maintained the party in non-compliance with its data reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol until such time as the Secretariat received the outstanding data; (c) To urge San Marino to report its outstanding data to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency and no later than 15 March 2023, in time for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventieth meeting. n/a
1016 4 2022 69/4 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Potential non-compliance - with plan of action (a) To note with concern that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had not yet provided an explanation, as requested in recommendation 68/4 of the Implementation Committee, for the deviations between its reported Article 7 data for annual production of 24.81 ODP-tonnes of HCFCs and annual consumption of 58.03 ODP-tonnes of HCFCs in 2021 and its commitment, as set out in decision XXXII/6, to reducing its production and consumption of HCFCs to no greater than 24.80 ODP-tonnes and 58.00 ODP-tonnes, respectively, for that year; (b) To request the party to provide an explanation for the deviations as a matter of urgency and no later than 15 March 2023, and, if appropriate, to submit a revised plan of action to ensure its return to compliance with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for HCFCs in 2023, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventieth meeting; (c) To request the party to submit a progress report on the establishment, pursuant to paragraph 5 of decision XXXII/6, of additional national policies facilitating HCFC phase-out that might include, but would not be limited to, bans on imports, production and new installations, along with certification of refrigeration technicians and companies, no later than 15 March 2023 and in time for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventieth meeting; (d) To continue to monitor closely the progress made by the party in implementing its plan of action and phasing out HCFCs. n/a
1017 5 2022 69/5 All parties, Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Türkiye, Zambia Licensing systems (a) To forward for consideration by the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol the draft decision contained in section B of the annex to the present report, which, among other things, records the number of parties to the Kigali Amendment that have reported to the Secretariat on the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of Annex F controlled substances, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To urge the 15 parties listed in the annex to the draft decision set out in the annex to the present report to provide information to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 15 March 2023, on the establishment and operation of such licensing systems, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventieth meeting; (c) To continue periodically reviewing, as called for in paragraph 4 of decision XXXIII/8, the status of the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems by all parties to the Kigali Amendment pursuant to Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol, and to consider any appropriate recommendations to the parties. XXXIV/15
1012 6 2022 68/1 All parties Article 7 data reporting - zero The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that some parties, when reporting Article 7 data to the Secretariat, still left incomplete or blank cells in the data reporting forms and did not provide clarification despite requests by the Secretariat to do so, - To recall decision XXX/14, in which the Meeting of the Parties urges all parties, when reporting data on production, imports, exports or destruction of controlled substances, to enter a number in each cell in their submitted data reporting forms, including zero where appropriate, rather than leaving any cell blank, in accordance with decision XXIV/14, and to provide clarification to the Ozone Secretariat regarding blank cells when requested to do so. n/a
1011 7 2022 68/2 All parties Article 7 data reporting - source and destination The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling decisions XVII/16 and XXIV/12, Noting with appreciation that a majority of parties exporting controlled substances regularly provided information on the countries of destination of their exports in response to decision XVII/16, Noting also with appreciation that a number of parties importing controlled substances regularly provided information on the source countries of their imports, in response to decision XXIV/12, Noting further that such information facilitated the exchange of information on and the identification of differences between data reported on imports and data reported on exports, which might in turn facilitate the identification of possible cases of illegal trade, Noting, however, that a large number of importing parties and a small number of exporting parties did not provide the information requested, - To recall decision XXX/12, in which the Meeting of the Parties urges parties exporting controlled substances to report to the Secretariat information on the destinations of their exports, as called for in decision XVII/16, and encourages parties importing controlled substances to report to the Secretariat information on the sources of their imports, as set out in decision XXIV/12. n/a
1010 8 2022 68/3 San Marino Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with concern that San Marino had not yet submitted its HFC baseline data for the years 2011–2013 in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and as urged in decision XXXIII/7; (b) To urge San Marino to report its outstanding data to the Secretariat as quickly as possible and preferably no later than 15 September 2022, in time for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its sixty-ninth meeting. n/a
1009 9 2022 68/4 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Article 7 data reporting - very small quantities (de minimis), Potential non-compliance - with plan of action The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To recall decision XXXII/6, in which the Meeting of the Parties, while noting that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was in non-compliance with the Montreal Protocol control measures for hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) production and consumption, noted with appreciation the plan of action submitted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to ensure its return to compliance with those measures in 2023; (b) To note with some concern that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had reported, for 2021, annual production of 24.81 ODP-tonnes of HCFCs and annual consumption of 58.03 ODP-tonnes of HCFCs, which is higher than its commitment, as set out in decision XXXII/6, to reduce its production and consumption of HCFCs to no greater than 24.80 ODP-tonnes and 58.00 ODP-tonnes, respectively, for that year, and thus that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had not strictly adhered to its commitments for 2021 as set out in its plan of action; (c) To request the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to provide an explanation for the deviations and, if appropriate, to submit a revised plan of action to ensure its return to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for HCFCs in 2023, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its sixty-ninth meeting; (d) To request the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to submit a progress report on the establishment, pursuant to paragraph 5 of decision XXXII/6, of additional national policies facilitating HCFC phase-out that might include, but would not be limited to, bans on imports, on production or on new installations, and certification of refrigeration technicians and companies, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its sixty-ninth meeting; (e) To continue to monitor closely the progress made by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in implementing its plan of action and phasing out HCFCs. n/a
1008 10 2022 68/5 Kazakhstan Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action The Committee therefore agreed: - To request Kazakhstan to report to the Secretariat its data for 2021 on the production and consumption of controlled substances, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2022, for consideration by the Committee, at its sixty-ninth meeting, to assess the status of compliance by Kazakhstan with its commitments as set out in decision XXIX/14. n/a
1007 11 2022 68/6 Libya Compliance with plan of action The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the submission by Libya of its Article 7 data for 2021, which indicated that Libya was in compliance with its commitment for 2021 under its plan of action as recorded in decision XXVII/11; (b) Also to note with appreciation the submission by Libya of a further update on the progress made towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs and towards considering a ban on the import of such equipment; (c) To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat, by 15 March 2023, a further update on the progress made towards the implementation of the actions set out in paragraph 2 (b) and (c) of decision XXVII/11, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its seventieth meeting. n/a
1006 12 2022 68/7 All parties, Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Zambia Licensing systems The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To take note with appreciation of the report on the status of the establishment and implementation, pursuant to Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol, of licensing systems for the import and export of HFCs; (b) To note with appreciation that 114 parties to the Kigali Amendment to the Protocol had to date reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems, as required under the terms of the Amendment, and that another 9 parties that had not yet ratified the Kigali Amendment had also reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems; (c) To urge the 16 parties listed in the appendix to the present recommendation to provide information to the Secretariat on the establishment of licensing systems and to do so as a matter of urgency and preferably before 15 September 2022; (d) To continue periodically reviewing, as called for in paragraph 4 of decision XXXIII/8, the status of the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems by all the parties to the Kigali Amendment, as called for in Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Protocol, and to consider any appropriate recommendations to the parties. Appendix Parties that have not yet reported on the establishment of licensing systems according to Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis 1. Angola 2. Botswana 3. Burundi 4. Cameroon 5. Côte d’Ivoire 6. Cuba 7. El Salvador 8. Ethiopia 9. Lesotho 10. Liberia 11. Mali 12. Mozambique 13. San Marino 14. Sao Tome and Principe 15. Somalia 16. Zambia n/a
1005 13 2022 68/8 Madagascar Request for baseline change The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Madagascar in support of its request to revise its existing consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for Annex C, group I, controlled substances (HCFCs), Noting also that decision XV/19 sets out the methodology for the submission of requests for revision of baseline data, Noting further with appreciation the efforts made by Madagascar to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, - To forward for consideration by the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in the annex to the present report, by which the Meeting of the Parties would approve the request by Madagascar for the revision of its consumption data for HCFCs for the baseline year 2009 to 16.49 ODP-tonnes. XXXIV/16
1002 1 2021 67/1 All parties Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee therefore agreed to forward the following draft decision for consideration by Thirty-Third Meeting of the Parties: 1. To note that [190] parties of the 198 parties that should have reported data for 2020 have done so, and that 181 of those parties had reported their data by 30 September 2021 as required under paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol; 2. To note with appreciation that 115 of those parties had reported their data by 30 June 2021, in accordance with the encouragement in decision XV/15, and that reporting by 30 June each year greatly facilitates the work of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol in assisting parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol to comply with the Protocol’s control measures; 3. [To note with concern that [five] parties, namely [Cuba], [Liechtenstein], [Nepal], [Suriname] and [Switzerland], have not reported their 2020 data as required under paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, and that this places them in non-compliance with their data reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol until such time as the Secretariat receives their outstanding data;] 4. [To further note with concern that [two] non-Article 5 parties, namely [the Russian Federation] and [San Marino], that are party to the Kigali Amendment and should have submitted baseline data for Annex F substances (hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)) for the years 2011 to 2013, have not done so as required under paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, and that this places them in non-compliance with their data reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol until such time as the Secretariat receives their outstanding baseline data for HFCs;] 5. [To also note with concern that [two] Article 5 parties, namely [Cuba] and [Lebanon] , that are party to the Kigali Amendment and should have submitted baseline data for Annex F substances (hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)) for the year 2020, have not done so as required under paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, and that this places them in non-compliance with their data reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol until such time as the Secretariat receives their outstanding baseline data for 2020 for HFCs;] 6. To note that a lack of timely data reporting by parties impedes the effective monitoring and assessment of parties’ compliance with their obligations under the Montreal Protocol; 7. To urge the parties listed in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of the present decision to report the required data to the Secretariat as soon as possible; 8. To request the Implementation Committee to review the situation of those parties at its sixty eighth meeting; 9. To encourage parties to continue to report consumption and production data as soon as the figures are available, and preferably by 30 June each year, as agreed in decision XV/15. XXXIII/7
1003 2 2021 67/2 All parties Data reporting obligation - process agents The committee therefore agreed: Recalling the Decision XXXII/5 of the Parties where the Ozone Secretariat was requested to bring to the attention of the Implementation Committee any deviations from the maximum emission limits of controlled substances from process agent uses set out in Table B of Decision XXXI/6 of the Parties, Recalling the Table B of Decision XXXI/6 where both make-up or consumption and maximum emissions are expressed in metric tons, Noting that if Parties report emissions of controlled substances from process agent uses in ODP tons instead of metric tons, the Ozone Secretariat may be unable to assess whether any deviations take place without seeking further clarification from the Party, To remind all Parties that are required to submit annual reports on process agent uses to the Ozone Secretariat to submit in their future reports the data on emissions of controlled substances from process agent uses consistent with Decisions XXXI/6 and XXXII/5 which will enable the Ozone Secretariat to assess whether any deviations from the maximum emission limits of controlled substances from process agent uses set out in Table B of Decision XXXI/6 of the Parties have occurred. n/a
1004 3 2021 67/3 All parties, Angola, Botswana, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Lesotho, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa Licensing systems The Committee therefore agreed: 1. To continue reviewing periodically the status of the establishment and implementation of licensing systems by all parties, and 2. To consider any appropriate recommendations to the parties, as called for in Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis of the Protocol and paragraph 3 of decision XXXI/1 3. To forward the following draft decision for consideration by the Meeting of the Parties: Noting that Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol requires each party, by 1 January 2019 or within three months of the date of entry into force of that paragraph for the party, whichever is later, to establish and implement a system for licensing the import and export of new, used, recycled and reclaimed controlled substances listed in Annex F to the Protocol, Noting with appreciation that 97 of the 122 parties to the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol have established import and export licensing systems for Annex F controlled substances as required, and that 10 parties that have not yet ratified the Kigali Amendment have also reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems, Noting also, however, that the 17 parties listed in the appendix to the present decision have not yet reported to the Secretariat on the establishment of their licensing system according to Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, Recognizing that licensing systems provide for data collection and verification, monitoring of imports and exports of controlled substances, and prevention of illegal trade, Recognizing also that the successful phase-out of most controlled substances by parties is largely attributable to the establishment and implementation of licensing systems to control the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, 1. To take note with appreciation of the efforts made by the parties in the establishment and implementation of licensing systems under Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol for import and export of new, used, recycled and reclaimed controlled substances listed in Annex F to the Montreal Protocol; 2. To urge the 17 parties listed in the appendix to the present decision to provide information to the Secretariat on the establishment and implementation of licensing systems referred to in paragraph 1 above and to do so as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 March 2022, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its sixty-eighth meeting; 3. To urge all remaining parties to the Kigali Amendment that have not yet done so to establish and implement licensing systems referred to in paragraph 1 above and to report that information to the Secretariat within three months of doing so; 4. To request the Secretariat to review periodically the status of the establishment and implementation of licensing systems referred to in paragraph 1 above by all parties to the Montreal Protocol as called for in Article 4B of the Protocol. Appendix to the draft decision Parties that have not yet reported on the establishment and implementation of licensing systems according to Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis 1. Angola 2. Botswana 3. Cabo Verde 4. Côte d’Ivoire 5. Cuba 6. Eswatini 7. Ethiopia 8. Guinea-Bissau 9. Lesotho 10. Liberia 11. Mali 12. Mozambique 13. San Marino 14. Sao Tome and Principe 15. Sierra Leone 16. Somalia 17. South Africa XXXIII/8
1001 4 2021 66/1 Kazakhstan Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee therefore agreed: (a) to request Kazakhstan to report to the Secretariat its data on ozone depleting substances for 2020, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2021, in order for the Committee to assess at its sixty seventh meeting the status of compliance by Kazakhstan with its commitments, as set out in decision XXIX/14. n/a
1000 5 2021 66/2 Libya Compliance with plan of action and control measures The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the submission by Libya of its Article 7 data for 2020, which indicate that the party is in compliance with its commitment for 2020 under its plan of action, as recorded in decision XXVII/11; (b) To note with appreciation the submission by Libya of a further update on the progress made towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs and towards considering a ban on the import of such equipment; (c) To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat by 15 March 2022 a further update on the progress made towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs and towards considering a ban on the import of such equipment, for consideration by the Committee at its sixty-eighth meeting. n/a
999 6 2021 66/3 Ukraine Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee therefore agreed: (a) to request Ukraine to report to the Secretariat its ozone-depleting substance data for 2020, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2021, in order for the Committee to assess, at its sixty-seventh meeting, the status of compliance by Ukraine with its commitments as set out in decision XXIV/18. n/a
998 7 2021 66/4 Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mozambique, Peru, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa Licensing systems The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To take note with appreciation of the report on the status of establishment and implementation of import and export licensing systems for Annex F controlled substances under Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol (b) To note with appreciation that 95 parties to the Kigali Amendment to the Protocol had to date reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems as required under the terms of the Amendment, and that another 10 parties that had not yet ratified the Kigali Amendment had also reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems; (c) To urge the 17 parties listed in the footnote to the present recommendation to provide information to the Secretariat on the establishment and operation of their licensing systems and to do so as a matter of urgency and preferably before 15 September 2021; (d) To continue reviewing periodically the status on the establishment and implementation of licensing systems by all parties and to consider any appropriate recommendations to the parties, as called for in Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis of the Protocol and paragraph 3 of decision XXXI/10. n/a
992 1 2020 65/3 Secretariat Data reporting obligation - process agents 46. Following further discussion, the Committee agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section C of annex I to the present report. XXXII/5
991 2 2020 65/2 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 43. The Committee agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section B of annex I to the present report. XXXII/6
993 3 2020 65/1 All parties Article 7 data reporting obligation 18. The Committee agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section A of annex I to the present report. XXXII/4
994 4 2020 64/4 None specified Licensing systems 43. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the report on the status of establishment and implementation of import and export licensing systems for Annex F controlled substances under Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol; (b) Also to note with appreciation that 45 parties to the Kigali Amendment to the Protocol had to date reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems as required under the terms of the Amendment, and that another 6 parties that had not yet ratified the Kigali Amendment had also reported the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems; (c) Further to note that any party operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 that had decided that it had not been in a position to establish and implement such a licensing system by 1 January 2019 might delay taking those actions until 1 January 2021, bearing in mind the proximity of that date; 8 UNEP/OzL.Pro/ImpCom/64/5 (d) To note that 18 parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 had notified the Secretariat of their intention to delay the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems until 1 January 2021; (e) To encourage parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 that were parties to the Kigali Amendment and were planning to delay until 1 January 2021 to notify the Secretariat as soon as possible of their intention to do so; (f) To urge all remaining parties to the Kigali Amendment that had not yet done so to establish and implement import and export licensing systems for controlled substances under Annex F of the Protocol and to report that information to the Secretariat within three months of doing so; (g) To continue reviewing periodically the status of the establishment and implementation of such licensing systems by all parties and consider any appropriate recommendations to the parties, as called for in Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Protocol, and paragraph 3 of decision XXXI/10. n/a
995 5 2020 64/3 Ukraine Article 7 data reporting obligation 40. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To request Ukraine to report to the Secretariat its data for 2019, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2020, in order for the Committee to assess at its sixty-fifth meeting the status of compliance by Ukraine with its commitments as set out in decision XXIV/18; (b) To note with appreciation the submission by Ukraine of the information confirming the adoption and entry into force of the law on ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases, and to congratulate the party on that achievement. n/a
996 6 2020 64/2 Libya Plan of action - progress in implementing 37. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the submission by Libya of its Article 7 data for 2019, which indicated that Libya was in compliance with its commitment for 2019 under its plan of action, as set out in decision XXVII/11; (b) Also to note with appreciation the submission by Libya of another update on the progress made towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs and towards considering a ban on the import of such equipment; (c) To request Libya, taking into account the prevailing security situation in the country and the resulting difficulties described by the party, to submit to the Secretariat, by 15 March 2021, a further update on the progress made towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs and towards considering a ban on the import of such equipment, for consideration by the Committee at its sixty-sixth meeting. n/a
997 7 2020 64/1 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Non-compliance with control measures, Request for plan of action 26. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting the information provided by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in relation to the circumstances that the party believed to be the cause of its non-compliance, Recalling that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had notified the Secretariat in 2019, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the non-compliance procedure for the Montreal Protocol, of its anticipated future non-compliance with its consumption and production obligations under the Protocol in respect of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), (a) To note that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had submitted its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2019 in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol; (b) Also to note that the party’s HCFC consumption of 72.27 ODP-tonnes in 2019 was inconsistent with its obligation under the Protocol to reduce consumption in that year to no greater than 70.2 ODP-tonnes, thereby placing the party in non-compliance with its HCFC consumption obligations under the Protocol; (c) Further to note that the party’s HCFC production of 26.95 ODP-tonnes in 2019 was inconsistent with its obligation under the Protocol to reduce the production in that year to no greater than 24.8 ODP-tonnes, thereby placing the party in non-compliance with its HCFC production obligations under the Protocol; (d) To request the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as a matter of urgency, to submit to the Implementation Committee a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks to ensure a prompt return to compliance. The party might wish to consider highlighting in its plan of action key sectors of HCFC uses that, if addressed, could enable the party to achieve a faster return to compliance; (e) To invite the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s sixty-fifth meeting. XXXII/6
1 1 2019 63rd meeting para 49 Secretariat, Implementation Committee - President of the Possible ways of dealing with illegal production of and illegal trade in controlled substances under the Montreal Protocol identifying potential gaps in the non-compliance procedure challenges tools ideas and suggestions for improvement 49. The Committee agreed that the President should draw the attention of the Meeting of the Parties to the documents, which would be made available to all parties by appending them to the report of the Committee meeting, and should request that the matter be included on the agenda of the forty second meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group, in 2020, where those documents would be discussed. n/a
2 2 2019 63rd meeting para 39 Secretariat Procedural - submission of reports to the Committee 39. Committee members thanked the representative of the Secretariat for his clear explanation. They concluded that future reports to the Committee did not need to include all the data that he had just illustrated; the key issue for the Committee was the numbers of parties that had or had not reported data in accordance with their obligations. n/a
3 3 2019 63rd meeting para 36 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action and control measures 36. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the submission by Ukraine of its Article 7 data for 2018, which indicated that Ukraine was in compliance with its commitment for 2018 under its plan of action, as recorded in decision XXIV/18. n/a
4 4 2019 63rd meeting para 34 Libya Compliance with plan of action and control measures 34. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the submission by Libya of its Article 7 data for 2018, which indicated that Libya was in compliance with its commitment for 2018 under its plan of action, as recorded in decision XXVII/11. n/a
5 5 2019 63rd meeting para 32 Kazakhstan Compliance with plan of action and control measures 32. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the submission by Kazakhstan of its Article 7 data for 2018, which indicated that Kazakhstan was in compliance with its commitment for 2018 under its plan of action, as recorded in decision XXIX/14. n/a
6 6 2019 63rd meeting para 30 Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 30. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Yemen had submitted all outstanding data for 2017 in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and decision XXX/13, and that the data submitted confirmed that the party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2017. n/a
7 7 2019 63/2 None specified Licensing systems 43. Committee members thanked the representative of the Secretariat for the information provided, and, after discussing the wording of the draft decision, agreed: (a) To take note, with appreciation, of the report on the status of establishment of licensing systems; (b) To forward for consideration by the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section B of annex I to the present report. XXXI/10
8 8 2019 63/1 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 16. The Committee agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section A of annex I to the present report. XXXI/9
9 9 2019 62nd meeting para 47 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Non-compliance - risk of 47. The Committee discussed the matter and agreed that any work that it undertook with respect to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should comply with the applicable Security Council resolutions. It noted that the party had, as was reflected in its submission, decided to increase production of HCFCs, and could similarly decide to reduce production of HCFCs. The Committee agreed to discuss the matter further in the event of any future non-compliance by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with its obligations under the Protocol. n/a
10 10 2019 62nd meeting para 29 Central African Republic Article 7 data reporting obligation 29. The Committee agreed to note with appreciation that the Central African Republic had submitted all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and decision XXX/13, and that the data submitted confirmed that the party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2017. n/a
11 11 2019 62/4 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action and control measures 44. The Committee agreed: (a) To request Ukraine to report to the Secretariat its data for 2018, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2019, in order for the Implementation Committee to assess at its sixty-third meeting the status of compliance by Ukraine with its commitments as set out in decision XXIV/18; (b) To note with appreciation the submission by Ukraine of the information relating to the progress made towards the adoption of the law on ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases, but to note with concern that the submission did not provide the full range of information requested by the Committee in recommendations 60/2 and 61/2; (c) To urge Ukraine to submit to the Secretariat by 15 March 2020 a further update on the progress made towards the adoption of the law and to describe and specify the timing of each future stage of the process leading to the entry into force of the law, for consideration by the Committee at its sixty-fourth meeting; (d) In the light of the difficulties encountered in receiving the information requested in previous recommendations, to invite Ukraine to send a representative to the sixty-fourth meeting of the Implementation Committee to discuss the matter with the Committee. n/a
12 12 2019 62/3 Libya Compliance with plan of action and control measures 38. The Committee agreed: (a) To request Libya to report to the Secretariat its data for 2018 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2019, to enable the Committee to assess at its sixty-third meeting the status of compliance by Libya with its commitments as set out in decision XXVII/11; (b) To welcome the submission by Libya of an update on the progress made towards monitoring the enforcement of its system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances, towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs in the near future and towards considering a ban on the import of such equipment; UNEP/OzL.Pro/ImpCom/62/4 (c) To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat by 15 March 2020, for consideration at the Committee’s sixty-fourth meeting, a further update on the progress made towards imposing a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs and towards considering a ban on the import of such equipment. n/a
13 13 2019 62/2 Kazakhstan Compliance with plan of action and control measures 34. The Committee agreed to request Kazakhstan to report to the Secretariat its data for 2018, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2019, to enable the Committee to assess at its sixty-third meeting the status of compliance by Kazakhstan with its commitments as set out in decision XXIX/14. n/a
14 14 2019 62/1 Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 31. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with concern that Yemen had not yet submitted its Article 7 data for 2017 to the Secretariat and therefore remained in non-compliance with its data-reporting obligations under paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To also note with concern the security situation prevailing in Yemen, which could exacerbate the party’s difficulties in complying with its obligations under the Protocol; (c) To urge Yemen to work closely with the implementing agencies to report the required data to the Secretariat as quickly as possible, and not later than 15 September 2019, for consideration by the Committee at its sixty-third meeting. n/a
15 1 2018 61/4 None specified Article 7 data reporting - source and destination 45. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that a majority of parties exporting controlled substances regularly provided information on the countries of destination of their exports, in response to decision XVII/16; (b) To further note with appreciation that a number of parties importing controlled substances regularly provided information on the source countries of their imports, in response to decision XXIV/12; (c) To note that that information facilitated the exchange of information and the identification of differences between data reported on imports and data reported on exports, which in turn might facilitate the identification of possible cases of illegal trade; (d) To note, however, that a large number of importing parties and a small number of exporting parties did not provide the information; (e) To forward for consideration by the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section C of Annex I to the present report. XXX/12
16 2 2018 61/3 None specified Article 7 data reporting - zero 39. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that most parties, when reporting data as required under Article 7, had entered a number in each cell in the data-reporting forms that they submitted to the Secretariat, including zero where appropriate, rather than leaving the cell blank, as requested in decisions XXIV/14 and XXIX/18; (b) To note with concern, however, that 20 parties had submitted forms for reporting data in accordance with Article 7 for 2017 containing blank cells, contrary to decisions XXIV/14 and XXIX/18, which required additional work by the Secretariat; (c) To further note with concern that, by the end of the Committee’s meeting, one party had still not provided clarifications in response to the Secretariat’s request; (d) To forward for consideration by the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section B of Annex I to the present report. XXX/14
17 3 2018 61/2 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 33. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the submission by Ukraine of its data under Article 7 for 2017, which confirmed that the party was in compliance with its commitment concerning the consumption of HCFCs under its plan of action to return to compliance, as recorded in decision XXIV/18; (b) To also note with appreciation the submission by Ukraine of information relating to the progress made towards the adoption of its law on ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases; (c) To request Ukraine to submit to the Secretariat by 31 March 2019, for consideration at the Committee’s sixty-second meeting, information on the timing of each stage of the process leading to the entry into force of its law. n/a
18 4 2018 61/1 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 18. The Committee agreed to forward for consideration by the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section A of Annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record and note with appreciation the number of parties that had reported ozone-depleting-substance data for the year 2017 and related information, as well as list the parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol. XXX/13
19 5 2018 60th Meeting para 54 Kazakhstan Compliance with plan of action and control measures 54. The Committee agreed to note with appreciation that Kazakhstan had submitted its Article 7 data for 2017, which indicated that it was in compliance with its commitment to limiting its consumption of HCFCs to no more than 7.5 ODP-tonnes for 2017, as set out in decision XXIX/14. n/a
20 6 2018 60th Meeting para 45 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Compliance with plan of action and control measures 45. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had submitted its Article 7 data for 2017, which indicated that it was in compliance with its commitments for consumption and production of HCFCs for 2017 as set out in decision XXVI/15 and with its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To also note with appreciation that the party had provided information concerning its monitoring of the system for licensing imports and exports, pursuant to its commitment contained in paragraph 4 (c) of decision XXVI/15. n/a
21 7 2018 60/2 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 59. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the submission by Ukraine of further information relating to the progress made towards completing its legislative and regulatory process for controlling imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances for consideration by the Committee; (b) To request Ukraine to provide an update to the Secretariat, by 15 September 2018, on the timing of each stage of the process leading to the entry into force of the legislation, for consideration by the Committee at its sixty-first meeting; (c) To request Ukraine to report to the Secretariat its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2017, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2018, to enable the Committee to assess at its sixty-first meeting the status of compliance by Ukraine with its commitments as set out in decision XXIV/18. n/a
22 8 2018 60/1 Libya Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 49. Expressing appreciation for Libya’s efforts, in particular given the challenging security and political situation in the country, the Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Libya had submitted its Article 7 data for 2017, which indicated that the party was in compliance with its commitment to limiting its consumption of HCFCs to no more than 118.4 ODP-tonnes for 2017, as set out in decision XXVII/11; (b) To also note with appreciation that the party had provided information concerning the monitoring of the enforcement of its system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances, and concerning its consideration of a ban on the procurement and import of airconditioning equipment containing HCFCs; (c) To encourage Libya to continue its efforts to impose a ban on the procurement of air-conditioning equipment containing HCFCs and to consider a ban on imports of such equipment, and to provide an update to the Secretariat, preferably before 31 March 2019, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its sixty-second meeting. n/a
23 1 2017 59th Meeting para 44 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action and control measures 44. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Ukraine had reported its data under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol for 2016, which indicated that it was in compliance with the benchmark recorded in decision XXIV/18 and the control measures under the Montreal Protocol. n/a
24 2 2017 59/5 Philippines Request for baseline change - approved 64. The Committee therefore agreed as follows: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by the Philippines in support of its request to revise its existing consumption data for the years 2009 and 2010 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting that decision XV/19 sets out the methodology for submission of requests for revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the Philippines to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section D of annex I to the present report, by which the Meeting of the Parties would approve the request by the Philippines to revise its consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons for the baseline years 2009 and 2010 to 162.98 ODP-tonnes and 160.96 ODP-tonnes respectively. XXIX/17
25 3 2017 59/4 Pakistan Request for baseline change - approved 60. The Committee therefore agreed as follows: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Pakistan in support of its request to revise its existing consumption data for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting that decision XV/19 sets out the methodology for submission of requests for revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by Pakistan to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section C of annex I to the present report, by which the Meeting of the Parties would approve the request by Pakistan for the revision of its consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons, as set out in the table below, provided that the Secretariat receives confirmation from Pakistan, prior to the adoption of the decision by the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Parties, that the imports of HCFC-142b by the two other companies in 2009 and 2010 had been accounted for in the revised baseline data:
Substance Existing consumption data (ODP tonnes) Revised consumption data (ODP tonnes)
2009 2010 Baseline* 2009 2010 Baseline*
HCFC-141b 134.2 142.8 134.20 142.80
HCFC-142b - - 4.62 4.68
HCFC-22 105.6 112.2 101.69 108.22
Total 239.8 255.0 247.4 240.51 255.70 248.11
* Hydrochlorofluorocarbon baselines established after the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties are presented using two decimal places, whereas those established before are presented using one decimal place (see decision XXIII/30).
