Day 4 clear Document title Documents Region 1: Africa - Gerrie Coetzee (South African Weather Service (SAWS)) en Region 2: Asia - Yousuke SAWA (Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)) en Region 3: South America - Eduardo Luccini (Argentinian National Scientific and Technical Research Council (IFIR-CONICET)) en Region 4: United States of America National Report on Surface-Based Ozone Research - Drs. Steve Montzka (NOAA) and Ken Jucks (NASA) en Region 4: Canada's Nationa Report - SumChi Lee (Environment and Climate Change Canada) en Region 4: Report of activities for the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico - Hector R Estévez Pérez (Geophysics Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico (IGUM – UNAM)) ) en Region 5: South-West Pacific - Richard Querel (New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) en Polar Regions: The Antarctic Ozone network (Ozone, UV) - Jonathan Shanklin (British Antarctic Survey ) en Polar Regions: Status of ground-based ozone observations in the Arctic - Stoyka Netcheva (WMO) en Region 6: Update on ozone layer monitoring in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service - Richard Engelen (Deputy Director of CAMS, ECMWF) en Region 6: Ozone & UV monitoring in the Nordic Countries - Nis Jepsen (DMI) en Region 6: Western-Central-Eastern-Europe - Stefan Reimann (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA)) en Region 6: South Europe Regional Report - Spain & Palestine & Syria - Alberto Redondas Marrero (Meteorological State Agency, Spain (AEMET)) en clear Day 3 clear Document title Documents Closing the Gaps in Top-Down Regional Emissions Quantification: Needs and Action Plan - Ray F. Weiss (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego) en Observing System Simulation Experiment: Assess Potential Sites For New High Frequency (Agage-Type) Stations Using 3d Model Simulations - Ronald Prinn & Jianxiong Sheng (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) en NASA and NOAA Stratosphere observing missions for Ozone Research - Ken Jucks (NASA HQ, Earth Science Division) en Monitoring of Ozone and Its Precursors In China - Pengfei Ma, PhD (Satellite Environment Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment) en AC-VC ozone harmonization projects - Diego Loyola, German Aerospace Center (DLR) en clear Day 2 clear Document title Documents International monitoring programmes for ozone and substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol: an introduction - Sophie Godin-Beekmann (LATMOS, Sorbonne Université, UVSQ, CNRS, IO3C president) en Environmental agenda in the context of the Science and Innovation Department of WMO - Prof. J. Luterbacher (WMO, Geneva) en The Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme – Status and needs of ozone and UV monitoring - Matt Tully (GAW & UV Radiation) en EuBrewNet - The European Brewer Network: What you need to know. Status, activities and future development - John S Rimmer, Alberto Redondas, Alberto Berjon, Javier Lopez Solano, Francisco Parra en How NDACC contributes to the global observation system in support of Ozone Research and Monitoring, and to closing the gaps? - Martine De Mazière and Anne M.T. Thompson (co-chairs of NDACC & Jeannette Wild, NDACC DHF manager) en International ozonesonde activities: updates since 10th ORM of the parties to the Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer - Anne Thompson (NASA/Goddard) en Overview of the links between ozone and climate research - Neil Harris (Co-chair WCRP/SPARC Cranfield University) en Access to in-situ - Reference and baseline observations : Status - Fabio Madonna and the C3S 311a Lot3 team en WMO WOUDC update – Tom Kralidis (Environment and Climate Change Canada) en clear Day 1 clear Document title Documents The 2022 WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion - David Fahey (USA), Paul Newman (USA) John Pyle (UK), Bonfils Safari (Rwanda) and Sarah Doherty (USA) en The Ozone Research Managers (ORM), the Science Assessment Panel (SAP), and the Conference to the Parties (COP) of the Vienna Convention - Kenneth W. Jucks (NASA HQ; USA) and Gerrie Coetzee (SAWS; South Africa) en The Status of the Trust Fund for Financing Activities on Research and Systematic Observations relevant to the Vienna Convention - A.R. Ravishankara (Chair, Advisory Committee) en Past present and future states of the ozone layer - W. Steinbrecht, M. Weber, S. Frith, J. Wild, S. Davis, L. Froidevaux, C. Roth, D. Degenstein, C. Arosio, … and many others en Surface UV Radiation in the 21st century: Environmental effects in response to changes in ozone and climate - Janet F. Bornman (Co-chair, EEAP) en Links between stratospheric ozone and climate: ozone-depleting substances and climate gases - John Pyle (NCAS and University of Cambridge) en Unexpected emissions of controlled substances - Steve Montzka (NOAA – USA) en clear
