Decision XIV/41: Financial matters: Financial reports and budgets
The Fourteenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XIV/41:
- To welcome the continuing excellent management by the Secretariat of the finances of the Montreal Protocol Trust Fund and the very good quality documentation on it furnished to the meeting;
- To take note with appreciation of the financial statements of the Trust Fund for the biennium 2000-2001 and the report on the actual expenditures for 2001 as compared to the approvals for that year, as contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro.14/4;
- To approve the budget for the Trust Fund in the amount of ,855,220 for 2003 and take note of the proposed budget of ,921,664 for 2004, as set out in Annex III of the report of the fourteenth Meeting of the Parties;
- To firstly draw down an amount of 75,000 in years 2003 and 2004 from the Fund balance for the purpose of reducing that balance in accordance with Decision XI/21, paragraphs 5 and 6;
- To secondly draw down further from the unspent balance from year 2000, an amount of 50,869 in 2003;
- To thirdly draw down further from the unspent balance from year 2001, an amount of 00,000 in 2003; 86,000 in 2004 and 00,869 in year 2005;
- To fourthly draw down further from the annually accruing interest income, an amount of 50,000 in 2003 and another 50,000 in 2004;
- To ensure, as a consequence of the draw-downs referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 above, that the contributions to be paid by the Parties amount to ,279,351 for 2003 and ,310,664 for 2004, as set out in Annex III of the report of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Parties. The contributions of the individual Parties shall be as listed in Annex IV;
- To urge all Parties to pay their outstanding contributions, as well as their future contributions promptly and in full;
- To encourage non-Article 5 Parties to continue offering assistance to their members in the three assessment panels and their subsidiary bodies for their continued participation in the assessment activities under the Protocol;
- To note the provision of assistance for the participation of Article 5 experts in the assessment panels and the subsidiary bodies;
- To amend paragraph 4 of the terms of reference for the administration of the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer by substituting 25 per cent by 22 per cent in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly resolution through its decision A/RES/55/5 B-F of 23 December 2000;
- To request the Executive Director to extend the Montreal Protocol Trust Fund until 31 December 2010; and
- To invite the Parties to provide comments to the document UNEP/OzL.Pro/14/INF.3 and ask the Secretariat to keep the information current.