Nairobi, 1 November 2021 – From 23 to 29 October 2021, parties and other stakeholders convened online for the combined twelfth meeting (part II) of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Thirty-Third Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (COP12(II)/MOP33).
Usually, the Conference of the Parties only meets every three years to review the implementation of the Vienna Convention. But due to COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions, the twelfth meeting was held in 2 parts. Part I, held in 2020, focused only on the budget for 2021, with Part II addressing outcomes of the eleventh Ozone Research Managers meeting held earlier in the year, and matters related to the trust fund for monitoring and research as well as the budget of the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for the triennium 2022-2024.
The Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol addressed several issues of importance for the continuing implementation and operation of the Protocol, including replenishment of the Multilateral Fund, more information and possible cost-savings on energy efficient and low-global-warming-potential technologies, gaps in monitoring of substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol, approval of critical-use nominations for methyl bromide by a small number of parties for agricultural purposes, the membership of Montreal Protocol bodies for 2022 such as the Implementation Committee, Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund and the Co-Chairs of the Open-ended Working Group, as well as the membership of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP).
Due to the limited but ambitious agenda, significant preparatory work was undertaken online in advance of the meetings; parties undertook extensive consultations. The parties deferred the full negotiation on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol for 2021–2023 to next year when the parties hope to meet in person. But also agreed to contribute to the Fund on an interim basis for 2022.
The sixty-seventh meetings of the Implementation Committee also took place online from 20-21 October to discuss issues related to non-compliance under the Montreal Protocol. The Committee’s draft decisions were also considered and adopted during the high-level segment.
Despite the intense work schedule and unfriendly time zones, the parties remained steadfast. This was noted by UNEP’s Executive Director, Inger Andersen, in her statement at the opening of the high-level segment where she commended the commitment of the parties in addressing ozone and climate protection issues during these difficult times. She also highlighted the linkage between ozone layer protection and climate change mitigation noting the wider impact of the Montreal Protocol through the ratification of the Kigali Amendment. By adopting more energy efficient sustainable cooling technologies, such as in the cold chains, in tandem with the phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons – potent greenhouse gases – parties would contribute to carbon emission reductions as well as help mitigate food loss.
In total 18 decisions were adopted. Many of these will further strengthen and improve the science that underpins the Montreal Protocol making it one of the most successful environmental agreements.
For more information, please contact:
Stephanie Haysmith, Communications and Public Information, Ozone Secretariat stephanie.haysmith@un.org