Decision XVII/24: Reports of the Parties submitted under Article 9 of the Montreal Protocol on research, development, public awareness and exchange of information
The Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XVII/24:
- To note with appreciation the reports submitted by the following 28 Parties in accordance with Article 9 of the Montreal Protocol: Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, Jordan, Latvia, Mauritius, Malaysia, Monaco, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan;
- To recall that paragraph 3 of Article 9 states that, every two years, each Party shall submit to the Secretariat a summary of activities it has conducted pursuant to that Article, and that relevant activities include promotion of research and development, information exchange on technologies for reducing emissions of ozone-depleting substances, alternatives to the use of controlled substances and the costs and benefits of relevant control strategies, awareness-raising on the environmental effects of controlled substances emissions and other substances that deplete the ozone layer;
- To recognize that information relevant to the reporting obligation contained in paragraph 3 of Article 9 may be generated through cooperative efforts undertaken in the context of regional ozone networks, ozone research managers activities under Article 3 of the Vienna Convention, participation by Parties in the assessment work of both the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and the Scientific Assessment Panel under Article 6 of the Montreal Protocol, and national public awareness-raising initiatives;
- To note that the reporting under Article 9, paragraph 3, could be undertaken through electronic means, and to note also that the information contained in these reports could be shared through the Ozone Secretariat’s website;
- To note that such activities continue to play an important role in global efforts to protect the ozone layer and that dissemination of information on such activities, through Article 9, also contributes to these efforts;
- To therefore urge all Parties to submit information in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 9.