Day 4 clear Document title Documents Region 1: Africa - Gerrie Coetzee (South African Weather Service (SAWS)) en Region 2: Asia - Yousuke SAWA (Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)) en Region 3: South America - Eduardo Luccini (Argentinian National Scientific and Technical Research Council (IFIR-CONICET)) en Region 4: United States of America National Report on Surface-Based Ozone Research - Drs. Steve Montzka (NOAA) and Ken Jucks (NASA) en Region 4: Canada's Nationa Report - SumChi Lee (Environment and Climate Change Canada) en Region 4: Report of activities for the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico - Hector R Estévez Pérez (Geophysics Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico (IGUM – UNAM)) ) en Region 5: South-West Pacific - Richard Querel (New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) en Polar Regions: The Antarctic Ozone network (Ozone, UV) - Jonathan Shanklin (British Antarctic Survey ) en Polar Regions: Status of ground-based ozone observations in the Arctic - Stoyka Netcheva (WMO) en Region 6: Update on ozone layer monitoring in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service - Richard Engelen (Deputy Director of CAMS, ECMWF) en Region 6: Ozone & UV monitoring in the Nordic Countries - Nis Jepsen (DMI) en Region 6: Western-Central-Eastern-Europe - Stefan Reimann (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA)) en Region 6: South Europe Regional Report - Spain & Palestine & Syria - Alberto Redondas Marrero (Meteorological State Agency, Spain (AEMET)) en clear
Day 3 clear Document title Documents Closing the Gaps in Top-Down Regional Emissions Quantification: Needs and Action Plan - Ray F. Weiss (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego) en Observing System Simulation Experiment: Assess Potential Sites For New High Frequency (Agage-Type) Stations Using 3d Model Simulations - Ronald Prinn & Jianxiong Sheng (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) en NASA and NOAA Stratosphere observing missions for Ozone Research - Ken Jucks (NASA HQ, Earth Science Division) en Monitoring of Ozone and Its Precursors In China - Pengfei Ma, PhD (Satellite Environment Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment) en AC-VC ozone harmonization projects - Diego Loyola, German Aerospace Center (DLR) en clear
Day 2 clear Document title Documents International monitoring programmes for ozone and substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol: an introduction - Sophie Godin-Beekmann (LATMOS, Sorbonne Université, UVSQ, CNRS, IO3C president) en Environmental agenda in the context of the Science and Innovation Department of WMO - Prof. J. Luterbacher (WMO, Geneva) en The Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme – Status and needs of ozone and UV monitoring - Matt Tully (GAW & UV Radiation) en EuBrewNet - The European Brewer Network: What you need to know. Status, activities and future development - John S Rimmer, Alberto Redondas, Alberto Berjon, Javier Lopez Solano, Francisco Parra en How NDACC contributes to the global observation system in support of Ozone Research and Monitoring, and to closing the gaps? - Martine De Mazière and Anne M.T. Thompson (co-chairs of NDACC & Jeannette Wild, NDACC DHF manager) en International ozonesonde activities: updates since 10th ORM of the parties to the Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer - Anne Thompson (NASA/Goddard) en Overview of the links between ozone and climate research - Neil Harris (Co-chair WCRP/SPARC Cranfield University) en Access to in-situ - Reference and baseline observations : Status - Fabio Madonna and the C3S 311a Lot3 team en WMO WOUDC update – Tom Kralidis (Environment and Climate Change Canada) en clear
Day 1 clear Document title Documents The 2022 WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion - David Fahey (USA), Paul Newman (USA) John Pyle (UK), Bonfils Safari (Rwanda) and Sarah Doherty (USA) en The Ozone Research Managers (ORM), the Science Assessment Panel (SAP), and the Conference to the Parties (COP) of the Vienna Convention - Kenneth W. Jucks (NASA HQ; USA) and Gerrie Coetzee (SAWS; South Africa) en The Status of the Trust Fund for Financing Activities on Research and Systematic Observations relevant to the Vienna Convention - A.R. Ravishankara (Chair, Advisory Committee) en Past present and future states of the ozone layer - W. Steinbrecht, M. Weber, S. Frith, J. Wild, S. Davis, L. Froidevaux, C. Roth, D. Degenstein, C. Arosio, … and many others en Surface UV Radiation in the 21st century: Environmental effects in response to changes in ozone and climate - Janet F. Bornman (Co-chair, EEAP) en Links between stratospheric ozone and climate: ozone-depleting substances and climate gases - John Pyle (NCAS and University of Cambridge) en Unexpected emissions of controlled substances - Steve Montzka (NOAA – USA) en clear