26 4 2017 59/3 All parties Article 7 data reporting obligation 52. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section A of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record and note with appreciation the number of parties that had reported ozone depleting-substance data for the year 2016 and list the parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. XXIX/13
27 5 2017 59/2 All parties Article 7 data reporting - zero 50. The Committee therefore agreed as follows: (a) To note with appreciation that most parties, when reporting production, imports, exports or destruction, were in compliance with the request in decision XXIV/14 to enter a number, including zero, where appropriate, in each cell in the data-reporting forms that they submitted to the Secretariat, rather than leaving the cell blank; (b) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section E of annex I to the present report, urging all parties to ensure that the requirements of decision XXIV/14 were complied with in order to avoid the need for clarifications by the Secretariat and the possible resulting delays in assessing parties’ compliance with their data-reporting obligations. XXIX/18
28 6 2017 59/1 Kazakhstan Non-compliance with plan of action 41. The Committee therefore agreed as follows: (a) To note with appreciation that Kazakhstan had submitted its corrected Article 7 data for 2015 and its Article 7 data for 2016; (b) To note with concern, however, that the reported data for 2015 and 2016 indicated that the party’s consumption of HCFCs for those years exceeded its commitments under its plan of action as recorded in decision XXVI/13, as well as the control measures under the Montreal Protocol; (c) To note that the reported consumption data for 2015 and 2016 placed the party in non compliance with its commitments under decision XXVI/13 for those years; (d) To note with appreciation the submission by Kazakhstan of an explanation for the deviation from its plan of action, along with a revised plan of action to return to compliance; (e) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section B of annex I to the present report, in which the parties would, among other things, note that the party was in non-compliance with its commitments for 2015 and 2016 under its existing plan of action as recorded in decision XXVI/13 and note with appreciation the party’s explanation for that deviation and its submission of a revised plan of action with time-specific benchmarks to ensure a return to compliance by 2025. XXIX/14
29 7 2017 58th Meeting para 50 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 50. Following the report by the representative of Israel, the Committee agreed to note with appreciation that Israel’s representative had attended the current meeting to provide additional information on the challenges Israel had been facing in complying with its reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol and the related decisions of the parties in a timely manner. The Committee also noted with appreciation Israel’s expressed commitment to ensure that it would in the future fully comply with its reporting requirements under the Protocol in a timely manner. n/a
30 8 2017 58th Meeting para 44 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action and control measures 44. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Ukraine had reported its data under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol for 2016, which indicated that it was in compliance with the benchmark recorded in decision XXIV/18 and the control measures under the Montreal Protocol. n/a
31 9 2017 58th Meeting para 43 Libya Compliance with plan of action and control measures 43. The Committee agreed to note that Libya had submitted its data for 2016 in accordance with its obligations under Article 7 of the Protocol, and that the data confirmed that the party was in compliance with its commitment as set out in decision XXVII/11 to reduce its HCFC consumption to no more than 118.4 ODP-tonnes in 2016. n/a
32 10 2017 58th Meeting para 36 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Compliance with plan of action and control measures 36. The Committee agreed to note that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had submitted its data for 2016 in accordance with its obligations under Article 7 of the Protocol, and that the data confirmed that the party was in compliance with its commitments as set out in decision XXVI/15 to reduce HCFC consumption and production to no more than 70.16 ODP-tonnes and 24.84 ODP-tonnes respectively in 2016. n/a
33 11 2017 58th Meeting para 34 Iceland, Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 34. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Iceland and Yemen had submitted all their outstanding data for 2015 as required by their data-reporting obligations under Article 7 of the Protocol and decision XXVIII/9, and that the submitted data confirmed that the parties were in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2015. The Committee also noted with appreciation that Yemen had reported its Article 7 data for 2016, which confirmed that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2016. n/a
34 12 2017 58/4 All parties Article 7 data reporting - zero 58. The Committee decided to request the Secretariat to include on the agenda of its fifty-ninth meeting parties’ compliance with decision XXIV/14 regarding the reporting of zero in Article 7 data-reporting forms. n/a
35 13 2017 58/3 Fiji Request for baseline change - approved 56. The Committee therefore agreed to forward to the Meeting of the Parties a draft decision, as set out in annex I to the present report, approving Fiji’s request for a change in its baseline data, noting that the party was in non-compliance with its obligations under the Protocol for the years 2013 and 2014, and noting its return to compliance in 2015. XXIX/15
36 14 2017 58/2 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 47. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation Ukraine’s submission of information on progress towards completing its legislative and regulatory process for controlling imports and exports; (b) To encourage Ukraine to continue the efforts to complete its legislative and regulatory process and to provide an update to the Secretariat, preferably before 31 March 2018, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its sixtieth meeting; (c) To request Ukraine to report to the Secretariat its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2016, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2017, in order for the Committee to assess at its fifty-ninth meeting the status of compliance by Ukraine with its commitments as set out in decision XXIV/18. n/a
37 15 2017 58/1 Kazakhstan Potential non-compliance - with plan of action, Request for information 41. Following the report by the representative of Kazakhstan, the Committee agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Kazakhstan’s representative had attended the current meeting to provide additional information relating to the party’s explanation for its deviation from its commitments for 2015 under its plan of action, as contained in decision XXVI/13; (b) To note that the representative of Kazakhstan had confirmed that the data reported under Article 7 for 2015 were incorrect, as previously reported to the Secretariat; (c) To request Kazakhstan to report its corrected data for 2015 under Article 7 of the Protocol as soon as possible, preferably no later than 15 August 2017; (d) To request Kazakhstan to report to the Secretariat its data under Article 7 for 2016, preferably no later than 15 September 2017; (e) To assess, at its fifty-ninth meeting, the status of compliance by Kazakhstan with its commitments contained in decision XXVI/13. n/a
38 1 2016 57th Meeting para 56 Fiji Request for baseline change - deferred 56. The Committee agreed to note with appreciation Fiji’s submission of information in support of its request for a change in its baseline data for HCFCs and to note with appreciation that Fiji’s representative had attended the current meeting to provide additional information in relation to its request. The Committee also agreed, in view of the late submission of the information, and also of the volume of information needing to be reviewed, to defer consideration of Fiji's request for the revision of its HCFC consumption baseline to its fifty-eighth meeting. n/a
39 2 2016 57th Meeting para 33 Libya Compliance with plan of action and control measures 33. The Committee therefore agreed to note that Libya had submitted its data for 2015 in accordance with its obligations under Article 7 of the Protocol and that the data confirmed that the party was in compliance with its commitments in decision XXVII/11 to reduce HCFC consumption to no more than 122.3 ODP-tonnes in 2015. n/a
40 3 2016 57th Meeting para 28 Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 28. The Committee therefore agreed to note that Yemen had submitted the outstanding data for 2014 in accordance with data-reporting obligations under Article 7 of the Protocol, decision XXVII/9 and recommendation 56/1, and that the data confirmed that the party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2014 n/a
41 4 2016 57/4 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation - non-compliance with 44. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section B of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record and note with appreciation the number of parties that had reported ozone-depleting-substance data for the year 2015 and list the parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. XVIII/34
42 5 2016 57/3 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 42. The Committee therefore agreed: 1. To note with concern that Israel had not yet reported on its use of controlled substances as process agents in 2014 and 2015, as required by paragraph 4 (a) of decision X/14; 2. To note also with concern that Israel had not yet provided the information required under paragraph 3 of decision XXII/20 on the measures it had in place to avoid the diversion of any of the 17.3 ODP-tonnes of excess production of bromochloromethane; 3. To express its concern at Israel’s repeated failure to respond to the requests for information recorded in recommendations 55/4, 56/5 and 56/7; 4. In the absence of Israel’s submission of the required information, to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section A of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, request the party to submit the outstanding information to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 31 March 2017, to enable the Committee to review the situation of Israel at its fifty-eighth meeting. XXVIII/10
43 6 2016 57/2 Ukraine Request for information 37. The Committee therefore agreed: 1. To note with appreciation Ukraine’s submission of information: (a) On its implementation, through a Cabinet decree adopted in 2015, of a licensing system for the import and export of ozone-depleting substances and, through a ministerial order in 2015, a quota system; (b) On its introduction, through a ministerial order, of a gradual ban on imports of equipment containing or relying on ozone-depleting substances; (c) On its drafting of new legislation, to enter into force in 2017, for strengthening its control of ozone-depleting substances and for gradually reducing its consumption of HCFCs; 2. To encourage Ukraine to complete the legislative and regulatory process for controlling imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances and to update the Secretariat on its progress by 31 March 2017 so that the Committee might consider the issue at its fifty-eighth meeting. n/a
44 7 2016 57/1 Kazakhstan Potential non-compliance, Request for information 31. The Committee therefore agreed: 1. To note that the data reported by Kazakhstan on its consumption of methyl bromide confirmed that the party was in compliance with its commitment in decision XXVI/13 to limit its consumption of that substance to no more than zero ODP-tonnes for 2015; 2. To note with concern that Kazakhstan had reported 2015 consumption of 12.78 ODP-tonnes of HCFCs, an amount inconsistent with both the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption to no greater than 3.95 ODP-tonnes and the requirement in Kazakhstan’s plan of action in decision XXVI/13 to limit consumption to no more than 9.9 ODP-tonnes; 3. To request Kazakhstan to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2017 an explanation for its deviation and, if relevant, a plan of action for ensuring its prompt return to compliance; 4. To invite Kazakhstan, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s fifty-eighth meeting. n/a
45 8 2016 56th Meeting para 45 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Compliance with plan of action and control measures 45. The Committee therefore agreed to note that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had submitted its data for 2015 in accordance with its obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and that the data indicated that the party was in compliance with its commitments for that year as set out in decision XXVI/15 n/a
46 9 2016 56/8 South Sudan Licensing systems 72. The Committee therefore agreed: 1. To note with appreciation the efforts made by South Sudan in the establishment and operation of a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances under Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol by means of a ministerial order; 2. To congratulate South Sudan on the establishment and operation of a system for licensing both the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol. n/a
47 10 2016 56/7 Israel Request for information, Stockpiling under decision XVIII/17 69. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling decision XVIII/17, pursuant to which the Secretariat is to maintain a consolidated record of cases in which parties have explained that their situations of excess production or consumption are the consequence of scenarios (a), (b) or (c) outlined in paragraph 1 of that decision and to incorporate that record in the documentation of the Implementation Committee, for information purposes only; Recalling also decision XXII/20, which provides that in any of the scenarios referred to in the previous paragraph no follow-up action by the Implementation Committee shall be necessary if the party concerned reports that it has the necessary measures in place to prohibit the use of the ozone-depleting substances for any purpose other than those described in the decision; Noting that Israel had reported excess production of 17.3 ODP-tonnes of bromochloromethane in 2014 to be exported for feedstock uses in future years; 1. To note with concern that Israel had not by the time of the current meeting provided the information required under decision XXII/20; 2. To request Israel to submit the outstanding information as soon as possible and no later than 15 September 2016 for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-seventh meeting. n/a
48 11 2016 56/6 Guatemala Article 7 data correction, Compliance - return to, Non-compliance with plan of action 66. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note the explanation by Guatemala of its compliance situation, in particular the correction of its data for HCFC consumption to 9.84 ODP-tonnes in 2013 and 4.74 ODP-tonnes in 2014 on the basis that the figures for HCFC consumption in 2013 and 2014 had been erroneous due to a technical error in computing the consumption of that substance in the country for those two years; (b) Also to note that the party had been in non-compliance with its HCFC consumption obligations under the Protocol for 2013; (c) To note further that the party had been in non-compliance with its HCFC consumption commitment for 2014, as contained in decision XXVI/16; (d) To agree that the data corrections for 2013 and 2014 would not vary any of the benchmarks already recorded and agreed in decision XXVI/16; (e) To note that the party was in compliance with the HCFC consumption reduction benchmark for 2015 based on the data reported for that year and that no further action was required; (f) To continue to monitor closely the progress of Guatemala with regard to the implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; (g) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in Annex I to the present report. XXVIII/11
49 12 2016 56/5 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 59. The Committee therefore agreed: 1. To note with concern that by the time of the Committee’s fifty-sixth meeting Israel had not reported on its use of controlled substances as process agents in 2014 as required by paragraph 4 (a) of decision X/14; 2. To note that its failure to report its 2014 process agent information in accordance with decision X/14 placed Israel in non-compliance with its reporting obligations under that decision; 3. To request Israel to submit the outstanding information to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 15 September 2016, to enable the Committee to review the situation of Israel at its fifty-seventh meeting. XXVIII/10
50 13 2016 56/4 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action and control measures 56. The Committee therefore agreed: 1. To note that Ukraine had submitted its 2015 data in accordance with its obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, together with the additional information requested in decision XXIV/18, and that the data indicated that it was in compliance with its commitments for that year as set out in decision XXIV/18; 2. To consider the additional information submitted by Ukraine at the fifty-seventh meeting of the Committee. n/a
51 14 2016 56/3 Libya Request for information 51. The Committee therefore agreed to request Libya to report to the Secretariat its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2015, as soon as possible and no later than 15 September 2016, in order that the Committee might assess at its fifty-seventh meeting the status of the party’s compliance with its commitments set out in decision XXVII/11. n/a
52 15 2016 56/2 Kazakhstan Request for information 48. The Committee therefore agreed to request Kazakhstan to report to the Secretariat its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2015, as soon as possible and no later than 15 September 2016, in order that the Committee might assess at its fifty-seventh meeting the status of the party’s compliance with its commitments set out in decision XXVI/13. n/a
53 16 2016 56/1 Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 43. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Yemen had not yet submitted its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2014 in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and decision XXVII/9; Noting further the political and security situation prevailing in the country; Nevertheless to urge Yemen to report to the Secretariat its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2014, as soon as possible and no later than 15 September 2016, in time for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-seventh meeting. n/a
54 1 2015 55th Meeting para 47 South Africa Compliance with control measures 47. The Committee therefore agreed to note the explanation by the Government of South Africa of its situation in relation to methyl chloroform consumption in 2011 and 2012 and its confirmation that there was zero consumption of that substance in the country in those years, which indicated that the party was in compliance with its methyl chloroform consumption obligations under the Protocol. n/a
55 2 2015 55th Meeting para 33 Kazakhstan Compliance with plan of action and control measures 33. The Committee therefore agreed to note that Kazakhstan had submitted its data for 2014 in accordance with its obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and that the data indicated that the party was in compliance with its commitments for that year contained in decision XXVI/13. n/a
56 3 2015 55/5 South Sudan Licensing systems 54. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that South Sudan had not yet established the system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances called for in Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol, decision XXV/15 and recommendation 54/8, 1. To urge South Sudan again to establish a licensing system for controlling the import and export of ozone-depleting substances as a matter of urgency and to submit to the Secretariat, no later than 31 March 2016, information on the status of that system for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its fifty-sixth meeting and by the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the Parties; 2. To request South Sudan to work with the relevant implementing agencies in establishing and implementing its licensing system. n/a
57 4 2015 55/4 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 51. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling paragraph 4 (a) of decision X/14, by which the Meeting of the Parties had decided that all parties should report by 30 September of each year on their use of controlled substances as process agents, the levels of emissions from those uses and the containment technologies used by them to minimize emissions of controlled substances, Recalling also paragraph 4 of decision XXI/3, by which the Meeting of the Parties had requested the Ozone Secretariat to bring cases of non-reporting of process agent uses to the attention of the Implementation Committee, Recalling further that Israel was permitted to use controlled substances as process agents in accordance with decision XXIII/7, 1. To note with concern that Israel had not by the time of the current meeting reported on its use of controlled substances as process agents in 2014 as required by paragraph 4 (a) of decision X/14; 2. To request the party to submit the outstanding information to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, preferably by 31 March 2016; 3. To review the situation of Israel at its fifty-sixth meeting. n/a
58 5 2015 55/3 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 49. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record and note with appreciation the number of parties that had reported ozone-depleting-substance data for the year 2014 and list the parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. XXVI/12
59 6 2015 55/2 Libya Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 44. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Libya had reported consumption of the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) of 144.0 ODP-tonnes in 2013 and 122.4 ODP-tonnes in 2014, both of which were inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to limit annual consumption of those substances to no greater than 118.38 ODP-tonnes in those years, Noting with appreciation, however, the submission by Libya of an explanation for its excess consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2013 and 2014, Noting also with appreciation the party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2018, 1. To urge the party to establish and implement a national import quota system for hydrochlorofluorocarbons as soon as possible; 2. To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report. XXVII/11
60 7 2015 55/1 Ukraine Compliance with plan of action and control measures 36. The Committee therefore agreed: 1. To note that Ukraine had submitted its data for 2014 in accordance with its obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and that the data indicated that it was in compliance with its commitments for that year contained in decision XXIV/18; 2. To take note, with appreciation, of the information provided by Ukraine with regard to its implementation of the provisions of paragraphs 2 (b), (c) and (d) of decision XXIV/18. n/a
61 8 2015 54th Meeting para 45 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 45. The Committee took note of the information presented. n/a
62 9 2015 54th Meeting para 43 Central African Republic Article 7 data reporting obligation 43. The Committee took note of the information presented. n/a
63 10 2015 54/8 South Sudan Licensing systems 71. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that South Sudan had not yet established a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances as called for by Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol, decision XXV/15 and recommendation 53/6, To urge South Sudan to establish a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances and to submit to the Secretariat, no later than 15 September 2015, information on the status of that system for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its fifty-fifth meeting and by the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Parties. n/a
64 11 2015 54/7 Botswana Licensing systems 68. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the efforts made by Botswana in the establishment and operation of a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances under Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol, To note that Botswana had established and was implementing a system for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol. n/a
65 12 2015 54/6 South Africa Article 7 data correction, Request for information 64. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that South Africa had reported zero consumption of the Annex B, group III, controlled substance (methyl chloroform) for the years 2011–2013, Noting with concern that South Africa had subsequently reported revised data on consumption of methyl chloroform of 8.1 ODP-tonnes in 2011 and 3.6 ODP-tonnes in 2012, amounts that were inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of those substances to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in those years, Noting with appreciation that South Africa’s reported 2013 consumption data showed that the party was in compliance with its methyl chloroform consumption obligations under the control measures of the Protocol for that year, Noting the efforts made by the party to provide an explanation for its excess consumption of methyl chloroform in 2011 and 2012 but noting with concern that it had to date provided only a partial explanation, 1. To request South Africa to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 September 2015, an explanation for its excess consumption and, if appropriate, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the party’s prompt return to compliance; 2. To invite South Africa, if necessary, to send a representative to the fifty-fifth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; 3. In the absence of the submission of the outstanding information and a full explanation for the excess consumption, to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the present report. n/a
66 13 2015 54/5 Libya Non-compliance with control measures, Request for revised plan of action 61. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Libya had reported consumption of the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) of 144.0 ODP tonnes in 2013 and 122.4 ODP-tonnes in 2014, amounts that were inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of those substances to no greater than 118.38 ODP tonnes in those years, Noting the submission by Libya of an explanation for its excess consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2013 and 2014 along with a plan of action to ensure its return to compliance, Noting with appreciation that in response to a request from the Secretariat Libya had provided additional information regarding its plan of action, some of which modified the plan of action, 1. To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 September 2015, an updated plan of action with time specific benchmarks for ensuring the party’s prompt return to compliance; 2. To invite Libya to send a representative to the fifty-fifth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
67 14 2015 54/4 Bosnia and Herzegovina Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 57. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Bosnia and Herzegovina had reported consumption of 5.1 ODP-tonnes of the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) in 2013, an amount that was inconsistent with the requirement under the Protocol to limit consumption of those substances to no more than 4.7 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting with appreciation, however, the party’s submission of an explanation and a plan of action including the implementation of regulatory and administrative measures for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2014 and subsequent years, Noting that the party’s submission of data under Article 7 for 2014 showed that Bosnia and Herzegovina was in compliance with its hydrochlorofluorocarbon consumption obligations under the control measures of the Protocol for that year, 1. To monitor closely the progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina with regard to the implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; 2. To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report. XXVII/10
68 15 2015 54/3 Ukraine Request for information 54. The Committee therefore agreed: To urge Ukraine to report to the Secretariat its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2014 in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, along with information on its implementation of paragraphs 2 (b), (c) and (d) of decision XXIV/18, as a matter of urgency and preferably no later than 15 September 2015, in order that the Committee might assess at its fifty-fifth meeting the party’s compliance with its commitments in decision XXIV/18. n/a
69 16 2015 54/2 Kazakhstan Request for information 51. The Committee therefore agreed: To urge Kazakhstan to report to the Secretariat its data on ozone-depleting substances for 2014 in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, as a matter of urgency and preferably no later than 15 September 2015, in order that the Committee might assess at its fifty-fifth meeting the party’s compliance with its commitments in decision XXVI/13. n/a
70 17 2015 54/1 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Guatemala Compliance with plan of action and control measures 47. The Committee therefore noted that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ecuador and Guatemala had submitted their data for 2014 in accordance with their obligations under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and that the data indicated that they were in compliance with their commitments for that year. n/a
71 1 2014 53rd Meeting para 66 Republic of Moldova Request for baseline change - not approved 66. The Committee therefore agreed not to approve the request of the Republic of Moldova for the revision of its HCFC consumption data for the baseline year 2010. The committee expressed appreciation for the efforts of the Party to remain in compliance with the provisions of the Protocol despite significant economic growth that had resulted in increased demand for HCFCs and advised that the party collaborate with the Multilateral Fund implementing agencies, if possible in the context of stage II of its HCFC phase-out management plan, to promote HCFC recovery and improve its existing HCFC recovery, recycling and reclamation scheme by, as appropriate, establishing reclamation facilities and equipping service technicians with portable recycling machines. n/a
72 2 2014 53rd Meeting para 41 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation, Decision XXII/20, Stockpiling 40. Decision XXII/20 had clarified that no follow-up action was required with regard to stockpiled substances if they were stockpiled for any of the reasons specified in paragraph 1 of that decision and if the reporting party specified that it had in place measures to prohibit the use of the stockpiled substances for any other purpose. Accordingly, at its fifty-second meeting the Implementation Committee had adopted recommendation 52/4, requesting Israel to report by 15 September 2014 on whether it had such measures in place. Israel had confirmed before that date that it had such measures in place. 41. The Committee therefore agreed to take note of the information provided by Israel in accordance with decision XXII/20. n/a
73 3 2014 53rd Meeting para 39 South Sudan Article 7 data reporting obligation 39. The Committee therefore noted with appreciation that South Sudan had submitted all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XXV/14 and that the data confirmed that the party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2012. n/a
74 4 2014 53rd Meeting para 36 Ukraine Article 7 data reporting obligation, Compliance with plan of action 36. The Committee therefore agreed to take note, with appreciation, of the information provided by Ukraine with regard to its implementation of the provisions of paragraphs 2 (b), (c) and (d) of decision XXIV/18. n/a
75 5 2014 53rd Meeting para 19 All parties Article 7 data reporting - zero 19. The Committee therefore agreed to urge all parties, when reporting data on production, imports, exports or destruction of ozone-depleting substances, to enter a number in each cell in their submitted data-reporting forms, including zero, rather than leaving any cell blank, in accordance with decision XXIV/14, and to provide clarification to the Ozone Secretariat regarding any blank cells when requested to do so. n/a
76 6 2014 53/6 Botswana, South Sudan Licensing systems 72. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Botswana and South Sudan, which had become parties to the Montreal Amendment to the Montreal Protocol in 2013, had not by the time of the current meeting established licensing systems to control the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, To urge Botswana and South Sudan to establish licensing systems and to submit to the Secretariat, no later than 31 March 2015, information on the status of those systems, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its fifty-fourth meeting and by the Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Parties in 2015. n/a
77 7 2014 53/5 Guatemala Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 61. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Guatemala had reported consumption of the controlled substances in Annex C, group I (hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)), of 11.3 ODP-tonnes for 2013, an amount that represented a deviation from the Protocol’s requirement that the party limit consumption of those substances to no greater than 8.3 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting with appreciation, however, the party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for HCFCs in 2014, Noting also with appreciation the party’s decision to reduce its HCFC consumption in 2014 below its allowable consumption in that year by the excess amount consumed in 2013, To forward to the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision incorporating the party’s plan of action set out in section C of annex I to the present report. XXVI/16
78 8 2014 53/4 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 57. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling paragraph 4 (a) of decision X/14, by which the Meeting of the Parties decided that all parties should report by 30 September of each year on their use of controlled substances as process agents, the levels of emissions from those uses and the containment technologies used by them to minimize emissions of controlled substances, Recalling also paragraph 4 of decision XXI/3, by which the Meeting of the Parties requested the Ozone Secretariat to bring cases of non-reporting of process agent uses to the attention of the Implementation Committee, Recalling further that Israel was permitted to use controlled substances as process agents in accordance with decision XXIII/7, 1. To note with concern that Israel had not by the time of the current meeting reported on its use of controlled substances as process agents in 2013 as required by paragraph 4 (a) of decision X/14; 2. To request the party to submit the outstanding information to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, preferably by 31 March 2015; 3. To review the situation of Israel at its fifty-fourth meeting. n/a
79 9 2014 53/3 Central African Republic, Liechtenstein Article 7 data reporting obligation 54. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record and note with appreciation the number of parties that had reported ozone-depleting-substance data for the year 2013 and list the parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. XXVI/12
80 10 2014 53/2 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 52. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had notified the Secretariat in 2013, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Non-Compliance Procedure of the Protocol, of its anticipated future non-compliance with its consumption and production obligations under the Montreal Protocol in respect of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Recalling also the information provided by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in relation to the circumstances that the party believed to be the cause of its anticipated non-compliance, Noting the difficulties involved in the disbursement of approved funds to the party for its institutional strengthening renewal project, Noting also the difficulties in the submission of an HCFC phase-out management plan that was in compliance with specific United Nations Security Council resolutions, which could have had adverse consequences for the party’s compliance with its obligations under the Protocol, Noting that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had submitted its ozone-depleting substance data for 2013 in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, Noting with concern, however, that the party’s HCFC consumption of 90.6 ODP tonnes in 2013 was inconsistent with its obligation under the Protocol to reduce its consumption in that year to no greater than 78.0 ODP-tonnes, thereby placing the party in non-compliance with its HCFC consumption obligations under the Protocol, Noting also with concern that the party’s HCFC production of 31.8 ODP-tonnes in 2013 was inconsistent with its obligation under the Protocol to reduce its production in those years to no greater than 27.6 ODP-tonnes, thereby placing the party in non-compliance with its HCFC production obligations under the Protocol, Noting with appreciation, however, the party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s HCFC consumption control measures in 2015 and the HCFC production control measures in 2016, Noting also with appreciation that at its seventy-third meeting the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol had approved stage I of the HCFC phase-out management plan for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for 2014–2018 to reduce HCFC consumption by 15 per cent of its baseline, To forward to the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision incorporating the party’s plan of action set out in section A of annex I to the present report. XXVI/15
81 11 2014 52nd Meeting para 56 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Deferred consideration, ExCom consideration of HPMP, Implementation challenges, Non-compliance 56. The Committee therefore agreed to take note of the information presented by the Secretariat and the updates by the secretariat of the Multilateral Fund and relevant implementing agencies and to revisit the matter at its fifty-third meeting in the light of any additional information received. The Committee also agreed, without prejudice to the operations of the Executive Committee, that reconsideration of the HPMP of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea by the Executive Committee should be undertaken as a matter of urgency n/a
82 12 2014 52nd Meeting para 40 Ecuador, Ukraine, Uruguay Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 40. The Committee therefore agreed to commend Ecuador and Uruguay on their commitment in meeting the requirements of decisions XX/16 and XVII/39, respectively, as shown by their 2013 methyl bromide consumption data, and to commend Ukraine on its commitment in meeting the requirements of decision XXIV/18, as shown by its 2013 HCFC consumption data. The Committee also agreed to request Ukraine to report on its actions to introduce a gradual ban on imports of equipment containing or relying on ozone-depleting substances, to monitor the operation of the ban once introduced, to implement an HCFC quota system and to pursue the passage of new legislation to more closely control ozone depleting substances. n/a
83 13 2014 52nd Meeting para 33 Eritrea, South Sudan, Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 33. The Committee therefore noted that Eritrea and Yemen had submitted all outstanding data in accordance with their data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XXV/14 and that the data confirmed that the parties were in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2012. n/a
84 14 2014 52/5 Botswana, South Sudan Licensing systems 71. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Botswana and South Sudan, which became parties to the Montreal Amendment in 2013, had not yet established licensing systems to control the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, Recognizing that licensing systems provide for the monitoring of imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances, prevent illegal trade and enable data collection, Recognizing also that the successful phase-out of most ozone-depleting substances by parties is largely attributable to the establishment and implementation of licensing systems to control the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, Recalling decision XXV/15, in which the Meeting of the Parties urged Botswana and South Sudan to establish licensing systems in accordance with Article 4B of the Protocol and to report to the Secretariat by 31 March 2014, To urge Botswana and South Sudan to establish licensing systems and to submit to the Secretariat, no later than 30 September 2014, information on the status of the establishment of those systems, as called for in decision XXV/15, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its fifty-third meeting and by the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties, in November 2014. n/a
85 15 2014 52/4 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 67. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling decision XVIII/17, pursuant to which the Secretariat is to maintain a consolidated record of cases in which parties have explained that their situations of excess production or consumption are the consequence of scenarios (a), (b) or (c) outlined in paragraph 1 of that decision and to incorporate that record in the documentation of the Implementation Committee, for information purposes only, Recalling also decision XXII/20, which provides that in any of the scenarios referred to in the previous paragraph no follow-up action from the Implementation Committee is deemed necessary if the party concerned reports that it has the necessary measures in place to prohibit the use of the ozone-depleting substances for any purpose other than those described in the decision, 1. To note with concern that Israel had not by the time of the current meeting provided the information required under decision XXII/20; 2. To request Israel to submit the outstanding information urgently, preferably by 15 September 2014, for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-third meeting. n/a
86 16 2014 52/3 Libya, Mozambique Request for baseline change - approved 63. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Libya and Mozambique in support of their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) for the years 2010 and 2009, respectively, Recalling decision XV/19, in which the Meeting of the Parties set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the above-mentioned parties to satisfy the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular their efforts to verify the accuracy of their proposed new baseline data through national surveys of hydrochlorofluorocarbon use carried out with the assistance of the implementing agencies and funding from the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section B of annex I to the present report, which would approve the requests of Libya and Mozambique for the revision of their baseline consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons. XXVI/14
87 17 2014 52/2 Kazakhstan Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 48. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Kazakhstan had reported consumption of the controlled substances in Annex C, group I, (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) of 90.75 ODP-tonnes for 2011, 21.36 ODP-tonnes for 2012 and 83.32 ODP-tonnes for 2013, levels that represented deviations from the Protocol’s requirement that the party limit consumption of those substances to no greater than 9.9 ODP-tonnes in each of those years, Noting also with concern that Kazakhstan had reported consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) of 6.0 ODP-tonnes for 2011 and 19.0 ODP-tonnes for 2013, levels that represented deviations from the Protocol’s requirement that the party limit consumption of that substance to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in each of those years, Noting further with concern that a methyl bromide project submitted to the Global Environment Facility had been rejected and that the Facility’s consideration of an HCFC project proposal was still at an early stage, Noting with appreciation the party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2016 and for methyl bromide in 2015, To forward to the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision incorporating the party’s plan of action set out in section A of annex I to the present report. XXVI/13
88 18 2014 52/1 South Sudan Article 7 data reporting obligation 35. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that South Sudan had not yet submitted the required data to the Secretariat, To urge South Sudan to report to the Secretariat its ozone-depleting substance data for 2012 in accordance with Article 7, as a matter of urgency and preferably no later than 15 September 2014, in time for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-third meeting. n/a
89 1 2013 51st Meeting para 70 None specified Article 4 paragraph 8 70. The Committee approved a template draft decision, similar to decision XXIV/2, which allowed the insertion of the names of any parties submitting such a request for exemption before the end of the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties, subject to approval of that request by the Committee. The draft decision is set out in section E of annex I to the present report. n/a
90 2 2013 51st Meeting para 35 Kazakhstan Non-compliance with control measures, No response to request for information, Request for information, Request for plan of action 35. The Committee therefore agreed, in the absence of any submission by Kazakhstan of a plan of action, as requested in recommendation 50/11, to forward the draft decision adopted at the Committee’s fiftieth meeting for consideration by the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties. XXV/12
91 3 2013 51st Meeting para 25 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 25. The Committee therefore noted with appreciation the submission by Israel of all outstanding process-agent data for 2010 and 2011, in compliance with decisions X/14 and XXI/3 and recommendation 50/10, as well as submitting process-agent data for 2012. n/a
92 4 2013 51/6 Botswana, South Sudan Licensing systems 67. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section D of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, request Botswana and South Sudan to establish a licensing system and to submit to the Secretariat, no later than 31 March 2014, information on the status of that system, for consideration by the Committee and the Meeting of the Parties in 2014; (b) To review the status of licensing systems at its fifty second meeting. XXV/15
93 5 2013 51/5 Central African Republic, Eritrea, Gabon, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Saint Kitts and Nevis, South Sudan, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Uzbekistan, Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation - non-compliance with 64. The Committee therefore agreed: To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section C of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record and note with appreciation the number of parties that had reported ozone depleting-substance data for the year 2012 and list the parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. XXV/14
94 6 2013 51/4 Mozambique Baseline change - request for information 59. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendation 50/6, by which Mozambique had been requested to clarify some of its submitted information and provide additional documentation in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting the clarification and additional documentation provided by Mozambique between April 2013 and September 2013, Noting, however, that the Committee considered that additional documentation to be insufficient to allow it to approve the changes requested by the party, (a) To request Mozambique to provide data that clarify how the figure of 143.6 metric tonnes of hydrochlorofluorocarbons for the year 2009 was calculated from the 2010 survey data and to include the methodology and any associated documentation to support that calculation; (b) To urge Mozambique to work closely with relevant implementing agencies to provide the requested information as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2014, for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-second meeting. n/a
95 7 2013 51/3 Congo, Guinea Bissau Request for baseline change - approved 58. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by the Congo and Guinea-Bissau in support of their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) for the year 2009, Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the above parties to satisfy the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular their efforts to verify the accuracy of their proposed new baseline data through national surveys of hydrochlorofluorocarbon use carried out with the assistance of the implementing agencies and funding from the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, To include the parties in the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the report of the fiftieth meeting of the Committee,1 which would approve their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and to set out the draft decision as so revised in section B of annex I to the present report. XXV/13
96 8 2013 51/2 Azerbaijan Compliance - return to, Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 31. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Azerbaijan had reported consumption of 7.63 ODP-tonnes of the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) in 2011, in excess of the requirement under the Protocol to limit consumption of those substances to no more than 3.7 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting Azerbaijan’s explanation for its reported excess hydrochlorofluorocarbon consumption in 2011, Noting also Azerbaijan’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for hydrochlorofluorocarbons, Noting with appreciation the party’s intention to implement regulatory, administrative and technical measures to ensure compliance with the Protocol’s hydrochlorofluorocarbon consumption control measures, (a) To confirm that Azerbaijan’s submission of ozone-depleting-substance data for 2012 showed that the party was in compliance with its hydrochlorofluorocarbon consumption obligations under the control measures of the Protocol; (b) To monitor closely the party’s progress with regard to the implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; (c) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report. XXV/10
97 9 2013 51/1 Ecuador Compliance with plan of action and control measures 27. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Ecuador had reported its data on consumption of ozone-depleting substances for 2012, which showed that the party was in compliance with its commitment recorded in decision XX/16 to limit its consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than 52.8 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
98 10 2013 50th Meeting para 34 Sao Tome and Principe Article 7 data reporting obligation 34. The Committee noted the submission by Sao Tome and Principe of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XXIV/13, which indicated that the party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2011. n/a
99 11 2013 50th Meeting para 33 Mali Article 7 data reporting obligation 33. The Committee noted the submission by Mali of all outstanding data in accordance with its data‑reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XXIV/13, which indicated that the party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2011. n/a
100 12 2013 50/9 France Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 76. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with concern that France reported production of 598.9 ODP-tonnes of the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) in 2011, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to limit production of those substances to no greater than 584.4 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting the party’s submission of an explanation and a plan of action, including implementation of regulatory and administrative measures for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2012 and subsequent years, 1. To monitor closely the party’s progress with regard to the implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; 2. To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section C of annex I to the present report. XXV/11
101 13 2013 50/8 Azerbaijan Non-compliance with control measures, Request for plan of action 71. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with concern that Azerbaijan reported consumption of 7.63 ODP-tonnes of the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) in 2011, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of those substances to no greater than 3.7 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting Azerbaijan’s explanation for its reported excess hydrochlorofluorocarbon consumption in 2011, (a) To request Azerbaijan to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 September 2013, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To invite Azerbaijan to send a representative to the fifty-first meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (c) In the absence of the submission of a plan of action, to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section B of the Annex to the present report. XXV/12
102 14 2013 50/7 None specified Request for baseline change - deadline 64. The Committee agreed to prepare a draft decision that would set a time limit for the submission of requests for changes in baseline data and that the draft decision should be considered at its fifty-first meeting and then forwarded to the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties. n/a
103 15 2013 50/6 Mozambique Baseline change - request for information 63. The Committee therefore agreed, Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendation 48/9, by which Mozambique had been requested to submit information in accordance with decision XV/19 in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting with appreciation the supporting information submitted by Mozambique between November 2012 and April 2013, Noting, however, that the submitted information was considered by the Committee to be insufficient to allow it to approve the changes requested by the party, (a) To request Mozambique: (i) To clarify the inconsistency between the new proposed hydrochlorofluorocarbon consumption figure for 2009 and that indicated in the party’s hydrochlorofluorocarbon phase-out management plan report; (ii) To provide documentation on how the regional inventory information was consolidated to derive the new proposed hydrochlorofluorocarbon figure for 2009; (b) To urge Mozambique to submit to the Secretariat the requested information as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 15 September 2013, for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-first meeting. n/a
104 16 2013 50/5 Guinea Bissau Baseline change - request for information 59. The Committee therefore agreed, Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendations 47/11, 48/7 and 49/7, by which Guinea-Bissau had been requested to submit information in accordance with decision XV/19 in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting with appreciation the supporting information submitted by Guinea-Bissau in November 2012, Noting, however, that the submitted information was considered by the Committee to be insufficient to allow it to approve the changes requested by the party, (a) To request Guinea-Bissau to clarify the inconsistency between the information contained in the recently submitted survey report and that contained in the party’s hydrochlorofluorocarbon phase-out management plan report, including in particular: (i) The number of equipment units per region; (ii) The volume of the hydrochlorofluorocarbon charge in units employed in the domestic air-conditioning sector and their associated leakage rates; (b) To urge Guinea-Bissau to submit to the Secretariat the requested information as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 15 September 2013, for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-first meeting. n/a
105 17 2013 50/4 Congo Baseline change - request for information 56. The Committee therefore agreed, Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendations 46/3, 47/10, 48/6 and 49/5, by which the Congo had been requested to submit information in accordance with decision XV/19 in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting with appreciation the supporting information submitted by the Congo in March 2013, Noting, however, that the submitted information was considered by the Committee to be insufficient to allow it to approve the changes requested by the party, (a) To request the Congo to provide copies of servicing records that properly substantiated the leakage rates in the hydrochlorofluorocarbon phase-out management plan report included in its previous submission; (b) To urge the Congo to submit to the Secretariat the requested information as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 15 September 2013, for consideration by the Committee at its fifty-first meeting. n/a
106 18 2013 50/3 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Saint Lucia Request for baseline change - approved 47. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with appreciation the information submitted by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Saint Lucia in support of their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) for the years 2009 or 2010 or both, Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the above parties to satisfy the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular their efforts to verify the accuracy of their proposed new baseline data through national surveys of hydrochlorofluorocarbon use carried out with the assistance of the implementing agencies and funding from the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the report of the fiftieth meeting of the Committee, which would approve their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons. XXV/13
107 19 2013 50/2 Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Uruguay Compliance with plan of action, Procedural 36. [Note: Under this agenda item the Committee was to consider the case of Uruguay, which had reported its 2012 data, thereby confirming that it had met its commitment contained in decision XVII/39. During the ensuing discussion a Committee member expressed the opinion that all other parties with similar commitments, as recorded in table 9 of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ImpCom/50/R.2, should also be considered under this agenda item.] On the basis of that suggestion, the Committee agreed to commend the following parties on their reported consumption of ozone-depleting substances, which showed that they were in compliance with their commitments contained in the decisions applicable to them.

Table 1

Parties whose reported data for 2012 met their commitments
Party Decision on compliance Substance Action plan target for 2012 (ODP tonnes) Submitted Article 7 data for 2012
1. Armenia XVIII/20 Methyl bromide 0.0 0
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina XVIII/28 Methyl Chloroform 0.0 0
XV/30 Methyl bromide 0.0 0
3. Fiji XVII/33 Methyl bromide 0.5 0
4. Guatemala XVIII/26 Methyl bromide 320.6 139.8
5. Honduras XVII/34 Methyl bromide 207.5 56.8
6. Uruguay XVII/39 Methyl bromide 6.0 6.0
Abbreviation: ODP - ozone-depleting potential.
