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TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management)


Disclosure of Interest

I, ROBERTO DE AGUIAR PEIXOTO, residing in Brazil, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Co-chair of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I work as a Professor of postgraduate courses at the Instituto Maua de Tecnologia, a Technical University in Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Occasionally I work as an independent consultant. I consult for various entities. These include organisations dealing with refrigeration and air conditioning issues, and organisations dealing with Montreal Protocol and UNFCCC related climate issues, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I work as a Professor of postgraduate courses at the Instituto Maua de Tecnologia, a Technical University in Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Occasionally I work as an independent consultant. I consult for various entities. These include organisations dealing with refrigeration and air conditioning issues, and organisations dealing with Montreal Protocol and UNFCCC related climate issues, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis.
    • Government advice and other policy development: none  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: none
    • Other interests: none
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP Ozone Secretariat
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Date: 2024-02-16

Daikin Europe
Disclosure of Interest

I, Hilde Dhont, residing in Belgium, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Co-chair of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Department Manager of the Environment Research Center at Daikin Europe N.V.. My responsibilities include research on legislation and standards related to refrigerants and energy performance of HVACR equipment and installations in buildings, and climate related corporate sustainability reporting.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am employed by Daikin Europe N.V.  
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Daikin Europe N.V.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Hilde Dhont
Date: 2024-01-11




Five Rivers Research & Consulting LLC
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest

I, Natarajan (Rajan) Rajendran , residing in United States of America, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant with nearly 40 years of experience in the RACHP industry in various capacities - research, product development, sales, marketing, innovation and policy background.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Independent consultant
    • Government advice and other policy development: RTOC co-chair
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: N/A
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is travel expenses reimbursed jointly by the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy (ARAP) and the Aircondioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI).
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Natarajan (Rajan) Rajendran  
Date: 2024-04-16


Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest

I, Jitendra Moreshwar Bhambure, residing in India, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am self occupied consultant. I have more than three decades of experience in R & D and Manufacturing at senior position in a large HVAC company in India. Post my superannuation age, I am working as consultant at in Bue Star as Advisor technology and in CEEW as Advisor in policy research.
  3. I work as industry representative with Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Bureau of Indian Standards. I am also Chair of Process Division India division of IMechaE
  4. I am in the research committee of ISHRAE
  5. I also help small manufacturers and advise them on Quality and Productivity improvement.
  6. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  7. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I had received Shares as ESOP during my employment in Blue Star, however the quantum is not significant to influence any decision.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Presently employed in Blue Star and CEEW as Advisor and Consultant
    • Government advice and other policy development: Industry Representaive thru RAMA to Bureau of Energy Efficency and Bureau of Indian Standards
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: NIL  
    • Other interests: NIL
  8. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is thru Ozone Sec being from Article 5 country
  9. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  10. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  11. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  12. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Jitendra Moreshwar Bhambure 
Date: 2024-01-20


Yale Carbon Containment
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest
Man-West Environmental Group Ltd.
Disclosure of Interest

I, Richard Cooke, residing in Canada, a Member of the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a principal in a Canadian consulting company (Man-West Environmental Group Ltd. engaged in international assignments with IFIs, UN Agencies, and private sector clients on the project management and technical support assignments related to waste management (hazardous, municipal, chemical), cotaminated sites, circular economy, institutional technical assistance, chemicals related convention implementation (Stockholm, Basel, Montreal Protocol). Specifically relevant to TEAP related activities, this includes preparation and implementation of GEF and MLF projects involving KIPs, end of Life controlled substance management, assessment of halogenated chemicals technologies, and general country level compliance with Montreal Protocol obligations. Primary personal volunter interest include environmnetal and natural spaces protection in the Canadian Rockies and northern Canada undertaken through membership in and working with local ENGOs and boad memberships including the Oldman Watershed Council in Southern Alberta.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. My consultancy work may involve undertaking benfical commercial contractal arrangements to implement activities that may be funded by the MLF.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Man-West Environmental Group Ltd, - President (See Section 2 above). Director - Oldman Watershed Council
    • Government advice and other policy development: 
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Assisting in completion of a report making the economic and environmental case for destruction of ODSs and HFCs in local cement kilns being prepared by an NGO (International Governance and Sustainability Institute).
    • Other interests: See Section 2 above related to ENGO volunteer activities
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is my company/employer and personal resources, all o which is considered a voluntary pro-bono, non-tax deductable contribution to the work of the montreal Protcol.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Richard Cooke 
Date: 2024-02-01

Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest

I, Bassam Elassaad, residing in Canada, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant working on Montreal Protocol related projects for UNIDO and UN Environment.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Independent consultant  
    • Government advice and other policy development: None
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None  
    • Other interests: None
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is the Ozone Secretariat support for members from A5 countries
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Bassam Elassaad 
Date: 2024-02-20 

