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Decision XVII/47: Dates of future Montreal Protocol meetings

The Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XVII/47:

Noting with appreciation the work undertaken by the Ozone Secretariat and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel in organizing and servicing the Meetings of the Parties, meetings of the Open-ended Working Group, and meetings of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its technical options committees,

Recognizing that certain legal requirements of the Montreal Protocol and actions of the Parties depend on sufficient time being available for Parties to consider information supplied by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel related to possible amendments and adjustments of the Protocol, and the requirement under Article 9 of the Vienna Convention for a Party to submit such information six months prior to the Meeting of the Parties,

  1. To request the Ozone Secretariat to:
    1. Post on its website by 31 January each year the indicative dates for the next two meetings of the Open-ended Working Group and Meetings of the Parties, ensuring to the extent possible that the Open-ended Working Groups are held back-to-back with the meetings of the Executive Committee and that the scheduling of the Meeting of the Parties is done in consultation with the host Government;
    2. If, subsequent to such posting, circumstances arise that necessitate a change to such indicative meeting dates, to revise the posting on its website and to notify the Parties within one week of such change;
  2. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to:
    1. Post on its website by 20 January in the year in which the meetings take place, the dates in the coming year for its meetings and meetings of its technical options committees;
    2. Make best endeavours to provide annual reports of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its technical options committees and any task force reports approximately seven months before the Meeting of the Parties in order to allow sufficient time for the Parties to take into account information in the reports related to possible amendments and adjustments;
    3. If, subsequent to such posting, circumstances arise that necessitate a change in a meeting date, to revise the posting on its website and notify the Secretariat within one week of such change.