108 20 2013 50/12 Botswana, South Sudan Licensing systems 91. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with appreciation the efforts that the parties to the Montreal Protocol have made in the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances under Article 4B of the Protocol, (a) To congratulate the Gambia on the establishment and operation of a system for licensing both the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol; (b) To urge Botswana and South Sudan to establish a licensing system in accordance with Article 4B of the Protocol and to report thereon to the Secretariat by 15 September 2013; (c) To review the status of the licensing systems of the remaining Parties at its fifty-first meeting. n/a
109 21 2013 50/11 Kazakhstan Request for information, Request for plan of action 85. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with concern that Kazakhstan reported consumption of 90.75 ODP-tonnes of the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) in 2011, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of those substances to no greater than 9.9 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting also with concern that the party reported consumption of 6.0 ODP-tonnes of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2011, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of that substance to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting further with concern that Kazakhstan has not yet provided any explanation for its excess consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons or methyl bromide in spite of the request to do so, (a) To request Kazakhstan to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 September 2013, an explanation for its excess consumption, details of the management systems in place which had failed to prevent this excess consumption and, if appropriate, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To invite Kazakhstan to send a representative to the fifty-first meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (c) In the absence of an explanation for the excess consumption, to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section D of annex I to the present report. XXV/12
110 22 2013 50/10 Israel Article 7 data reporting obligation 79. The Committee therefore agreed, Recalling decision X/14, which defined the conditions under which parties could treat certain uses of ozone-depleting substances as process agents, Recalling also decision XVII/6, which provided that Parties with process agent applications should report annually, in accordance with decisions X/14 and XV/7, Recalling further decision XXI/3, which requested the Secretariat to bring cases of non-reporting of process agent use to the attention of the Committee for its consideration, Noting with concern that, notwithstanding repeated reminders, Israel has not yet provided information on its process agent uses for 2010 and 2011, as required by decision X/14, To request Israel to submit as a matter of urgency, before 15 September 2013, the required outstanding information on process agent uses for 2010 and 2011. n/a
111 23 2013 50/1 Ecuador Request for information 35. The Committee agreed to request Ecuador to report to the Secretariat its data for 2012 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2013, in order that the Committee might assess at its fifty-first meeting the status of compliance by that party with its commitment set out in decision XX/16, where Ecuador specifically committed itself to reducing its methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 52.8 ODP-tonnes in 2012. n/a
112 1 2012 49/9 Ukraine Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 109. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Ukraine was in non-compliance with the consumption control measures under the Montreal Protocol for hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2010 and 2011, Noting with appreciation the Party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2015, Noting with appreciation also the explanations provided by Ukraine to the Committee during its forty-ninth meeting, Acknowledging with appreciation the significant efforts of Ukraine to return to compliance with the Montreal Protocol, To forward to the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties for consideration the draft decision incorporating the plan of action contained in section F of annex I to the present report. XXIV/18
113 2 2012 49/8 Ecuador, Türkiye, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Request for baseline change - approved 78. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Ecuador, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey in support of their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) for the years 2009, 2010 or both, Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the above parties to satisfy the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular their efforts to verify the accuracy of their proposed new baseline data through national surveys of hydrochlorofluorocarbon use carried out with the assistance of the implementing agencies and funding from the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, To include the parties in the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the report of the forty-ninth meeting of the Committee, which would approve their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and to set out the draft decision as so revised in section B of annex I to the present report. XXIV/16
114 3 2012 49/7 Guinea Bissau Baseline change - request for information 72. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendations 48/7 and 47/11, by which Guinea-Bissau had been requested to submit information in accordance with decision XV/19 in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting with appreciation the supporting information submitted by Guinea-Bissau in October 2012, Noting, however, that the submitted information was considered by the Committee to be insufficient to allow it to approve the changes requested by the party, (a) To request Guinea-Bissau to provide sample survey documents supporting the regional inventory information summarized in its hydrochlorofluorocarbon phase-out management plan report; (b) To urge Guinea-Bissau to submit to the Secretariat the requested information as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2013, for consideration by the Committee at its fiftieth meeting n/a
115 4 2012 49/6 Democratic Republic of the Congo Baseline change - request for information 69. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendations 48/7 and 47/11, by which the Democratic Republic of the Congo had been requested to submit information in accordance with decision XV/19 in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting with appreciation the supporting information submitted by the Democratic Republic of the Congo in September 2012, Noting, however, that the submitted information was considered by the Committee to be insufficient to allow it to approve the changes requested by the party, (a) To request the Democratic Republic of the Congo to specify whether the charge amounts of hydrochlorofluorocarbons listed in the reports provided represent the total capacity of the equipment or the amounts used to service or refill the equipment; (b) To request the party to provide further clarification on how the regional inventory information on hydrochlorofluorocarbon-based equipment was consolidated to derive its new proposed national consumption; (c) To urge the party to submit to the Secretariat the requested information as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2013, for consideration by the Committee at its fiftieth meeting. n/a
116 5 2012 49/5 Congo Baseline change - request for information 66. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendations 48/6, 47/10 and 46/3, by which the Congo had been requested to submit information in accordance with decision XV/19 in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting with appreciation the supporting information submitted by the Congo in September 2012, Noting, however, that the submitted information was considered by the Committee to be insufficient to allow it to approve the changes requested by the party, (a) To request the Congo to provide detailed information that made clear how it derived the leakage rates for the different types of equipment listed in its hydrochlorofluorocarbon phase-out management plan report; (b) To urge the Congo to submit to the Secretariat the requested information as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2013, for consideration by the Committee at its fiftieth meeting. n/a
117 6 2012 49/4 Libya Compliance with plan of action and control measures 54. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the explanation provided by Libya relating to its halon consumption in 2009 and the submission of its ozone-depleting substance data for 2010 and 2011, which showed that the party was in compliance with its commitments recorded in decisions XV/36 and XVII/37 to phase out its chlorofluorocarbon and methyl bromide consumption, respectively, by 1 January 2010. n/a
118 7 2012 49/3 Ecuador Compliance with plan of action and control measures 44. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Ecuador had reported its data on consumption of ozone-depleting substances for 2011, which showed that the party was in compliance with its commitment recorded in decision XX/16 to limit its consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than 52.8 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
119 8 2012 49/2 Israel Exemptions 41. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Israel had not submitted its accounting framework report providing information on quantities of methyl bromide produced, imported or exported in 2011 in accordance with exemptions granted to it for critical uses of that substance for that year, To urge Israel to submit its accounting framework report as a matter of urgency, and no later than 31 March 2013, for consideration by the Committee at its fiftieth meeting or, if unable to do so, to submit an explanation in that regard by that time. n/a
120 9 2012 49/12 None specified Licensing systems 127. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the tremendous efforts that the parties to the Montreal Protocol had made in the establishment and operation of licensing systems under Article 4B of the Protocol, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section E of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record the number of parties to the Montreal Amendment that had reported to the Secretariat on the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol, and request the one remaining party to the Montreal Amendment that had not yet established a licensing system to do so and to submit to the Secretariat, no later than 30 September 2013, information on the status of that system, for consideration by the Implementation Committee and the Meeting of the Parties in 2013. XXIV/17
121 10 2012 49/11 All parties Article 7 data reporting obligation 118. The Committee therefore agreed to replace the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the report of its forty-eighth meeting with the decision set out in section C of annex I to the present report, which explicitly addressed the requirement that parties report complete data on imports, exports, production and destruction of ozone-depleting substances. XXIV/13
122 11 2012 49/10 Israel, Mali, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, South Africa, Tajikistan Article 7 data reporting obligation - process agents 114. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section D of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record the number of parties that had reported information on their use of controlled substances for process agent applications, in accordance with decisions X/14 and XXI/3, and to request the remaining parties that had not yet done so to report such information in time for consideration by the Committee at its next meeting. XXIV/13
123 12 2012 49/1 Mozambique Article 7 data reporting obligation 32. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the submission by Mozambique of its outstanding methyl bromide data for 2010 in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol, which indicated that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for that year. n/a
124 13 2012 48th Meeting para 59 Ukraine Invitation 59. The Committee therefore agreed to invite Ukraine, if necessary, to send a representative to the committee’s forty-ninth meeting to discuss the matter. n/a
125 14 2012 48/9 Mozambique Baseline change - request for information 55. The Committee also agreed: Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Taking note of the request of Mozambique to revise its existing consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), (a) To request Mozambique to submit to the Secretariat information in accordance with decision XV/19 to support its request to revise its baseline data as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 15 September 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-ninth meeting; (b) Also to request Mozambique, in submitting information in accordance with decision XV/19, to include information used in verifying baseline data such as copies of any survey reports containing the full survey findings, invoices and Customs reports that would support the proposed new baseline data; (c) To request the party, in the event that information required to support its request for the revision of its hydrochlorofluorocarbon baseline data was confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat, which would ensure the confidentiality of the information when reporting on it to the Committee; (d) To invite Mozambique, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-ninth meeting to discuss the above matters. n/a
126 15 2012 48/8 None specified No response to request for information, Procedural - baseline change request, Request deemed to expire 54. The Committee also agreed: To advise parties requesting the revision of their baseline data but failing to provide information required under decision XV/19, despite repeated requests by the Committee that they do so, that in the event that they did not provide such information to the Committee after two such requests the Committee would consider their requests for the revision of their hydrocholorofluorocarbon baseline data to have expired and would take no further action on them. n/a
127 16 2012 48/7 Guinea Bissau Baseline change - request for information 53. The Committee further agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by the Democratic Republic of the Congo in support of its request for the revision of its baseline consumption data for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) for the year 2009, Noting, however, that the party had yet to provide some outstanding information to satisfy the requirements of decision XV/19 as requested in recommendation 47/11, Noting also that Guinea-Bissau had not submitted any information to satisfy the requirements of decision XV/19 to support its request for the revision of its baseline consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons) for the year 2009, Noting with concern that Guinea-Bissau had not responded to the request recorded in recommendation 47/12 that it submit information in accordance with decision XV/19, (a) To invite the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Guinea-Bissau, should they still wish to pursue their requests to revise their hydrochlorofluorocarbon baseline data, to submit to the Ozone Secretariat the outstanding information as soon as possible, and preferably not later than 15 September 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-ninth meeting; (b) To request the parties named above, in the event that information required to support their requests for the revision of their hydrochlorofluorocarbon baseline data was confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat, which would ensure the confidentiality of the information when reporting on it to the Committee; (c) To invite each of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Guinea-Bissau, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-ninth meeting to discuss its request. n/a
128 17 2012 48/6 Congo Baseline change - request for information 52. The Committee also agreed: Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendations 46/3 and 47/10, by which Congo had been requested to submit information in accordance with decision XV/19 in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting with appreciation the supporting information submitted by Congo in May 2012, Noting, however, that the submitted information was considered by the Committee to be insufficient to allow it to approve the changes requested by the party, (a) To urge Congo to submit to the Secretariat additional information pertaining to its calculation of its revised baseline data in accordance with decision XV/19 to support its request for the revision of its baseline data as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 15 September 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-ninth meeting; (b) To request Congo, in case confidentiality issues prevented it from disclosing information in support of its request for the revision of its hydrochlorofluorocarbon baseline, to provide such information to the Secretariat, which would ensure the confidentiality of the information when reporting on it to the Committee; (d) To invite Congo, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-ninth meeting to discuss its request. n/a
129 18 2012 48/5 Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Haiti, Niger Request for baseline change - approved 51. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Haiti and Niger in support of their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) for the years 2009, 2010 or both, Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the above parties to satisfy the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular their efforts to verify the accuracy of their proposed new baseline data through national surveys of hydrochlorofluorocarbon use in the countries carried out with the assistance of the implementing agencies and funding from the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-fourth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report, which would approve the requests of Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Haiti and Niger for the revision of their baseline consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons. XXIV/16
130 19 2012 48/4 Libya Potential non-compliance - with plan of action, Request for information 37. The Committee further agreed: Recalling that Libya had reported consumption of 1.8 ODP-tonnes of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) in 2009, an amount that was inconsistent with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37 to limit halon consumption to no greater than zero ODP tonnes in that year, Recalling also decision XXIII/23, which requested Libya to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2012, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its forty-eighth meeting, an explanation for its excess consumption of halons, together with a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks to ensure the party’s prompt return to compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37, Noting that Libya has not yet responded to the request recorded in decision XXIII/23, Noting also with concern that Libya has not yet reported its ozone-depleting substance data for 2010 and that its compliance with its commitments contained in decisions XV/36 and XVII/37 to reduce consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (chlorofluorocarbons), and Annex E (methyl bromide), respectively, in that year therefore cannot be assessed, (a) To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 September 2012, a status report on: (i) Its data reporting for 2010 to allow assessment of its compliance with its commitments contained in decisions XV/36 and XVII/37; (ii) Its implementation of the provisions contained in decision XXIII/23 in respect of its excess halon consumption in 2009; (b) To invite Libya, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-ninth meeting to discuss the matter. n/a
131 20 2012 48/3 Ecuador Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 36. The Committee also agreed to urge Ecuador to submit to the Secretariat its data for the year 2011 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2012, in order that the Committee might assess at its forty-ninth meeting the status of compliance by the party with its commitment contained in decision XX/16 to limit its consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than 52.8 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
132 21 2012 48/2 Uruguay Compliance with plan of action and control measures 35. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Uruguay had reported its data on consumption of ozone-depleting substances for the year 2011, which showed that the Party was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/39 to limit its consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than 6.0 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
133 22 2012 48/14 Bolivia, Chad, Comoros, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dominica, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Holy See, Honduras, Micronesia (Federated States of), Papua New Guinea, San Marino, Solomon Islands, Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga Licensing systems 84. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the tremendous efforts that the parties to the Montreal Protocol had made in the establishment and operation of systems for licensing exports and imports of ozone-depleting substances in accordance with article 4B of the Protocol, Noting, however, that some Parties that had reported to the Secretariat on the establishment of such licensing systems had not included disaggregated information that detailed the annexes and groups of substances covered by those systems and that in some few cases the licensing systems in place did not regulate exports of ozone-depleting substances or did not cover some groups of substances, 1. To note with appreciation that updated disaggregated information on the establishment and operation of licensing systems in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol that detailed the annexes and groups of substances covered by those systems had been reported to the Secretariat by Bolivia, Chad, Comoros, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Ethiopia, the Federated States of Micronesia, Ghana, Guinea, the Holy See, Papua New Guinea, San Marino, Solomon Islands, Sudan, Thailand, Togo and Tonga; 2. To request Dominica and Tajikistan to provide detailed disaggregated information on the groups of substances covered by their licensing systems to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 September 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-ninth meeting; 3. To urge Timor-Leste to complete the process of establishing a licensing system as soon as possible and to report to the Secretariat thereon no later than 15 September 2012; 4. To request Gambia to submit an update to the Secretariat by 15 September 2012 on any action that it had taken to regulate exports of ozone-depleting substances through its licensing system; 5. To urge Honduras, which operated a licensing system for ozone-depleting substances that did not include export controls, to ensure that it was structured in accordance with article 4B of the Protocol and that it provided for licensing imports and exports of substances in Annex C of the Protocol and to provide information thereon to the Secretariat by 15 September 2012; n/a
134 23 2012 48/13 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 77. The Committee therefore agreed: Recognizing that for the past several years the parties had been discussing the completeness of data-reporting, focusing in particular on quarantine and pre-shipment uses of methyl bromide, Taking into consideration that the parties had adopted several decisions, including decisions XXIII/5, XXI/10, XX/6, XVIII/14, XVI/10 and XI/13, that reminded, urged and encouraged parties to report data on quarantine and pre-shipment uses of methyl bromide, Wishing to find a way to ensure that submitted data was complete, not only for methyl bromide uses but for all other controlled substances as well, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the present report. XXIV/13
135 24 2012 48/12 Israel Data reporting obligation - exemption 63. The Committee further agreed: Noting with concern that Israel had not submitted its report to account for exemptions granted for critical uses of methyl bromide in 2011, To request Israel to submit its report to account for exemptions granted for critical uses of methyl bromide in 2011 as soon as possible, and no later than 15 September 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-ninth meeting or, if it was unable to do so, to submit an explanation in that regard by that time. n/a
136 25 2012 48/11 Dominican Republic, Mexico, Russian Federation Data reporting obligation - exemption 62. The Committee also agreed: Noting with concern that the Dominican Republic, Mexico and the Russian Federation had not submitted their reports to account for exemptions granted for essential uses of chlorofluorocarbons for 2011, To request the Dominican Republic, Mexico and the Russian Federation to submit their reports to account for exemptions granted for essential uses of chlorofluorocarbons in 2011 as soon as possible, and no later than 15 September 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-ninth meeting or, if they were unable to do so, to submit an explanation in that regard by that time. n/a
137 26 2012 48/10 Mozambique Article 7 data reporting obligation, Request for information 61. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Mozambique had reported all its data for 2010 except for its methyl bromide data, Noting that the non-reporting of its methyl bromide data placed Mozambique in non-compliance with its reporting obligations under paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, Noting with appreciation the information provided by a member of the Committee at its forty-eighth meeting indicating that Mozambique expected to submit the missing data soon, To request Mozambique to submit the missing data as soon as possible, and no later than 15 September 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-ninth meeting or, if it was not able to do so, to submit an explanation in that regard by that time. n/a
138 27 2012 48/1 Liechtenstein, Peru, Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 32. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the submission by Liechtenstein, Peru and Yemen of all outstanding data in accordance with their data-reporting obligations under the Protocol, as requested in decision XXIII/22, which indicated that they were in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2010. n/a
139 1 2011 47th Meeting para 66 Syrian Arab Republic Data reporting obligation - exemption 65. Following the Secretariat’s presentation there was some discussion of whether it was necessary to adopt a recommendation to record the fact that a party had submitted its accounting framework, especially in the light of the fact that, while the party had submitted its accounting framework later than had been requested by the parties in a decision, it was not technically in non-compliance with the Protocol. It was agreed that it was not necessary to adopt a recommendation but was nevertheless desirable to express appreciation to such a party for complying with the decision of the parties. 66. The Committee therefore agreed to note in the present report, with appreciation, that the Syrian Arab Republic had submitted its accounting framework and to note its appreciation in the same manner in similar cases in the future. n/a
140 2 2011 47/9 Russian Federation Non-parties - trade with 89. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that the Russian Federation was a party to the Copenhagen and Beijing amendments to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and was classified as a party not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, Noting also that the Russian Federation had in 2009 exported to Kazakhstan, a State not party to the Copenhagen Amendment to the Protocol in that year, 70.2 metric tonnes of hydrochlorofluorocarbons and that the export of those substances placed the party in non-compliance with Article 4 of the Protocol, Noting further that Kazakhstan was classified as a party not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol and had not been determined by the Meeting of the Parties to be in full compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8 of Article 4 of the Protocol, Noting with appreciation the explanation provided by the Russian Federation for its export of hydrochlorofluorocarbons to Kazakhstan in 2009, Noting also with appreciation the party’s implementation of regulatory and administrative measures to ensure its compliance with the trade provisions of the Protocol, (a) To monitor closely the party’s progress with regard to the implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; (b) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision set out in section E of annex I to the present report. XXIII/27
141 3 2011 47/8 Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bhutan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brunei Darussalam, Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Georgia, Grenada, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Libya, Marshall Islands, Mozambique, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Samoa, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu, Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 79. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that 154 parties of the 196 that should have reported information on process-agent uses had done so in accordance with decisions X/14 and XXI/3, Noting with concern, however, that the following 42 parties had not submitted the required information: Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bhutan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brunei Darussalam, Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Georgia, Grenada, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Libya, Marshall Islands, Mozambique, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Samoa, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu and Yemen, To urge those parties to submit the information on process-agent uses as requested in decisions X/14 and XXI/3 report as a matter of urgency, and no later than 31 March 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-eighth meeting. n/a
142 4 2011 47/7 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 76. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report, which would among other things record and note with appreciation the number of parties that had reported ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2010 and list the parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. XXIII/22
143 5 2011 47/6 Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 73. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that in October 2010 Yemen had reported all its data for 2009 except for hydrochlorofluorocarbon data, Noting that the non-reporting of hydrochlorofluorocarbon data placed Yemen in non-compliance with its reporting obligations under paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Taking note of the explanation provided by the party at the time of reporting in October 2010 that it had delayed reporting hydrochlorofluorocarbon data because survey activities for the preparation of its hydrochlorofluorocarbon phase-out management plan were continuing and that it intended to report the data upon completion of those activities, Noting with concern the lack of response from Yemen to subsequent communications from the Secretariat, Noting that according to the information provided by the United Nations Environment Programme as an implementing agency the party had completed data collection activities and that only the process of verifying its hydrochlorofluorocarbon data was pending, Recognizing the security situation and the political and social difficulties faced by Yemen in recent months, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section D of annex I to the present report. XXIII/25
144 6 2011 47/5 Israel Data reporting obligation - exemption 61. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Israel had not submitted its accounting framework report to provide information on quantities of methyl bromide produced, imported or exported in 2010 in accordance with exemptions granted to it for critical uses of that substance for that year, To urge Israel to submit its report accounting for exemptions granted for critical uses in 2010 as a matter of urgency, and no later than 31 March 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-eighth meeting. n/a
145 7 2011 47/4 Iraq Implementing agencies to provide assistance, New party, Trade controls 56. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Iraq’s efforts to comply with the requirements of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and its amendments, Recognizing the continued difficulties faced by Iraq in becoming a party to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol and its amendments shortly before key phase-out dates, Recognizing also the security situation and the political, economic and social difficulties faced by Iraq over the past two decades, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section C of annex I to the present report. XXIII/24
146 8 2011 47/3 Libya Potential non-compliance - with plan of action, Request for information 39. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Libya had reported consumption of 1.8 ODP-tonnes of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) in 2009, an amount that was inconsistent with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37 to limit halon consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting also that Libya had not responded to the request recorded in recommendation 46/8 to submit to the Secretariat an explanation for its deviation and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring its prompt return to compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37, Noting further that Libya had not by the time of the current meeting reported its ozone-depleting substance data for 2010 and that its commitments contained in decisions XV/36 and XVII/37 to reduce consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (chlorofluorocarbons), and Annex E (methyl bromide) in that year therefore could not be assessed, (a) To request Libya to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 31 March 2012, an explanation for its deviation and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the party’s prompt return to compliance with its halon commitment contained in decision XVII/37; (b) To invite Libya, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-eighth meeting to discuss the matter; (c) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the present report; (d) To include Libya in the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report, which comprises a list of parties that had not by the time of the current meeting submitted their ozone-depleting substance data for 2010 in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, in the event that the party did not report the outstanding data prior to the adoption of the draft decision by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties. XXIII/23
147 9 2011 47/2 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Article 7 data reporting obligation, Plan of action 31. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that the Plurinational State of Bolivia had not reported, in accordance with recommendation 46/2, on the status of its commitment set forth in decision XV/29 of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties to reducing consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes by 1 January 2010, as required under the Montreal Protocol save for essential uses that might be authorized by the parties, To include the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report, which comprises a list of parties that had not submitted their ozone-depleting substance data for 2010 in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, in the event that the party did not report the outstanding data prior to the adoption of the draft decision by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties. XXIII/22
148 10 2011 47/16 All parties, Ethiopia, San Marino, Timor-Leste Licensing systems 46. In the light of the foregoing the Committee agreed to include Ethiopia, San Marino and Timor-Leste in recommendation 47/16, on the establishment of licensing systems, which is set out in paragraph 130 below. 130. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the tremendous efforts that the parties to the Montreal Protocol had made in the establishment and operation of licensing systems under Article 4B of the Protocol, Noting, however, that some parties that had reported to the Secretariat on the status of establishment of licensing systems did not include detailed information that disaggregated annexes and groups of substances covered by those systems and that in some few cases the licensing systems in place did not regulate exports of ozone-depleting substances, (a) To recommend that any future reporting of information by parties on the establishment of licensing systems should be presented in a format that disaggregated annexes and groups of substances covered; (b) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section H of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record the number of parties to the Montreal Amendment that had reported to the Secretariat on the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, disaggregating the annexes and groups of substances covered in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol, and to request those parties to the Montreal Amendment that had yet to do so to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 31 March 2012, the missing information regarding their licensing systems, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-eighth meeting. XXIII/31
149 11 2011 47/15 Nepal Article 4 paragraph 8 126. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling recommendation 46/7 on Nepal’s request for consideration of its situation in the light of paragraphs 8 and 9 of Article 4 of the Montreal Protocol, Noting with appreciation Nepal’s efforts to comply with the Protocol by providing data that confirms its implementation of and compliance with the Protocol, To advise Nepal to take note of decision XX/9, which clarified that the term “State not party to this Protocol” in Article 4, paragraph 9, did not apply to States operating under Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Protocol until 1 January 2013, effectively deferring the possible application of trade sanctions to Nepal, as such a party, until that date. n/a
150 12 2011 47/14 Secretariat Decimal places 111. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling recommendation 46/13, in which the Committee agreed to request the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties to direct the Secretariat on the number of decimal places to use in reporting data, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section G of annex I to the present report, which would direct the Secretariat to use two decimal places in presenting HCFC data reported under Article 7 for years starting from 2011 onwards. XXIII/30
151 13 2011 47/13 Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga, Zimbabwe Request for baseline change - approved 105. The Committee agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga and Zimbabwe in support of their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting that decision XV/19 set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the above parties to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular their efforts to verify the accuracy of their proposed new baseline data through national surveys of hydrochlorofluorocarbon use in the countries carried out with the assistance of the implementing agencies and funding from the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section F of annex I to the present report, which would approve the requests of Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga and Zimbabwe for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the year 2009 for hydrochlorofluorocarbons. XXVIII/29
152 14 2011 47/12 Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau Baseline change - request for information 104. The Committee further agreed: Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Taking note of the requests of Equatorial Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to revise their existing consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), (a) To request Equatorial Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to submit to the Secretariat information in accordance with decision XV/19 to support their requests to revise their baseline data as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-eighth meeting; (b) Also to request the parties named in the preceding paragraph, in submitting information in accordance with decision XV/19, to include information used in verifying baseline data such as copies of any survey reports containing the full survey findings, invoices and Customs reports that would support the proposed new baseline data; (c) To request the parties named above, in the event that information required to support their requests for the revision of hydrochlorofluorocarbon baseline data was confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat, which would report on it to the Committee, ensuring its confidentiality; (d) To invite each of Equatorial Guinea and Guinea-Bissau, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-eighth meeting to discuss the above matters. n/a
153 15 2011 47/11 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gambia Baseline change - request for information 103. The Committee also agreed: Recalling decision XV/19, which set out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Recalling also recommendation 46/3, by which the Democratic Republic of the Congo was requested to submit information in accordance with decision XV/19 in support of its request to revise its consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Taking note of the request by the Gambia to revise its existing consumption data for hydrochlorofluorocarbons, Noting with appreciation the supporting information submitted by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Gambia, Noting, however, that the submitted information was insufficient to allow the Committee to approve the changes requested by those parties, (a) To urge the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Gambia to submit to the Secretariat information in accordance with decision XV/19 to support their requests for the revision of their baseline data as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 31 March 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-eighth meeting; (b) Also to urge those parties, in submitting information in accordance with decision XV/19, to include information used in verifying baseline data such as copies of any survey reports containing the full survey findings, invoices and customs reports that would support the proposed new baseline data; (c) To request those parties, in case confidentiality issues prevented them from disclosing information in support of their requests for HCFC baseline changes, to provide such information to the Secretariat, which would ensure the confidentiality of the information when reporting to the Implementation Committee; (d) To invite each of those parties, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-eighth meeting to discuss its request. n/a
154 16 2011 47/10 Cabo Verde, Congo, Sao Tome and Principe Baseline change - request for information 102. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Cape Verde, Congo and Sao Tome and Principe had not responded to the request recorded in recommendation 46/3 of the forty-sixth meeting of the Implementation Committee that they submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 15 September 2011, the outstanding information required by decision XV/19 in order that the Committee might at its forty-seventh meeting complete its review of the parties’ requests to revise their HCFC consumption baseline data, (a) To invite Cape Verde, Congo and Sao Tome and Principe, should they still wish to pursue their requests to revise their HCFC baseline data, to submit to the Ozone Secretariat the information requested in recommendation 46/3 of the forty-sixth meeting of the Implementation Committee as soon as possible, and preferably not later than 31 March 2012, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-eighth meeting; (b) To request the parties named above, in the event that information required to support their requests for the revision of their hydrochlorofluorocarbon baseline data was confidential, to provide such information to the Secretariat, which would report on it to the Committee, ensuring its confidentiality. n/a
155 17 2011 47/1 Bangladesh, Chile, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 30. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate the following parties on their reported consumption of ozone-depleting substances for 2010, which showed that they were in compliance with their commitments contained in the decisions applicable to them:
Party Decision on compliance Substance Action plan target for 2010 (ODP-tonnes) Submitted Article 7 data for 2010
Bangladesh XXII/17 CFCs 0 0
XVII/27 Methyl chloroform 0.260 0
Chile XVII/29 Methyl chloroform 1.934 0
Ecuador XX/16 Methyl chloroform 52.8 40.8
Ethiopia XIV/34 CFCs 0 0
Nigeria XIV/30 CFCs 0 0
Saudi Arabia XXII/15 CFCs 0 0
156 18 2011 46/9 Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation 92. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Yemen had reported all its data for 2009 except for hydrochlorofluorocarbon data, Noting that the non-reporting of hydrochlorofluorocarbon data placed Yemen in non-compliance with its reporting obligations under paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, Noting also the explanation provided at the time of reporting in October 2010 by Yemen that it had excluded hydrochlorofluorocarbon data from its report because survey activities for the preparation of its hydrochlorofluorocarbon phase-out management plan were continuing, Noting with concern the lack of response from Yemen to subsequent communications from the Secretariat, Recognizing the security situation and the political and social difficulties faced by Yemen in recent months, To request Yemen to submit the missing data as soon as possible, and no later than 15 September 2011, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-seventh meeting or, if it was unable to do so, to submit an explanation in that regard by that time. n/a
157 19 2011 46/8 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Potential non-compliance - with plan of action, Request for information 89. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had reported consumption of 1.8 ODP-tonnes of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) in 2009, an amount that was inconsistent with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37 to limit halon consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year, Recognizing, however, the security situation and the political and social difficulties faced by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in recent months, (a) To request the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 15 September 2011, an explanation for its deviation and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the party’s prompt return to compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37; (b) To encourage the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Secretariat its data for 2010 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2011, in order that the Committee might assess at its forty-seventh meeting, the status of compliance of the party with its commitment for that year; (c) To invite the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-seventh meeting to discuss the matter. n/a
158 20 2011 46/7 Nepal Article 4 paragraph 8 85. The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of Nepal’s request for consideration of its situation in the light of paragraphs 8 and 9 of Article 4 of the Protocol, Noting that decision XX/9 deferred the application of trade sanctions against parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol that were not yet parties to the Copenhagen Amendment until 1 January 2013, (a) To request Nepal to provide more information on its commitment to comply with the obligations contained in the Copenhagen Amendment to the Montreal Protocol; (b) To request the Secretariat to provide information on hydrochlorofluorocarbon consumption trends since 2001 as described in Nepal’s letter to the Secretariat of 4 January 2011; (c) To place the issue of Nepal on the agenda of the Implementation Committee’s forty-seventh meeting. n/a
159 21 2011 46/6 European Union, Kazakhstan Non-parties - trade with 73. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that the European Union was a party to the Copenhagen and Beijing amendments to the Montreal Protocol and was classified as a party not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, Noting also that the European Union had exported to Kazakhstan, a State not party to the Copenhagen Amendment to the Protocol, 16.6 metric tonnes of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2009 and that the export of those substances was in non-compliance with the Protocol, Noting further that Kazakhstan was classified as a party not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol and had not been determined by the Meeting of the Parties to be in full compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8 of Article 4 of the Protocol, Noting with appreciation the explanation provided by the European Union for its export of hydrochlorofluorocarbons to Kazakhstan in 2009, Noting also with appreciation the party’s implementation of regulatory and administrative measures to ensure its compliance with the trade provisions of the Protocol, (a) To monitor closely the party’s progress with regard to the implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; (b) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section C of annex I to the present report. XXIII/26
160 22 2011 46/5 Tajikistan Request for baseline change - approved 58. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Tajikistan in support of its request for the revision of its baseline consumption data for the year 1989 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting that decision XV/19 sets out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by Tajikistan to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular its efforts to verify the accuracy of its proposed new baseline data through the national survey of hydrochlorofluorocarbon use in Tajikistan carried out with the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme and funding from the Global Environment Facility, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the present report, which would approve the request of Tajikistan for the revision of its baseline consumption data for the year 1989 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) from 6.0 ODP-tonnes to 18.7 ODP-tonnes. XXIII/28
161 23 2011 46/4 Guyana, Lesotho, Palau, Vanuatu Request for baseline change - approved 42. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Guyana, Lesotho, Palau and Vanuatu in support of their requests for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Noting that decision XV/19 sets out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the above-mentioned parties to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular their efforts to verify the accuracy of their proposed new baseline data through national surveys of hydrochlorofluorocarbon use carried out with the assistance of the implementing agencies and funding from the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report, which would approve the requests of Guyana, Lesotho, Palau and Vanuatu for the revision of their baseline consumption data for the year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons). XXIII/29
162 24 2011 46/3 Cabo Verde, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga, Zimbabwe Baseline change - request for information 41. The Committee therefore agreed: Taking note of the requests of Cape Verde, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga and Zimbabwe for the revision of their existing consumption data for the baseline year 2009 for the Annex C, group I, controlled substances (hydrochlorofluorocarbons), Recalling decision XV/19, which sets out the methodology to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, (a) To request the above-mentioned parties to submit to the Secretariat information in accordance with decision XV/19 to support their requests as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 15 September 2011, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-seventh meeting; (b) To request the above-mentioned parties, in submitting information in accordance with decision XV/19, to include information on the methodology used in collecting and verifying the existing baseline data and a copy of any survey report underlying the requests, which the Committee understands will contain the full survey findings supporting the proposed new baseline data; (c) To invite each of the above-mentioned parties, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-seventh meeting to discuss the above matters. n/a
163 25 2011 46/2 Bangladesh, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Chile, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia Article 7 data reporting obligation The Committee therefore agreed to urge the following parties to submit to the Secretariat their data for 2010 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 15 September 2011, in order that the Committee might assess at its forty-seventh meeting the status of compliance of those parties with their commitments contained in the decisions applicable to them:
Party Decision on compliance Substance Action plan target for 2010 (ODP tonnes)
Bangladesh XXI/17 CFCs 0
XVII/27 Methyl chloroform 0.2600
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) XV/29 CFCs 0
Chile XVII/29 Methyl chloroform 1.934
Ecuador XX/16 Methyl bromide 52.8
Ethiopia XIV/34 CFCs 0
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya XV/36 CFCs 0
XVII/37 Methyl bromide 0
Nigeria XIV/30 CFCs 0
Saudi Arabia XXII/15 CFCs 0
164 26 2011 46/14 Secretariat Decimal places 116. The Committee therefore also agreed: (a) To request the Secretariat, so as to help the Committee to decide on the most appropriate number of decimal places, to provide the Committee at its forty-seventh meeting with an analysis of the implications of the use of two or three decimal places; (b) Also to request the Secretariat to include in the documentation for the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties a summary of the presentation and discussion that took place at the current meeting on this issue, so that the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties was more prepared to discuss the matter. n/a
165 27 2011 46/13 Secretariat Decimal places 115. The Committee therefore agreed: Recognizing that for the preceding several years the Secretariat had been following the informal guidance set out in the report of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties 1 to round its data reported to the parties to one decimal place, Acknowledging the low ozone-depletion potential of many hydrochlorofluorocarbons, Taking into consideration the small quantities of hydrochlorofluorocarbons used by a significant number of parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, Understanding that, as a result of the low ozone-depletion potential of hydrochlorofluorocarbons, rounding to one decimal place could result in the continued use of a substantial amount of those substances or restrict the import of a substantial amount of them that a party would otherwise be eligible to import, Wishing to ensure that any change in the number of decimal places used to calculate the establishment of baselines, consumption or production was forward looking and did not cause changes in previously submitted data, To request the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties to direct the Secretariat to use [two][three] decimal places in reporting data. XXIII/30
166 28 2011 46/12 Brunei Darussalam, Ethiopia, Lesotho, San Marino, Timor-Leste Licensing systems 104. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the efforts that the parties to the Montreal Protocol had made in the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances under Article 4B of the Protocol, Noting also with appreciation that several parties to the Protocol had established such licensing systems even though they were not parties to the Montreal Amendment to the Protocol at the time that they had established the systems and had therefore not been obliged to do so, Noting further with appreciation the information submitted by Brunei Darussalam and Lesotho on the establishment of their licensing systems in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol, as requested in decision XXII/19, and the information submitted by Timor-Leste indicating that it had in place a system for licensing the import of ozone-depleting substances, Noting that Ethiopia, San Marino and Timor-Leste were the only parties to the Montreal Amendment that had not yet reported that they had established licensing systems meeting the requirements of the Montreal Amendment, (a) To congratulate Brunei Darussalam and Lesotho on the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances in accordance with their obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol; (b) To urge Ethiopia, San Marino and Timor-Leste expeditiously to establish licensing systems in accordance with Article 4B of the Protocol and to report thereon to the Secretariat by 15 September 2011; (c) To encourage all remaining parties to the Protocol that had not yet ratified the Montreal Amendment and established systems for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances to ratify the amendment and to establish such systems; (d) To request the Secretariat to prepare for the Committee’s consideration at its forty-seventh meeting information on the extent to which each party’s licensing system covered the substances in the annexes and groups of the Protocol and to provide further ideas on how such disaggregation of information might be achieved in the future; (e) To review the status of licensing systems at its forty-seventh meeting. n/a
167 29 2011 46/11 Israel Data reporting obligation - exemption 97. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Israel had not submitted its report to account for exemptions granted for critical uses of methyl bromide for 2010, To request Israel to submit its report to account for exemptions granted for critical uses in 2010 of methyl bromide as soon as possible, and no later than 15 September 2011, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-seventh meeting, or, if it was unable to do so, to submit an explanation in that regard by that time. n/a
168 30 2011 46/10 Syrian Arab Republic Data reporting obligation - exemption 95. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that the Syrian Arab Republic had reported its data for 2010, Noting with concern, however, that the Syrian Arab Republic had not submitted its report to account for exemptions granted for essential uses of chlorofluorocarbons for 2010, Noting that the non-submission of its accounting report placed the Syrian Arab Republic in non-compliance with its reporting obligations under paragraph 9 of decision VIII/9, Noting with concern the lack of response from the Syrian Arab Republic to communications from the Secretariat reminding the party to submit is accounting report, Recognizing, however, the security situation and the political and social difficulties faced by the Syrian Arab Republic in recent months, To request the Syrian Arab Republic to submit its report to account for exemptions granted for essential uses in 2010 of chlorofluorocarbons as soon as possible, and no later than 15 September 2011, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-seventh meeting or, if was unable to do so, to submit an explanation in that regard by that time. n/a
169 31 2011 46/1 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Guatemala, Guinea Bissau, Maldives, Namibia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Uruguay, Vanuatu Compliance with plan of action and control measures The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate the following parties on their reported consumption of ozone-depleting substances for 2010, which showed that they were in compliance with their commitments contained in the decisions applicable to them:
Party Decision on compliance Substance Action plan target for 2010 (ODP-tonnes) Submitted Article 7 data for 2010
Bosnia and Herzegovina XXI/18 CFCs 0 0
Guatemala XV/34 CFCs 0 0
Guinea-Bissau XVI/24 CFCs 0 0
Maldives XV/37 CFCs 0 0
Namibia XV/38 CFCs 0 0
Nepal XVI/27 CFCs 0* 0
Pakistan XVI/29 Halons 0 0
Papua New Guinea XV/40 CFCs 0 0
Paraguay XIX/22 CFCs 0 0
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines XVI/30 CFCs 0 0
Somalia XXI/23 CFCs 0 0
XX/19 Halons 0 0
Uruguay XVII/39 Methyl bromide 6.0 5.9
Vanuatu XXII/18 CFCs 0 0
170 1 2010 45th Meeting para 55 Belarus, Eritrea, San Marino Procedural 55. The Committee agreed, in response to a proposal by one member, that, in order to limit the number of recommendations being made, the recommendations on the situation of Belarus, Eritrea and San Marino should be merged. The situation of San Marino was considered under agenda item 6. n/a
171 2 2010 45/8 Other parties not specified, Brunei Darussalam, Ethiopia, Lesotho, San Marino, Timor-Leste Licensing systems 89. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the tremendous efforts that the parties to the Montreal Protocol had made in the establishment and operation of licensing systems under Article 4B of the Protocol, Noting, however, that a few parties to the Montreal Amendment, namely, Brunei Darussalam, Ethiopia, Lesotho, San Marino and Timor-Leste, have not yet established import and export licensing systems for ozone-depleting substances, Noting also that Angola, Botswana and Vanuatu are the only parties to the Protocol that have neither ratified the Montreal Amendment nor established import and export licensing systems for ozone-depleting substances, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section F of annex I to the present report, which would, among other things, record the number of parties to the Montreal Amendment that had reported to the Secretariat the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances data in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol and request those parties to the Montreal Amendment yet to do so to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 31 May 2011, plans of action for ensuring the prompt establishment and operation of such licensing systems, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-sixth meeting. XXII/19
172 3 2010 45/7 Singapore Non-parties - trade with 86. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Singapore is a party to the Copenhagen and Montreal Amendments to the Montreal Protocol and is classified as a party operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, Noting also that Singapore exported to Myanmar, a State not party to the Copenhagen Amendment to the Protocol, 32 metric tonnes of methyl bromide in 2008 and that the export of that substance was in non-compliance with the Protocol, Noting further that Myanmar is classified as a party operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol and has not been determined by a meeting of the parties to be in full compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8 of Article 4 of the Protocol, Noting with appreciation the explanation provided by Singapore for its export of methyl bromide to Myanmar in 2008, 1. To monitor closely the party’s progress with regard to the implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; 2. To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section E of annex I to the present report XXII/13
173 4 2010 45/6 Kazakhstan Non-parties - trade with 80. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Kazakhstan is the only party not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol that has not ratified either the Copenhagen or the Beijing Amendment to the Protocol; Mindful that this situation will prevent Kazakhstan from trading in ozone-depleting substances, and particularly in hydrochlorofluorocarbons with parties to the Protocol; To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section D of annex I to the present report. XXII/17
174 5 2010 45/5 Republic of Korea Non-parties - trade with 79. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that the Republic of Korea is a party to the Copenhagen and Beijing Amendments to the Montreal Protocol and is classified as a party operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, Noting also that the Republic of Korea exported to Kazakhstan, a State not party to the Copenhagen Amendment to the Protocol, 37 metric tonnes of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2008 and 18.2 metric tonnes of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in 2009 and that the export of those substances was in non-compliance with the Protocol, Noting further that Kazakhstan is classified as a party not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol and has not been determined by a meeting of the parties to be in full compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8 of Article 4 of the Protocol, Noting with appreciation the explanation provided by the Republic of Korea for its export of hydrochlorofluorocarbons to Kazakhstan in 2008 and 2009, Noting also with appreciation the party’s undertaking not to carry out, in 2010 and subsequent years, any further exports of hydrochlorofluorocarbons to Kazakhstan and any party that has not ratified both the Copenhagen and Beijing Amendments, 1. To monitor closely the party’s progress with regard to the implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; 2. To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section C of annex I to the present report. XXII/16
175 6 2010 45/4 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 63. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section B of annex I to the present report, which would among other things record and note with appreciation the number of parties that had reported ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2009 and list the parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. XXII/14
176 7 2010 45/3 Eritrea, South Sudan, Yemen Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline, Compliance with control measures, Licensing systems 58. The Committee therefore agreed: To note with appreciation the compliance of the following parties with their obligations under the Montreal Protocol: (a) Belarus, for its explanation indicating that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for methyl bromide in 2008 as required under Article 2 of the Protocol; (b) Eritrea, for establishing and operating a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances as required under Article 4B of the Protocol; (c) San Marino,1 for submitting base-year data as required under Article 7 of the Protocol. n/a
177 8 2010 45/2 Saudi Arabia Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 51. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the additional information submitted by Saudi Arabia in which the party undertakes to maintain zero consumption of chlorofluorocarbons in 2010, To forward for consideration by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section A of annex I to the present report. XXII/15
178 9 2010 45/1 Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Ecuador, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Maldives, Nepal, Nigeria, Paraguay, Uruguay Compliance with plan of action and control measures 46. The Committee therefore agreed: To congratulate the following parties on their reported consumption of ozone-depleting substances, which showed that they were in compliance with their commitments contained in the corresponding decisions:
Party Decision containing the party's commitment Substance Action plan target (ODP-tonnes) Year of target Submitted Article 7 data Year of submitted data
Bangladesh Decision XXI/17 CFC's 140.0 2009 127.6 2009
Decision XVII/27 Methyl chloroform 0.550 2009 0.0 2009
Chile Decision XVII/20 Methyl chloroform 4.512 2009 0.0 2009
Ecuador Decision XX/16 Methyl bromide 52.8 2009 51.0 2009
Guinea-Bissau Decision XVI/24 CFC's 3.941 2009 3.9 2009
Kenya Decision XVIII/28 CFC's 0.0 2009 0.0 2009
Maldives Decision XV/37 CFC's 0.0 2009 0.0 2009
Nepal Decision XVI/27 CFC's 0.0* 2009 0.0 2009
Nigeria Decision XIV/30 CFC's 100.0 2009 15.1 2009
Paraguay Decision XIX/22 CFC's 31.6 2009 10.8 2009
Carbon tetrachloride 0.1 2009 0.0 2009
Uruguay Decision XVII/39 Methyl bromide 8.9 2009 8.4 2009
* Nepal also commited itself to releasing no more than 4.0 ODP-tonnes of seized Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFC's) on to its domestic market in 2009
179 10 2010 44/8 None specified Licensing systems The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the effort that the parties to the Montreal Protocol had made in the establishment and operation of licensing systems under Article 4B of the Protocol; (b) To note that several parties to the Montreal Protocol which were not yet parties to the Montreal Amendment had nevertheless established the licensing systems and to congratulate them on doing so; (c) To urge parties to the Montreal Amendment that had not yet established licensing systems to establish such systems expeditiously and encourage all remaining parties to the Protocol that had not yet ratified the Montreal Amendment to ratify it and to establish import and export licensing systems, if they had not yet done so; (d) To review the status of licensing systems at its forty-fifth meeting n/a
180 11 2010 44/7 Belarus Potential non-compliance - with control measures, Request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Belarus had reported consumption of 0.6 ODP-tonnes of methyl bromide in 2008, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to limit methyl bromide consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year, (a) To request Belarus to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and preferably no later than 1 September 2010, an explanation for its deviation and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To invite Belarus, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-fifth meeting to discuss the matter; (c) In the absence of an explanation for the excess consumption, to forward for consideration by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section C of annex I to the present report. n/a
181 12 2010 44/6 Vanuatu Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Vanuatu had reported consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (chlorofluorocarbons), for 2007 of 0.3 ODP-tonnes and for 2008 of 0.7 ODP-tonnes, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that the party limit its consumption of those substances in those years to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes, Noting with appreciation the party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for chlorofluorocarbons in 2010, To forward to the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties for its consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action, as contained in section B of annex I to the present report. XXII/18
182 13 2010 44/5 Turkmenistan Deferred consideration, Laboratory and analytical use exemption The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Turkmenistan’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s carbon tetrachloride control measures in accordance with decision XXI/25, Noting that decision XXI/6 extended the applicability of the global laboratory and analytical use exemption for carbon tetrachloride to parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 until 31 December 2014, Noting also, however, that decision XXI/6 allowed parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 to deviate from existing laboratory and analytical use bans in individual cases until 31 December 2010, Noting further that this issue would be revisited by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties, in November 2010, To review the compliance situation of Turkmenistan after 31 December 2010, consistent with any action taken by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties in November 2010 in respect of laboratory and analytical uses of exempted ozone-depleting substances. n/a
183 14 2010 44/4 Saudi Arabia Compliance - return to, Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Saudi Arabia had reported consumption of 657.8 ODP-tonnes of controlled substances listed in Annex A, group I (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2007, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that the party limit consumption of those substances in that year to no greater than 269.8 ODP-tonnes, Noting with appreciation that the party had submitted its ozone-depleting substance data for 2008 and 2009 and that the reported consumption was consistent with the Protocol’s control measures for chlorofluorocarbons in those years, Noting also with appreciation the party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for chlorofluorocarbons by 2009, To request the Secretariat to convey to Saudi Arabia the draft decision incorporating the plan of action as contained in section A of annex I to the present report in order to confirm the contents of that plan by 1 September 2010 so that the Committee might forward it to the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Parties for its consideration. XXII/15
184 15 2010 44/3 Eritrea Licensing systems, Request for information The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that Eritrea had previously confirmed that although it did not yet have a formal licensing system it was taking measures to control imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances, including through the application of existing legislation where appropriate, Noting that Eritrea has not yet implemented an ozone-depleting substance licensing system, To request Eritrea to submit to the Secretariat an updated status report on the establishment of a licensing system, as a matter of urgency and preferably no later than 1 September 2010, in time for consideration by the Committee at its forty-fifth meeting. n/a
185 16 2010 44/2 Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Ecuador, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Maldives, Nepal, Nigeria, Paraguay, Uruguay Article 7 data reporting obligation 63. The Committee therefore agreed: To urge the following parties to submit to the Ozone Secretariat their data for the year 2009 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2010, in order that the Committee might assess at its forty-fifth meeting the status of compliance of those parties with their commitments contained in corresponding decisions.
