Statements from Parties not delivered at the plenary: Bahrain, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Malawi, Somalia, Zambia
Combating Climate Change Given Big Confidence Boost in Canada - Governments Agree to Accelerated ‘Freeze and Phase-out” of Ozone and Climate-Damaging Chemicals at Montreal Protocol’s 20th Anniversary Celebrations
Advance Unedited Draft Consolidation of Decisions Adopted by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties
Press Release: Ozone Treaty’s Role in Combating Climate Change Tops Environment Ministers Meeting in Canada - Two Decades of Success and Future Years of Achievement Take Centre Stage at 20th Anniversary Celebrations of Montreal Protocol (E) (F) (S)
HCFCs: Submissions on available analytical information on the proposals for an accelerated phase out
Information Note for the Participants
Annex A to the Information Note: List of Hotels in Montreal
Annex B to the Information Note: Side Events Request Form
Online Pre-Registration Form
Provisional overview of the programme for the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties and associated meetings A C E F R S
For press and media enquiries before and during the 19th Meeting of the Parties, please contact Nick Nuttall, Spokesperson of the United Nations Environment Programme (telephone: +25420 7623084; mobile in Kenya: +254 (0) 733 632755, mobile when travelling: +1 514 244 9093, e-mail nick.nuttall@unep.org) JOURNALIST ACCREDITATION
Annotated provisional agenda
Issues for discussion by and information for the attention of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties
Issues for discussion by and information for the attention of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties
Draft decisions and proposed adjustments
Report of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol to the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties
Revised approved 2007 and proposed 2008 and 2009 budgets of the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer - Note by the Secretariat
Financial Report on the trust funds for the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer for the first Year of the biennium 2006–2007 and expenditures for 2006 as compared to the approved budgets - Report of the Secretariat
Information provided by the Parties in accordance with Article7 of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Consolidated record of cases of stockpiling prepared in accordance with decision XVIII/17 of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties
Report of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
Status of ratification/accession/acceptance/approval of the agreements on the protection of the stratospheric ozone layer
Co-chairs’ consolidated issues paper on proposals for accelerated phase-out of HCFCs
Co-Chairs’ Paper with reflections on the informal consultation on the proposals to phase out HCFCs, Montreal, 28 July 2007
Analysis and calculations on the various scenarios for accelerated HCFC phase out contained in the proposed adjustments of the Protocol – Submission by the European Community
Analysis and calculations on the various scenarios for accelerated HCFC phase out contained in the proposed adjustments of the Protocol – Submission by the United States of America
Progress report on a study on the treatment of unwanted ozone depleting substances
Analysis and calculations on the various scenarios for accelerated HCFC phase out contained in the proposed adjustments of the Protocol – Submission by the Multilateral Fund Secretariat
TEAP Final Report : Evaluations of 2007 Critical Use Nominations for Methyl Bromide and Related Matters - August 2007
TEAP - Report of the Task Force on HCFC Issues (With Particular Focus on the Impact of the Clean Development Mechanism) and Emissions Reduction Benefits Arising from Earlier HCFC Phase-Out and Other Practical Measures - Response to Decision XVIII/12
Summary report of discussion at the dialogue on key future challenges facing the Montreal Protocol