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Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Printed Book Signing: Condensed Second Edition 35th Anniversary Protecting the Ozone Layer
Time Description Venue
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: Authors of the 35th Anniversary Edition: Protecting the Ozone Layer


Title: Printed Book Signing: Condensed Second Edition 35th Anniversary Protecting the Ozone Layer


Description: Book authors Marco Gonzalez and Stephen O. Andersen joined by book contributors attending the Meeting of the Parties will sign a limited number of copies offered free, one to a person, first come first served, to participants working to strengthen the Montreal Protocol to avoid climate tipping points. 

UNEP Executive Director Ms Inger Andersen and Ms Megumi Seki, Executive Secretary of the Montreal Protocol Ozone Secretariat have been invited for brief introductory remarks (TBC). 



Stephen O. Andersen

Room: Press Room



Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: UNIDO/Egypt NOU/HBRC


TitleRole of humidity control in improving central air-conditioning systems manufactured in Egypt


Description: This side event will begin with an easy outline of the role of humidity in air conditioning technologies including how to read a psychometric chart. As part of HCFC Phase-out Management Plan Stage II, UNIDO and NOU Egypt implemented a technical assistance project for the Egyptian commercial AC manufacturers, particularly focusing on indirect evaporative cooling (IEC). The integration of IEC into standard direct expansion systems could drastically improve the cooling loads in dry climate conditions and thus reduce energy consumption. This side event will present the results of the field tests of prototypes of IECs that were built by the participating companies. The tests were conducted by the Housing and Building National Research Center in consultation with Eurovent. The side event also presents some new project proposals such as a desiccant enhanced evaporative air conditioner prototype and R-290 direct/indirect evaporative hybrid cooling.



Fukuya Iino             

Room: CR-11

Championing Sustainable Cooling: Strategies for Enacting the ICAP Vision
Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: World Bank


Title: Championing Sustainable Cooling: Strategies for Enacting the ICAP Vision


Description: The event will deliberate on the execution strategies and financial considerations pertinent to the India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP). The suggested modalities derive from exemplary precedents of government initiatives and programs that allocate funds guided by performance and vulnerability benchmarks.



Angela Armstrong

Room: CR-10


On the way to net zero: Building better supermarkets for the world 
Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: Danfoss


Title: On the way to net zero: Building better supermarkets for the world                                                                                               

Description: With the world's population expected to reach 10 billion people by 2050, sustainable food retail and storage are more important than ever. Yet this is an often-overlooked step in the decarbonization of society. Already today, supermarkets account for around 3% of the total electricity used in industrialized countries and refrigeration systems represent by far the highest share of the total energy consumed within supermarkets. Climate-friendly and energy efficient heating and cooling can therefore make a major difference.

In this side-event we will first hear about the latest developments on refrigerant policies in Europe and in the US. We will then dive into the interplay between energy efficiency and refrigerants and end with the role of the industry taking the example of the recently opened Danfoss Smart Store Application Development Center.



 Andrea Voight

Room: CR-14


Rebooting the Vienna Convention for Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Governance
Time Description Venue Documents
18:00 - 20:00
Organizer: International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology (iFOREST)


Title: Rebooting the Vienna Convention for SAI Governance
Description: With the pressing threat of escalating global temperatures, the discourse around Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) as a countermeasure is intensifying. Among the various SRM methods, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) is emerging as a frontrunner, due to its cost-effectiveness and relative ease of deployment. However, it brings with it a host of potential risks and uncertainties to both human populations and ecosystems, including potential damage to the ozone layer.
Given the rapid developments and the high stakes involved, this side-event will delve into the critical issue of international governance of SAI research and deployment. The focus will be on presenting new analysis and insights from iFOREST on how the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer can be leveraged and revitalized to fortify global governance structures around SAI. This discussion is essential to ensure that any advancements in SAI are conducted responsibly, ethically, and with a thorough understanding of the potential impacts on our planet and its inhabitants.



Chandra Bhushan


Room: CR-14

Report on SRM



Market introduction of natural refrigerants: Lessons from 27 years of successful Montreal Protocol implementation in Kenya
Time Description Venue Documents
18:00 - 20:00
Organizer: GIZ Proklima


Title: Market introduction of natural refrigerants: Lessons from 27 years of successful Montreal Protocol implementation in Kenya


Description: Kenya has made considerable achievements in the Montreal Protocol implementation: CFCs were completely phased-out in 2010, and they were followed by halons and methyl bromide. As replacements, natural refrigerants were introduced into the Kenyan market. What made these achievements possible? Kenyan stakeholders and the implementing agency GIZ look back to 27 years of cooperation, reflecting on the effectiveness of the different measures they have put into practice.



Kerstin Kress  

Room: CR-10


Advanced Monitoring and Detection for Rapid Identification & Mitigation of Unexplained or Illegal Sources of Emissions
Time Description Venue Documents
18:00 - 20:00
Organizer: Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)


Title: Advanced Monitoring and Detection for Rapid Identification & Mitigation of Unexplained or Illegal Sources of Emissions


Description: This side event will share findings from EIA's latest report examining unexplained emissions from the F-gas production sector, as well as presentations from technical experts. Recent scientific findings present an alarming trend of unexpected emissions of F-gases and other substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol. Combined, these findings suggest almost 900 million tonnes CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e) on an annual basis in recent years, including HFC-23, various CFCs, CTC, and others. Many of these substances are closely linked to uses in fluorochemical production processes, suggesting these may be significant sources of the unexplained emissions. This demonstrates the need for strong improvements to monitoring, reporting, verification and enforcement to ensure the sustained climate and ozone benefits of gases controlled by the Protocol. 


Current atmospheric monitoring relies on measurements from static sampling stations which, while valuable to estimating global and regional emissions, have limitations that prevent quickly pinpointing sources of emissions, and face continuing regional gaps in coverage globally. Promising new technologies for rapid and targeted emissions monitoring exist including portable sampling devices and longwave-infrared spectral imaging from aerial or ground-level, that could be complementary to atmospheric monitoring to detect and pinpoint emission sources. 


Avipsa Mahapatra   

Room: CR-11