Title: Advanced Monitoring and Detection for Rapid Identification & Mitigation of Unexplained or Illegal Sources of Emissions
Description: This side event will share findings from EIA's latest report examining unexplained emissions from the F-gas production sector, as well as presentations from technical experts. Recent scientific findings present an alarming trend of unexpected emissions of F-gases and other substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol. Combined, these findings suggest almost 900 million tonnes CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e) on an annual basis in recent years, including HFC-23, various CFCs, CTC, and others. Many of these substances are closely linked to uses in fluorochemical production processes, suggesting these may be significant sources of the unexplained emissions. This demonstrates the need for strong improvements to monitoring, reporting, verification and enforcement to ensure the sustained climate and ozone benefits of gases controlled by the Protocol.
Current atmospheric monitoring relies on measurements from static sampling stations which, while valuable to estimating global and regional emissions, have limitations that prevent quickly pinpointing sources of emissions, and face continuing regional gaps in coverage globally. Promising new technologies for rapid and targeted emissions monitoring exist including portable sampling devices and longwave-infrared spectral imaging from aerial or ground-level, that could be complementary to atmospheric monitoring to detect and pinpoint emission sources.
Avipsa Mahapatra