Refrigerant Reclaim Australia
Disclosure of Interest

I, Kylie Farrelley, residing in Australia, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am the general manager of Refrigerant Reclaim Australia. A not for profit organsisation established 30 years ago to manage end of life ODS and SGG refrigerants.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Employee of Refrigerant Reclaim Australia
    • Government advice and other policy development: None  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: I have a insignificant number of shares in Arkema. A ODS, SGG refrigerant producer.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is RRA.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Kylie Farrelley

Date: 2024-01-24 


Climalife & ADC3R
Disclosure of Interest
Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest

I, Herlin Herlianika, residing in Indonesia, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant working on climate policies, capacity building, and technical advisory especially on energy efficiency and energy transition in Indonesia. I am a member of Refrigeration Technical Committee for The National Standard Agency of Indonesia. My voluntary activity as ASHRAE Indonesia Chapter is campaigning the sustainable technologies in RHVAC towards Nett Zero Building.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    1. Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    2. Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    3. Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am working as project leader for HEAT GmbH for Indonesian-Asian Low Carbon Building Transformation Project, funded by German government
    4. Government advice and other policy development: I am working as program advisor for CLASP NGO, gives policy advice for MEPs in appliances
    5. Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    6. Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is from the Ozone Secretariate as I am from A5 country
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Herlin Herlianika 
Date: 2024-01-23 



United States of America
Disclosure of Interest
London South Bank University
Disclosure of Interest

I, Mary Najjuma, residing in United Kingdom, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a PhD researcher in Rural Efficient and Optimal Cooling Hubs. Occassionally, contracted by UNIDO for short-term consultancy work of verification of ODS consumption. I am currently working on a project under the "Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance for HFC and ODS Banks Management (COPA)" framework which involves a status quo analysis of life-cycle refrigerant management in 4 countries
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Part-time employment with London South Bank University under the Africa Center of Excellence for Cooling solutions and the cold chain, Short-term consultancies with UNIDO under the Montreal Protocol Division
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: PhD scholarship  
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is the scholarship and salary from part-time employment
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Mary Najjuma 
Date: 2024-02-20 


A-Gas Australia Pty Ltd
Disclosure of Interest

I, Elvira Nigido, residing in Australia, a Member of the Fire Suppression Technical Options Committee and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a full time employee of A-Gas based in Melbourne Australia however my role as Group Sustainability Compliance Manager has a global remit. A-Gas is a global company committed to protecting the environment by effectively managing the lifecycle of refrigerants and fire protection gases that are ozone depleting &/or global warming (through best practice recovery, recycling, reclamation, supply, leak reduction and destruction). My main responsibilities at A-Gas are oversight of our ESG obligations, management of our internal GHG emissions on our journey to net zero and advocating for life cycle refrigerant management to help the Montreal Protocol achieve its full potential. I also provide high level guidance to our internal team who are responsible for the contract delivery of the Australian National Halon Bank; also liaising with key stakeholders in the Australian Government namely the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water & the wider Australian Fire protection industry in matters relating to the Australian licensing scheme under the Commonwealth Ozone Protection & Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act & regulations.
    I was appointed as a member of the Australian Fire Protection Industry (ODS & SGG) Board in December 2016. As a Board Member I assist in the administration of the fire protection division of the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Regulations 1995 on behalf of the Australian Government.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body. I personally do not have proprietary interests, however my employer A-Gas owns the PLASMA Arc destruction technology that is an approved TEAP technology. A-Gas has two units in the USA & one under fabrication in Australia.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: None
    • Government advice and other policy development: None
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: None
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is A-Gas.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Elvira Nigido
Date: 2023-12-18

Japan Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA)
Disclosure of Interest

I, Tetsuji Okada, residing in Japan, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am President of Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA). I have engaged in the research and development of the air conditioners and the hot water systems by CO2 (Eco cute). I am also familiar with the heat exchangers used in the air conditioners and the refrigerant circuits of the heat pump systems.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    1. Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    2. Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    3. Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    4. Government advice and other policy development: None  
    5. Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    6. Other interests: None
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is JRAIA.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Tetsuji Okada 
Date: 2024-02-12 



Universitá Politecnica delle Marche
Disclosure of Interest

I, Fabio Polonara, residing in Italy, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life- cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Professor of Fisica tecnica industriale (Thermal Sciences) at Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) in Ancona, Italy. My responsibilities include teaching courses and doing research in the fields of Thermal sciences, Thermal systems, Refrigeration and air conditioning, Renewable energies and Energy saving technologies. I occasionally work, intramoenia within UNIVPM terms, as a consultant for Companies, Local Government Bodies and UN Implementing Agencies in fields such as Energy planning, Renewables and Refrigeration. All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis. At present I work at a joint project UNIVPM/Regione Marche on energy planning.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: University activities and consultancy as described in numeral 2) above.
    • Government advice and other policy development: As a member of my University Department, I occasionally do consultancy for Local Government Bodies and UN Implementing Agencies on energy planning and environmental issues.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None related to ODS or their alternatives. 
    • Other interests: None related to ODS or their alternatives.
  5. I conduct the work for TEAP and RTOC and TSBs on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. Travel expenses associated with TEAP and RTOC and TSBs meetings are paid by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security of Italy (MASE) through a Small Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) with UNEP, Nairobi and by UNIVPM through my research grants.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Fabio Polonara 
Date: 2024-01-31 

