Decision VI/19: Trade in previously used ozone-depleting substances
The Sixth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VI/19:
- To reaffirm the Parties’ intent embodied in decision IV/24;
- To restate that only used controlled substances may be excluded from the calculated level of consumption of countries importing or exporting such substances;
- To note further that, as required by decision IV/24, such exclusions from a Party’s calculated level of consumption is made contingent on reporting of such imports and exports to the Secretariat and Parties should make their best efforts to report this information in a timely manner;
- To request all Parties with reclamation facilities to submit to the Secretariat prior to the Seventh Meeting of the Parties and on an annual basis thereafter a list of the reclamation facilities and their capacities available in their countries;
- To request all Parties that export previously used substances to take, where appropriate, steps to ensure that such substances are labelled correctly and are of the nature claimed and to report any related activities through the Secretariat to the seventh meeting of the Parties;
- To request such exporting Parties to make best efforts to require their companies to include in documentation accompanying such exports, the name of the source firm of the used controlled substance and whether it was recovered, recycled or reclaimed and any further information available to allow for verification of the nature of the substance;
- To request the Ozone Secretariat, drawing on the experience of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and the Parties, to study and report on trade in used/recycled/reclaimed ozone-depleting substances, taking particular account of Parties’ experience in the control of such trade and the concerns and interests of all Parties that have facilities for the production of ozone-depleting substances, in time for the issues to be considered by the Open-ended Working Group at its twelfth meeting.