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Thursday, 14 July 2022
HFC Consumption Trends in A5 Countries
Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)


Title: HFC Consumption Trends in A5 Countries


Description: As the planet warms, the need for sustainable cooling for all is growing simultaneously with the need to quickly phase down the production and consumption of powerful climate warming HFC under the 2016 Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. The latest findings from Velders et al. (2022) find that full compliance with Kigali Amendment controls could hold future warming from HFCs to about 0.04C in 2100, compared to 0.28-0.44C from uncontrolled HFC growth. This event will present the findings of a new Study on the Impacts of HFC Consumption Trends in Article 5 Countries and engage in a discussion with MLF implementing agencies on how to achieve additional action to comply with the Kigali control schedule.



Ms. Denise San Valentin

Room: Theatre
HFC Key Findings Survey

HFC Scenarios_Velders

Virtual & Reality: the qualification programmes Cool Training and Fit for Green Cooling
Time Description Venue
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Proklima Programme


Title: Virtual & Reality: the qualification programmes "Cool Training" and "Fit for Green Cooling"


Description: Well-trained refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) technicians are indispensable for a future-friendly transformation of the cooling sector. In the "Cool Training" by GIZ Proklima, RAC technicians and NOUs learn the safe handling of natural refrigerants. "Fit for Green Cooling" supports partner countries in establishing a qualification, certification and registration process. The side event presents the concepts and recent developments of the programmes, such as the brand new online training.


Event recording available here



Ms. Kerstin Kress

Room: CR-4