What: Combined twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (part I) and Thirty-Second Meeting of the Parties
Who: Government officials, experts and other stakeholders from the 198 parties to the Montreal Protocol
When & Where: 23-27 November 2020 - online meeting
Nairobi, 22 November 2020 – From 23 to 27 November 2020, parties and other stakeholders will meet online for the combined twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (part I) and Thirty-Second Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (COP12(I)/MOP32).
The Conference of the Parties only meets every three years to review the implementation of the Convention, but the twelfth meeting will be held in 2 parts. Part I this year will focus only on the budget for 2021. Part II, scheduled for next year, will cover the full agenda including outcomes of the ozone research managers meeting and matters related to the trust fund for monitoring and research, as well as the budget of the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for the triennium 2022-2024.
Even though parties are not yet in a position to make a decision on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol for 2021–2023 due to the pandemic situation preventing in-person meetings, a solution will be sought. To avoid disruption of operation of the Fund in 2021, the parties will consider authorizing the Executive Committee of the Fund to continue working, utilizing unspent funds from the current triennium (2018–2020) pending the decision later next year on the replenishment.
Other issues for consideration by the MOP will be the budget for 2021, approval of critical-use nominations for methyl bromide by a small number of parties, the membership of Montreal Protocol bodies for 2021, such as the Implementation Committee, Executive Committee and the Co-Chairs of the Open-ended Working Group, as well as the membership of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP).
Prior to the COP12(I)/MOP32, significant preparatory work was undertaken by the parties reviewing documents in the online forum, holding informal meetings on budgets, and consult on nominations to Protocol bodies. The sixty-fifth meeting of the Implementation Committee also took place online from 16-18 November to discuss issues related to non-compliance under the Montreal Protocol. The Committee’s draft decisions will be considered for adoption by the MOP
The COP12(I)/MOP32 is the first UNEP Multilateral Environmental Agreement to convene to take decisions virtually.
For more information, please contact:
Keishamaza Rukikaire, Head of News and Media, UN Environment Programme rukikaire@un.org
Stephanie Haysmith, Communications Officer, Ozone Secretariat stephanie.haysmith@un.org
Website: https://ozone.unep.org/meetings/combined-twelfth-meeting-conference-parties-part-i-and-thirty-second-meeting-parties