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Annex IV: Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

Approved revised 2018, approved 2019 and proposed 2020 budgets

(United States dollars)


Cost category





Employee salaries, allowances and benefits

1 395 479

1 492 918

1 523 777



85 000

85 000

85 000


Meeting costs





Conference services costs: Open-ended Working Group meetings

514 920

597 500

597 500


Conference services costs: preparatory meetings and meetings of the parties

505 310

505 310

505 310


Communication costs of Article 5 assessment panel members and organizational costs of panel meetings

70 000

55 000

55 000


Conference services costs: Bureau meetings

25 000

25 000

25 000


Conference services costs: Implementation Committee meetings

125 000

 125 000

 125 000



25 000

25 000

25 000

Subtotal, meeting costs

1 265 230

1 332 810

1 332 810


Travel of Article 5 parties and experts


Travel of Article 5 parties: assessment panel meetings

400 000

400 000

400 000


Travel of Article 5 parties: preparatory meetings and meetings of the parties

375 000

375 000

375 000


Travel of Article 5 parties: Open-ended Working Group meetings

325 000

325 000

325 000


Travel of Article 5 parties: Bureau meetings

 20 000

20 000

20 000


Travel of Article 5 parties: Implementation Committee meetings

125 000

125 000

125 000

Subtotal, travel of Article 5 parties and experts

1 245 000

1 245 000

1 245 000


Travel on official business


Staff travel on official business

210 000

195 000

195 000


Conference Services staff travel on official business

15 000

15 000

15 000

Subtotal, travel on official business

225 000

210 000

210 000


Other operating costs


Expendable equipment

18 000

18 000

8 000


Non-expendable equipment

25 000

25 000

14 141


Rental of premises

27 370

27 370

27 370


Operational and maintenance of equipment

20 000

20 000

20 000


Reporting costs

367 835

70 000

70 000



40 000

30 000

20 000

Subtotal, Other operating costs

498 205

190 370

159 511


Public awareness and communication


157 816

157 816

Total direct costs

4 713 914

4 713 914

4 713 914

Programme support costs (13 per cent)

612 808

612 808

612 808

Grand total – to be financed by contributions

5 326 722

5 326 722

5 326 722




Additional activities to be drawn down from the existing cash balance





Contribution to the SAP/SPARC workshop on CFC-11


100 000


Online tool for safety standards


30 000


Printing of handbooks


18 000


Communication campaign


70 000

70 000


Enhancement of the digital presence





Temporary P-3 post


150 000

150 000


Contract for services of digital presence


145 000


Software for enhancement of website and meeting portal


32 184

32 184




545 184

252 184


Programme support costs (13%)


70 874

32 784

Total additional activities


616 058

284 968


5.326 722

5 942 780

5 611 690


Explanatory notes for the 2019 and 2020 budgets of the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer


Cost category

Budget line


Employee salaries, allowances and benefits


The 2019 and 2020 costs have been increased by the United Nations mandatory 2 per cent over the revised 2018 costs to allow for inflation. The 2019 and 2020 costs also include the costs of a United Nations Volunteer to support the work of the Secretariat at an estimated cost of $70,000 per year.



The 2019 and 2020 costs for consultants remain constant at the level of the 2018 revised budget.

Meeting costs


Open-ended Working Group meetings

The figure for 2019 represents the estimated meeting cost for the meeting to be held in Bangkok. The 2020 cost are kept steady at the 2019 level. The meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in Montreal, Canada, however the costs are yet to be determined, therefore, kept at the same level as for 2019.



Preparatory meetings and Meetings of the Parties:

The full cost of the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties in the proposed budget for 2019 will be supplemented by an additional voluntary contribution by the host country, the Government of Italy, of 200,000 euros. For 2020, for the joint meeting of the Conference of the Parties and the Meeting of the Parties, the amount is based on the assumption that the meeting will be hosted by a Government. In addition, the contribution of $252,000 from the Vienna Convention Trust Fund, will be deducted from the cost of the meeting. This amount may be allocated for other activities in 2020.



One Bureau meeting is scheduled for each of the years, 2019 and 2020, with provision for interpretation and document translation into appropriate languages, depending on the membership of the Bureau. The budget amounts remain at the same level as the revised 2018 amount due to the uncertainty in the interpretation requirements. Moreover, the contribution of $20,000 from the Vienna Convention Trust Fund will be deducted from the cost of the meeting in 2020. This amount may be allocated for other activities in 2020.



