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Decision XVII/11: Recapturing/recycling and destruction of methyl bromide from space fumigation

Welcoming the 2005 progress report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel,

Noting in particular that the report was inconclusive on recommendations on recapturing, recycling and destruction,[4] but highlighted local environmental and occupational health and safety concerns,

Recalling decision XI/13, paragraph 7, “to encourage the use of methyl bromide recovery and recycling technology (where technically and economically feasible) to reduce emissions of methyl bromide, until alternatives to methyl bromide for quarantine and pre‑shipment uses are available”,

Noting that recapture of methyl bromide from small-scale fumigations in containers is already carried out in several countries,

Recognizing the need to further reduce methyl bromide emissions in an effort to protect the ozone layer,

  1. To encourage Parties who have deployed in the past, currently deploy or plan to deploy technologies to recapture/recycle/destroy or reduce methyl bromide emissions from fixed facilities or sea container fumigation applications to submit to the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel details of efficacy, including destruction and removal efficiency (DRE), logistical issues and the economic feasibility of such fumigations, by 1 April 2006;
  2. To encourage Parties to report on any harmful by-products created using such technologies;
  3. To adopt the form annexed to this decision for the purpose of submitting data;
  4. To include the findings of data submitted in the 2006 progress report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and summarize Parties’ positive and negative past experiences of recovery and destruction technologies;


Draft submission form for methyl bromide recapture

Recapture or destruction system used:

Submitting body:

(Please provide name and e-mail address of individual to be contacted in the event of a query)

Commodity treated:  
Fumigation contents and volume:  
Chamber or tent volume:  
Percentage loading of chamber:  
Gas quantity retained by the recapture or destruction system:  
Quantity lost during the fumigation by leakage or reaction:  
Residual free gas left in the enclosure after extraction of methyl bromide into the recapture system:  
Remaining sorbed gas (taking into account any gas naturally present prior to fumigation):  
Quantity of methyl bromide transiting the recapture/destruction system and lost by leaks in the system:  
Measurement of gas exhausted after recapture stopped:  
Total gas present in the fumigated system at start of recapture:  
Net efficiency of recapture:  
Cost per kg recaptured/destroyed (US$):  

[4] See section 7.6, p. 147 of the 2005 progress report.