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Wednesday, 13 July 2022
Beating the Heat: Achieving Sustainable Cooling through National Cooling Plans
Time Description Venue
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


Title: Beating the Heat: Achieving Sustainable Cooling through National Cooling Plans


Description: Description: Cooling in several sectors of the economy is significant and growing. The increasing use of air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment can be harmful to the climate, as these cooling systems are often very energy intensive and reliant on fossil-fuel-generated electricity, and sometimes contain refrigerants that can be hundreds to thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of global warming effect.
To address this issue, many countries are developing National Cooling Action Plans (NCAPs) as a mechanism to bring all relevant stakeholder together and identify actions to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from cooling appliances. Hosted by the Montreal Protocol Unit of UNDP, this side event will spotlight and share findings from NCAP study by countries and offer space for discussion of challenges and opportunities.



Ms. Manisha Sanghani


Room: MR-A
Opportunities to Maximize the Benefits of the Montreal Protocol: Assuring Successful Implementation of the Kigali Amendment & Beyond
Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (IGSD)


Title: Opportunities to Maximize the Benefits of the Montreal Protocol: Assuring Successful Implementation of the Kigali Amendment & Beyond
Description: Opportunities abound to maximize the benefits of the Montreal Protocol: Many parties have already started on the HFC phase-down, and technology developments are providing new opportunities to strengthen compliance, leapfrog high-global warming potential (GWP) HFCs, and assure successful implementation. At this panel, attendees will hear about proven technology strategies to help assure compliance, the importance of lifecycle refrigerant management and managing banks, and emerging opportunities to safeguard consumers and improve energy efficiency alongside the HFC phase-down.



Ms. Kristen Taddonio


Room: CR-4

The new proposal for strengthening F-gas polices in the EU
Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: European Commission


Title: The new proposal for strengthening F-gas polices in the EU      


Description: The EU has regulated fluorinated gases since 2006. The latest update of the EU F-gas Regulation in 2014 included a phase-down of HFCs and sectoral prohibitions. Major technology substitutions have been achieved, most notably in the refrigeration sectors and in car air conditioning. HFC emissions are now declining in the EU. However, in the light of the EU’s ambition to reach climate neutrality by 2050, more ambitious measures going beyond achieving the EU’s obligations under the Kigali Amendment are needed.


With this objective in mind, the European Commission has made a new proposal that would significantly increase the speed by which HFCs need to be replaced in the EU, including in the crucial sectors of small air conditioning and heat pumps, as well as in MDIs used for medical purposes. The proposal also seeks to reduce emissions from other fluorinated gases, including HFOs, SF6, and NF3. A number of new measures will also seek to improve customs controls and market surveillance to avoid illegal activities, provide training on alternatives to service personnel, as well as improved rules for monitoring and reporting. On the basis of the proposal, EU lawmakers will seek to agree on a new law that could be in place as early as 2024. The side event will present the new proposal in detail and explain the motivation behind. It will also offer ample opportunities for participants to seek clarifications and a better understanding of the proposed new rules.  



Dr. Arno Kaschl

Room: Theatre



New proposal for strengthening F-gas polices in the EU