Party Substance Decision regarding the party's commitment to come into compliance Action plan target (ODP-tonnes) Year of required data to be submitted
Bangladesh CFCs Decision XXI/17 140 2009
Methyl chloroform Decision XVII/28 0.550 2009
Bosnia and Hetzegovina CFCs Decision XXI/18 0 2009
Chile Methyl chloroform Decision XVII/29 4.512 2009
Ecuador Methyl bromide Decision XVI/16 52.8 2009
Guinea-Bissau CFCs Decision XVI/24 3.941 2009
Kenya CFCs Decision XVIII/28 0 2009
Maldives CFCs Decision XV/37 0 2009
Nepal CFCs Decision XVI/27 0* 2009
Nigeria CFCs Decision XIV/30 100.0 2009
Paraguay CFCs Decision XIX/22 31.6 2009
Carbon tetrachloride Decision XIX/22 0.1 2009
Uruguay Methyl bromide Decision XVII/39 8.9 2009
* Nepal also committed itself to releasing no more than 4.0 ODP-tonnes of seized Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) on to its domestic market in 2009.
186 17 2010 44/1 Albania, Mexico, Namibia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 34. The Committee therefore agreed: To congratulate the following parties on their reported consumption of ozone-depleting substances, which showed that they were in compliance with their commitments contained in the corresponding decisions.
Party Substance Decision incorporating plan of action Action plan target (ODP-tonnes) Year of target Submitted Article 7 data Year of submitted data
Albania CFCs Decision XV/26 0 2009 0 2009
Mexico Carbon tetrachloride Decision XXI/20 0 2009 0 2009
Namibia CFCs Decision XV/38 1 2009 0 2009
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CFCs Decision XVI/30 0.1 2009 0 2009
Somalia Halons Decision XX/19 9.4 2009 0 2009
187 1 2009 43/9 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Compliance with plan of action and control measures 101. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate the Islamic Republic of Iran on its reported data for the consumption of carbon tetrachloride in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XIX/27 to reduce carbon tetrachloride consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that substance for that year. n/a
188 2 2009 43/8 Guinea Bissau Compliance with plan of action and control measures 97. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Guinea-Bissau on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVI/24 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 3.941 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
189 3 2009 43/7 Fiji Compliance with plan of action and control measures 93. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Fiji on its reported data for the consumption of methyl bromide in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/33 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 0.5 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligation under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that substance for that year. n/a
190 4 2009 43/6 Micronesia (Federated States of) Compliance - return to 89. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting the explanation reported to the Secretariat by the Federated States of Micronesia of its non-compliance in 2007, Noting further the Federated States of Micronesia’s return to compliance in 2008, (a) To monitor closely the progress of the Party with regard to its implementation of its obligations under the Protocol; (b) To forward to the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties for consideration the draft decision incorporating the plan of action contained in annex I (section F) to the present report. XXI/19
191 5 2009 43/5 Eritrea Licensing systems, Request for information 83. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that the information reported to the Secretariat in April 2008 by Eritrea on its efforts to establish and operate a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances in accordance with Article 4B of the Protocol had demonstrated progress towards compliance with the Protocol, Noting with appreciation the Party’s submission of further information during the current meeting on the status of its efforts to establish and operate a licensing system, Noting further that Eritrea had confirmed that although a formal licensing system did not yet exist the Party was taking measures to control imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances, including through the application of its existing legislation where appropriate, (a) To urge Eritrea to strengthen its existing measures to control trade, including illegal trade, in ozone-depleting substances; (b) To request the Party to submit an updated status report to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and preferably no later than 31 March 2010, in time for consideration by the Committee at its next meeting. n/a
192 6 2009 43/4 Democratic Republic of the Congo Compliance with plan of action and control measures 72. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate the Democratic Republic of the Congo on its reported data for the consumption of carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform in 2008, which showed that the Party was in compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVIII/21 to reduce carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
193 7 2009 43/3 Botswana Licensing systems 68. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that the information reported to the Secretariat in April 2009 by Botswana on its progress towards establishing and operating a licensing system had demonstrated progress towards compliance with the Protocol, Noting with appreciation the Party’s submission of information, in accordance with recommendation 42/8, on the status of its commitment contained in decision XV/31 to establish a system for licensing imports and exports of methyl bromide, including quotas, To take note of the confirmation by Botswana that it had introduced such a system in 1998. n/a
194 8 2009 43/25 None specified Licensing systems 182. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the tremendous efforts that the Parties to the Montreal Protocol had made in the establishment and operation of licensing systems under Article 4B of the Protocol; (b) To note that several Parties to the Montreal Protocol which were not yet Parties to the Montreal Amendment had nevertheless established licensing systems and to congratulate them on doing so; (c) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section J) to the present report, which would, among other things, record the number of Parties to the Montreal Amendment that had reported to the Secretariat the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances data in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol and request those Parties to the Montreal Amendment yet to do so to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 1 March 2010, plans of action for ensuring the prompt establishment and operation of such licensing systems, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-fourth meeting XXI/12
195 9 2009 43/24 Solomon Islands Compliance - return to, Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 179. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling its recommendation 42/27, in which the Committee took note of the explanation by Solomon Islands for its non-compliance with its CFC consumption obligations for 2006 and its subsequent return to compliance in 2007, To forward to the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties for consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action as contained in annex I (section D) to the present report. XXI/22
196 10 2009 43/23 Turkmenistan Non-compliance with control measures, Request for plan of action 176. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Turkmenistan’s explanation for its reported consumption of 0.3 ODP-tonnes of carbon tetrachloride in 2008, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that it limit consumption of those substances in that year to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes, (a) To request Turkmenistan to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 31 March 2010, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To invite Turkmenistan, if necessary, to send a representative to the forty-fourth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (c) In the absence of the submission of a plan of action, to forward for consideration by the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section H) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (a) above. XXI/25
197 11 2009 43/22 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 173. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section A) to the present report, which would among other things record and note with appreciation the number of Parties that had reported ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2008 and list the Parties that were in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol. XXI/14
198 12 2009 43/21 Vanuatu Non-compliance with control measures, Request for baseline change, Request for information 170. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Vanuatu had submitted, in response to recommendation 43/32, revised data on its consumption of CFCs, halons and methyl bromide in 2006 and 2007 and data on its consumption in 2008, Noting that the revised data for halons and methyl bromide confirmed the consumption of those substances to be zero and that Vanuatu was therefore in compliance with the control measures for those substances under the Montreal Protocol for 2006–2008, Noting with concern, however, that the data for 2007 and 2008 showed consumption of 0.3 ODP-tonnes and 0.7 ODP-tonnes of CFCs, respectively, amounts inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of CFCs to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in those years, Noting further that Vanuatu had submitted a request for a revision of its baseline data for CFCs, (a) To request Vanuatu to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 31 March 2010, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To request Vanuatu, should it wish to pursue its request for a revision of its baseline data, to submit to the Secretariat information in accordance with the methodology outlined in decision XV/19; (c) To invite, if necessary, Vanuatu to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-fourth meeting to discuss the above matters; (d) To forward for consideration by the Twenty-First meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section I) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (a) above. XXI/26
199 13 2009 43/20 Somalia Licensing systems 163. The Committee therefore agreed to take note of the confirmation by Somalia that it had introduced a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, including import quotas, which had taken effect in October 2009. The Committee further agreed to adjust the draft decision that it had agreed on at its forty-second meeting accordingly and to forward to the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision contained in annex I (section E) to the present report. XXI/23
200 14 2009 43/2 Belize Compliance with plan of action and control measures 59. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Belize on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs in 2008, which showed that the Party was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XIV/33 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
201 15 2009 43/19 Saudi Arabia Non-compliance with control measures, Request for plan of action 152. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Saudi Arabia’s explanation for its reported consumption of 657.8 ODP-tonnes of CFCs in 2007, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of those substances in that year to no greater than 269.8 ODP-tonnes, Noting with concern, however, that Saudi Arabia had not by the time of the current meeting reported its ozone-depleting substance data for 2008, (a) To request Saudi Arabia to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 31 March 2010, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To invite Saudi Arabia, if necessary, to send a representative to the Committee’s forty-fourth meeting to discuss the matter; (c) In the absence of the submission of a plan of action, to forward for consideration by the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section G) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (a) above; (d) To urge Saudi Arabia to submit its ozone-depleting substance data for 2008 to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency; (e) To include Saudi Arabia in the draft decision contained in annex I (section A) to the present report, which includes a list of Parties that had not by the time of the current meeting submitted their ozone-depleting substance data for 2008 in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol. XXI/21
202 16 2009 43/18 Paraguay Compliance with plan of action and control measures 146. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Paraguay on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs and carbon tetrachloride in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitments contained in decision XIX/22 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 31.6 ODP-tonnes and its consumption of carbon tetrachloride to no greater than 0.1 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
203 17 2009 43/17 Nigeria Compliance with plan of action and control measures 142. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Nigeria on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XIV/30 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 300.0 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
204 18 2009 43/16 Nepal Compliance with plan of action and control measures 138. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Nepal on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year and its commitment, contained in decision XVI/27, to release no more than 4.05 ODP-tonnes of seized CFCs on to its domestic market in that year. n/a
205 19 2009 43/15 Mexico Non-compliance with plan of action, Plan of action 134. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Mexico’s explanation for its reported consumption of 88.0 ODP-tonnes of carbon tetrachloride in 2008, an amount inconsistent with its commitment contained in decision XVIII/30 to reduce carbon tetrachloride consumption to no greater than 9.376 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting also with appreciation the Party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for that ozone-depleting substance in 2009, To forward to the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties for its consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action, as contained in annex I (section C) to the present report. XXI/20
206 20 2009 43/14 Maldives Compliance with plan of action and control measures 121. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Maldives on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XV/37 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
207 21 2009 43/13 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Compliance with plan of action and control measures 117. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on its reported data for the consumption of halons in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37 to reduce halon consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
208 22 2009 43/12 Lesotho Compliance with plan of action and control measures 113. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Lesotho on its reported data for the consumption of halons in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVI/25 to reduce consumption of halons to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
209 23 2009 43/11 Kyrgyzstan Compliance with plan of action and control measures 109. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Kyrgyzstan on its reported data for the consumption of halons in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/36 to reduce halon consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
210 24 2009 43/10 Kenya Compliance with plan of action and control measures 105. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Kenya on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs in 2008, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVIII/28 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 10.0 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
211 25 2009 43/1 Bangladesh Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action, Self-reporting by party 55. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Bangladesh had in 2006, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the non-compliance procedure, notified the Implementation Committee of its potential future non-compliance with its consumption obligations under the Montreal Protocol in respect of CFCs, Noting also that Bangladesh has submitted its ozone-depleting substance data for 2007 and 2008 in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, Noting with appreciation that the reported consumption of 0.5 ODP-tonnes of methyl chloroform for 2007 and 2008 was in accordance with the Party’s commitment contained in decision XVII/27 to reduce consumption of that controlled substance to no greater than 0.55 ODP-tonnes for those years, Noting, however, that the Party’s consumption of 154.9 ODP-tonnes of CFCs in 2007 and of 158.3 ODP-tonnes in 2008 was inconsistent with its obligation under the Protocol to reduce its consumption of those substances in those years to no greater than 87.2 ODP-tonnes and that the Party was therefore in non-compliance with its obligations under the Protocol, Noting with appreciation the Party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for CFCs in 2010, To forward to the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties for consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action contained in annex I (section B) to the present report. XXI/17
212 26 2009 42/9 Democratic Republic of the Congo Deferred consideration of compliance with plan of action 80. The Committee therefore agreed to acknowledge with appreciation the recent receipt of data for 2008 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and agreed to consider it at its forty-third meeting to determine the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVIII/21. n/a
213 27 2009 42/8 Botswana Licensing systems 76. The Committee therefore agreed to request Botswana to complete the process of establishing and operating a licensing system and to notify the Secretariat as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, that it had done so in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol. n/a
214 28 2009 42/7 Bosnia and Herzegovina Non-compliance with plan of action, Plan of action 70. The Committee noted that Bosnia and Herzegovina’s reported CFC consumption of 22.1 ODP-tonnes for 2007 and 8.8 ODP-tonnes for 2008 was in excess of its commitments contained in decision XV/30 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 3.0 ODP-tonnes for 2007 and zero ODP-tonnes for 2008 and that the Party’s reported CFC consumption for 2007 and 2008 was in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of those substances to no greater than 3.6 ODP-tonnes in 2007 and 2008. It also noted with appreciation, however, that Bosnia and Herzegovina had submitted, in accordance with recommendation 41/4, an explanation for its deviation from its commitment contained in decision XV/30 and a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for CFCs in 2009. 71. The Committee therefore agreed to forward to the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties for consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action as contained in annex I (section A) to the present report. XXI/18
215 29 2009 42/6 Belize Deferred consideration of compliance with plan of action 55. The Committee therefore agreed to acknowledge with appreciation the recent receipt of data for 2008 from Belize and agreed to consider it at its forty-third meeting to determine the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XIV/33. n/a
216 30 2009 42/5 Bangladesh Request for information, Request for plan of action 51. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To urge Bangladesh to submit to the Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments to phase out methyl chloroform as contained in decision XVII/27; (b) To request Bangladesh to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 September 2009, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance with the CFC control measures; (c) To urge Bangladesh to report to the Implementation Committee through the Secretariat, pursuant to recommendation 40/6, updates on the implementation of its metered-dose inhaler transition strategy so that the Committee could review the implementation of the Party’s transition strategy for the phase-out of CFC-based metered-dose inhalers; (d) To request Bangladesh to continue working expeditiously with the relevant implementing agencies to implement its projects approved by the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund to phase out consumption of CFCs in the manufacturing of metered-dose inhalers and in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector; (e) To request Bangladesh, when reporting its CFC data, to provide separate consumption figures for its use of ozone-depleting substances in, first, manufacturing metered-dose inhalers; and, second, the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector; (f) To invite Bangladesh, if necessary, to send a representative to the forty-third meeting of the Implementation Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
217 31 2009 42/4 Armenia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 34. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Armenia on its reported data for the consumption of methyl bromide in 2008, which showed that the Party was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVIII/20 to reduce its consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year, and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that substance for that year. n/a
218 32 2009 42/34 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation - quarantine and pre-shipment 201. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note that quarantine and pre-shipment applications of methyl bromide were currently not controlled under the Montreal Protocol; (b) To note also that some Parties might not be reporting data fully on those applications; (c) To note further the difficulty of assessing non-compliance with the reporting obligations for quarantine and pre-shipment applications of methyl bromide due to the current procedure of processing data reported under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol; (d) To urge Parties that had not reported data on quarantine and pre-shipment applications for previous years to do so expeditiously, and to urge all Parties to report such data annually, as required under paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol; (e) To forward to the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties for consideration the draft decision set out in annex I (section C) to the present report. XXI/10
219 33 2009 42/33 Iraq Deferred consideration, New party 196. The Committee recalled the request of the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties, in decision XX/15, to all Parties to assist Iraq, as a new Party, in controlling the export of ozone-depleting substances and ozone-depleting substance-based technologies into Iraq; the request to the Executive Committee, in that same decision, when considering project proposals for Iraq to phase out ozone-depleting substances, to take into account the special situation of that new Party, and to be flexible in considering the proposals; and the request to the implementing agencies, also in that decision, to provide appropriate assistance to Iraq in developing its country programme and national phase-out plans. 197. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that the Executive Committee had approved the country programme and national phase-out plan and that their implementation was currently being undertaken by UNEP and UNIDO; (b) To monitor and keep the situation of Iraq under continuous review, and to report on its compliance situation to the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties, as requested under paragraph 4 of decision XX/15. n/a
220 34 2009 42/32 Vanuatu Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 191. The Committee therefore agreed to request Vanuatu to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, an explanation for its deviations from its obligations under the Montreal Protocol control measures, together with, if appropriate, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance. XXI/26
221 35 2009 42/31 Saudi Arabia Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 187. The Committee therefore agreed to request Saudi Arabia to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, an explanation for its deviations from its obligations under the Montreal Protocol control measures, together with, if appropriate, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance. XXI/21
222 36 2009 42/30 Micronesia (Federated States of) Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action 185. The Committee therefore agreed to request the Federated States of Micronesia to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, an explanation for its deviations from its obligations under the Montreal Protocol control measures, together with, if appropriate, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance. XXI/19
223 37 2009 42/3 Albania Compliance with plan of action and control measures 30. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Albania on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs in 2008, which showed that the Party was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/26 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 2.2 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
224 38 2009 42/29 Barbados, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Haiti, Tonga Licensing systems 182. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Barbados, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti and Tonga had complied with their obligations under Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol to establish and operate licensing systems; (b) To note the progress reported by Eritrea toward establishing and operating a licensing system; (c) To request Eritrea to complete the process of establishing and operating a licensing system and to notify the Secretariat as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, when its licensing system would become operational in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol. n/a
225 39 2009 42/28 Somalia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 171. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the progress made by Somalia in implementing the Montreal Protocol and the assistance provided by UNEP to the Party for capacity-building; (b) To congratulate Somalia on its reported data for the consumption of halons in 2008, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XX/19 to reduce halon consumption to no greater than 9.4 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations for CFCs and halons under the Montreal Protocol for that year; (c) To note with appreciation Somalia’s submission, as requested in decision XX/19, of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s CFC control measures; (d) To forward to the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision contained in annex I (section B) to the present report, incorporating the Party’s plan of action, amended as necessary in the light of any clarifications provided by Somalia at the forty-third meeting of the Committee. XXI/23
226 40 2009 42/27 Solomon Islands Compliance with control measures 154. The Committee therefore agreed to take note of the explanation provided by Solomon Islands on the cause of its non-compliance for the year 2006 and to congratulate the Party on its reported data for the consumption of CFCs in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. XXI/22
227 41 2009 42/26 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Compliance with plan of action and control measures 149. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on its reported data for 2008, which showed that the Party was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVI/30 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 0.22 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
228 42 2009 42/25 Paraguay Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 145. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Paraguay to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XIX/22. n/a
229 43 2009 42/24 Nigeria Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 141. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Nigeria to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XIV/30. n/a
230 44 2009 42/23 Nepal Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 137. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Nepal to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVI/27. n/a
231 45 2009 42/22 Namibia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 133. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Namibia on its reported data for 2008 that showed that the Party was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/38 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 2.0 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for those substances for that year. n/a
232 46 2009 42/21 Mexico Request for information, Request for plan of action 129. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To request Mexico to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, an explanation for its deviation from its commitment contained in decision XVIII/30 and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To invite Mexico, if necessary, to send a representative to the forty-third meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
233 47 2009 42/20 Maldives Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 123. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Maldives to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XV/37. n/a
234 48 2009 42/2 None specified Data on exports 26. The Committee therefore agreed to urge exporting Parties to respond to requests for additional information on their exports, including quantities of the ozone-depleting substances exported, and, where appropriate, details on the exporting companies and the corresponding importing companies, when such requests for information were received from importing Parties. n/a
235 49 2009 42/19 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 119. The Committee therefore agreed to urge the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVII/37. n/a
236 50 2009 42/18 Lesotho Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 115. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Lesotho to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVI/25. n/a
237 51 2009 42/17 Kyrgyzstan Deferred consideration 111. The Committee therefore agreed to acknowledge with appreciation the recent receipt of data for 2008 from Kyrgyzstan and agreed to consider it at its forty-third meeting to determine the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVII/36. n/a
238 52 2009 42/16 Kenya Deferred consideration 107. The Committee therefore agreed to acknowledge with appreciation the recent receipt of data for 2008 from Kenya and agreed to consider it at its forty-third meeting to determine the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVIII/28. n/a
239 53 2009 42/15 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 103. The Committee therefore agreed to urge the Islamic Republic of Iran to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XIX/27. n/a
240 54 2009 42/14 Honduras Compliance with plan of action and control measures 99. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Honduras on its reported data for 2008, which showed that the Party was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/34 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 207.5424 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
241 55 2009 42/13 Guinea Bissau Deferred consideration 95. The Committee therefore agreed to acknowledge with appreciation the recent receipt of data for 2008 from Guinea-Bissau and agreed to consider it at its forty-third meeting to determine the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVI/24. n/a
242 56 2009 42/12 Guatemala Compliance with plan of action and control measures 91. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Guatemala on its reported data for the consumption of methyl bromide in 2008, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVIII/26 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 320.56 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
243 57 2009 42/11 Fiji Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 87. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Fiji to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for 2008 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, and preferably no later than 1 September 2009, in order that, at its forty-third meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XVII/33. n/a
244 58 2009 42/10 Ecuador Compliance with plan of action and control measures 83. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Ecuador on its reported data for the consumption of methyl bromide in 2008, which showed that the Party was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XX/16 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 52.8 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
245 59 2009 42/1 Solomon Islands, Tonga Article 7 data reporting obligation 24. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation Solomon Islands’ and Tonga’s submission of all outstanding data in accordance with their data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XX/12, which indicated that they were in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2007. XXI/22
246 1 2008 41/9 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Compliance with plan of action and control measures 104. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate the Islamic Republic of Iran on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex B, group II, substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XIX/27 to reduce carbon tetrachloride consumption to no greater than 11.6 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
247 2 2008 41/8 Honduras Compliance with plan of action and control measures 100. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Honduras on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex E substance (methyl bromide) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/34 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 255.0 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
248 3 2008 41/7 Fiji Compliance with plan of action and control measures 96. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Fiji on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex E substance (methyl bromide) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/33 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 1.0 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
249 4 2008 41/6 Ethiopia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 92. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Ethiopia on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, substances (CFCs) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XIV/34 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 5.0 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
250 5 2008 41/5 Botswana Licensing systems 88. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting the progress reported by Botswana toward establishing and operating a licensing system, Noting with appreciation that Botswana had complied with the obligation under the Montreal Protocol to reduce consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) to no greater than 80 per cent of its annual calculated level of consumption of methyl bromide in 2007, To request Botswana to complete the process of establishing and operating a licensing system and notify the Secretariat that it had done so no later than 31 March 2009 in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol. n/a
251 6 2008 41/4 Bosnia and Herzegovina Non-compliance with plan of action, Request for information 82. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Bosnia and Herzegovina had submitted its ozone-depleting substance data for 2007, reporting consumption of 22.1 ODP-tonnes of Annex A, group I, substances (CFCs), which represented a reduction in consumption from the previous year, Noting with concern, however, that the Party’s consumption of CFCs was inconsistent with its commitment contained in decision XV/30 to limit consumption of that substance in that year to no greater than 3.0 ODP-tonnes and did not demonstrate progress toward compliance with the Protocol’s control measures, (a) To congratulate Bosnia and Herzegovina on its reported data for the consumption of the controlled substances in Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform), and Annex E (methyl bromide) in 2006, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVIII/28 to reduce methyl chloroform consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year, and its commitment contained in decision XV/30 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in 2007; (b) To request Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 31 March 2009, an explanation for its deviation from its commitment contained in decision XV/30; (c) To invite Bosnia and Herzegovina, if necessary, to send a representative to the forty-second meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
252 7 2008 41/3 Bangladesh Deferred consideration, Metered-dose inhalers, Non-compliance with control measures 74. The Committee therefore agreed to forward the draft decision contained in annex I (section C) to the present report for the consideration of the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties. n/a
253 8 2008 41/24 None specified Article 9 reporting 200. The Committee therefore agreed to forward the draft decision contained in annex I (section D) to the present report for the consideration of the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties. XX/13
254 9 2008 41/23 None specified Licensing systems 192. The Committee therefore agreed to amend as necessary and resubmit to the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in section D of annex I to the report of its fortieth meeting. XX/13
255 10 2008 41/22 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 189. Recalling the data report contained in documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/ImpCom/41/2 and Add.1, the Committee agreed to include in the draft decision contained in section E of Chapter II to document UNEP/OzL.Pro.20/3 those Parties that will not have submitted their ozone-depleting substances data for 2007 in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol prior to the adoption of that draft decision by the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties. n/a
256 11 2008 41/21 United Arab Emirates Compliance with control measures 187. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that the United Arab Emirates had submitted to the Ozone Secretariat the information requested in recommendations 40/2 and 40/38, which showed that the Party had consumed zero ODP-tonnes of carbon tetrachloride in the years 2005 and 2006. n/a
257 12 2008 41/20 Somalia Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action, Request for further plan of action 183. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation Somalia’s submission, in accordance with recommendations 39/32 and 40/35, of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s halon control measures and a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances; (b) Also to note with appreciation Somalia’s explanation for its reported consumption of 79.5 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substances in Annex A (CFCs) in 2007, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption to a level no greater than 15 percent of the Party’s CFC consumption baseline in that year, namely, 36.2 ODP-tonnes; (c) To forward to the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision contained in annex I (section B) to the present report, incorporating the Party’s plan of action for halons, amended as necessary in the light of clarifications provided by Somalia at the forty-first meeting of the Committee, together with a request for a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance with its phase-out obligations for CFCs, for the consideration of the Committee at its forty-second meeting. XX/19
258 13 2008 41/2 Albania Compliance with plan of action and control measures 36. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Albania on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, Group I, substances (CFCs) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/26 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 6.2 ODP-tonnes in that year and its obligations under the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year. n/a
259 14 2008 41/19 Solomon Islands Non-compliance with control measures 155. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that the Solomon Islands had not, by the time of the current meeting, responded to the request recorded in recommendation 40/1 of the fortieth meeting of the Implementation Committee that it resolve its outstanding consumption deviations in respect of the Annex A, group I, substances (CFCs), To forward the draft decision contained in annex I (section A) to the present report for the consideration of the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties. XX/18
260 15 2008 41/18 Barbados, Cook Islands, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Haiti, Nauru, Somalia, Tonga Licensing systems 147. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Cook Islands and Nauru had complied with the obligation under Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol to establish and operate licensing systems, Noting with great concern that Equatorial Guinea and Tonga had not by the time of the current meeting reported on the status of their commitments to submit a plan of action to ensure the prompt establishment and operation of an import and export licensing system for ozone depleting substances in accordance with recommendation 40/40, Noting also the progress reported by Barbados, Eritrea and Haiti toward establishing and operating licensing systems, (a) To urge each of Equatorial Guinea and Tonga to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of priority and no later than 31 March 2009 a plan of action to ensure the prompt establishment and operation of an import and export licensing system for ozone-depleting substances, in time for consideration by the Committee at its forty-second meeting; (b) To request each of Barbados, Eritrea and Haiti to complete the process of establishing and operating a licensing system and to notify the Secretariat immediately after its licensing system becomes operational in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol. n/a
261 16 2008 41/17 Uganda Compliance with plan of action and control measures 136. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Uganda on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2007, which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XV/43 to reduce its methyl bromide consumption to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
262 17 2008 41/16 Paraguay Compliance with plan of action and control measures 132. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Paraguay on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, substances (CFCs) and the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XIX/22 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 31.6 ODP-tonnes and consumption of carbon tetrachloride to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
263 18 2008 41/15 Nigeria Compliance with plan of action and control measures 128. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Nigeria on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, substances (CFCs) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XIV/30 to reduce its CFC consumption to no greater than 510.0 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
264 19 2008 41/14 Maldives Compliance with plan of action and control measures 124. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Maldives on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, Group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/37 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 0.69 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
265 20 2008 41/13 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Compliance with plan of action and control measures 120. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, substances (CFCs), the Annex A, group II, controlled substance (halons) and the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/36 to reduce consumption of CFCs to no greater than 107.0 ODP-tonnes, consumption of halons to no greater than 653.910 ODP-tonnes and its commitment contained in decision XVII/37to reduce consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than 75.0 ODP tonnes in that year. n/a
266 21 2008 41/12 Lesotho Compliance with plan of action and control measures 116. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Lesotho on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVI/25 to reduce consumption of halons to no greater than 0.1 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
267 22 2008 41/11 Kyrgyzstan Compliance with plan of action and control measures 112. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Kyrgyzstan on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group II, substances (halons) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/36 to reduce halon consumption to no greater than 0.60 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
268 23 2008 41/10 Kenya Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 108. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Kenya on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, substances (CFCs) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVIII/28 to reduce its CFC consumption to no greater than 30.0 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
269 24 2008 41/1 Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu Article 7 data reporting obligation 32. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates and Vanuatu, in accordance with decision XIX/25 and recommendation 40/2, had reported their ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2006 in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol. n/a
270 25 2008 40/9 Bosnia and Herzegovina Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 88. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decisions XV/30 and XVII/28. n/a
271 26 2008 40/8 Bolivia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 84. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Bolivia on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XV/29 to reduce its chlorofluorocarbon consumption to no greater than 11.35 ODP tonnes and its obligations under the chlorofluorocarbon control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year. n/a
272 27 2008 40/7 Belize Compliance with plan of action and control measures 80. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Belize on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XIV/33 to reduce its chlorofluorocarbon consumption to no greater than 3.7 ODP tonnes and its obligations under the chlorofluorocarbon control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year. n/a
273 28 2008 40/6 Bangladesh Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Metered-dose inhalers 76. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Bangladesh pursuant to recommendation 39/4 of the Implementation Committee, (a) To urge Bangladesh to continue working with the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Environment Programme to expedite the implementation of the projects to phase out chlorofluorocarbons in the manufacture of metered-dose inhalers, including, as an immediate first step, and as a matter of urgency, the signing of the project document agreements with the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Environment Programme; (b) To keep under review the implementation of the Party’s transition strategy for the phaseout of chlorofluorocarbon metered-dose inhalers and, to this end, to request Bangladesh to report to the Implementation Committee through the Ozone Secretariat, at each meeting of the Committee from the forty-first meeting, updates on its implementation of the metered-dose inhaler transition strategy; (c) To consider further this issue after the twenty-eighth meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group had considered the difficulties faced by Article 5 Parties with regard to the implementation of metered-dose inhaler transition strategies; (d) To remind Bangladesh to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its methyl chloroform consumption commitment contained in decision XVII/27. n/a
274 29 2008 40/5 Azerbaijan Request to complete funding formalities 60. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with appreciation Azerbaijan’s updated information on the implementation of the additional institutional strengthening project approved by the Global Environment Facility for implementation by the United Nations Environment Programme, To request Azerbaijan, in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme and the Global Environment Facility, to complete the formalities for signing the pending agreement so that the full implementation of the project could get under way. n/a
275 30 2008 40/41 Secretariat Review of prior decisions or recommendations 265. The Committee therefore agreed to request the Ozone Secretariat to prepare for discussion at its forty-first meeting a comprehensive list of all decisions of Meetings of the Parties which required, urged, requested, invited or, in some other form, engaged Parties to carry out continuing or recurring actions or activities, to enable it to discuss which should be monitored or reviewed on a regular basis. n/a
276 31 2008 40/40 Equatorial Guinea Licensing systems 256. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the tremendous efforts that the Parties to the Montreal Protocol have made in establishment and operation of licensing systems under Article 4B of the Protocol; (b) To note that several Parties to the Montreal Protocol which are not yet Parties to the Montreal Amendment have nevertheless established licensing systems and to congratulate them on doing so; (c) To request Equatorial Guinea to report to the Secretariat, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, on the status of the establishment and operation of its licensing system for ozone-depleting substances in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol; (d) To forward for consideration by the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section D) to the present report, which would among other things record the number of Parties to the Montreal Amendment that had reported to the Secretariat the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances data in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol and request those Parties to the Montreal Amendment yet to do so to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency and no later than 1 March 2009 plans of action to ensure the prompt establishment and operation of such licensing systems, for consideration by the Committee at its forty-second meeting. XX/14
277 32 2008 40/4 Armenia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 54. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Armenia had reported data for the consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2007 which showed that it was in compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVIII/20 to maintain methyl bromide consumption at no greater than 0.0 ODP tonnes and in advance of its obligations under the methyl bromide control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year. n/a
278 33 2008 40/39 Cook Islands, Haiti, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, Tonga, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan Licensing systems 252. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Kiribati, Niue, Sao Tome and Principe, United Republic of Tanzania and Uzbekistan on the establishment of their licensing systems in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol, as requested in decision XIX/26, Noting also with appreciation the information submitted by Barbados and Eritrea on the steps they are taking to establish licensing systems, Noting with concern that Cook Islands, Haiti, Nauru, Somalia and Tonga have not responded to the request made in decision XIX/26 to report on the establishment and operation of a system for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances, in accordance with their obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol, (a) To congratulate Kiribati, Niue, Sao Tome and Principe, United Republic of Tanzania and Uzbekistan on the establishment and operation of a system for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances, in accordance with their obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol, (b) To request Barbados and Eritrea to complete the establishment and commence the operation of systems for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances in accordance with their obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol, no later than 1 September 2008, and to notify the Secretariat immediately thereafter, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Parties’ compliance with the Protocol, (c) To request Cook Islands, Haiti, Nauru, Somalia and Tonga to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency and no later than 1 September 2008, the plans of action called for in decision XIX/26 to ensure the prompt establishment and operation of import and export licensing systems for ozone-depleting substances, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Parties’ compliance with the Protocol; n/a
