Decision XIV/28: Non-compliance with consumption phase-out by Parties not operating under Article 5 in 2000
The Fourteenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XIV/28:
- To note that Belarus and Latvia have reported data on consumption of substances in Annex A or B to the Montreal Protocol in 2000 that places them in non-compliance with the national plans negotiated with the Parties and stated in Decisions X/21 and X/24 respectively;
- To strongly request these Parties to provide the Implementation Committee, through the Secretariat, with explanations for their non-compliance, based on the data reported under Article 7 of the Protocol, as a matter of urgency;
- To request the Implementation Committee to review the situation with regard to the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances in these Parties at its next meeting, and report to the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties.