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Monday, 11 July 2022
How can sustainable finance be leveraged to enhance access to cooling?
Time Description Venue
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) in collaboration with World Bank


Title: How can sustainable finance be leveraged to enhance access to cooling?

Description: As the world translates climate commitments into action, the cooling sector is offering a big mitigation opportunity. Equally, in global south, with low access to cooling, providing thermal comfort and raising cooling infrastructure is critical to development. National Cooling Action Plans, therefore, provide a much-needed impetus in that direction.

Finance is an enabler to bridge the action gap. Increasing access to cooling at scale will require investment in several areas. A combination of strategies will have to be formulated to get the right quantum of financing. What, how and how much finance will be required for sustainable cooling access in India is thus an important question.

This side event will be a platform to engage with international experts and government representatives to delve into aspects of sustainable finance, and how it can be made available for cooling.


Himanshu Dixit

Room: Theatre
Innovative approaches for the implementation of the Kigali Amendment
Time Description Venue
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Proklima Programme


Title: Innovative approaches for the implementation of the Kigali Amendment


Description: The preparation of the Kigali implementation plans (KIPs) has started. Some countries are already implementing KIP Stage I preparation projects and several countries have submitted or will be submitting the PRPs to the next meetings of the Executive Committee. To successfully implement the preparation projects and define ambitious and sustainable KIP strategies, innovative approaches and methodologies for HFC surveys as an example are necessary. In this side event we will present and discuss tools and concepts for ambitious KIP projects.


Event recording available here



Ms. Kerstin Kress


Room: CR-4
Women in Cooling
Time Description Venue
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: UNEP OzonAction


Title: Women in Cooling


Description (TBC): Presentation by OzonAction of two partnership initiatives designed to promote Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in RACHP sector.

  • UNEP/International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) Women in RAC Gender Survey - The survey offers an opportunity to better understand the background, motivation, and challenges faced by women working in the RACHP sector.
  • UNEP/World Refrigeration Day (WRD) International Network for Women in Cooling (INWIC) - Initiative launched to advance the engagement of women, promote career opportunities, and increase their overall participation in the sector.



Ms. Sonja Wagner       


Room: MR-A