279 34 2008 40/38 United Arab Emirates Baseline - clarification, Consumption deviation 245. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that the United Arab Emirates had submitted to the Ozone Secretariat the information requested in recommendations 38/47 and 39/36 of the Implementation Committee, thereby clarifying the baseline consumption of carbon tetrachloride as zero for the years 1998, 1999 and 2000; (b) To take note of the apparent consumption deviation suggested by the carbon tetrachloride data submitted by the United Arab Emirates for 2005 and the lack of reporting of the carbon tetrachloride data for the year 2006, both issues which were still under review by the Secretariat and the Party; (c) That, should the current review not resolve the outstanding consumption deviation by the time of the next meeting of the Implementation Committee, the draft decision contained in section C of annex I to the present report could be considered by the Committee in respect of the Party. n/a
280 35 2008 40/37 Ukraine Baseline change - request for information 236. The Committee therefore agreed, Recalling that Ukraine had been requested in recommendation 38/46 of the Implementation Committee to submit to the Secretariat the outstanding information required by decision XV/19 in order that the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting might complete its review of the Party’s request to revise its methyl bromide baseline consumption data, Noting with concern that Ukraine had not responded to the requests recorded in recommendation 38/46 and 39/35 of the Implementation Committee that it should submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible the outstanding information required by decision XV/19 in order that the Committee at its fortieth meeting might complete its review of the Party’s request to revise its methyl bromide consumption baseline data, To inform Ukraine that its request for change of methyl bromide baseline data could not be considered further without additional information requested in recommendation 38/46. n/a
281 36 2008 40/36 Uganda Article 7 data reporting obligation 227. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Uganda to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s methyl bromide consumption control measures. n/a
282 37 2008 40/35 Somalia ExCom - request to, Implementation challenges, Request for information 223. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with concern that Somalia has not submitted a report on its efforts, in cooperation with relevant implementing agencies, to develop a plan of action for returning to compliance with Protocol’s halon control measures, as well as a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, Noting, however, the serious challenges faced by Somalia in implementing its obligations under the Montreal Protocol, (a) To urge Somalia to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 1 September 2008, a report on its efforts, in cooperation with relevant implementing agencies, to develop a plan of action for returning to compliance with Protocol’s halon control measures, as well as a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, (b) Further to urge Somalia to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 1 September 2008, its ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2007 in accordance with its data-reporting obligations contained in Article 7 of the Protocol, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’ compliance with the Protocol; (c) To request the Executive Committee to consider requesting the implementing agencies currently working with Somalia to prepare a contingency action plan to provide expedited assistance to the Party with relation to the non-compliance issues, when conditions favourable to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in the country permit. This request is made without prejudice to the decisions that might be taken by the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund on this matter. XX/19
283 38 2008 40/34 Saudi Arabia Request for baseline change - approved 214. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Saudi Arabia in support of its request to revise its baseline consumption data for the period 1995–1998 for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide), and in accordance with decision XIX/23, Noting that decision XV/19 sets out the methodology that is to be used to review requests to revise baseline data, Noting further with appreciation the extensive efforts made by Saudi Arabia to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular its efforts to verify the accuracy of its proposed new baseline data through the national survey of methyl bromide use in Saudi Arabia carried out with the assistance of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme and funding from the Multilateral Fund, To forward for consideration by the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section B) to the present report, which would approve the request of Saudi Arabia to revise its baseline consumption data for the period 1995–1998 for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) from 0.7 to 204.1 ODP tonnes based on the average calculated level of consumption for the following four-year period: 1995 – 162.0 ODP tonnes, 1996 – 223.0 ODP tonnes, 1997 – 210.0 ODP–tonnes and 1998 – 222.0 ODP tonnes. XX/17
284 39 2008 40/33 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Compliance with plan of action and control measures 198. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on reporting data for 2007 that showed that the Party was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XVI/30 and its obligations under the Protocol’s chlorofluorocarbon control measures in that year. n/a
285 40 2008 40/32 Paraguay Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 194. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Paraguay to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its chlorofluorocarbon and carbon tetrachloride consumption reduction commitments contained in decision XIX/22. n/a
286 41 2008 40/31 Papua New Guinea Compliance with plan of action and control measures 190. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Papua New Guinea had reported consumption of 4.5 ODP tonnes of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2007, consistent with the consumption reduction commitments contained in decision XV/40. n/a
287 42 2008 40/30 Nigeria Article 7 data reporting obligation 186. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Nigeria to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s chlorofluorocarbon consumption control measures. n/a
288 43 2008 40/3 Albania Article 7 data reporting obligation 50. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Albania to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s chlorofluorocarbon consumption control measures. n/a
289 44 2008 40/29 Nepal Compliance with plan of action and control measures 182. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Nepal had reported data for 2007 that showed that the Party was adhering to its commitment contained in decision XVI/27 to release no greater than 4.05 ODP tonnes of chlorofluorocarbons into its local market in that year. n/a
290 45 2008 40/28 Namibia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 178. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Namibia on reporting zero consumption for 2007 , which showed that the Party was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XV/38 to reduce chlorofluorocarbon consumption to no greater than 3.2 ODP tonnes and its obligations under the chlorofluorocarbon control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year. n/a
291 46 2008 40/27 Maldives Article 7 data reporting obligation 174. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Maldives to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s chlorofluorocarbon consumption control measures. n/a
292 47 2008 40/26 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Compliance with plan of action and control measures 170. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on reporting data for 2006 that showed that the Party was in advance of both its commitment contained in decisions XV/36 and XVII/37 and its obligations under the chlorofluorocarbons, halon and methyl bromide control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year; (b) To remind the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments to reduce consumption of chlorofluorocarbons to no greater than 316.533 ODP tonnes and consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than 75.0 ODP tonnes in 2007 as contained in decisions XV/36 and XVII/37. n/a
293 48 2008 40/25 Lesotho Article 7 data reporting obligation 166. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Lesotho to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s halon consumption control measures. n/a
294 49 2008 40/24 Kyrgyzstan Article 7 data reporting obligation 162. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Kyrgyzstan to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s halon consumption control measures. n/a
295 50 2008 40/23 Kenya Article 7 data reporting obligation 158. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Kenya to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s chlorofluorocarbon consumption control measures. n/a
296 51 2008 40/22 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Article 7 data reporting obligation 154. The Committee therefore agreed to remind the Islamic Republic of Iran to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s carbon tetrachloride consumption control measures. n/a
297 52 2008 40/21 Honduras Article 7 data reporting obligation 150. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Honduras to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s methyl bromide consumption control measures. n/a
298 53 2008 40/20 Guinea Bissau Compliance with plan of action and control measures 146. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Guinea Bissau on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2007, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XVI/24 and its obligations under the chlorofluorocarbon control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year. n/a
299 54 2008 40/2 Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu Article 7 data reporting obligation 46. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with concern that the following Parties had not submitted some or all of their ozone-depleting substances data pursuant to Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol for 2006 and that their implementation of their commitments to limit their consumption or production of particular ozone-depleting substances to the levels specified in the Protocol could not be confirmed: Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates and Vanuatu; Noting also that their failure to submit some or all of the 2006 data by 30 September 2007 had placed them in a situation of non-compliance with the data-reporting obligations of the Protocol; To urge Tuvalu, the United Arab Emirates and Vanuatu to submit to the Ozone Secretariat their outstanding ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2006 as soon as possible, but preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Parties’ compliance with the Protocol’s ozone-depleting substances control measures. n/a
300 55 2008 40/19 Guatemala Compliance with plan of action and control measures 142. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Guatemala on reporting data for 2007 that showed that the Party was in advance of both its commitment contained in decisions XV/34 and XVIII/26 and its obligations under the chlorofluorocarbon and methyl bromide control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year; (b) Also to congratulate Guatemala for banning imports of all equipment using ozone depleting substances as committed in decision XV/34. n/a
301 56 2008 40/18 Fiji Article 7 data reporting obligation 136. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Fiji to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s methyl bromide consumption control measures. n/a
302 57 2008 40/17 Micronesia (Federated States of) Compliance with control measures, Licensing systems 132. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate the Federated States of Micronesia on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2006, which showed that it had phased out chlorofluorocarbon consumption ahead of its obligations under the chlorofluorocarbon control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year and on the establishment and operation of a licensing system consistent with the commitment agreed in decision XVII/32. n/a
303 58 2008 40/16 Ethiopia Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 128. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Ethiopia to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitments contained in decision XIV/34. n/a
304 59 2008 40/15 Eritrea Compliance with control measures 124. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Eritrea pursuant to recommendation 39/17 of the Implementation Committee that sought a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance with the chlorofluorocarbon consumption control measures, in accordance with decision XVIII/24, Noting also with appreciation Eritrea’s submission of its ozone-depleting substances data for 2006 and 2007 that included chlorofluorocarbon consumption of 4.2 and 3.1 ODP tonnes respectively, levels that were in advance of its obligations under the Protocol to phase out chlorofluorocarbons, Recalling also that Eritrea was a Party to the Montreal Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and therefore must report on the establishment and operation of a system for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances, in accordance with its obligations under Article 4 (b) of the Protocol, To congratulate Eritrea on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2006 and 2007, which showed that it was in advance of its obligations under the chlorofluorocarbon control measures of the Montreal Protocol in those years. n/a
305 60 2008 40/14 Ecuador Plan of action - revised 117. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with appreciation that Ecuador had submitted, in accordance with recommendation 39/9 of the Implementation Committee, a revised plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) by 2008, To forward to the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties for consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action as contained in annex I (section A) to the present report. XX/16
306 61 2008 40/13 Dominica Compliance with plan of action and control measures 109. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Dominica had reported consumption of 0.5 ODP tonnes of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2006 and of 0.0 ODP tonnes in 2007, consistent with the consumption reduction commitments contained in decision XVIII/22. n/a
307 62 2008 40/12 Democratic Republic of the Congo Compliance with plan of action and control measures 104. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that the Democratic Republic of the Congo had reported data for 2007 that showed that the Party was adhering to its commitment contained in decision XVIII/21 for that year. n/a
308 63 2008 40/11 Chile Compliance with plan of action and control measures 100. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Chile on its reported data for the consumption of the controlled substance in Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform) which, at 3.5 ODP tonnes, is lower than its consumption reduction commitment of 4.5 ODP tonnes in that year as contained in decision XVII/29; (b) To note further with appreciation that Chile had submitted an update on its progress in introducing an import quota system and implementing alternatives to methyl chloroform in the solvent sector pursuant to its commitments contained in decision XVII/29 and in accordance with recommendation 39/8 of the Implementation Committee. n/a
309 64 2008 40/10 Botswana Data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems, Request for information 93. The Committee therefore agreed, Noting with concern that Botswana had not submitted, in accordance with the recommendations of the Implementation Committee at two successive meetings, information to clarify the operations of its licensing system, (a) To request Botswana to submit to the Ozone Secretariat, in accordance with recommendations 38/7 and 39/7, information to clarify the operation of its licensing system in respect of the control of exports of methyl bromide no later than 1 September 2008, in time for consideration by the Committee at its forty-first meeting; (b) To remind Botswana to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 September 2008, in order that, at its forty-first meeting, the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with its methyl bromide consumption commitment contained in decision XV/31; (c) To invite Botswana, if necessary, to send a representative at an appropriately high level to the forty-first meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
310 65 2008 40/1 Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Solomon Islands Consumption deviation 44. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To take note of the cases of apparent consumption deviation suggested by the data submitted by Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador and the Solomon Islands that were still under review by the Secretariat and the Parties concerned; (b) That, should the current review not resolve the outstanding consumption deviation by the time of the next meeting of the Implementation Committee, the draft decision contained in annex I (section C) to the present report could be considered by the Committee for each of the Parties listed in paragraph (a) above. XX/16 & XX/18
311 1 2007 39/9 Ecuador Plan of action - revised, Request for information 156. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Ecuador’s submission of a revised plan of action for the phase-out of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide), Noting with concern, however, that Ecuador had not yet submitted all the information requested by the Secretariat in its correspondence dated 27 April 2007, in accordance with recommendation 38/13 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee; Noting further with concern that the time-specific benchmarks contained in the revised plan of action submitted by Ecuador would appear to return the Party to non-compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for methyl bromide in 2007, (a) To request Ecuador to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, the outstanding information requested by the Secretariat in its correspondence dated 27 April 2007, as well as the additional information requested by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting, as communicated to the Party by the Secretariat, in order that the Committee might complete its review of the Party’s revised plan of action for phasing out methyl bromide; (b) To invite Ecuador, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
312 2 2007 39/8 Chile Licensing systems, Request for information Recalling that Chile had committed, as recorded in decision XVII/29, to introduce an enhanced ozone-depleting substances licensing and import quota system, Noting with appreciation that Chile had responded to the request by the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, recorded in recommendation 38/8, to submit to the Ozone Secretariat an update on its progress in introducing an import quota system and implementing alternatives to methyl chloroform in the solvent sector pursuant to its commitments contained in decision XVII/29, To urge Chile to submit an updated report on the above matters to the Ozone Secretariat no later than 29 February 2008, in time for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting. n/a
313 3 2007 39/7 Botswana Licensing systems 106. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that Botswana had committed, as recorded in decision XV/31, to establish a system for licensing imports and exports of methyl bromide, including import quotas, Noting with concern that Botswana had not responded to the request of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, recorded in recommendation 38/7, to submit to the Ozone Secretariat information to clarify the operation of its licensing system with respect to the control of exports of methyl bromide and the control of the import and export of mixtures containing methyl bromide, (a) To urge Botswana to submit the requested information to the Ozone Secretariat no later than 29 February 2008, in time for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (b) To invite Botswana, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matter. n/a
314 4 2007 39/6 Bosnia and Herzegovina Compliance with plan of action and control measures 99. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Bosnia and Herzegovina on its reported data for the consumption of the substances contained in Annex A, group I (CFCs), Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform) and Annex E (methyl bromide) in 2006, which showed that in that year it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decisions XV/30 and XVII/28 and its obligations under the control measures of the Montreal Protocol with regard to methyl chloroform and methyl bromide and that it was meeting its commitment contained in decision XV/30 with regard to CFCs. n/a
315 5 2007 39/5 Bolivia Deferred consideration, Laboratory and analytical use exemption 95. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that, in accordance with decision XVII/13 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties, at its thirty-eighth meeting it had deferred consideration of the compliance of Bolivia in 2005 with the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) consumption control measures of the Protocol on the basis that the Party’s excess consumption of that controlled substance was for laboratory uses, Noting with concern that Bolivia had reported consumption of 0.1 ODP-tonnes of carbon tetrachloride in 2006, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that Bolivia limit consumption of that substance in that year to no greater than 15 percent of its consumption baseline for that substance, namely, zero ODP-tonnes, Noting with appreciation that Bolivia had responded to the request of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, recorded in recommendation 38/5, that it submit information on the status of its efforts to phase out its consumption of carbon tetrachloride, in particular consumption for the testing of tar in road-paving and total petroleum hydrocarbon in water, recalling decision XI/15 of the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties, which had removed those laboratory applications from the global exemption for laboratory and analytical uses on the grounds that they could be performed without the use of that ozone-depleting substance, Noting further with appreciation that, while the Party’s entire carbon tetrachloride consumption in 2006 continued to be directed to the testing of total petroleum hydrocarbon in water and other laboratory and analytical applications, it had not consumed the substance for the testing of tar in road-paving and that, with the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme and the Government of Canada under the auspices of the Multilateral Fund, Bolivia expected to achieve total phase-out of carbon tetrachloride in 2008, (a) To agree, in the light of Bolivia’s analysis of the particular circumstances relating to its carbon tetrachloride consumption in 2006, that decision XVII/13 on the use of carbon tetrachloride for laboratory and analytical uses in Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol applied to Bolivia’s excess consumption of carbon tetrachloride in that year; (b) To defer consideration of the compliance status of Bolivia in relation to the Protocol’s control measures for carbon tetrachloride, in accordance with the provisions of decision XVII/13, while urging the Party to continue its carbon tetrachloride phase-out efforts in the interim. n/a
316 6 2007 39/42 All parties Procedural - proposal for additional meeting day each year 467. The Committee therefore agreed to urge the Parties strongly to accommodate the Committee meeting for one additional day per year. n/a
317 7 2007 39/41 Secretariat Exports, Illegal trade 462. The Committee therefore agreed to request the Secretariat to include in its regular report on data submitted by the Parties in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, information on those Parties that had not reported the destinations of all exports (including re-exports) for all controlled substances (including mixtures) in accordance with paragraph 4 of decision XVII/16 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties. n/a
318 8 2007 39/40 Non-Article 5 parties Basic domestic needs 458. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section H) to the present report, which would request the Committee to review the implementation of paragraph 1 of decision XVII/12, which urged all Parties not operating under Article 5 of the Protocol that produce chlorofluorocarbons to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties so operating to include in their annual data reports to the Secretariat copies of the written affirmations they receive from prospective importing Parties pursuant to that decision. XIX/28
319 9 2007 39/4 Bangladesh Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 85. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Bangladesh had submitted its ozone-depleting substances data for 2006, as well as copies of its national transition strategy for the phase-out of metered-dose inhalers using CFCs and its project for the conversion of its CFC metered-dose inhaler manufacturing sector, in accordance with recommendation 38/3 of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, Noting with regret, however, that Bangladesh had not submitted in accordance with recommendation 38/3 a report on the implementation of its national phase-out plan and any revisions that could be made, in the light of the progress made in the implementation of that plan, to the estimated amount by which the Party expected to exceed its annual allowable consumption of CFCs in each of the years 2007-2009, but noting also that the Party had undertaken to submit the requested information as soon as revisions to the plan were completed, (a) To congratulate Bangladesh on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex B, group III, controlled substance (methyl chloroform) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XVII/27 to maintain its consumption of that substance at no greater than 0.550 ODP-tonnes in 2006 and its obligations under the methyl chloroform control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year; (b) To urge Bangladesh to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, a report on the implementation of its national phase-out plan and any revisions that could be made, in the light of the progress made in the implementation of that plan, to the estimated amount by which the Party expected to exceed its annual allowable consumption of CFCs in each of the years 2007–2009, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (c) To further urge Bangladesh to submit to the Ozone Secretariat no later than 29 February 2008 an update on its progress in implementing its national transition strategy and conversion project, including any revisions that could be made to the estimated amount by which the Party expected to exceed its annual allowable consumption of CFCs in each of the years 2007–2009, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (d) To request Bangladesh to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible and no later than 29 February 2008 information to address the questions raised by the members of the Committee in the course of its discussion of Bangladesh’s situation, as communicated to the Party by the Secretariat; (e) To request Bangladesh to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matters. n/a
320 10 2007 39/39 None specified Licensing systems 454. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section F) to the present report, which would among other things record the number of Parties to the Montreal Amendment that had reported to the Secretariat the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances data in accordance with Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol and request those Parties to the Montreal Amendment yet to do so to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency and no later than 29 February 2008 plans of action to ensure the prompt establishment and operation of such licensing systems, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting. XIX/26
321 11 2007 39/38 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 447. The Committee therefore agreed to forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section E) to the present report, which would among other things record the number of Parties that had reported ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2006 and urge those Parties yet to report that data to do so in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol. XIX/25
322 12 2007 39/37 Uruguay Compliance with control measures 446. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Uruguay on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2006, which showed that it continued to be in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XVII/39 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 8.9 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the methyl bromide control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year. n/a
323 13 2007 39/36 United Arab Emirates Compliance issues, Request for information 442. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that the United Arab Emirates had been requested, as recorded in recommendation 38/47 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee, to submit to the Ozone Secretariat no later than 1 August 2007 an explanation of the measures taken to verify the data contained in its reports on imports registered under the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System code for carbon tetrachloride in each of the baseline years 1998–2000, information on the uses to which the carbon tetrachloride imported in the baseline years had been put and an explanation of why its reported imports of carbon tetrachloride in 2000 had been significantly higher than in preceding years, Noting the request of the United Arab Emirates for additional time to obtain the information requested by recommendation 38/47, (a) To request the United Arab Emirates to submit to the Ozone Secretariat the information requested in recommendation 38/47 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (b) To invite the United Arab Emirates, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matter. n/a
324 14 2007 39/35 Ukraine Baseline change - request for information 425. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Ukraine had not responded to the request recorded in recommendation 38/46 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee that it submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, the outstanding information required by decision XV/19 in order that the Committee might at its thirty-ninth meeting complete its review of the Party’s request to revise its methyl bromide consumption baseline data, (a) To invite Ukraine, should it still wish to pursue its request to revise its methyl bromide baseline data, to submit to the Ozone Secretariat the information requested in recommendation 38/46 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (b) To invite Ukraine, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matter. n/a
325 15 2007 39/34 Uganda Compliance with control measures 405. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Uganda on its reported data for the consumption of methyl bromide in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XV/43 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 4.8 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the methyl bromide control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year. n/a
326 16 2007 39/33 Turkmenistan Request for baseline change - approved 401. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Turkmenistan in support of its request to revise its baseline consumption data for 1998 for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide), and in accordance with recommendation 38/44 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee, Noting that decision XV/19 of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties sets out the methodology that is to be used to review requests for the revision of baseline data, Noting further with appreciation the extensive efforts undertaken by Turkmenistan to fulfil the information requirements of decision XV/19, in particular its efforts to verify the accuracy of its proposed new baseline data through the inspection of sites that use methyl bromide, To forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section D) to the present report, which would approve the request of Turkmenistan to revise its baseline consumption data for 1998 for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) from zero to 14.3 ODP-tonnes. XIX/24
327 17 2007 39/32 Somalia Implementation challenges, Plan of action 370. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that Somalia had been requested, as recorded in recommendation 38/38 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee, to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 1 August 2007, an update on its plan for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for the controlled substances in Annex A, group II, (halons) including regulatory measures to support and sustain planned phase-out activities, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting, Noting with appreciation that Somalia had submitted the requested update, in which it had explained that it required financial, technical and logistical assistance to prepare and implement a halons plan of action to enable it to return it to compliance, Noting also that, while the implementing agencies of the Multilateral Fund were ready to assist Somalia in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the Fund, the current situation in the country presented significant challenges to the provision of assistance and to sustaining efforts to phase out ozone-depleting substances, To agree to review the situation of Somalia at its fortieth meeting and, to that end, to request the Party to submit to the Ozone Secretariat by 29 February 2008 a report on its efforts, in cooperation with relevant implementing agencies, to develop a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s halons control measures, as well as a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances. n/a
328 18 2007 39/31 Serbia Compliance with control measures, Confirmation of no baseline change request 362. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Serbia had responded to recommendation 38/36 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee, submitting all outstanding data for the controlled substances in Annex B, group I, (other CFCs) in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and revised ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2006 to correct errors in its original submission, which confirmed that the Party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2006 with regard to the phase-out of the Annex B, group II, substance (carbon tetrachloride) and confirming that it did not seek to revise its carbon tetrachloride data for the baseline year 2000. n/a
329 19 2007 39/30 Saudi Arabia Non-compliance with control measures, Request for information, Request for plan of action 350. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Saudi Arabia had reported consumption of 27.6 ODP-tonnes of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2005, an amount that was inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that the Party limit consumption of that substance in that year to no greater than eighty per cent of its baseline, namely, 0.5 ODP-tonnes, Noting also with concern that Saudi Arabia had not responded to the requests recorded in recommendation 38/35 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee that it submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation for its apparent deviation from the Protocol’s methyl bromide control measures, Noting with appreciation, however, that Saudi Arabia was preparing a detailed report in support of its request to revise its methyl bromide baseline data, in accordance with decision XV/19 and expected to submit that report before the end of 2007, (a) To request Saudi Arabia to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 29 February 2008, an explanation for its apparent deviation from the Protocol’s methyl bromide control measures in 2005 and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To request Saudi Arabia to submit to the Secretariat information in accordance with decision XV/19 to support its request to revise its methyl bromide baseline data as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (c) To invite Saudi Arabia, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matters; (d) To forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section C) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (a) above. XIX/23
330 20 2007 39/3 Azerbaijan Article 7 data correction, Request for information 55. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Azerbaijan had explained that its apparent deviation from the Protocol’s control measures for the Annex B, group I, substances (other CFCs) in 2006 had resulted from a misclassification of imports and that corrected data had confirmed that the Party had been in compliance with the Protocol’s requirement to maintain total phase-out of those substances in that year, Noting also with appreciation that Azerbaijan had responded to the request by the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, recorded in recommendation 38/2, to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, a status report on its efforts in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme to expedite implementation of the additional institutional strengthening project approved by the Global Environment Facility, Noting with concern, however, that contrary to previous advice the project had not commenced implementation while recognizing that not all the reasons for the delay were within the direct control of Azerbaijan, (a) To urge Azerbaijan to work with the United Nations Environment Programme to expedite the implementation of the additional institutional strengthening project approved by the Global Environment Facility and to submit to the Ozone Secretariat a report on those efforts as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (b) To invite Azerbaijan, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matter. n/a
331 21 2007 39/29 Russian Federation Compliance - return to 339. The Committee may wish: Recalling that the Russian Federation had reported consumption of 349.0 ODP-tonnes of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to maintain total phase-out of those substances and the authorization granted to the Russian Federation by the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties to consume no greater than 336.0 ODP-tonnes of CFCs for essential uses in 2005 and was therefore in non-compliance with its obligations under the Protocol with respect to the consumption of CFCs in 2005, Noting with appreciation that the Russian Federation had responded to the request recorded in recommendation 38/33 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee that it submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an overview of the measures undertaken to address the above-mentioned non-compliance through the reduction of the timelines for the processing of import shipments and associated licenses and the improvement of related administrative procedures, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting, Noting also with appreciation that the Party had submitted its 2006 ozone-depleting substances data and essential use accounting framework for that year, To congratulate the Russian Federation on its return to compliance in 2006 with the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol. n/a
332 22 2007 39/28 Paraguay Plan of action 331. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Paraguay had submitted, in accordance with decision XVIII/32 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties and recommendation 38/32 of the Implementation at its thirty-eighth meeting, a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for the substances contained in Annex A, group I, (CFCs) and Annex B, group II, (carbon tetrachloride) of the Protocol by 2007; To forward to the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action, as contained in annex I (section B) to the present report. XIX/22
333 23 2007 39/27 Pakistan Compliance - return to 307. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Pakistan on its return to compliance in 2006 with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for the Annex B, group III, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) and its fulfilment of its consumption reduction commitment for that substance contained in decision XVIII/31 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties, as indicated by the Party’s data report for that year, which also indicated that the Party was in advance of its obligations to phase out carbon tetrachloride in 2006 and had banned from 28 May 2007 the import of that substance. n/a
334 24 2007 39/26 Nigeria Compliance with plan of action and control measures 303. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Nigeria on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it continued to be in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XIV/30 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 1,100 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year. n/a
335 25 2007 39/25 Nepal Compliance with plan of action and control measures 299. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the report of Nepal for 2006, which showed that it had fulfilled its commitment contained in decision XVI/27 to release onto its domestic market no more than 13.5 ODP-tonnes of CFCs in that year. n/a
336 26 2007 39/24 Montenegro Classification as Article 5 295. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Montenegro had submitted of all its outstanding data, in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and recommendation 38/27 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee, as well as the fact that that data confirmed that Montenegro was a Party operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol. n/a
337 27 2007 39/23 Maldives Compliance with plan of action and control measures 286. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Maldives on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/37 to maintain CFC consumption at no greater than 2.3 ODP-tonnes and was in compliance with its obligations under the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year. n/a
338 28 2007 39/22 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 280. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had responded to the request in recommendation 38/24 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee that it submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, a report on the implementation of its commitment to introduce an ozone-depleting substance quota system as well as a clarification as to whether its system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances was operational, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting, Noting further with appreciation that the Party’s submission had confirmed that it had completed implementation in 2007 of its commitment contained in decision XV/36 to establish, by 2004, a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances, including quotas, Noting also with concern, however, that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had not responded to the request recorded in recommendation 38/24 to submit its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-ninth meeting the Party’s compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties to reduce its consumption of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) to no greater than 653.91 ODP-tonnes and to maintain its consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) at no greater than 96.000 ODP-tonnes, (a) To urge the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2006 by 30 September 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, in order that the Committee might assess at its fortieth meeting the Party’s compliance with its commitment, as recorded in decision XVII/37 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties, to reduce its consumption of halons to no greater than 653.91 ODP-tonnes and to maintain its consumption of methyl bromide at no greater than 96.000 ODP-tonnes in 2006; (b) To invite the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matter. n/a
339 29 2007 39/21 Lesotho Compliance with plan of action and control measures 265. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Lesotho on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XVI/25 to reduce halon consumption to no greater than 0.1 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the halon control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year. n/a
340 30 2007 39/20 Kenya Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Licensing systems 261. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Kenya on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVIII/28 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 60 ODP-tonnes and had returned to compliance with its obligations under the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year; (b) To note with appreciation that Kenya had gazetted on 31 May 2007 the ozone-depleting substance regulations required to establish and implement its system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances including import quotas. n/a
341 31 2007 39/2 Armenia Licensing systems 43. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Armenia had completed implementation in 2007 of its commitment contained in decision XVIII/20 to introduce by 1 July 2007 a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances that included import quotas. n/a
342 32 2007 39/19 Honduras Compliance with plan of action and control measures 254. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Honduras on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/34 to reduce methyl bromide consumption to no greater than 295.8 ODP-tonnes for that year. n/a
343 33 2007 39/18 Guinea Bissau Compliance with plan of action and control measures 250. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Guinea Bissau on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XVI/24 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 13.137 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year. n/a
344 34 2007 39/17 Guatemala Request for information 246. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that Guatemala had not responded to the request recorded in recommendation 38/19 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee that it submit to the Secretariat, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting and no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation as to why the ban it had introduced on the import of equipment using the controlled substances in Annex A, group I, (CFCs) did not also cover the import of equipment using other ozone-depleting substances in accordance with the Party’s commitment detailed in paragraph 3 (d) of decision XV/34, Noting further with concern that Guatemala had not responded to the request recorded in recommendation 38/19 that it submit to the Secretariat no later than 1 August 2007 an explanation as to why the maximum allowable CFC consumption limit for the year 2007 contained in its ozone-depleting substances regulations appeared to be inconsistent with decision XV/34, (a) To urge Guatemala to submit to the Ozone Secretariat the information requested in recommendation 38/19 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (b) To invite Guatemala, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matter. n/a
345 35 2007 39/16 Greece Request for baseline change - not approved 236. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that the Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting had concluded that Greece was in non-compliance with the production control measures of the Montreal Protocol for Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005 and the provisions contained in Article 2 of the Protocol that prescribe the requirements for the transfer of the rights to produce those substances, Recalling also the information submitted by Greece in support of its request to revise its data for the year 1995 used to calculate the Party’s baseline for the production of CFCs to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol, Recalling further the statement in the submission from Greece that its existing records “do not show in a definitive way what the production specific for BDN [basic domestic needs] was” in 1995, Noting with appreciation that Greece had ceased CFC production in February 2006 and had reported ozone-depleting substances data for 2006 that confirmed its return to compliance with the Protocol’s CFC production control measures in 2006, (a) To conclude that, on the basis of the information submitted by Greece, it was unable to recommend that the Meeting of the Parties approve the request of Greece to revise the data for the year 1995 used to calculate the Party’s baseline for the production of CFCs to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol; (b) To record that it could not recommend approval of the Party’s baseline data revision request because, as noted by Greece, the figure proposed to replace the existing baseline data for 1995 represented an estimate based on certain assumptions made by the Party and therefore did not fulfill the requirement of paragraph 2 (a) (iii) of decision XV/19 that the Party explain why the requested change should be considered correct and provide information on the methodology used to collect the data underlying the proposed changes and verify their accuracy; (c) To forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section A) to the present report. XIX/21
346 36 2007 39/15 Fiji Compliance with plan of action and control measures 210. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Fiji on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex E controlled substances (methyl bromide) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/33 to reduce consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than 1.3 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
347 37 2007 39/14 Micronesia (Federated States of) Article 7 data reporting obligation, Request for information 205. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that the Federated States of Micronesia had not responded to the requests recorded in recommendation 38/17 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee that it submit an update on the implementation of its commitment contained in decision XVII/32 to introduce by 1 January 2006 a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances, including import quotas, and that it submit its ozone-depleting substances data for 2006 in order that the Committee might at its thirty-ninth meeting review the Party’s commitment to reduce its consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) to no greater than zero in 2006, Recalling that the Federated States of Micronesia was a Party to the Montreal Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and was therefore required to establish and implement a system for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances and report the introduction of that system to the Ozone Secretariat, in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol, (a) To urge the Federated States of Micronesia to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2006 by 30 September 2007 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol in order that the Committee at its fortieth meeting might assess the Party’s compliance with its commitment to reduce its consumption of CFCs to no greater than zero in 2006; (b) To urge the Federated States of Micronesia further to submit to the Ozone Secretariat the information requested in recommendation 38/17 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, for consideration by the Committee at its fortieth meeting; (c) To invite the Federated States of Micronesia, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matter. n/a
348 38 2007 39/13 European Community Clarification of data, Compliance with control measures 194. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that the European Community had clarified that its entire reported consumption of the Annex B, group I, substances (other CFCs) in 2006 had been for domestic feedstock use, which was excluded from the calculation of a Party’s controlled consumption in a given year, and confirmed that the European Community was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2006 to maintain total phase-out of other CFCs. n/a
