Decision XIV/11: The relationship between the Montreal Protocol and the World Trade Organization
The Fourteenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XIV/11:
- To request the Ozone Secretariat to report to the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on any meetings it attends at the World Trade Organization and any substantive contacts with the World Trade Organization Secretariat and its Committee Secretariats;
- To request the Secretariat to monitor developments in the negotiations of the World Trade Organization Committee on Trade and Environment in special session and report to the Parties;
- To further request that the Ozone Secretariat, in coordination with the Multilateral Fund Secretariat, when called upon to provide general advice to the World Trade Organization on trade provisions of the Montreal Protocol and activities of the Multilateral Fund, consult with the Parties of the Montreal Protocol and the Executive Committee before providing this advice. If the Ozone Secretariat is asked for interpretations of the Protocol’s trade provisions, the Secretariat should refer the matter to the Parties before providing that advice.