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Decision XIX/10: Terms of reference for the study on the 2009–2011 replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol

Recalling decisions VII/24, X/13, XIII/1 and XVI/35 on previous terms of reference for studies on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol,

Recalling also decisions VIII/4, XI/7, XIV/39, and XVII/40 on previous replenishments of the Multilateral Fund,

  1. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to prepare a report for submission to the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties, and to present it through the Open-ended Working Group at its twenty-eighth meeting, to enable the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties to take a decision on the appropriate level of the 2009–2011 replenishment of the Multilateral Fund. In preparing its report, the Panel should take into account, among other things:
    1. All control measures and relevant decisions agreed by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and the Executive Committee, including decisions agreed by the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties and the Executive Committee at its fifty‑third and fifty-fourth meetings insofar as those decisions will necessitate expenditure by the Multilateral Fund during the period 2009–2011, including scenarios which indicate eligible incremental costs and cost-efficiencies associated with implementation by Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article5 of the adjustments and decisions relating to HCFCs, and, in addition, the Panel should provide indicative figures for the periods 2012–2014 and 2015–2017 in order to provide information to support a stable level of funding that would be updated prior to figures for those periods being finalized;
    2. The need to allocate resources to enable all Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 to maintain compliance with Articles 2A–2I of the Montreal Protocol and possible new agreed compliance measures relevant to the period 2009–2011 under the Montreal Protocol;
    3. Rules and guidelines agreed by the Executive Committee, up to and including its fifty‑fourth meeting, for determining eligibility for funding of investment projects (including those in the production sector), non-investment projects and sectoral or national phase-out plans;
    4.  Approved country programmes;
    5. Financial commitments in 2009–2011 relating to national or sectoral phase-out plans agreed by the Executive Committee;
    6. The provision of funds for accelerating phase-out and maintaining momentum, taking into account the time lag in project implementation;
    7. Experience to date, including limitations and successes of the phase-out of ozone‑depleting substances achieved with the resources already allocated, as well as the performance of the Multilateral Fund and its implementing agencies;
    8. The impact that the international market, ozone-depleting substance control measures and country phase‑out activities are likely to have on the supply of and demand for ozone-depleting substances, the corresponding effects on the price of ozone-depleting substancesand the resulting incremental costs of investment projects during the period under review;
    9. Administrative costs of the implementing agencies and the cost of financing the secretariat services of the Multilateral Fund, including the holding of meetings;
  2. That, in undertaking this task, the Panel should consult widely with all relevant persons and institutions and other relevant sources of information deemed useful;
  3. To request the Panel to provide additional information on the levels of funding required for replenishment in each of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 and to study the financial and other implications of a possible longer replenishment period, in particular whether such a measure would provide for more stable levels of contributions;
  4. That the Panel shall strive to complete its work in time to enable its report to be distributed to all Parties two months before the twenty-eighth Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group;
  5. To request the Panel to take into account the conclusions resulting from the study conducted by the Executive Committee pursuant to paragraph 2 of decisionXVIII/9 in the event that proposals for control measures related to the subject of that study are submitted to the Ozone Secretariat