349 39 2007 39/12 Eritrea Implementing agencies - party urged to work with, Request for information 190. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that Eritrea had been requested, as stated in recommendation 38/16 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee, to work with relevant implementing agencies to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for the controlled substance in Annex A, group I, (CFCs), in accordance with decision XVIII/24, Recalling further that Eritrea had been requested to notify the Ozone Secretariat in writing immediately after it had established and commenced operation of an ozone-depleting substance licensing system in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol and to submit its ozone-depleting substances data for 2006 in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, Noting with appreciation the efforts by Eritrea to establish an ozone-depleting substances import and export licensing system and conduct related public education and awareness raising activities, Noting further with appreciation the status report submitted by Eritrea with regard to the requests contained in recommendation 38/16, including its expectation that obstacles encountered in completing the country programme required to inform the development of a plan of action to return the Party to compliance with the Protocols’ CFC control measures would soon be overcome, Noting further that Eritrea was receiving institutional strengthening assistance, including assistance in the development of an ozone-depleting substances licensing system, that the country programme and terminal phase-out management plan for the Party were being prepared for submission to the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund at its fifty-third meeting and that Eritrea had expressed the view that the country programme and the terminal phase-out management plan were important to its compliance and necessary for the preparation of its plan of action to return to compliance with the Protocol’s CFC control measures, (a) To urge Eritrea to continue to work with relevant implementing agencies to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 29 February 2008, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance with the Protocol’s CFC consumption control measures, in accordance with decision XVIII/24, in order that the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol at its fortieth meeting; (b) To remind Eritrea to notify the Ozone Secretariat in writing immediately after it established and commenced operation of an ozone-depleting substances import and export licensing system in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol; (c) To invite Eritrea, if necessary, to send a representative to the fortieth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matters n/a
350 40 2007 39/11 Equatorial Guinea Baseline data submitted, Classification as Article 5 177. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Equatorial Guinea had submitted all outstanding base-year and baseline data for the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and recommendation 38/15 of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Implementation Committee, as well as the fact that that data confirmed that Equatorial Guinea was a Party operating under Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Montreal Protocol. n/a
351 41 2007 39/10 El Salvador Article 7 data correction, Deferred consideration, Laboratory and analytical uses 167. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that El Salvador had responded to the Committee’s request at its thirty-eighth meeting, recorded in recommendation 38/14, to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation for its deviation from the Protocol’s consumption control measures for the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2006 and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance, Noting that the revised data for 2006 submitted by El Salvador with its explanation had resulted in reported consumption of carbon tetrachloride of 0.1 ODP-tonnes, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that the Party reduce consumption to a level no greater than 15 percent of the Party’s carbon tetrachloride consumption baseline in that year, namely zero, Noting also, however, that El Salvador’s entire consumption of carbon tetrachloride in 2006 had been for a laboratory application, (a) To agree, in the light of the Party’s analysis of the particular circumstances relating to its carbon tetrachloride consumption in 2006, that decision XVII/13 on the use of carbon tetrachloride for laboratory and analytical uses in Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol was applicable to El Salvador’s excess consumption of carbon tetrachloride in that year; (b) To defer consideration of the compliance status of El Salvador in relation to the Protocol’s control measures for carbon tetrachloride, in accordance with the provisions of decision XVII/13, while urging the Party to continue its carbon tetrachloride phase-out efforts in the interim. n/a
352 42 2007 39/1 Albania Compliance with plan of action and control measures 38. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Albania on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it had implemented its commitment contained in decision XV/26 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 15.2 ODP-tonnes and was in advance of its obligations under the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year. n/a
353 43 2007 38/9 China Compliance with control measures, Decimal places 98. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that, in the light of the guidance provided by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties that the Secretariat should report and review ozone-depleting substances data submitted by the Parties to one decimal place only, it was confirmed that China was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2004. n/a
354 44 2007 38/8 Chile Licensing systems, Request for information 91. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Chile had completed implementation in 2006 of its commitment contained in decision XVII/29 to maintain consumption of the controlled substance in Annex B, group III, (methyl chloroform) at no greater than 4.512 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting further with appreciation that Chile had submitted an update on its progress in introducing an import quota system and implementing alternatives to methyl chloroform in the solvent sector pursuant to its commitments contained in decision XVII/29 and in accordance with recommendation 37/8 of the thirty-seventh meeting of the Implementation Committee, To request Chile to submit a further update on the above efforts to the Secretariat no later than 1 August 2007, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting. n/a
355 45 2007 38/7 Botswana Licensing systems 81. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the report submitted by Botswana pursuant to its commitment contained in decision XV/31 to establish a system for licensing imports and exports of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide), including quotas, To request Botswana to submit to the Ozone Secretariat information to clarify the operation of its licensing system with respect to the control of exports of methyl bromide, and the control of the import and export of mixtures containing methyl bromide, no later than 1 August 2007, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting. n/a
356 46 2007 38/6 Bosnia and Herzegovina Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 76. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Bosnia and Herzegovina had completed implementation in 2006 of the commitment contained in decision XVII/28 to introduce a ban on the import of ozone-depleting substances-using equipment and to establish a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, including quotas, in that year, To remind Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-ninth meeting the Party’s compliance with its commitments for 2006 contained in decision XV/30 of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties and decision XVII/28 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties to reduce consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I, (CFCs) to no greater than 33 ODP-tonnes, to reduce consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) to no greater than 5.61 ODP-tonnes, and to maintain consumption of the controlled substance in Annex B, group III, (methyl chloroform) to no greater than zero. n/a
357 47 2007 38/53 Secretariat Licensing systems 454. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that Article 4B of the Protocol provided that Parties to the Montreal Amendment to the Montreal Protocol were required, within three months of the Amendment’s entry into force, to establish and implement a system for licensing the import and export of new, used, recycled and reclaimed controlled substances in Annexes A, B, C and E of the Protocol, and report to the Ozone Secretariat on the establishment and operation of that system within three months of the date of its introduction, Noting that Parties to the Montreal Amendment to the Protocol that had not yet established licensing systems were in non-compliance with Article 4B of the Protocol and could be subject to the non-compliance procedure under the Protocol, Noting also that some Parties to the Montreal Amendment to the Protocol had reported the establishment and operation of licensing systems to the Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (Multilateral Fund secretariat), but had not yet reported such information to the Ozone Secretariat, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4B of the Protocol, (a) To request the Ozone Secretariat to identify in consultation with the Multilateral Fund secretariat those Parties to the Montreal Amendment to the Protocol that had reported the establishment and operation of systems for licensing the import and export of new, used, recycled and reclaimed controlled substances listed in Annexes A, B, C and E of the Protocol; (b) To further request the Ozone Secretariat to send letters to those Parties that had reported the establishment and operation of such a licensing system to the Multilateral Fund secretariat but had not yet reported such information to the Ozone Secretariat, requesting them to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, written confirmation that they had established and commenced operation of licensing systems in accordance with Article 4B of the Protocol, for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting; (c) To also request the Ozone Secretariat to send a letter to those Parties to the Montreal Amendment that had not yet reported the establishment and operation of such licensing systems to either the Ozone Secretariat or the Multilateral Fund secretariat requesting them to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation as to why they had not yet done so in accordance with Article 4B of the Protocol, and to report on the status of their efforts to establish and implement such licensing systems, for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting. n/a
358 48 2007 38/52 Secretariat Non-compliance procedure 449. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling the paper tabled by New Zealand at the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee on the key challenges to the future effective operation of the non-compliance procedure of the Montreal Protocol, namely, the timeliness of the submission of data and information to the Implementation Committee by Parties subject to the non-compliance procedure, paragraph 9 of the non-compliance procedure, which required the Implementation Committee to make its report available to the Meeting of the Parties not later than six weeks before that meeting, and the presentation of ever more compliance matters to the Meeting of the Parties, Noting the document prepared by the Secretariat for the consideration of the Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, which provided additional historical context and practical information on the operation of the non-compliance procedure in relation to each issue raised in the paper prepared by New Zealand and identified actions that had already been taken or could be taken to implement the proposals contained in the paper to improve the arrangements of the Implementation Committee to ensure the continued effective operation of the non-compliance procedure, To request the Ozone Secretariat to implement the actions to address the above mentioned challenges to the continued effective operation of the non-compliance procedure of the Protocol, in the light of the comments made by the Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting and, accordingly, to revise the Primer for the Implementation Committee to record those new actions. n/a
359 49 2007 38/51 Albania, Fiji, Guinea Bissau, Honduras, Lesotho, Maldives, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uganda, Uruguay Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 440. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that the following Parties were subject to decisions containing plans of action with time-specific benchmarks for the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances: Albania, Fiji, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Lesotho, Maldives, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uganda and Uruguay, Noting further that those Parties have not submitted their ozone-depleting substances data for 2006 and that implementation of their commitments recorded in those decisions to limit their consumption or production of particular ozone-depleting substances to the levels specified in those decisions therefore could not be confirmed, To remind Albania, Fiji, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Lesotho, Maldives, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uganda and Uruguay to submit their ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess the Parties’ compliance with the time-specific benchmark for 2006 recorded in their respective decisions of the Meeting of the Parties at its thirty-ninth meeting. n/a
360 50 2007 38/50 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Decision XVIII/17, Non-compliance with control measures, Stockpiling 438. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the submission by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/34, Noting with concern that that Party had reported consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) of 1,841.8 ODP-tonnes and production of those substances of 2,451.3 ODP-tonnes in 2005, amounts that were inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that the Party limit consumption and production of those substances in that year to no greater than 1,661.2 ODP-tonnes and 2,393.5 ODP-tonnes respectively, Noting with appreciation, however, the explanation submitted by Venezuela that its excess production and consumption of CFCs in 2005 represented production of CFC-11 in 2005 that was stockpiled in that year for use in 2006 as a feedstock in the domestic production of CFC-12 and that Venezuela had ceased CFC production by the end of 2006, Recalling decision XVIII/17 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties on the issue of stockpiling relative to compliance with the Montreal Protocol, which requested the Ozone Secretariat to maintain a consolidated record of cases in which Parties explained that their excess consumption or production was the consequence of any one of three of the stockpiling-related scenarios described in that decision and to include that record in the documentation of the Implementation Committee and in the Secretariat’s report on data submitted by the Parties in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, Recalling further that the consolidated record was to be included in the documentation of the Implementation Committee for information purposes only and that the Parties had agreed that the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties would revisit the issue of stockpiling relative to compliance in the light of the information contained in the consolidated record with a view to considering the need for further action, That, in accordance with decision XVIII/17, the details of Venezuela’s case of excess consumption and production of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I, (CFCs) in 2005 should be included in the consolidated record prepared as directed by that decision. n/a
361 51 2007 38/5 Bolivia Article 7 data reporting obligation, Request for information 70. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To remind Bolivia to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) at its thirty-ninth meeting; (b) To request Bolivia to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, information for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting on the status of the Party’s efforts to phase out its consumption of carbon tetrachloride, in particular consumption for the testing of tar in road-paving and total petroleum hydrocarbon in water, recalling decision XI/15 of the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties, which removed those laboratory applications from the global exemption for laboratory and analytical uses on the grounds that they could be performed without the use of that ozone-depleting substance. n/a
362 52 2007 38/49 Uzbekistan Article 7 data reporting obligation 426. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation Uzbekistan’s submission of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/34, which indicated that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005. n/a
363 53 2007 38/48 United States of America Compliance with control measures, Stockpiling 422. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that, in accordance with decision XVIII/17, the details of the United States of America’s excess consumption of the controlled substances in Annex B, group III, (methyl chloroform) and Annex E (methyl bromide) in 2004 had been included in the consolidated record prepared as directed by that decision (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ImpCom/38/INF/2), Recalling decision XVIII/17 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties on the issue of stockpiling relative to compliance with the Montreal Protocol, which requested the Ozone Secretariat to maintain a consolidated record of cases in which Parties explained that their excess consumption or production was the consequence of any one of three of the stockpiling-related scenarios described in that decision and to include that record in the documentation of the Implementation Committee and in the Secretariat’s report on data submitted by the Parties in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, Recalling further that the consolidated record was to be included in the documentation of the Implementation Committee for information purposes only and that the Parties had agreed that the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties would revisit the issue of stockpiling relative to compliance in the light of the information contained in the consolidated record with a view to considering the need for further action, (a) To congratulate the United States of America on its reported consumption of zero ODP-tonnes of methyl chloroform in 2005, which showed that it was in compliance with its obligations under the Montreal Protocol to maintain total phase-out of that ozone-depleting substance in that year; (b) To further congratulate the United States of America on its reported consumption of 4,353.0 ODP-tonnes of methyl bromide in 2005, which showed that it was in compliance with its obligations under the Montreal Protocol to maintain total phase-out of that ozone-depleting substance in that year except to the extent of production that was allowed by the basic domestic needs production provisions of the Protocol. n/a
364 54 2007 38/47 United Arab Emirates Article 7 data correction, Decimal places, Request for baseline change, Request for information 415. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that the United Arab Emirates had submitted revised data for 2005 for each of the controlled substances contained in Annex A, group I, (CFCs) to three decimal places, rather than one, which had resulted in a revised calculated consumption level for those substances that confirmed that the Party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005, Noting further with appreciation the United Arab Emirates’ explanation for its reported consumption of 0.4 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that it limit consumption of those substances in that year to no greater than 15 per cent of its baseline, namely, zero ODP-tonnes, (a) To request the United Arab Emirates to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation of the measures taken to verify the data contained in the reports on imports registered under the Harmonized System code for carbon tetrachloride in each of the baseline years 1998–2000, which accompanied correspondence from the United Arab Emirates to the Secretariat dated 24 April 2007; (b) To request the United Arab Emirates to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, information on the uses to which the carbon tetrachloride imported in the baseline years was put, as well as an explanation as to why the Party’s reported imports of carbon tetrachloride in 2000 were significantly higher than in preceding years; (c) To determine at its thirty-ninth meeting, in the light of the information submitted by the United Arab Emirates with respect to the Party’s carbon tetrachloride consumption data for each of the baseline years, whether the methodology contained in decision XV/19 of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties applies to all or part of the Party’s request that the Secretariat revise its carbon tetrachloride consumption baseline using the figures of 7.4, 0.3 and 85.2 ODP-tonnes for the years 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively; (d) To invite the United Arab Emirates to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
365 55 2007 38/46 Ukraine Baseline change - request for information 398. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Ukraine in support of its request to revise its baseline consumption and production data for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide), as well as the further information provided by the representatives of Ukraine to the Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, Recalling that decision XV/19 of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties sets out the methodology that was to be used to review baseline data revision requests, (a) To request Ukraine to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, the outstanding information required by decision XV/19 in order that the Committee might complete its review of the Party’s request to revise its methyl bromide consumption baseline data at its thirty-ninth meeting; (b) To invite the Ukraine, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
366 56 2007 38/45 Secretariat Article 4 391. The Committee therefore agreed to request the Ozone Secretariat to prepare a paper detailing the information provided by Parties in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol that might assist the Committee in monitoring the implementation of Article 4 of the Protocol, which concerns the obligations of the Parties with regard to the control of trade with non-Parties in controlled substances, for the consideration of the Committee at its fortieth meeting n/a
367 57 2007 38/44 Turkmenistan Baseline change - request for information 390. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Turkmenistan in support of its request to revise its baseline consumption data for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide), Recalling that decision XV/19 of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties sets out the methodology that was to be used to review requests to revise baseline data, (a) To request Turkmenistan to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, the outstanding information required by decision XV/19 in order that the Committee might complete its review of the Party’s request to revise its methyl bromide consumption baseline data at its thirty-ninth meeting; (b) To invite Turkmenistan, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
368 58 2007 38/43 Türkiye Deferred consideration, Process agent uses 381. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that Turkey had reported consumption of 16.4 ODP-tonnes and 18.5 ODP-tonnes of the Annex C, group III, controlled substance (bromochloromethane) in 2004 and 2005 respectively, amounts that were inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement that the Party maintain total phase-out of the consumption of that ozone-depleting substance in both years, Recalling with appreciation the explanation for its deviations submitted by Turkey, which indicated that the bromochloromethane it had consumed had been used in the production of sultamicillin, Noting the report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties, in which the Panel recommended that the use of bromochloromethane in the production of sultamicillin be classified as a process agent use and that the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties consider a draft decision to add the use to the list of uses of controlled substances as process agents for the purposes of decision X/14 of the Tenth Meeting of the Parties, Noting that the United Nations Industrial Development Organization had included in its 2008 business plan, considered by the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund at its fifty-first meeting, a proposal to assist Turkey to comply with the Protocol’s control measures, should the Party become eligible for assistance with the phase-out of bromochloromethane, (a) To defer assessment of Turkey’s compliance with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for the controlled substance in Annex C, group III, (bromochloromethane) in the years 2004 and 2005 until it could review the Party’s situation in the light of the conclusions of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties with regard to the addition of the use of bromochloromethane in the production of sultamicillin to the list of uses of controlled substances as process agents for the purpose of decision X/14; (b) To remind Turkey, should the use of bromochloromethane in the production of sultamicillin be added to the list of uses of controlled substances as process agents, that paragraph 3 (b) of decision X/14 provided that quantities of controlled substances produced or imported for use as process agents should not be taken into account in the calculation of production and consumption from 1 January 2002 onwards provided that “the emissions of controlled substances from process agent uses have been reduced to levels agreed by the Executive Committee to be reasonably achievable in a cost-effective manner without undue abandonment of infrastructure”. n/a
369 59 2007 38/42 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Compliance with control measures, Decimal places 370. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that, in the light of the guidance of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties that the Secretariat should report and review ozone-depleting substances data submitted by the Parties to one decimal place only, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia had reported zero consumption of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, which showed that it was also in compliance with its obligations under the Montreal Protocol to reduce its consumption of that substance to no greater than 15 per cent of its baseline in that year. n/a
370 60 2007 38/41 Switzerland Data reporting obligation - exemption 363. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that, in accordance with decision Ex.1/4, after the end of 2005 each Party which had been granted a critical-use exemption for methyl bromide was to submit information on its exemption together with any new nomination for exemption using the accounting framework adopted by the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties in decision XVI/6, Noting that Switzerland had not submitted its accounting framework for the methyl bromide critical use exemption that the Party was granted for 2006, but also that the Party had to date not submitted any new nominations for exemption, To agree that unless and until Switzerland submitted a new nomination for exemption, the Party would not be required to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its accounting framework for the methyl bromide critical use exemption granted to the Party for 2006. n/a
371 61 2007 38/40 South Africa Article 7 data reporting obligation - revised data 358. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that South Africa had submitted revised data for 2005 to correct the misclassification of imports of bromochloroethane as imports of the Annex C, group III, controlled substance (bromochloromethane), which confirmed that the Party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in that year. n/a
372 62 2007 38/4 Belize Compliance with control measures 62. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Belize on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XIV/33 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 10 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year n/a
373 63 2007 38/39 Somalia Implementation challenges, Non-compliance with control measures, Request for information 353. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Somalia has submitted its ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2005 in accordance with decision XVIII/34 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties, Noting with concern, however, that the ozone-depleting substances data submitted by the Party for the years 2005 and 2006 indicated that Somalia continued to be in non-compliance with its obligations under the Protocol to reduce its consumption of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) to no greater than 8.9 ODP-tonnes in those years, Noting further with concern that Somalia had not submitted an update on its plan for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s halon control measures, including regulatory measures to support and sustain planned phase-out activities, in accordance with recommendation 37/32 of the thirty-seventh meeting of the Implementation Committee, Noting, however, the challenges faced by Somalia in implementing its obligations under the Montreal Protocol, To urge Somalia to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and preferably no later than 1 August 2007, an update on its plan for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s halon control measures, including regulatory measures to support and sustain planned phase-out activities, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting. n/a
374 64 2007 38/38 Solomon Islands Compliance with plan of action and control measures 344. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the Solomon Islands’ submission of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/34, which indicated that the Party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005. n/a
375 65 2007 38/37 Singapore Non-compliance with control measures, Stockpiling 340. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that Singapore had reported 2004 consumption of 16.9 ODP-tonnes of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide), which was inconsistent with its obligation under the Protocol to freeze its consumption at its baseline level of 5.0 ODP-tonnes, Recalling with appreciation the explanation submitted by Singapore that its excess consumption of methyl bromide in 2004 represented methyl bromide that had been stored pending a decision in 2005 on whether it would be used for quarantine and pre-shipment or other applications, Recalling further decision XVIII/17 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties, which provided guidance on the issue of ozone-depleting substance stockpiling relative to compliance with the Montreal Protocol, including paragraph 4 of that decision which provided that new scenarios that were not covered by the decision would be addressed by the Implementation Committee in accordance with the non-compliance procedure and the established practice thereunder, (a) To conclude that the situation of Singapore was not consistent with the scenarios addressed by decision XVIII/17 and, in the light of the explanation submitted by the Party for its deviation and in accordance with paragraph 4 of that decision, to conclude further that Singapore was in non-compliance with the Protocol’s methyl bromide consumption control measures in 2004; (b) To note with appreciation, however, that Singapore had reported methyl bromide consumption of 2.4 ODP-tonnes in 2005, which placed the Party in advance of its obligations under the Protocol to phase out methyl bromide in that year n/a
376 66 2007 38/36 Serbia Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline, Request for explanation 329. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Serbia’s submission of its outstanding data for the controlled substances in Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform) and Annex E (methyl bromide) in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/33, which indicated that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005, Noting with appreciation Serbia’s submission of its outstanding data for the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/33, but also noting that the Party had submitted consumption data for the baseline year 2000 that differed from data that it had previously reported for that year, Noting with concern that Serbia had reported carbon tetrachloride consumption for 2006 of 5.1 ODP-tonnes, representing an apparent deviation from its obligation to reduce its consumption of that controlled substance to no greater than 2.8 ODP-tonnes in that year, Noting further with concern that Serbia had not submitted its outstanding baseline data for the Annex B, group I, controlled substances (other CFCs) for the years 1998 and 1999 in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/33, (a) To request Serbia to clarify whether it sought to change its reported consumption data for the controlled substance in Annex B, group II, (carbon tetrachloride) for the baseline year 2000, recalling that requests to change baseline data must be made in accordance with decision XV/19 of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties; (b) To request Serbia to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation for its apparent deviation in 2006 from its obligation to reduce its consumption of carbon tetrachloride to no greater than 2.8 ODP-tonnes in that year and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (c) To request Serbia to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 1 August 2007, its outstanding baseline data, in order that the Committee might assess the Parties’ compliance with the Protocol at its thirty-ninth meeting; (d) To invite Serbia, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matters; (e) In the absence of an explanation for the excess consumption of carbon tetrachloride in 2006, to forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section E) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (b) above. n/a
377 67 2007 38/35 Saudi Arabia Deferred consideration, Request for baseline change 319. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Saudi Arabia’s submission of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/34, Noting the request of Saudi Arabia to change its existing consumption data for each of the baseline years 1995–1998 for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide), (a) To defer consideration of Saudi Arabia’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005 until its thirty-ninth meeting, in the light of the limited time which Saudi Arabia had had to review the data reports generated by the Secretariat from its 2005 data submission and to respond to the Secretariat’s request for information on the apparent deviation from its requirement to reduce its consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) to no greater than 80 per cent of its baseline level in that year; (b) To request Saudi Arabia to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, the information required by decision XV/19 in order that the Committee might review the Party’s request to revise its methyl bromide consumption baseline data at its thirty-ninth meeting; (c) To invite Saudi Arabia, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matters. n/a
378 68 2007 38/34 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Compliance with plan of action and control measures 309. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on its return to compliance in 2006 with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) as well as its implementation of its commitment contained in decision XVI/30 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 0.83 ODP-tonnes, as indicated by the Party’s data report for 2006. n/a
379 69 2007 38/33 Russian Federation Article 7 data reporting obligation, Non-compliance with exemption, Request for information, Stockpiling 305. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that the Russian Federation had reported consumption of 349.0 ODP-tonnes of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to maintain total phase-out of those substances and the authorization granted to the Russian Federation by the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties to consume no greater than 336.0 ODP-tonnes of CFCs for essential uses in 2005 and was therefore in non-compliance with its obligations under the Protocol with respect to the consumption of CFCs in 2005, Noting, however, the explanation presented by the representatives of the Russian Federation to the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting that the Party’s excess CFC consumption in 2005 had resulted from the delayed arrival of a consignment of CFCs in that year, which was the consequence of the time required to complete lengthy and complex licensing and administrative requirements, Noting with appreciation the further explanation presented by the representatives of the Russian Federation to the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting that the Party had taken action to streamline the above mentioned licensing and administrative requirements to ensure that they posed no future obstacle to the Party’s implementation of its CFC phase-out obligations under the Protocol, Recalling decision XVIII/17 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties on the issue of stockpiling relative to compliance with the Montreal Protocol, which requested the Ozone Secretariat to maintain a consolidated record of cases in which Parties explained that their excess consumption or production was the consequence of any one of three of the stockpiling-related scenarios described in that decision and to include that record in the documentation of the Implementation Committee and in the Secretariat’s report on data submitted by the Parties in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, Recalling further that the consolidated record was to be included in the documentation of the Implementation Committee for information purposes only and that the Parties had agreed that the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties would revisit the issue of stockpiling relative to compliance in the light of the information contained in the consolidated record with a view to considering the need for further action, Noting that, in accordance with decision XVIII/17 the details of the Russian Federation’s case of excess consumption of carbon tetrachloride in 2003 had been included in the consolidated record prepared as directed by that decision, (a) To request the Russian Federation to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an overview of the measures undertaken to reduce the timelines for the processing of imports and licences and to improve related administrative procedures, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting; (b) To remind the Russian Federation to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, as well as its essential use accounting framework report for that year, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting; (c) To congratulate the Russian Federation on its reported consumption of zero ODP-tonnes in 2004 and -77.9 ODP-tonnes in 2005 of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride), which showed that it was in compliance with its obligations under the Montreal Protocol to maintain total phase-out of that substance in those years. n/a
380 70 2007 38/32 Paraguay Article 7 data correction, Article 7 data reporting obligation, Request for plan of action 287. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling Paraguay’s explanation for its reported consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) of 250.7 ODP-tonnes in 2005, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of those substances to no greater than 50 per cent of its baseline for those substances, namely 105.280 ODP-tonnes, in that year, Noting with appreciation the submission by Paraguay of corrected ozone-depleting substances data for 2005,which confirmed that the Party’s consumption of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) was 0.7 ODP-tonnes rather than 6.8 ODP-tonnes in that year, while noting also that that consumption was still in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of carbon tetrachloride to no greater than 15 per cent of Paraguay’s baseline for that substance, namely 0.1 ODP-tonnes, Noting with concern that Paraguay had not submitted a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for returning the Party to compliance, in accordance with decision XVIII/32 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties, while acknowledging that the Party had indicated that it was developing the plan in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Development Programme and that it had limited its CFC imports in 2006 to no greater than 69.0 ODP-tonnes, which was consistent with the Party’s maximum allowable consumption of those substances in that year, (a) To request Paraguay to work with the relevant implementing agencies to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for CFCs and carbon tetrachloride, in accordance with decision XVIII/32; (b) To remind Paraguay to submit its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2006; (c) To invite Paraguay, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
381 71 2007 38/31 Papua New Guinea Compliance with plan of action and control measures 277. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Papua New Guinea had completed implementation in 2006 of the commitment contained in decision XV/36 to ban, on or before 31 December 2004, imports of ozone-depleting-substance-using equipment, (a) To congratulate Papua New Guinea on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/40 to reduce its consumption of CFCs to no greater than 8.0 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To further congratulate Papua New Guinea on the fact that it reported CFC consumption data for 2006 showed that it continued to be in advance of its obligations under the Montreal Protocol to phase out CFCs. n/a
382 72 2007 38/30 Netherlands Compliance with control measures, Stockpiling 271. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that, in accordance with decision XVIII/17, the details of the Netherlands’ case of excess production of Annex B, group I, controlled substances (other CFCs) in 2004 had been included in the consolidated record to be prepared as directed by that decision, Recalling decision XVIII/17 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties on the issue of stockpiling relative to compliance with the Montreal Protocol, which requested the Ozone Secretariat to maintain a consolidated record of cases in which Parties explained that their excess consumption or production was the consequence of any one of three of the stockpiling-related scenarios described in that decision and to include that record in the documentation of the Implementation Committee and in the Secretariat’s report on data submitted by the Parties in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, Recalling further that the consolidated record was to be included in the documentation of the Implementation Committee for information purposes only and that the Parties had agreed that the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties would revisit the issue of stockpiling relative to compliance in the light of the information contained in the consolidated record with a view to considering the need for further action, To congratulate the Netherlands on its reported production of -1.6 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B, group I, controlled substances (other CFCs) in 2005, which showed that it was in compliance with its obligations under the Montreal Protocol to maintain total phase-out of those ozone-depleting substances in that year except to the extent of production that was for approved essential uses and allowed by the basic domestic needs provisions of the Protocol. n/a
383 73 2007 38/3 Bangladesh Data reporting - plan of action, Request for information, Self-reporting by party 58. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the information submitted by Bangladesh pursuant to recommendation 37/45 of the thirty-seventh meeting of the Implementation Committee, Noting that Bangladesh expected to exceed its annual allowable consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) by more than 85 ODP-tonnes in each of the years 2007–2009, Recalling that, in accordance with decision XVII/27, Bangladesh had committed to maintaining its consumption of the Annex B, group III, controlled substance (methyl chloroform) to no greater than 0.550 ODP-tonnes in 2006, (a) To request Bangladesh to submit to the Ozone Secretariat a copy of its transition strategy for the phase-out of metered-dose inhalers using CFCs following its approval by the Executive Committee, ensuring that the documentation provided a description of the planned regulatory measures intended to restrict the consumption of CFC-based metered-dose inhalers and to expedite the adoption of CFC-free alternatives; (b) To request Bangladesh to submit to the Ozone Secretariat by 1 August 2007 for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting a report on the implementation of its national phase-out plan and any revisions that could be made, in the light of the progress made in the implementation of the national phase-out plan, to the estimated amount by which the Party expected to exceed its annual allowable consumption of CFCs in each of the years 2007–2009; (c) To request Bangladesh to submit to the Ozone Secretariat by 1 August 2007 for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting a summary of the Party’s project to convert its CFC-metered dose inhaler manufacturing sector, should the project be approved by the Executive Committee at its fifty-second meeting, including details of the planned duration of the project and any revisions that could be made to the estimated amount by which the Party expected to exceed its annual allowable consumption of CFCs in each of the years 2007–2009; (d) To remind Bangladesh to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-ninth meeting the Party’s compliance with its methyl chloroform consumption control commitment contained in decision XVII/27 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties; (e) To invite Bangladesh, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matters. n/a
384 74 2007 38/29 Nepal Article 7 data reporting obligation 264. The Committee therefore agreed to remind Nepal to submit its data for the year 2006 and its annual report on the quantity of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) released onto its market in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-ninth meeting the Party’s compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVI/27 of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties to release on to its domestic market in 2006 no more than 13.5 ODP-tonnes of CFCs. n/a
385 75 2007 38/28 Namibia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 258. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Namibia on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XV/38 to reduce CFC consumption to no greater than 9.0 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol in that year n/a
386 76 2007 38/27 Montenegro Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline 254. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 7 of the Protocol state that best possible estimates of base-year data may be submitted where actual data were not available, that each Party should submit base-year data for the controlled substances contained in Annex A not later than three months after becoming a Party and that each Party should submit base-year data for the controlled substances contained in Annexes B, C and E not later than three months after the date when the provisions set out in the Protocol with regard to those substances enter into force for the Party, To request Montenegro to make its best efforts to submit its base-year and baseline data for the controlled substances in Annex A, groups I and II (CFCs and halon), Annex B, groups I, II and III (other CFCs, carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform), Annex C, groups I and II (hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrobromofluorocarbons), and Annex E (methyl bromide ) of the Protocol, prior to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee and, if possible, by 2 September 2007, in order that the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol at that meeting. n/a
387 77 2007 38/26 Mauritius Compliance with control measures, Decimal places 246. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Mauritius on its reported zero consumption of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2006, which was in compliance with its obligations under the Montreal Protocol to reduce its consumption of that substance to no greater than 15 per cent of its baseline in that year; (b) To note with appreciation that, in the light of the guidance of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties that the Secretariat should report and review ozone-depleting substances data submitted by Parties to one decimal place only, Mauritius reported zero consumption of carbon tetrachloride in 2005, which showed that it was also in compliance with its obligations under the Montreal Protocol to reduce its consumption of that substance to no greater than 15 per cent of its baseline in that year. n/a
388 78 2007 38/25 Malta Article 7 data reporting obligation, Compliance with control measures 240. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation Malta’s submission of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/34, which indicated that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005. n/a
389 79 2007 38/24 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems, Request for information 236. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the report submitted by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, which indicated that the Party had had a licensing system for controlling the export and import of ozone-depleting substances in place since 1999 and was expected to establish an ozone-depleting substances quota system in the near future, pursuant to its commitments contained in decision XV/36, Recalling, however, that information submitted previously by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had indicated that the legislation required to introduce its licensing and quota system was expected to be enacted at the latest by the end of January 2006 and that in the meantime the Party was implementing an interim import permit arrangement, (a) To request the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, a report on the implementation of its commitment to introduce an ozone-depleting substances quota system as well as a clarification as to whether its system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances was operational, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting; (b) To remind the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-ninth meeting the Party’s compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/37 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties to reduce its consumption of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) to no greater than 653.91 ODP-tonnes and to maintain its consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) at no greater than 96.000 ODP-tonnes. n/a
390 80 2007 38/23 Lao People’s Democratic Republic Compliance with control measures 225. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the submission by the Lao People’s Democratic Republic of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol, which indicated that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005. n/a
391 81 2007 38/22 Kyrgyzstan Compliance with control measures 221. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Kyrgyzstan on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of both its commitment contained in decision XVII/36 to reduce halons consumption to no greater than 1.2 ODP-tonnes and its obligations under the halons control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that year. n/a
392 82 2007 38/21 Kenya Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems 217. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern the report submitted by Kenya pursuant to decision XVIII/28 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties that it had not yet gazetted the ozone-depleting substances regulations required to establish and implement its system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances including import quotas, Recalling the importance of sound, enforceable regulatory measures to the achievement and maintenance of a Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures, (a) To urge Kenya to continue to make every effort to gazette the regulations required to establish and implement its system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances including import quotas as a matter of priority and to report to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, on the status of progress in gazetting the regulations, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting; (b) To remind Kenya to submit its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-ninth meeting the Party’s compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVIII/28 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties to limit its consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) to no greater than 60.0 ODP-tonnes in 2006. n/a
393 83 2007 38/20 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Plan of action 207. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the Islamic Republic of Iran’s explanation for its reported consumption of 13.6 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of that substance in that year to no greater than 15 per cent of its baseline level, namely 11.6 ODP-tonnes, Noting also with appreciation the Party’s submission of a plan of action for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for that ozone-depleting substance in 2007, To forward to the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action, as contained in annex I (section D) to the present report. XIX/27