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Disclosure of Interest

I, Pallav Purohit, residing in Austria, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. My main research focuses on a) modeling global, regional, and national emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases); b) evaluating the technical mitigation potential of F-gases and the associated costs; and c) assessing the energy efficiency co-benefits during the transition to low-GWP and natural refrigerants.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. Being a member of TEAP involves voluntary work on my part. The travel related funding for my involvement in the work of TEAP is provided by the Ozone Secretariat, UNEP.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Pallav Purohit 
Date: 2024-01-23 


New Cold System SRL
Burkina Faso
Disclosure of Interest

I, MADI SAKANDE, residing in Italy, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Knight of the Order of the Stallion of Burkina Faso, General Manager - New Cold System s.r.l in Italy and New Cold S.a.r.l in Burkina Faso New Cold System s.r.l. is a continuation of work begun in 1952 by Mr. Aldo Tovoli. The company produces systems and manufactures components for standard and special applications in refrigeration and air conditioning. and its subsidiary company founded in 2018 at Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso
  3. Thanks to the experience and continuous technical research, we are able to provide more products meeting the standards quality of the industry. And that's why New Cold System s.r.l. has become a reference company in the construction of facilities for refrigeration: hermetic and semi hermetic condensing units, mono-blocks and split systems, covered condensing units with low noise level, multi- compressors systems for commercial and industrial uses, production of heat exchangers.I am (describe your activity)
  4. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  5. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: President – Union of Associations of African Actors in Refrigeration and air-Conditioning (U-3ARC) / Instructor & Coordinator – Centro Studi Galileo / International Expert Consultant - UNIDO – UNEP - UNDP / RDL Master Trainer – UNEP & AHRI
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests: Training RAC technicians and new technologies in RAC sector
  6. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP, ONLY FOR TRAVELS
  7. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  8. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  9. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  10. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Date: 2024-01-11 



Trane Technologies
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest

I, Helen A Walter Terrinoni, residing in United States of America, a Technical Options Committee co- chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am director of global climate policy.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I may have shares of stock in a mututal fund that is subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am employed by Trane Technologies
    • Government advice and other policy development: I provide technical information to policymakers regarding technology transitions.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Modeling work is unpaid and voluntary
    • Other interests: Board member of Switch 2025, which is a non-profit educating and supporting technology transitions
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Trane Technologies.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Helen A Walter Terrinoni 
Date: 2024-01-05

United States of America
Disclosure of Interest

I, Christian Wisniewski, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a full-time employee of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Stratospheric Protection Division, Washington, D.C. My responsibilities include working as an Environmental Protection Specialist providing technical expertise on regulations under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), including the management of HFCs in existing equipment and assessment of HFCs and substitutes in new equipment. I have also provided technical expertise related to the sector-based transitions of HFCs to new substitutes and technologies in the refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump sector and other sectors.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am not currently employed, consulting, or hold any other position in an entity which has an interest in the subject matter of the RTOC or the task force.
    • Government advice and other policy development: My responsibilities at the USEPA may include providing information and advice to stakeholders on the interpretation and compliance with national regulations to protect the ozone layer and climate related to the transition to alternatives in the U.S. I do not provide advice on significant issues to a government with respect to its implementation of the Montreal Protocol or engage in the development of significant policy positions of a government for a Montreal Protocol meeting.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: I am not performing any paid research activities or receive any fellowships or grants for work related to a proposed use of an ODS or HFCs or an alternative to a proposed use of an ODS or HFCs.
    • Other interests: I do not have other interests related to the subject matter of the RTOC or the task force.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP, including travel expenses to atttend meetings, is US EPA.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Christian Wisniewski 
Date: 2024-02-28


Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Disclosure of Interest

I, Ashley Woodcock, residing in United Kingdom, a Co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Member of the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Professor of Respiratory Medicine at University of Manchester UK and a Consultant Physician at the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body. I am Chairman of Axalbion (Cough Treatment) and Reacta Healthcare (Allergy Diagnosis), neither of which have any proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • I am Chairman of the Medicines Evaluation Unit (MEU), which carries out Phase 1-4 clinical trials in patients with respiratory disease, including novel inhaled therapies. It is owned by the NW Lung Centre Charity, which puts all surplus into its charitable aims to improve the life of pateints with lung disease through research and improved care.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I have acted as a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline and Orion. I have presented on green inhalers at a symposium for Orion
    • Government advice and other policy development: None relevant  Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None relevant
    • Other interests: None relevant
  5. My TEAP Co-chair role is voluntary. The source of funding for my travel/accomodation to participate in the work of TEAP is my University and Hospital, and the United Kingdom Government (DEFRA).
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Ashley Woodcock 
Date: 2023-12-27 


Consulting Experts

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Disclosure of Interest
ABRAVA - Brazilian association of refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation and heating
Disclosure of Interest