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Meeting information

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Information note for participants
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Organization of Work

The preparatory segment, contact group(s) and other group meetings for 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 October, as well as the high-level segment on 29 October 2021 are now concluded



Online forums

The online forum containing reports and documents including any draft decisions for parties to review and comment (now closed for comments) comprises:

The online forum can be accessed here

Informal and Briefing Meetings

 Meetings took take place from 5 to 18 October 2021 as follows:

  • Briefing meeting on the Vienna Convention issues (Ozone Research Managers and Trust Fund for research and systematic observation)

Date: 5 October 2021 concluded

         Time: 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. maximum (Nairobi time (UTC +3))

  • Briefing meeting on the 2021 progress report of the TEAP

Date: 7 October 2021 concluded

Time: 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. maximum (Nairobi time (UTC +3))


  • Informal meeting (2 sessions) on financial reports and budgets

Date: 11 and 14 October 2021 (11 and 14 October meetings concluded)

Time: 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. maximum (Nairobi time (UTC +3)) respectively


  • Briefing meeting on the updated replenishment report by the TEAP task force

Date: 18 October 2021 concluded

Time: 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. maximum (Nairobi time (UTC +3))

Draft reports of the online briefing meetings held on 5, 7 and 18 October can be accessed here


Preparatory segment

Date: 23 to 28 October 2021

Time: daily preparatory sessions from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. (Nairobi time (UTC +3))

Contact group(s)

Date: 23 to 28 October 2021

Time: daily from 4.15 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. maximum (Nairobi time (UTC +3))

High-level segment concluded

Date: 29 October 2021

Time: 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. (Nairobi time (UTC +3))


To join the preparatory and high-level segments click here

The links to the user guides for the meeting platform, Interprefy, are  available below.

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Quality assurance test sessions for the platforms associated with COP12(II)/MOP33 have concluded

Note: Contact group(s) and informal meetings will be hosted on WebEx. There will be no interpretation. No test sessions for WebEx were organised.


Regional Consultations on the Membership of Montreal Protocol Bodies and the Bureau of MOP33

Parties are urged to consult in their regional groups and appropriate constituencies prior to COP12(II)/MOP33 to nominate representatives to serve in the Montreal Protocol bodies for 2022 and as officers (the Bureau) of MOP33.

Please send an email to Stephanie Haysmith ( or any other members of the Ozone Secretariat listed below to organize virtual regional consultations.

Focal points contact list

Contact points for regional groups / bilaterals


Regional groups

Stephanie Haysmith

African States

Liazzat Rabbiosi

Asia and the Pacific States

Maud Barcelo Martinez

West Asia

Sophia Mylona

Eastern European States

Gerald Mutisya

Latin American and Caribbean States

Maud Barcelo Martinez

Western European and Other States

Side events

The Secretariat is planning to hold a limited number of side events both before the COP12(II)/MOP33 and after the contact group sessions over the seven days of the meeting from 23 to 29 October.

Depending on demand, side events may also be held in the margins of the sixty-seventh meeting of the Implementation Committee (20 and 21 October) and the joint meeting of the bureaux (22 October). Please send enquiries to Stephanie Haysmith ( and Jacqueline Gitau (


Credentials of parties’ representatives

Rule 18 of the rules of procedure for the meetings provides that the credentials of representatives and the names of alternate representatives and advisers are to be submitted to the Executive Secretary of the meeting, if possible, no later than twenty hours after the opening of the meeting. Any later change in the composition of a delegation is also to be submitted to the Executive Secretary. Accordingly, credentials are required for participation in the online meeting and should be issued either by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or, in the case of a regional economic integration organization, by the competent authority of that organization. In view of the meeting being held online, parties should submit the signed and scanned credentials by email to Gilbert Bankobeza ( any time before the commencement of the meeting and if possible, no later than twenty-four hours after the meeting is opened. The officers of the meeting shall thereafter examine the credentials and submit their report to the meeting. Whenever possible before or after the meeting, the original copies of credentials may be forwarded to the Secretariat through diplomatic channels or by mail.


Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Disclaimer

The remote simultaneous interpretation of the proceedings is provided by the United Nations for the purpose of facilitating communication, in the six official languages of the United Nations. Participants are requested to be mindful of the additional difficulties experienced by interpreters when working in remote mode and of the increased likelihood of disruptions to the audio-visual feed to the interpreters, potentially leading to the interruption of interpretation services. Only the speech or intervention in the original language is authentic and constitutes an authentic record of the proceedings. In case of any inconsistency between the interpretation and the speech or intervention in the original language, the latter shall prevail.

Interpreters using a Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) platform to service remote meetings, cannot be held liable for interruption of service, pixilation, freezing or loss of visual input, partial or complete loss of audio, audible artefacts, unauthorized access to personal or confidential data, leaking of information due to inadequate soundproofing, and/or data loss.​

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