394 84 2007 38/2 Azerbaijan Non-compliance with control measures, Request for information 41. The Committee therefore agreed: Congratulating Azerbaijan on its return to compliance in 2006 with the consumption control measures for Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) as well as its implementation of its commitment contained in decision XVII/26 to achieve total phase-out of those substances by 1 January 2006, as indicated by the Party’s data report for 2006, Noting with concern, however, that Azerbaijan had reported consumption of 0.2 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B, group I, controlled substances (other CFCs) in 2006, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to maintain total phase-out of those substances in that year, Noting also that Azerbaijan was to receive institutional strengthening assistance from the Global Environment Facility in order to facilitate its compliance with the Montreal Protocol, (a) To request Azerbaijan to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation for its deviation from the Protocol’s consumption control measures for other CFCs in 2006 and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) In the absence of an explanation for the Party’s excess consumption, to forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section A) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (a) above; (c) To request Azerbaijan to submit to the Secretariat no later than 1 August 2007 a status report on its efforts in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme to expedite implementation of the additional institutional strengthening project approved by the Global Environment Facility; (d) To invite Azerbaijan, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
395 85 2007 38/19 Guatemala Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 195. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting that Guatemala had presented in accordance with recommendation 37/16 a report on its commitment contained in decision XV/34 to ban by 2005 the import of equipment that used ozone-depleting substances, which appeared to indicate that the ban was limited to equipment that used CFCs, (a) To congratulate Guatemala on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/34 to reduce consumption of those substances to no greater than 50 ODP-tonnes in that year and its CFC phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol; (b) To further congratulate Guatemala on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2006, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVIII/26 to reduce consumption of that substance to no greater than 400.7 ODP-tonnes in that year; (c) To request Guatemala to submit to the Secretariat no later than 1 August 2007 an explanation as to why the ban it has introduced on the import of CFC-using equipment does not also cover the import of equipment using other ozone-depleting substances, in accordance with the commitment detailed in paragraph 3 (d) of decision XV/34, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting; (d) To further request Guatemala to submit to the Secretariat no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation as to why the maximum allowable CFC consumption limit for the year 2007 contained in its ozone-depleting substances regulations appears to be inconsistent with decision XV/34, which recorded the commitment of Guatemala to limit its CFC consumption in 2007 to 20 ODP-tonnes, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting. n/a
396 86 2007 38/18 Greece Request for baseline change - not approved, Request for information, Transfer of production allowance 184. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that Greece had reported the production of 2,142.0 ODP-tonnes of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005 entirely to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol, in excess of its allowable CFC production for those purposes in that year of 730.0 ODP-tonnes, Recalling also the explanation submitted by the Party that 1,374 ODP-tonnes of the excess production could be attributed to a transfer of CFC production allowances from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Greece, while the remaining 38 ODP-tonnes of excess production could be attributed to errors in the data used to calculate the baseline by which the annual allowable CFC production for basic domestic needs was calculated for Greece, Recalling with regret that the information submitted to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Implementation Committee confirmed that Greece had not fulfilled the requirement prescribed in Article 2 of the Protocol that each Party that has made a transfer of CFC production allowances notify the Secretariat of the terms of any such transfer and the period for which it was to apply no later than the time of the transfer, but also recalling the sincere apologies of Greece in that regard and its undertaking to ensure that it would observe that requirement with regard to any future transfers, Noting the information submitted by Greece in support of its request to revise its data for the year 1995 used to calculate the Party’s baseline for the production of CFCs to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol, Noting also the statement in the submission from Greece that its existing records “do not show in a definitive way what the production specific for BDN [basic domestic needs] was” in 1995, Noting that Greece stated in its correspondence to the Secretariat dated 30 May 2007 that it had ceased CFC production from February 2006 and had produced only 150 ODP-tonnes of CFC in 2006 prior to that date, which would place the Party in compliance with the CFC control measures of the Protocol for that year, (a) To conclude that, on the basis of the information submitted by Greece, the Implementation Committee was unable to recommend that the Meeting of the Parties approve the request of Greece to revise the data for the year 1995 used to calculate the Party’s baseline for the production of CFCs to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol; (b) To advise Greece that the Committee could not recommend approval of its request because the Party had not proposed a figure to replace its existing 1995 baseline data, as required by paragraph 2 (a) (i) of decision XV/19, but instead had proposed a data range from 1,746 ODP-tonnes to 2,278 ODP-tonnes, which could not be evaluated by the Committee; (c) To invite Greece, should it wish to pursue its request to revise its baseline data, to submit any additional information to support its baseline data revision request to the Ozone Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting; (d) To insist that, should Greece wish to pursue its request to revise its baseline data, it should send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the request; (e) To forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section C) to the present report, amended as necessary in the light of the Party’s response to the present recommendation. XIX/21
397 87 2007 38/17 Micronesia (Federated States of) Data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems, Request for information 172. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that the Federated States of Micronesia had submitted, in accordance with the recommendations of the Implementation Committee at two successive meetings and decision XVII/32 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties, a report on the implementation of its commitment to introduce by 1 January 2006 a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances including import quotas, but also noting with regret that the Party had yet to introduce the licensing and quota system, Recalling also that the Federated States of Micronesia was a Party to the Montreal Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and was therefore required to establish and implement a system for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances and report the introduction of that system to the Ozone Secretariat, in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol, (a) To request the Federated States of Micronesia to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 1 August 2007, an update on the implementation of its commitment to introduce by 1 January 2006 a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances including import quotas, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting; (b) To remind the Federated States of Micronesia to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-ninth meeting the Party’s compliance with its commitment contained in decision XVII/32 to reduce its consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) to no greater than zero in 2006; (c) To invite the Federated States of Micronesia, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss those matters. n/a
398 88 2007 38/16 Eritrea Article 7 data reporting obligation, Licensing systems, Request for information, Request for plan of action 162. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Eritrea’s explanation for its reported consumption of 30.2 ODP-tonnes of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of those substances in that year to no greater than 50 per cent of its baseline level, namely 20.6 ODP-tonnes, in accordance with decision XVIII/24 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties, Noting with concern that Eritrea had not, however, submitted a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for returning the Party to compliance in accordance with that decision, while acknowledging that the Party had only recently received assistance from the Multilateral Fund and had prepared draft regulatory measures to redress its non-compliance, Recalling also that Eritrea was a Party to the Montreal Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and was therefore required to report to the Ozone Secretariat on the establishment and operation of a system for licensing the import and export of controlled ozone-depleting substances, in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol, (a) To request Eritrea to work with relevant implementing agencies to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance with the Protocol’s CFC consumption control measures, in accordance with decision XVIII/24; (b) Further to request Eritrea to notify the Secretariat in writing, immediately after it had established and commenced operation of a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances, in accordance with its obligations under Article 4B of the Protocol; (c) To remind Eritrea to submit its data for the year 2006 in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol, preferably no later than 1 August 2007, in order that the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for 2006 at its thirty-ninth meeting; (d) To invite Eritrea, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the above matters. n/a
399 89 2007 38/15 Equatorial Guinea Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline 150. The Committee therefore agreed: Recalling that paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 7 of the Protocol state that best possible estimates of base-year data may be submitted where actual data are not available and provide that each Party should submit its base-year data for the controlled substances contained in Annex A not later than three months after becoming a Party, To request Equatorial Guinea to make its best efforts to submit its base-year and baseline data for the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) of the Protocol prior to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee and, if possible, by 2 September 2007, in order that the Committee might assess the Party’s compliance with the Protocol at its thirty-ninth meeting. n/a
400 90 2007 38/14 El Salvador Request for information, Request for plan of action 142. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with concern that El Salvador reported consumption of 0.8 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2006, an amount inconsistent with the Protocol’s requirement to limit consumption of that substance in that year to no greater than 15 per cent of its consumption baseline, namely zero ODP-tonnes, (a) To request El Salvador to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, an explanation for this deviation and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (b) To invite El Salvador, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (c) In the absence of an explanation for the Party’s excess consumption, to forward for consideration by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in annex I (section B) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (a) above. n/a
401 91 2007 38/13 Ecuador Plan of action 136. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation Ecuador’s submission in accordance with decision XVIII/23 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties of a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for returning the Party to compliance with the consumption control measures of the Montreal Protocol for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) by 2010, Noting also with appreciation that the estimated methyl bromide consumption of Ecuador for 2006 would return the Party to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for methyl bromide in that year but noting with concern that the time-specific benchmarks contained in the plan of action submitted by Ecuador would appear to return the Party to non-compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for methyl bromide in 2007, (a) To request Ecuador to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 1 August 2007, the information requested by the Secretariat in its correspondence dated 27 April 2007 in order that the Committee might complete its review of the Party’s plan of action for returning to compliance with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for methyl bromide; (b) To invite Ecuador, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-ninth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
402 92 2007 38/12 Dominica Compliance - return to 112. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation that Dominica had completed implementation of its commitment contained in decision XVIII/22 to introduce by 31 December 2006 a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances that included import quotas for all ozone-depleting substances listed under the Protocol, To congratulate Dominica on its return to compliance in 2006 with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) and its implementation of its commitment contained in decision XVIII/22 to reduce consumption of those substances to no greater than 0.45 ODP-tonnes in 2006, as indicated by the Party’s data report for 2006. n/a
403 93 2007 38/11 Democratic Republic of the Congo Compliance with plan of action and control measures 107. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that the Democratic Republic of the Congo had completed implementation in 2006 of the commitments contained in decision XVIII/21 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties to reduce consumption of the Annex B, group III controlled substance (methyl chloroform) to no greater than 4 ODP-tonnes and maintain consumption of the Annex B, group II controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) at no greater than 16.5 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
404 94 2007 38/10 Côte d’Ivoire Compliance with control measures 102. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation Côte d’Ivoire’s submission of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVIII/34, which indicated that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005. n/a
405 95 2007 38/1 Armenia Licensing systems 34. The Committee therefore agreed: Noting with appreciation the report submitted by Armenia on its progress in implementing its commitment contained in decision XVIII/20 to introduce a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances that includes import quotas by 1 July 2007, To request Armenia to submit to the Ozone Secretariat an update on its implementation of its commitment no later than 1 August 2007, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-ninth meeting. n/a
406 1 2006 37th Meeting para 153 Lao People’s Democratic Republic Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline - timing of consideration 153. The Committee concluded that the Party’s compliance with the requirement to report baseline data would only become ripe for consideration by the Committee at the time it considered the Party’s compliance with the control measures for the Annex E substance, which would not occur until 2007 with respect to the Party’s 2006 data. n/a
407 2 2006 37/9 Democratic Republic of the Congo Licensing systems, Plan of action 74. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the Democratic Republic of Congo’s explanation for its reported consumption of 16.500 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex B, group II, (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption to a level no greater than 15 percent of the Party’s carbon tetrachloride consumption baseline in that year, namely, 2.288 ODP-tonnes; (b) To note with appreciation the Democratic Republic of Congo’s explanation for its reported consumption of 4.000 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex B, group III, (methyl chloroform) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption to a level no greater than 70 percent of the Party’s methyl chloroform consumption baseline in that year, namely, 3.330 ODP-tonnes; (c) To note further with appreciation the submission by the Democratic Republic of Congo of a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s return to compliance in 2007; (d) To note with concern, however, that available information suggested that the system of the Democratic Republic of Congo for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances was not operating well and therefore strongly to urge the Party to make every effort in cooperation with relevant implementing agencies to ensure the effective operation of its licensing and import quota system, noting the importance of sound regulatory measures to enabling the Party to return to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures; (e) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision incorporating the plan of action contained in the annex (section B) to the present report. XVIII/21
408 3 2006 37/8 Chile Request for information 66. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the information provided by Chile’s representative to the Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting, in particular the Party’s: (i) Expectation that it would return to compliance with the Montreal Protocol’s control measures for methyl chloroform in 2006; (ii) Efforts to introduce the administrative and regulatory arrangements necessary to set import quotas for methyl chloroform and, until such time as those quotas were in place, its commitment to strive to maintain compliance through voluntary agreement with methyl chloroform importers; (iii) Advice that, while the technical assistance project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme was not intended to achieve phase-out of a precise quantity of methyl chloroform, it would provide the enterprises involved with the technical expertise to achieve a transition to non-ozone-depleting alternatives; (b) To request Chile to submit to the Secretariat by 31 March 2007 an update on the Party’s efforts to introduce its import quota system and its progress in implementing alternatives to methyl chloroform in the solvent sector; (c) To invite Chile, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
409 4 2006 37/7 Canada Data reporting obligation - exemption 59. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation Canada’s submission, in accordance with recommendation 36/50, of its reporting accounts for the methyl bromide critical use exemptions granted to the Party for 2005. n/a
410 5 2006 37/6 Botswana Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Licensing systems 56. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Botswana on its completion of all time-specific consumption reduction commitments contained in decision XV/31 for the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) and achieving total phase-out of methyl bromide consumption in 2005, in advance of its methyl bromide phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol; (b) To note with regret that Botswana had not submitted in accordance with recommendation 36/8 a status report on its work with the implementing agencies to fulfil its commitment contained in decision XV/31 to establish a system for licensing imports and exports of methyl bromide that included quotas; (c) To request Botswana to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2007, the report referred to in subparagraph (b) for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, noting the importance of sound regulatory measures to the achievement and maintenance of a Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures. n/a
411 6 2006 37/5 Bosnia and Herzegovina Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Licensing systems 51. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Bosnia and Herzegovina on its reported data for the consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs), Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform), and Annex E (methyl bromide) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/30 and decision XVII/28 to reduce its consumption of CFCs to 102.1 ODP-tonnes, to reduce its consumption of methyl bromide to 5.61 ODP-tonnes and to reduce its consumption of methyl chloroform to 1.3 ODP-tonnes in 2005; (b) To congratulate Bosnia and Herzegovina on returning to compliance in 2005 with the methyl chloroform control measures of the Montreal Protocol; (c) To note with great concern, however, that Bosnia and Herzegovina had not submitted a report on its commitment contained in decision XVII/28 to establish, by the end of January 2006, a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances that included import quotas in accordance with recommendation 36/7; (d) To note that available information suggested that the Party had not yet established its licensing and quota system and therefore strongly to urge Bosnia and Herzegovina to make every effort in cooperation with relevant implementing agencies to fulfil its commitment to do so, noting the importance of sound regulatory measures to the achievement and maintenance of a Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures; (e) To request Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2007, the report referred to in subparagraph (c) for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting. n/a
412 7 2006 37/46 New Zealand Non-compliance procedure 284. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the paper submitted by New Zealand on the challenges associated with the future implementation of the non-compliance procedure of the Montreal Protocol and possible options for addressing those challenges; (b) To continue dialogue on the issue intersessionally and to place the issue on the agenda of the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee. n/a
413 8 2006 37/45 Bangladesh Request for information, Self-reporting by party 281. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note that Bangladesh had notified the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Non-compliance Procedure of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer that, despite having made its best bona fide efforts, the Party anticipated that it would be unable to comply fully with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for the ozone-depleting substances in Annex A, group I, (CFCs) as prescribed by Articles 2A and 5 of the Protocol for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009; (b) To note with appreciation the information provided by Bangladesh in relation to the circumstances that the Party believed to be the cause of its imminent non-compliance; (c) To note the decision of the Executive Committee taken at its forty-ninth meeting, which requested the Government of Bangladesh to include the following in the 2007 and 2008 annual implementation programmes of that Party’s national CFC phase-out plans: (i) Specific technically viable and economically feasible activities that could be implemented in the shortest possible period of time to achieve the greatest reduction in consumption of CFCs, such as the introduction of non-CFC drop-in refrigerants for servicing refrigeration equipment or cost-effective equipment retrofits; (ii) Assessment of the feasibility of importing recovered and recycled CFCs for servicing existing refrigeration equipment; (iii) Within the flexibility for reallocating approved funds provided in the agreements between the Governments concerned and the Executive Committee, consideration of the establishment of stockpiles of pharmaceutical-grade CFCs for use in metered-dose inhaler production facilities, if technically feasible and economically viable; (d) To request Bangladesh to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 31 March 2007, a copy of the annual programmes mentioned in paragraph (c), as well as estimates of the total amount by which the Party expected to exceed it annual maximum allowable consumption of CFC in each of the years from 2007 to 2009, for consideration by the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting; (e) Further to request Bangladesh to submit to the Secretariat its transition strategy for the phase-out of CFC metered-dose inhalers for consideration by the Implementation Committee; (f) To request the Secretariat to circulate the information document on the Party’s potential non-compliance prepared for the Committee’s thirty-seventh meeting (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ImpCom/INF/3), [and the related correspondence dated 19 October 2006 from the Government of Bangladesh], to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties to facilitate that meeting’s consideration of Bangladesh’s situation; (g) To invite Bangladesh, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee to further discuss the matter. n/a
414 9 2006 37/44 None specified Licensing systems 273. The Committee therefore agreed to forward to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision on this matter contained in the annex (section Q) to the present report. XVIII/35
415 10 2006 37/43 None specified Procedural - standardizing recommendations for routine matters 269. The Committee therefore agreed to note that the text of the standardized recommendations, as amended by any revisions agreed at the present meeting, would be incorporated into the revised Implementation Committee Primer, which would be posted on the Secretariat’s website. n/a
416 11 2006 37/42 Secretariat Implementation Committee primer 266. The Committee therefore agreed to request the Secretariat to post the Implementation Committee primer and the related documents on the public and secure websites of the Secretariat, as appropriate, and as amended by the comments of the members at the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee. n/a
417 12 2006 37/41 None specified Article 7 data reporting obligation 263. Recalling the data report contained in documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/18/9 UNEP/OzL.Pro/ImpCom/37/2 and Add.1, the Committee agreed to include in the draft decision contained in section P of annex I to the present report those Parties that had not submitted their ozone-depleting substances data for 2005 in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol prior to the adoption of the draft decision by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties. n/a
418 13 2006 37/40 Zimbabwe Article 7 data correction, Compliance with control measures 262. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Zimbabwe had submitted revised ozone-depleting substances data for 2005 to correct a misclassification of imports of non-ozone-depleting solvents as the controlled substance in Annex B, group II, (carbon tetrachloride) and Annex B, group III, (methyl chloroform), which confirmed that the Party had been in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005. n/a
419 14 2006 37/4 Bolivia Compliance with plan of action, Deferred consideration, Laboratory and analytical uses, Non-compliance with control measures 44. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Bolivia on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/29 to reduce its 2005 consumption of CFCs to 37.84 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To congratulate Bolivia further on remaining in advance of the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol for 2005; (c) To note, however, that Bolivia had reported consumption of 0.11 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex B, group II, (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption to a level no greater than 15 percent of the Party’s carbon tetrachloride consumption baseline in that year, namely, 0.045 ODP-tonnes; (d) To agree that decision XVII/13 on the use of carbon tetrachloride for laboratory and analytical uses in Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol was applicable to Bolivia’s excess consumption of carbon tetrachloride in that year, in the light of its analysis of the particular circumstances relating to the carbon tetrachloride consumption of Bolivia in 2005; (e) To defer until 2007 consideration of the compliance status of Bolivia in relation to the Protocol’s control measures for carbon tetrachloride, in accordance with the provisions of decision XVII/13, while urging the Party to continue its carbon tetrachloride phase-out efforts in the interim, particularly in the light of the fact that the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties in 1999 had recorded in decision XI/15 its agreement to remove from the global exemption for laboratory and analytical uses of ozone-depleting substances from 2002 the testing of tar in road-paving and the testing of total petroleum hydrocarbon in water, suggesting that it should be possible to perform two of the laboratory applications of carbon tetrachloride cited by the Party without the use of that ozone-depleting substance. n/a
420 15 2006 37/39 Uruguay Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Deferred consideration 257. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Uruguay on its reported data on the consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/39 to reduce its methyl bromide consumption to 8.9 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To congratulate Uruguay further on remaining in advance of the methyl bromide control measures of the Montreal Protocol for 2005; (c) To note that Uruguay had submitted its data for 2005 to the Secretariat prior to completion of the thirty-sixth meeting of the Implementation Committee, but that the data could not be processed in time for consideration at that meeting. n/a
421 16 2006 37/38 United Republic of Tanzania Non-compliance with control measures, Request for information, Request for plan of action 252. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with concern that the United Republic of Tanzania had reported consumption of 4.785 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce its consumption of carbon tetrachloride to no greater than 0.018 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To note further with concern that the Party had reported consumption of 0.994 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B group III, controlled substance (methyl chloroform) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce its consumption of carbon tetrachloride to no greater than zero ODP-tonnes in that year; (c) To request the United Republic of Tanzania to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible and no later than 31 March 2007 an explanation for those deviations and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance, for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting; (d) To invite the Party, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (e) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section O) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (c) above. n/a
422 17 2006 37/37 United Arab Emirates Deferred consideration, Request for baseline change, Request for information 248. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To defer consideration of the United Arab Emirates’ compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005 until the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee, in the light of the limited time which the United Arab Emirates had had to respond to the Secretariat’s request for information on the Party’s apparent deviations from the Protocol’s requirement that the United Arab Emirates reduce its consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) to no greater than 50 percent of its baseline for those substances, namely, 264.630 ODP-tonnes, and reduce its consumption of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) to no greater than 15 percent of its baseline for that substance, namely, zero ODP-tonnes; (b) To note the request of the United Arab Emirates to revise its carbon tetrachloride data for the baseline years 1998 to 2000 inclusive and to invite the Party to submit to the Secretariat by 31 March 2007 information in accordance with decision XV/19 which sets out the methodology for the submission of requests to revise baseline data for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting. n/a
423 18 2006 37/36 Türkiye Deferred consideration, Potential non-compliance, Process agent uses 241. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with concern that Turkey had reported consumption of 18.480 ODP-tonnes of the Annex C, group III, controlled substance (bromochloromethane) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to maintain zero consumption in that year; (b) To note with appreciation, however, that Turkey had submitted an explanation for its excess consumption, explaining that the consumption had been for the production of sultamicillin; (c) To recall that the Parties at the twenty-sixth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol had taken note of the conclusions in the 2006 progress report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel that the majority of the bromochloromethane used in the production of sultamicillin had been used as a process agent, while a small part had been used as a feedstock, on the understanding that those conclusions could be taken up by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties or, if not taken up at that Meeting, could be considered in 2007 in the context of the biennial review by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel of the list of approved process agent uses; (d) To therefore defer assessment of Turkey’s compliance with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for the controlled substance in Annex C, group III, (bromochloromethane) in the year 2005 until it could review the Party’s situation in the light of guidance provided by the Meeting of the Parties. n/a
424 19 2006 37/35 Tajikistan Compliance with plan of action and control measures 236. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Tajikistan on its reported ozone-depleting substances data for 2005, which showed that the Party had achieved total phase-out of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in that year, thereby completing implementation of all of its commitments contained in decision XIII/20 to return to compliance with the Protocol and placing Tajikistan in advance of its obligations under the Protocol with respect to methyl bromide phase-out. n/a
425 20 2006 37/34 Switzerland Data reporting obligation - exemption 232. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To recall that, in accordance with decision Ex.1/4, after the end of 2005 each Party which had been granted a critical-use exemption for methyl bromide was to submit information on its exemption together with any new nomination for exemption using the accounting framework adopted by the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties in decision XVI/6; (b) To note that Switzerland had not submitted its accounting framework for the methyl bromide critical use exemptions that the Party had been granted for 2005, but also to note that the Party had to date not submitted any new nominations for exemption; (c) To note therefore that unless and until Switzerland did submit a new nomination for exemption, the Party would not be required to submit to the Ozone Secretariat its accounting framework for the methyl bromide critical use exemptions granted to the Party for 2005. n/a
426 21 2006 37/33 South Africa Deferred consideration 227. The Committee therefore agreed to defer consideration of South Africa’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005 until its thirty-eighth meeting, in the light of the limited time which South Africa had had to respond to the Secretariat’s request for information on its apparent deviation from the requirement to maintain total phase out of the consumption of the Annex C, group III controlled substance (bromochloromethane). n/a
427 22 2006 37/32 Somalia Article 7 data reporting obligation, Implementation challenges, Request for information 222. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Somalia had not responded to the request contained in recommendation 36/42 to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005 and an update on its plan for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s halon control measures, including regulatory measures to support and sustain planned phase-out activities; (b) To note, however, the challenges faced by Somalia in implementing its obligations under the Montreal Protocol, including the fact that institutional changes had necessitated a review of the Party’s previously submitted plan of action and that recent changes to the cabinet of the transitional Government of Somalia might be expected to delay the introduction of regulatory measures to support the Party’s compliance with the Protocol; (c) To urge Somalia to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 31 March 2007, an update on its plan for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s halon control measures, including regulatory measures to support and sustain planned phase-out activities, for consideration by the Committee at its next meeting; (d) To include Somalia in the draft decision contained in the annex (section P) to the present report, which lists those Parties that have not yet submitted their ozone-depleting substances data for 2005 in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol prior to the adoption of the draft decision by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties and are therefore in non-compliance with their data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol until such time as the Secretariat receives their outstanding data. n/a
428 23 2006 37/31 Serbia Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline, Implementation challenges 218. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note the information submitted by Serbia on the status of its efforts to collect the outstanding baseline data for the controlled substances in Annex B (other CFCs, carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform) for the years 1998 and 1999 and Annex E (methyl bromide) for the years 1995 to 1998 in accordance with decision XVII/22 and recommendation 36/40; (b) To note with regret, however, that while the Party had indicated that a report on its outstanding methyl bromide consumption data would be completed by the end of September, it had not yet submitted to the Secretariat either those data or the outstanding Annex B baseline data for the years 1998 and 1999; (c) To acknowledge that the Party had only recently assumed the obligation to report data on the Annex B and Annex E substances and had also recently experienced significant changes in its national circumstances pursuant to which it had undertaken to continue the legal personality of the former Serbia and Montenegro in respect of the Montreal Protocol for the territory under its control effective 3 June 2006 and acknowledging further that those factors may have affected the Party’s ability to comply with its reporting obligations under the Protocol in a timely manner; (d) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section N) to the present report, in the event that the Party did not report the data for the controlled substances in Annex B (other CFCs, carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform) for the years 1998 and 1999 and Annex E (methyl bromide) for the years 1995 to 1998 to the Secretariat prior to the adoption of the draft decision by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties. XVIII/33
429 24 2006 37/30 Russian Federation Deferred consideration - translation error, Non-compliance with control measures 211. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the Russian Federation’s submission of an explanation for its reported consumption of 349.000 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex A, group I, (CFCs) in 2005, which was in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to maintain total phase-out of those controlled substances in that year and in excess of the essential uses authorization granted to the Party for that year; (b) To defer assessment of the Russian Federation’s compliance in 2005 with the Protocol’s CFC consumption control measures until its next meeting owing to the error in translation of the explanation submitted by the Party, as a result of which the Committee had not had adequate time to consider the Party’s situation at the current meeting. n/a
430 25 2006 37/3 Bangladesh Compliance with plan of action and control measures 38. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Bangladesh on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex B, group III, controlled substance (methyl chloroform) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/27 to maintain its 2005 consumption of methyl chloroform at no more than 0.550 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To congratulate Bangladesh further on remaining in advance of the methyl chloroform control measures of the Montreal Protocol for 2005 n/a
431 26 2006 37/29 Paraguay Non-compliance with control measures, Request for plan of action 204. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with concern that Paraguay had reported consumption of 250.748 ODP-tonnes of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce its consumption of CFCs to no greater than 105.280 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To note further with concern that Paraguay had reported consumption of 0.6842 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce its consumption of carbon tetrachloride to no greater than 0.090 ODP-tonnes in that year; (c) To request Paraguay to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible and no later than 31 March 2007 a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance, for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting; (d) To invite the Party, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (e) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section M) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (c) above. XVIII/32
432 27 2006 37/28 Papua New Guinea Licensing systems, Request for information 198. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Papua New Guinea had not submitted in accordance with recommendation 36/38 a report on the implementation of its commitment contained in decision XV/40 to ban, on or before 31 December 2004, imports of equipment using ozone-depleting substances, recalling that the Party had reported to the Committee at its thirty-sixth meeting that the regulations required to establish the ban had been submitted for Cabinet endorsement by the end of March 2006; (b) To request Papua New Guinea to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2007, the report referred to in subparagraph (a) above for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, noting the importance of sound regulatory measures to the achievement and maintenance of a Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures. n/a
433 28 2006 37/27 Pakistan Compliance with plan of action and control measures 193. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Pakistan on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitments contained in decision XVI/29 and prescribed under the Protocol to reduce its 2005 consumption of halons to no more than 7.1 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To note with appreciation Pakistan’s explanation for its reported consumption of 148.500 ODP tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex B, group II, (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce its consumption in that year to no greater than 15 percent of the Party’s baseline level; (c) To note also with appreciation Pakistan’s submission of information detailing the time-specific benchmarks to which the Party had committed to achieve accelerated phase-out of carbon tetrachloride consumption, as well as the measures that Pakistan had already taken and planned to take to return to compliance with those benchmarks and the Protocol’s carbon tetrachloride control measures by 2006; (d) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section L) to the present report, which incorporates those benchmarks and supporting measures. XVIII/31
434 29 2006 37/26 Nigeria Compliance with plan of action and control measures 185. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Nigeria on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XIV/30 to reduce its 2005 consumption of CFC to no more than 1800.0 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To congratulate Nigeria further on remaining in advance of the CFC consumption control measures of the Montreal Protocol for 2005. n/a
435 30 2006 37/25 Niger Compliance with control measures 181. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation Niger’s resubmission of its ozone-depleting substances data for the year 2005, which indicated that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in that year. n/a
436 31 2006 37/24 New Zealand Data reporting obligation - exemption 178. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation New Zealand’s submission in accordance with recommendation 36/50 of its reporting accounts for the methyl bromide critical use exemptions granted to the Party for 2005. n/a
437 32 2006 37/23 Mozambique Compliance with control measures 175. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation Mozambique’s submission of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and recommendation 36/31, which indicated that it was in compliance with the control measures of the Protocol in the years 2004 and 2005. n/a
438 33 2006 37/22 Mexico Non-compliance with control measures, Plan of action, Request for baseline change - approved 171. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the information submitted by Mexico in response to recommendation 36/30 with regard to its request to revise its carbon tetrachloride consumption data for the year 1998 from zero ODP-tonnes to 187.517 ODP-tonnes and to conclude that the Party had now presented sufficient information, in accordance with decision XV/19, to justify its request; (b) To note also with appreciation Mexico’s explanation for its reported consumption of 89.540 ODP-tonnes of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption in that year to no greater than 15 percent of the Party’s baseline level; (c) To note further with appreciation the information submitted by the Party with regard to the measures that it planned to take to return to compliance with the Protocol’s carbon tetrachloride consumption control measures should its request to revise its carbon tetrachloride consumption data for the year 1998 be approved; (d) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section J) to the present report, which accepts the request from Mexico to revise its 1998 carbon tetrachloride baseline data; (e) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section K) to the present report, which contains a plan of action for returning the Party to compliance with the Protocol’s carbon tetrachloride consumption controls. XVIII/29 & XVIII/30
439 34 2006 37/21 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Compliance with plan of action, Request for information 160. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had completed implementation in 2005 of the commitments contained in decision XVII/37 to maintain its 2005 consumption of the Annex A, group II, controlled substances (halons) at a level no greater than 714.500 ODP-tonnes and its 2005 consumption of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) at a level no greater than 96.000 ODP-tonnes; (b) To congratulate the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on its reported data for the consumption of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/37 and prescribed under the Protocol, to reduce its CFC consumption to 303.0 ODP-tonnes in that year; (c) To note with great concern that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had not submitted, in accordance with recommendation 36/27, a report on the status of its commitment contained in decision XV/36 to establish a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances that included a quota system, recalling the Party’s expectation that such a system would be established no later than 31 January 2006; (d) To request the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2007, the report referred to in subparagraph (c) above for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, noting the importance of sound regulatory measures to the achievement and maintenance of a Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures. n/a
440 35 2006 37/20 Kenya Licensing systems, Plan of action 150. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation Kenya’s explanation for its reported consumption of 162.210 ODP-tonnes of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce its consumption in that year to no greater than 50 percent of the Party’s baseline level, including its efforts to adopt a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances that included import quotas; (b) To note further with appreciation that Kenya had notified the Ozone Secretariat of its establishment and implementation of ozone-depleting substances regulations in accordance with its obligations as a Party to the Montreal Amendment to the Protocol; (c) To forward to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision contained in the annex (section I) to the present report, which contains a plan of action for returning the Party to compliance with the Protocol’s CFC consumption controls. XVIII/28
441 36 2006 37/2 Azerbaijan Decision XVII/26, Implementing Agency - request for report from, Indicative measure C, Trade controls 33. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Azerbaijan had responded to recommendation 36/3 of the thirty-sixth meeting of the Implementation Committee, confirming that the Party had continued to implement the ban on the import of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) that it had introduced in November 2005 and that it was pursuing the approval of further measures to enhance the implementation and enforcement of that ban; (b) To recall paragraph 5 of decision XVII/26, which stated that in the event that Azerbaijan did not achieve total phase-out of CFCs by 1 January 2006, the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties would consider implementation of item C of the indicative measures listed in the non-compliance procedure of the Montreal Protocol, which could include action available under Article 4 to cease the supply of CFCs to Azerbaijan; (c) To note that the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties was scheduled to take place prior to the end of 2006 and that, until Azerbaijan had submitted its CFC consumption data for 2006, implementation of the Party’s commitment contained in decision XVII/26 to achieve total phase-out of CFCs by 1 January 2006 could not be reviewed; (d) To request the Secretariat, in the interest of supporting Azerbaijan’s compliance with the Montreal Protocol, to remind the Parties, through a formal communication, that paragraph 5 of decision XVII/26 also requested exporting Parties to assist Azerbaijan implement its commitment by ceasing export of CFCs to that Party, and to note that that request could be implemented by not issuing licences to export CFCs to Azerbaijan; (e) To request UNEP to expedite the implementation in Azerbaijan of the additional institutional strengthening and customs officer training components of the capacity-building assistance project submitted to the Global Environment Facility (GEF), in the event that that project was approved by the GEF. n/a
442 37 2006 37/19 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Compliance - return to, Non-compliance with control measures, Request for information, Request for plan of action 143. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate the Islamic Republic of Iran on its return to compliance in 2005 with the consumption control measures of the Montreal Protocol for the controlled substance in Annex B, group III, (methyl chloroform) for that year; (b) To note with concern, however, that the Islamic Republic of Iran had reported consumption of the Annex B, group II, controlled substance (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005 that was in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption in that year to a level no greater than 15 percent of the Party’s base line level; (c) To request the Islamic Republic of Iran to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 31 March 2007, an explanation for that deviation and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (d) To invite the Islamic Republic of Iran, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (e) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section H) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (c) above. XVIII/27
443 38 2006 37/18 Honduras Compliance with plan of action and control measures 137. The Committee therefore agreed to congratulate Honduras on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex E substance (methyl bromide) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/34 to reduce its consumption of methyl bromide to no greater than 327.600 ODP-tonnes in that year and had progressed towards compliance with the Protocol’s methyl bromide control measures. n/a
444 39 2006 37/17 Guinea Bissau Compliance with plan of action and control measures 133. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Guinea Bissau on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVI/24 to reduce its 2005 consumption of CFCs to no more than 13.137 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To congratulate Guinea Bissau further on remaining in advance of the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol for 2005; (c) To note with appreciation that Guinea Bissau had completed implementation in 2006 of the commitment contained in decision XVI/24 to introduce an ozone-depleting substances quota system n/a
445 40 2006 37/16 Guatemala Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Non-compliance with plan of action, Plan of action - revised, Request for information, Trade controls 127. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note that Guatemala had presented in accordance with recommendation 36/19 a report on its commitment contained in decision XV/34 to ban by 2005 imports of equipment that uses ozone-depleting substances and to note the Party’s advice that although the law introducing the ban had been approved it could not enter into force until customs identification codes and other administrative arrangements were established; (b) To request Guatemala to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2007, an update on the report referred to in subparagraph (a) for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting and to include in that report information on the date by which the ban was expected to become operational, noting the importance of sound regulatory measures to the achievement and maintenance of a Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures; (c) To congratulate Guatemala on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XV/34 to reduce its 2005 consumption of CFCs to no more than 85 ODP-tonnes in that year; (d) To congratulate Guatemala further on remaining in advance of the CFC control measures of the Montreal Protocol for 2005; (e) To note with concern, however, that Guatemala had reported consumption of 522.792 ODP-tonnes of the Annex E controlled substance (methyl bromide) in 2005, in excess of its commitment contained in decision XV/34 to reduce its 2005 consumption of methyl bromide to no more than 360 ODP-tonnes in that year; (f) To note Guatemala’s request to revise the time-specific benchmarks contained in decision XV/34 to return the Party to compliance in 2007 with the Protocol’s methyl bromide control measures and to note with appreciation the information submitted by the Party in support of that request, which explained among other things that the Party was unable to comply with the existing methyl bromide benchmarks owing to increased pest and pathogen pressure, which had required more frequent fumigation of cultivated areas, the need for alternatives to accommodate the tight harvesting schedule associated with Guatemala’s two growing seasons, recent expansion of land under melon cultivation, the cost of alternatives and resistance to phase-out owing to awareness in the Party’s melon grower sector of the fact that the Party’s primary export market had been granted critical use exemptions for methyl bromide; (g) To further note with appreciation that the revised time-specific benchmarks and the activities to meet those benchmarks had been agreed with all relevant stakeholders; (h) To forward to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision containing the time-specific benchmarks, which is contained in the annex (section G) to the present report. XVIII/26
446 41 2006 37/15 Greece Clarification of data, Transfer of production allowance 114. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the additional clarification submitted by Greece in response to recommendation 36/18; (b) To note that the additional information confirmed the quantities of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) transferred from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Greece in 2004 in order to allow production to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol such that it could be determined that all CFC production by Greece in 2004 had been consistent with the CFC control measures of the Protocol contained in Article 2A; (c) To note with appreciation the additional information submitted by Greece to explain the Party’s apparent excess production of 38 ODP-tonnes of CFCs in 2005 and to request Greece to make the necessary arrangements for the submission to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2007, of the documentation cited by the Party in support of its explanation for consideration by the Committee at its next meeting, namely the correspondence dated 26 November 2003 from the European Commission in which it requested Greece to revise its annual CFC production entitlements, as well as the submission that Greece had advised had been sent by the Commission to the Secretariat with the intention of revising the Party’s CFC production baseline period data; (d) To recall that Article 2 of the Protocol prescribes the procedure for the transfer from one Party to another of the right to produce ozone-depleting substances and that that procedure requires, among other things, that each Party to such transfers notify the Secretariat of the terms of any such transfer and the period for which it is to apply, no later than the time of the transfer; (e) To note with concern that the additional information submitted by Greece and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland confirmed that the Parties had not met the requirements prescribed by Article 2 of the Protocol for the transfer of CFC production rights, specifically the requirement to notify the Secretariat no later than the time of each transfer, but also to note the sincere apologies of both Parties in that regard and their undertaking to ensure that they would observe the requirement with regard to any future transfers; (f) To forward to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision contained in the annex (section F) to the present report. XVIII/25
447 42 2006 37/14 Micronesia (Federated States of) Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Licensing systems 104. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate the Federated States of Micronesia on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) in 2005, which show that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/32 to reduce its 2005 consumption of CFCs to no more than 1.351.0 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To congratulate the Federated States of Micronesia further on returning to compliance with the CFC consumption control measures of the Montreal Protocol; (c) To note with concern, however, that the Federated States of Micronesia had not submitted a report on its commitment contained in decision XVII/32 to introduce by 1 January 2006 a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances which included import quotas in accordance with recommendation 36/16; (d) To request the Federated States of Micronesia to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 31 March 2007, the report referred to in subparagraph (c) for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting, noting the importance of sound regulatory measures to enabling the Federated States of Micronesia to maintain its return to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures. n/a
448 43 2006 37/13 European Community Article 7 data correction, Compliance with control measures 99. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that the European Community had submitted revised methyl bromide import data for 2005 to correct errors arising from internal data entry processes, which had confirmed that the Party was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005. n/a
449 44 2006 37/12 Eritrea Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline, Classification as Article 5, Non-compliance with control measures, Request for information, Request for plan of action 94. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation Eritrea’s submission of all outstanding data in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol, decision XVII/21 and recommendation 36/14 and that that data confirmed the Party’s status as a Party operating under Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To note with concern, however, that Eritrea reported consumption of 30.220 ODP-tonnes of the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (chlorofluorocarbons) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption of those substances in that year to no greater than 50 percent of the Party’s baseline; (c) To request Eritrea to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 31 March 2007, an explanation for that deviation and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (d) To invite Eritrea, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (e) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section E) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (c) above. XVIII/24
450 45 2006 37/11 Ecuador Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Invitation, Request for plan of action 88. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To congratulate Ecuador on its reported data for the consumption of the Annex B, group III, controlled substance (methyl chloroform) in 2005, which showed that it was in advance of its commitment contained in decision XVII/31 to reduce its consumption of methyl chloroform to 1.3979 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To congratulate Ecuador further on not only returning to compliance with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol for that controlled substance in 2005, but also on being in advance of those control measures in that year; (c) To note with appreciation Ecuador’s explanation for its reported consumption of 153.000 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption to a level no greater than 80 percent of the Party’s methyl bromide consumption baseline in that year, namely, 52.982 ODP-tonnes; (d) To request Ecuador to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 31 March 2007, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance, for the consideration of the Committee at its thirty-eighth meeting; (e) To invite Ecuador, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (f) To forward for consideration by the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties the draft decision contained in the annex (section D) to the present report, which would request the Party to act in accordance with subparagraph (d) above. XVIII/23
451 46 2006 37/10 Dominica Plan of action 80. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation Dominica’s submission, in accordance with recommendation 36/12, of a plan of action for ensuring the Party’s return to compliance in 2006 with the Protocol’s control measures for the Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs); (b) To forward to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision contained in the annex (section C) to the present report. XVIII/22
452 47 2006 37/1 Armenia Licensing systems 25. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that, in accordance with recommendation 36/2, Armenia had identified the date by which it committed to introduce a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances that would include import quotas, and also to note with appreciation the report submitted by the Party on its progress in establishing that system; (b) To forward to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration the draft decision incorporating the plan of action contained in the annex (section A) to the present report. XVIII/20
453 48 2006 36/9 Chile Compliance with plan of action, Indicative measure C, Invitation, Non-compliance with plan of action 69. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Chile had reported data for the consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) in 2005 that showed that it was in advance of its commitment, contained in decision XVII/29, to reduce its consumption of methyl bromide to 170 ODP-tonnes in that year, and had also fulfilled its commitment, contained in that decision, to introduce an enhanced licensing and quota system for ozone-depleting substances; (b) To note that Chile had also reported data for the consumption of the controlled substance in Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform) of 5.225 ODP-tonnes for the year 2005, which represented an increase in consumption from the preceding year; (c) To note with concern that the consumption level of methyl chloroform was inconsistent with Chile’s commitment, contained in decision XVII/29, to consume no greater than 4.512 ODP-tonnes in 2005, but also to note with appreciation that it had submitted an explanation for the deviation; (d) Further to note that Chile was receiving assistance from UNDP, under the auspices of the Multilateral Fund, to phase out 3.7 ODP-tonnes of methyl chloroform through a technical assistance project; (e) To note with concern, however, that Chile appeared to anticipate continued deviation from its methyl chloroform consumption commitment in 2006 owing to the delayed introduction of the enhanced licensing and quota system, which would be inconsistent with its commitment, contained in paragraph 3 (c) of decision XVII/29, to ensure compliance in the period prior to the introduction of the enhanced system by adopting regulatory measures that the Government was entitled to apply; (f) To invite Chile to send a representative to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter, in particular the measures it was taking or planned to take to return to compliance in 2006 with its methyl chloroform phase-out commitments, in accordance with decision XVII/29, and the status of the technical assistance project it was implementing in cooperation with UNDP to phase out methyl chloroform; (g) To recall paragraph 6 of decision XVII/29, which recorded the agreement of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties: “To monitor the progress of Chile with regard to the implementation of its plan of action and its phase-out of methyl chloroform and methyl bromide. To the degree that the Party is working towards and meeting the specific Protocol control measures, it should continue to be treated in the same manner as a Party in good standing. In that regard, Chile should continue to receive international assistance to enable it to meet those commitments in accordance with item A of the indicative list of measures that may be taken by a Meeting of the Parties in respect of non compliance. Through the present decision, however, the Meeting of the Parties cautions Chile, in accordance with item B of the indicative list of measures, that, in the event that it fails to return to compliance in a timely manner, the Meeting of the Parties will consider measures consistent with item C of the indicative list of measures. Those measures may include the possibility of actions available under Article 4, such as ensuring that the supply of methyl chloroform and methyl bromide that are the subject of non-compliance is ceased so that exporting Parties are not contributing to a continuing situation of non-compliance.” n/a
454 49 2006 36/8 Botswana Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems, Request for information 60. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To urge Botswana to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XV/31, to achieve total phase-out of methyl bromide consumption in that year; (b) To note the report of Botswana that it had not yet established a system for licensing imports and exports of methyl bromide, including quotas, in accordance with decision XV/31, but intended to initiate the process by which that legislation would be developed upon receipt of institutional strengthening funds; (c) To request Botswana to continue to work with relevant implementing agencies, as a matter of urgency, to establish its licensing and quota system, particularly given the importance of regulatory measures in supporting its commitment to achieve and maintain total methyl bromide consumption phase-out from 2005; (d) Also to request Botswana to submit a report to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 16 August 2006, on the status of the work conducted in accordance with subparagraph (c), in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting. n/a
455 50 2006 36/7 Bosnia and Herzegovina Data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems, Request for information 55. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Bosnia and Herzegovina had not submitted a report on its commitment to establish a system for licensing imports and exports of ozone-depleting substances, which included import quotas, by the end of January 2006, in accordance with decision XVII/28; (b) To request Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency, the report referred to in subparagraph (a), for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting; (c) To urge Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitments, contained in decision XV/30 and decision XVII/28, to reduce its CFC consumption to 102.1 ODP tonnes, its methyl bromide consumption to 5.61 ODP-tonnes and its methyl chloroform consumption to 1.3 ODP-tonnes in 2005. n/a
456 51 2006 36/6 Bolivia Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 51. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Bolivia to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting might assess the Party’s implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XV/29, to reduce its CFC consumption to 37.84 ODP tonnes in 2005. n/a
457 52 2006 36/55 Secretariat ExCom - sharing information with 274. The Committee agreed, pursuant to paragraph 7 (f) of the non-compliance procedure of the Montreal Protocol, to request the Secretariat to prepare an information document for the second Executive Committee meeting of each year, a document containing the text of recommendations adopted by the immediately preceding Implementation Committee meeting, where relevant, in respect of the Parties to be considered by the meeting of the Executive Committee. n/a
458 53 2006 36/54 All parties, Secretariat Article 7 data reporting - very small quantities (de minimis) 270. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To request the Parties’ guidance on the number of decimal places to which baseline and annual data should be rounded for the purposes of implementing the non-compliance procedure of the Montreal Protocol; (b) To request the Secretariat to circulate to the Parties the document ‘Reporting, presentation and review of data in respect of very small quantities (de minimis) of ODS, relative to compliance with the Montreal Protocol’ (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ImpCom/36/INF/2) to facilitate the Parties’ consideration of the request contained in subparagraph (a) above; (c) Further to request the Secretariat to inform the Parties that the Committee recommended to the Parties the combination approach contained in paragraphs 39–42 of that document as the Committee’s preferred approach, on the basis that such an approach would appear best to accommodate the principles both of accuracy and of practicality; (d) Also to request the Secretariat to inform the Parties that they might wish to request the Implementation Committee to keep under review the implementation of any guidance agreed by the Parties, to determine whether the guidance resulted in any unanticipated adverse consequences. n/a
459 54 2006 36/53 None specified Stockpiling 264. The Committee therefore agreed to note that it might not be necessary at that time to consider options to streamline the Parties’ consideration of those matters, given that there appeared only to be one reported instance to date of stockpiling, in the context of recommendation 35/46 (f), by a Party operating under Article 5 of the Protocol. n/a
460 55 2006 36/52 All parties, Secretariat Procedural - standardizing recommendations for routine matters 261. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To request the Secretariat to finalize the standardized recommendations, for the consideration of the Committee at its next meeting, taking into account the comments made by members during the meeting; (b) To invite members to submit additional comments on the standardized recommendations to the Secretariat by 1 August 2006 and request the Secretariat to circulate those comments to all members prior to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee; (c) To request the Secretariat to incorporate the list of routine procedural matters of non-compliance and standardized recommendations into the finalized draft of the Implementation Committee Primer that is to be considered by the Committee at its next meeting; (d) That the standardized recommendations would be used as a basis for adopting recommendations to address the following routine procedural matters of non-compliance, for the purpose of helping the Committee manage its increasing workload more efficiently and effectively and ensure the equitable treatment of Parties in like circumstances, while continuing to ensure that the individual circumstances of each Party subject to the non-compliance procedure are taken into full consideration: a1: Request for explanation and plan of action a2: Deferral of compliance assessment in the light of limited time for Party’s response to Secretariat b1: Acknowledgement of explanation and request for plan of action b2: Acknowledgement of explanation and resolution of compliance matter b3: No explanation or plan submitted resulting in forwarding of draft decision to Meeting of Parties b4: Acknowledgement of explanation and plan of action and forwarding of draft decision to the Meeting of the Parties c1: Acknowledgement of plan and forwarding of draft decision to the Meeting of the Parties c2: No plan, resulting in draft decision forwarded to the Meeting of the Parties d: Request for report on some/all commitments contained in decision that are due in given year e1: Acknowledgement of failure to meet some/all ODS reduction commitments in decision due in a given year and request for explanation e2: Acknowledgement of return to compliance with Protocol e3: Acknowledgement that implementation of decision in advance of commitment due in given year e4: Acknowledgement of commitment completion f: Request for outstanding base year and baseline data g1: Acknowledgement that data submitted, resolving data reporting compliance matter g2: Acknowledgement that data not submitted and forwarding of draft decision to the Meeting of the Parties; n/a
461 56 2006 36/51 All parties, Secretariat Implementation Committee primer 257. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To request the Secretariat to finalize the draft primer, for the consideration of the Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting, taking into account the comments made by members during the meeting; (b) To invite members to submit additional comments on the draft primer to the Secretariat by 1 August 2006, and to request the Secretariat to circulate those comments to all members prior to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee; (c) To request the Secretariat also to finalize the documents related to the draft primer, noting that the document containing the list of compliance issues to be considered by the Implementation Committee should become a regular meeting document, while the compilation of recommendations adopted by the Implementation Committee, the compilation of decisions adopted by the Meetings of the Parties on the non-compliance procedure and matters considered by the Implementation Committee, and the list of contact details, should be finalized as separate documents. n/a
462 57 2006 36/50 Other parties not specified, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland Article 7 data reporting obligation 253. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To urge all Parties which had not yet reported their data for the year 2005 to submit that data as soon as possible, and no later than 30 September 2006, in accordance with Article 7 of the Protocol, in order that the Committee might assess the Parties’ compliance with the Protocol at its thirty-sixth meeting; (b) To request the following Parties to submit to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and no later than 16 August 2006, their reporting accounts for the exemptions for 2005 that they were granted for critical uses of methyl bromide: Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland. n/a
463 58 2006 36/5 Belize Compliance with plan of action and control measures 47. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Belize had reported data for the consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in 2005 that showed that it was both in advance of its commitment, contained in decision XIV/33, to reduce its consumption of CFCs to 12.2 ODP-tonnes in that year, and in advance of its CFC phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol for 2005. n/a
464 59 2006 36/49 Zimbabwe Invitation, Request for plan of action 251. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation Zimbabwe’s explanation for its reported consumption of 3.487 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex B, group II (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce carbon tetrachloride consumption to no more than 15 per cent of its baseline level of 1.737 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) Also to note with appreciation Zimbabwe’s explanation for its reported consumption of 0.037 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce methyl chloroform consumption to no more than 70 per cent of its baseline level of 0.002 ODP-tonnes in that year; (c) To request Zimbabwe to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 16 August 2006, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (d) To invite Zimbabwe, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (e) In the absence of the submission of a plan of action, to request the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties to endorse the request in subparagraph (c) above by forwarding to that Meeting for approval the draft decision contained in section E of annex I to the present report. n/a
465 60 2006 36/48 Uruguay Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Compliance with plan of action 245. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Uruguay had submitted a progress report on its implementation of the plan of action, contained in decision XVII/39, to maintain its compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide), which suggested that it was in advance of its commitment, contained in that decision, to reduce its 2005 consumption of methyl bromide to 8.9 ODP-tonnes, and also in advance of its methyl bromide phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol for 2005. (b) To urge Uruguay to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee may confirm at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitments contained in decision XVII/39. n/a
466 61 2006 36/47 United States of America Clarification of data, Compliance with control measures 242. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation the clarification provided by the United States of America with regard to its production and consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in 2004, in accordance with recommendation 35/43 (c), and to note that the additional information confirmed its compliance with the Protocol’s consumption and production control measures for CFCs in that year. n/a
467 62 2006 36/46 Uganda Compliance with plan of action and control measures 237. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Uganda had completed implementation in 2005 of its commitment, contained in decision XV/43, to reduce its consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) to 6.0 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
468 63 2006 36/45 Türkiye Deferred consideration, Process agent uses 235. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To defer assessment of Turkey’s compliance with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for the controlled substance in Annex C, group III (bromochloromethane) in the year 2004 until it could review the Party’s situation in the light of guidance provided by the Meeting of the Parties following consideration of the latest assessment of bromochloromethane use in the production of sultamicillin by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel; (b) To defer assessment of Turkey’s compliance with the Protocol’s consumption control measures for bromochloromethane in the year 2005 until its thirty-seventh meeting, in the light of the limited time which the Party had had to review the data reports generated by the Secretariat from its 2005 data submission and to respond to the Secretariat’s request for information on the apparent deviation from its requirement to maintain total phase-out of consumption of bromochloromethane in that year. n/a
469 64 2006 36/44 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Decision XVII/13, Deferred consideration, Non-compliance with control measures 227. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note that The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia had reported consumption of 0.012 ODP-tonnes in 2005 of the controlled substance in Annex B, group II, (carbon tetrachloride), in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce consumption of the substance to no greater than 15 per cent of the Party’s baseline, namely 0.010 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) That decision XVII/13 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties is applicable to the Party’s excess consumption of carbon tetrachloride in that year, in the light of its analysis of the particular circumstances relating to the carbon tetrachloride consumption of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in 2005; (c) To defer until 2007 consideration of the compliance status of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in relation to the Protocol’s control measures for carbon tetrachloride, in accordance with the provisions of decision XVII/13. n/a
470 65 2006 36/43 Tajikistan Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 223. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Tajikistan to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess, at its thirty-seventh meeting, the Party’s implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XIII/20, totally to phase out its consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) by 1 January 2005. n/a
471 66 2006 36/42 Somalia Article 7 data reporting obligation, Implementation challenges, Request for information 220. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Somalia had not responded to the request for a clarification on its halon plan of action, including the regulatory and other measures that the Party would undertake to support its proposed halon consumption reduction benchmarks, in accordance with recommendation 35/36; (b) To note, however, the challenges faced by Somalia in implementing its obligations under the Montreal Protocol, including the fact that institutional changes had necessitated a review of its previously submitted plan of action; (c) To urge Somalia to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005 and an update on its plan for returning to compliance with the Protocol’s halon control measures, including regulatory measures to support and sustain planned phase-out activities. n/a
472 67 2006 36/41 Sierra Leone Compliance - return to, Licensing systems 214. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation the national report on the import and consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group II (halons) submitted by Sierra Leone; (b) Further to note with appreciation that Sierra Leone had reported halon consumption data for 2005 of zero ODP-tonnes, which indicated that it had returned to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for halons in that year, and to congratulate it on that achievement; (c) Also to note with appreciation the report submitted by Sierra Leone on the status of its regulations for a licensing system for ozone-depleting substances and to encourage it to establish the system as soon as possible in order to sustain its return to compliance. n/a
473 68 2006 36/40 Serbia and Montenegro Article 7 data reporting obligation - baseline 209. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Serbia and Montenegro had not submitted its outstanding baseline data for the controlled substances in Annex B (other CFCs, carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform) and Annex E (methyl bromide), in accordance with decision XVII/22; (b) To note, however, that Serbia and Montenegro had submitted an explanation for its data-reporting non-compliance and to request it to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 16 August 2006, the data referred to in subparagraph (a), for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting. n/a
474 69 2006 36/4 Bangladesh Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Compliance with plan of action 44. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Bangladesh had submitted a progress report on its implementation of the plan of action, contained in decision XVII/27, to maintain its compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for the controlled substance in Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform), which suggested that it had successfully implemented its commitment contained in that decision to maintain its 2005 consumption of methyl chloroform at no more than its reported level for 2004, and was in advance of its methyl chloroform phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol for 2005; (b) To urge Bangladesh to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might confirm at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitments contained in decision XVII/27. n/a
475 70 2006 36/39 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Compliance with plan of action and control measures 206. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Saint Vincent and the Grenadines had reported data for the consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in 2005 that showed that it was in compliance with its commitment, contained in decision XVI/30, to reduce its consumption of CFCs to 1.39 ODP-tonnes in that year. n/a
476 71 2006 36/38 Papua New Guinea Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Trade controls 203. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Papua New Guinea had reported data for the consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in 2005 that showed that it was in advance of its commitment, contained in decision XV/40, to reduce its consumption of CFCs to 17.0 ODP-tonnes in that year, and also in advance of its CFC phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol for 2005; (b) To note with regret that Papua New Guinea had not implement its commitment, contained in decision XV/40, to ban, on or before 31 December 2004, imports of equipment using ozone-depleting substances; (c) To note, however, that Papua New Guinea had reported that the regulations required to establish the ban were submitted for Cabinet endorsement by the end of March 2006, and therefore to request it to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency, a report on its implementation of the commitment referred to in subparagraph (b), for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting. n/a
477 72 2006 36/37 Pakistan Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 200. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Pakistan to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XVI/29, to reduce its consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group II (halons) to 7.1 ODP-tonnes. n/a
478 73 2006 36/36 Nigeria Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems 197. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation Nigeria’s efforts to introduce an enhanced licensing system, including a ban on the import of equipment containing ozone-depleting substances and penalties for contravention of the enhanced system, given the importance of sound regulatory measures to the achievement and maintenance of a Party’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures; (b) To urge Nigeria to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XIV/30, to reduce its consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) to 1,800 ODP-tonnes. n/a
479 74 2006 36/35 Niger Deferred consideration 193. The Committee therefore agreed to defer consideration of Niger’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005 until its thirty-seventh meeting, in the light of the limited time which Niger had had to review the data reports generated by the Secretariat from its 2005 data submission and to respond to the Secretariat’s request for information on the apparent deviation from its requirement to reduce its consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in 2005 to no greater than 50 per cent of its baseline. n/a
480 75 2006 36/34 Nepal Compliance with plan of action and control measures 190. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Nepal had completed implementation in 2005 of its commitment, contained in decision XVI/27, to release no more than 13.5 ODP-tonnes of CFCs on to its market in that year. n/a
481 76 2006 36/33 Nauru Compliance with control measures 187. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation Nauru’s submission of all outstanding data, in accordance with its data-reporting obligations under the Protocol and decision XVII/20, which indicated that it was in compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2004. n/a
482 77 2006 36/32 Namibia Compliance with plan of action and control measures 184. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that Namibia had reported data for the consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in 2005 that showed that it was in advance of its commitment, contained in decision XV/26, to reduce its consumption of CFCs to 10.0 ODP-tonnes in that year, and also in advance of its CFC phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol for 2005. n/a
483 78 2006 36/31 Mozambique Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 181. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Mozambique had not submitted its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2004, in accordance with decision XVII/20; (b) To request Mozambique to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency and no later than 16 August 2006, the data referred to in subparagraph (a), for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting. n/a
484 79 2006 36/30 Mexico Invitation, Non-compliance with control measures, Request for baseline change, Request for information, Request for plan of action 178. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Mexico had not submitted the outstanding information in support of its request to revise its baseline data for 1998 for the controlled substance in Annex B, group I (carbon tetrachloride) in accordance with decision XV/19 and recommendation 35/25; (b) To note with concern Mexico’s reported consumption of 89.540 ODP-tonnes of carbon tetrachloride in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce carbon tetrachloride consumption to no more than 15 per cent of its baseline level of zero ODP-tonnes in that year; (c) To request Mexico to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 16 August 2006, the information requested in subparagraph (a), an explanation for its deviation as described in subparagraph (b) and, if relevant, a plan of action with time specific benchmarks for ensuring its prompt return to compliance with the Protocol carbon tetrachloride consumption control measures; (d) To invite Mexico, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee to discuss the matters of its baseline revision request and deviation from the Protocol’s carbon tetrachloride consumption control measures for the year 2005; (e) In the absence of an explanation for the excess carbon tetrachloride consumption, to request the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties to endorse the request in subparagraph (c) above by forwarding the draft decision contained in section D of annex I to the present report to that Meeting for approval. n/a
485 80 2006 36/3 Azerbaijan Indicative measure C, Request for information, Trade controls 41. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Azerbaijan had not submitted a report on the status of its efforts, in cooperation with UNEP, to seek further assistance from the Global Environment Facility, in accordance with decision XVII/26, but also to note that information received from UNEP and the GEF secretariat confirmed that a request for further assistance was under review for GEF Council approval; (b) To request Azerbaijan to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency, information on the status of its ban on the import of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) relative to its commitment, contained in decision XVII/26, to achieve total phase-out of CFCs by 1 January 2006, for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting; (c) To recall paragraph 5 of decision XVII/26, in which Azerbaijan was cautioned in accordance with item B of the indicative list of measures that, in the event that the Party did not achieve total phase-out of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) by 1 January 2006, the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties would consider implementation of item C of the indicative measures, which could include action available under Article 4 to cease the supply of Annex A, group I, controlled substances (CFCs) to Azerbaijan. n/a
486 81 2006 36/29 Mauritius Decision XVII/13, Deferred consideration, Non-compliance with control measures 172. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note that Mauritius reported consumption of 0.033 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substance in Annex B, group II (carbon tetrachloride) in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to reduce carbon tetrachloride consumption to no more than 15 per cent of its baseline level of 0.002 ODP-tonnes in that year; (b) To note with appreciation the prompt action taken by Mauritius to cease consumption of carbon tetrachloride from 2005; (c) To note further that decision XVII/13 of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties is applicable to the Party’s excess consumption of carbon tetrachloride in that year, in the light of its analysis of the particular circumstances relating to the carbon tetrachloride consumption of Mauritius in 2005; (d) To defer until 2007 consideration of the compliance status of Mauritius in relation to the Protocol’s control measures for carbon tetrachloride, in accordance with the provisions of decision XVII/13. n/a
487 82 2006 36/28 Maldives Compliance with plan of action and control measures 166. The Committee therefore agreed to note with appreciation that in 2005 Maldives had completed implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XV/37, to maintain zero consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in that year, and further to note that it therefore continued to be in advance of the Protocol’s consumption control measures for CFCs. n/a
488 83 2006 36/27 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems, Request for information 163. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To urge the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitments, contained in decision XV/36 and decision XVII/37, to reduce its consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) to 303.0 ODPtonnes, to maintain consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group II (halons) at a level no greater than 714.500 ODP-tonnes in 2005, and to maintain consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) at a level no greater than 96.000 ODP-tonnes, in 2005; (b) To note with regret that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had not submitted a report on the status of its commitment, contained in decision XV/36, to establish a licensing and quota system for ozone-depleting substances, recalling the Party’s expectation that the legislation providing for the system would be enacted no later than 31 January 2006; (c) To request the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency, the report referred to in subparagraph (b), for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting n/a
489 84 2006 36/26 Lesotho Compliance with plan of action and control measures, Licensing systems 153. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Lesotho had completed implementation of its commitments, contained in decision XVI/25, to introduce a quota system for the import of the controlled substances in Annex A, group II (halons), and to introduce a ban on the import of halon-based equipment and systems in 2005; (b) Also to note with appreciation that Lesotho had reported data for the consumption of halons in 2005 that showed that it was in advance of its commitment, contained in decision XVI/25, to reduce its consumption of halons to 0.2 ODP-tonnes in that year, and also in advance of its halon phase-out obligations under the Montreal Protocol for 2005. n/a
490 85 2006 36/25 Kyrgyzstan Compliance - return to, Trade controls 148. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Kyrgyzstan had completed implementation of its commitments, contained in decision XVII/36, to introduce a ban on the import of equipment containing halons and equipment that uses halons by 1 January 2006, and to introduce by the beginning of 2006 an import quota system to limit annual consumption of halons; (b) To congratulate Kyrgyzstan on its return to compliance in 2005 with the halon control measures of the Montreal Protocol, as well as its implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XVII/36, to reduce its halon consumption to no greater than 2.40 ODP-tonnes, as indicated by its data report for 2005. n/a
491 86 2006 36/24 Kenya Deferred consideration 144. The Committee therefore agreed to defer consideration of Kenya’s compliance with the Protocol’s control measures in 2005 until its thirty-seventh meeting, in the light of the limited time which Kenya had had to review the data reports generated by the Secretariat from its 2005 data submission and to respond to the Secretariat’s request for information on the apparent deviation from its requirement to reduce its consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in 2005 to no greater than 50 per cent of its baseline. n/a
492 87 2006 36/23 Kazakhstan Compliance - return to, Trade controls 138. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation Kazakhstan’s explanation for its reported consumption of 11.2 ODP-tonnes of the controlled substances in Annex A group I (CFCs) in 2004, which was in excess of its commitment, contained in decision XIII/19, to achieve total phase-out of CFC consumption in that year; (b) Also to note with appreciation that Kazakhstan had submitted its ozone-depleting substance data for 2005, in accordance with decision XVII/35, and to congratulate it on its return to compliance with the Protocol’s CFC control measures in that year as well as its implementation of the commitment, contained in decision XIII/19, to achieve total phaseout of CFCs and the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide); (c) Further to note with appreciation that Kazakhstan had completed implementation in 2005 of its commitment, contained in decision XIII/19, to introduce a ban on the import of equipment using ozone-depleting substances by 1 January 2003. n/a
493 88 2006 36/22 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Invitation, Non-compliance with control measures, Request for baseline change - withdrawal, Request for revised plan of action 132. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note the decision by the Islamic Republic of Iran to withdraw its request to revise its baseline data for the controlled substances in Annex B, group II (carbon tetrachloride) and Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform), and its agreement to observe the existing baseline data for those controlled substances, of 77.000 ODP-tonnes and 8.667 ODP-tonnes respectively; (b) To recall that the Party’s most recent ozone-depleting substance data submission reported methyl chloroform consumption for the year 2004 of 386.8 ODP-tonnes, which is in excess of the Protocol’s requirement that the Islamic Republic of Iran freeze its methyl chloroform consumption at the baseline level of 8.667 ODP-tonnes in that year; (c) Further to recall that recommendation 35/19 of the thirty-fifth meeting of the Implementation Committee requested the Islamic Republic of Iran to submit a revised plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring its prompt return to compliance with the Protocol’s methyl chloroform control measures; (d) To request the Islamic Republic of Iran to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency, the revised plan of action mentioned in subparagraph (c), noting the advice of the Party that it was seeking to achieve complete phase-out of methyl chloroform consumption by January 2007, for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting; (e) To invite the Islamic Republic of Iran, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter. n/a
494 89 2006 36/21 Honduras Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action 126. The Committee therefore agreed to urge Honduras to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XVII/34, to reduce consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) to 327.600 ODP-tonnes in 2005. n/a
495 90 2006 36/20 Guinea Bissau Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Licensing systems 120. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Guinea-Bissau had enacted legislation providing for an ozone-depleting substance quota system, and to request the Party to report to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 16 August 2006, on whether the quota system had commenced operation, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting whether the Party had implemented its commitment, contained in decision XVI/24, to introduce such a system; (b) To urge Guinea Bissau to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitment, contained in decision XVI/24, to reduce consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) to 13.137 ODP-tonnes in 2005. n/a
496 91 2006 36/2 Armenia Compliance with control measures, Licensing systems, Plan of action, Request for information 35. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with appreciation that Armenia had reported data for the consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) in 2005 of zero ODP-tonnes, which indicated that it had returned to compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for methyl bromide in that year, and to congratulate Armenia on that achievement; (b) To acknowledge, however, that Armenia was not confident of its ability to sustain its compliance with the Protocol’s methyl bromide consumption control measures in 2006 in the absence of supporting regulatory measures, and therefore to note with appreciation its submission of a plan of action for sustaining its compliance with the Protocol’s control measures for methyl bromide from 2007, in accordance with decision XVII/25; (c) To request Armenia to submit to the Secretariat by 30 September 2006 an update on the expected date of introduction of a system for licensing the import and export of ozone-depleting substances which would include import quotas, in the light of its advice that it not currently confirm its ability to introduce the licensing system by 1 January 2007; (d) To forward to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties for its consideration a draft decision incorporating the plan of action, as contained in section A of annex I to the present report. XVIII/20
497 92 2006 36/19 Guatemala Article 7 data reporting obligation - plan of action, Trade controls 116. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To urge Guatemala to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2006, its ozone-depleting substance data for the year 2005, in order that the Committee might assess at its thirty-seventh meeting the Party’s implementation of its commitments, contained in decision XV/34, to reduce consumption of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) to 85 ODP-tonnes, and consumption of the controlled substance in Annex E (methyl bromide) to 360 ODP-tonnes, in 2005; (b) Further to urge Guatemala to report to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than 16 August 2006, on the status of its commitment, contained in decision XV/34, to ban imports of equipment using ozone-depleting substances by 2005, in time for consideration by the Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting. n/a
498 93 2006 36/18 Greece Basic domestic needs, Invitation, Non-compliance with control measures (production), Request for information, Request for plan of action 109. The Committee therefore agreed: (a) To note with regret that Greece had not submitted the clarifications requested with regard to its production of the controlled substances in Annex A, group I (CFCs) in 2004 to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol, in accordance with recommendation 35/15 (b), which stated that further clarification was required from the Party with regard to its implementation of paragraph 7 of Article 2 of the Protocol, which prescribed the conditions for transfer between Parties of allowances to produce controlled substances, including the requirement that the Parties concerned must notify the Secretariat of the transfer no later than the time of the transfer; (b) To request Greece to submit to the Secretariat, as a matter of urgency, the requested clarification for the consideration of the Implementation Committee at its thirty-seventh meeting; (c) To note with concern that Greece had reported production of 2,142.000 ODP-tonnes of CFCs in 2005, in excess of the Protocol’s requirement to maintain total phase-out of production of CFCs in that year except for approved essential uses and as allowed by the basic domestic needs provisions of the Protocol; (d) To request Greece to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and no later than 16 August 2006, an explanation for the deviation referred to in subparagraph (c) and, if relevant, a plan of action with time-specific benchmarks for ensuring the Party’s prompt return to compliance; (e) To invite Greece, if necessary, to send a representative to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter; (f) In the absence of the submission of the clarification referred to in subparagraph (a) and the explanation of the deviation referred to in subparagraph (c), to request the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties to endorse the requests in subparagraph (b) and (d) by forwarding the draft decision contained in section C of annex I to the present report to that Meeting for approval. n/a
499 94 2006 36/17 Fiji