The proposed budgets for Implementation Committee meetings in 2019 and 2020 includes the cost of two meetings, one held back to back with the Open‑ended Working Group Meeting and one held back to back with the Meeting of the Parties. The budget amounts are kept at the same level as the revised 2018 level due to the uncertainty in the interpretation requirements.



The hospitality costs cover receptions at the meetings of the Open-ended Working Group and the meetings of the parties. The costs for 2019 and 2020 remain constant at the 2018 revised level.

Travel of Article 5 participants


The participation of representatives of parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 in various Montreal Protocol meetings is budgeted at $5,000 per representative per meeting which is an average cost used for budgeting purposes. The standard cost of $5,000 is calculated using the most appropriate and advantageous economy-class fare and United Nations daily subsistence allowances.



The costs of travel of experts of Article 5 parties to the assessment panel meetings for 2019 and 2020 remain constant at the revised 2018 level.



The costs of travel of participants from Article 5 parties for the meetings of the parties in 2019 and 2020 remain constant at the revised 2018 level.



The costs of travel of participants from Article 5 parties for the Open-ended Working Group meetings for 2019 and 2020 remain constant at the revised 2018 level.



Includes the cost of travel of Article 5 Bureau members to the Bureau meeting and to the Meeting of the Parties



Includes the cost of travel of Article 5 Implementation Committee members to the Implementation Committee meeting and the Open-ended Working Group meeting in mid‑year; and to the Implementation Committee meeting and the Meeting of the Parties near-end of the year.

Travel on official business


The budgets include travel of Secretariat officers in connection with the meetings of the Montreal Protocol and other relevant meetings such as the meetings of the Ozone Officers under the regional networks of the OzonAction Programme to provide substantive support, meetings of importance to the ongoing work of the Secretariat to implement the decisions and requests of the parties.



Travel of staff on official business for 2019 and 2020 are decreased by $15,000 from the revised 2018 level.



The costs of travel of conference services staff for 2019 and 2020 remain constant at the revised 2018 level.

Other operating costs:


The section includes expendable equipment, non-expendable equipment, rental of office premises, operation and maintenance of equipment, reporting costs, sundry, public awareness and communication.



The expendable equipment costs include the costs of office computer software licences, stationary, office supplies and consumables. The costs for 2019 remains constant at the revised 2018 level, and for 2020 the amount has been reduced by $10,000.



The non-expendable equipment costs include the costs of computers, peripheral equipment and furniture. The costs for 2019 remains constant at the revised 2018 level, and for 2020 the amount has been reduced by $10,859.



The rental cost for the Secretariat’s offices in Nairobi was corrected in 2018 after the reallocation and a reassessment of the office space in 2018. The cost for 2019 and 2020 remain constant at the revised 2018 level.



For the operation and maintenance of equipment, the costs include the service level agreements for copy machines, IT support provided by the United Nations Office at Nairobi. The cost for 2019 and 2020 remain constant at the revised 2018 level.



The reporting costs include reporting on the Montreal Protocol by IISD and editing and translation of non-meeting documents



In 2019 and 2020 the sundry costs include: (1) telecommunication costs ($10,000); (2) freight costs ($10,000); and (3) training costs ($10,000). The costs for the International Ozone Day celebrations of $10,000 which has usually been included under sundries in the past have been reallocated to the new budget line 5401 “Public awareness and communications”. The costs for 2019 have been kept at the level of the revised 2018 budget and the costs for 2020 have been reduced by $10,000.



A new budget line 5401 is established from 2019. The costs for 2019 include the following activities: International Ozone Day celebrations ($10,000); visual materials ($20,000); enhancement of registration system and maintenance, website fixes in the back-end of the website and enhancement of the site ($90,000); software for website and associated costs ($27,816); and hosting of website ($10,000). The enhancement of the registration system involves taking ownership of the current registration system that belongs to the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and enhancing the system to suit the needs of the Ozone Secretariat.

Explanatory notes for the additional activities

Cost category

Budget line




The CFC-11 workshop will be organized by the Science Assessment Panel co-chairs in collaboration with Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate, to provide a forum for scientists and technologists to explore and present information on the potential causes of the unexpected increases in CFC-11 emissions in the recent years. This information will provide a firmer scientific basis for discussions among the Parties of the Montreal Protocol in the coming years. The symposium is open to discussions on all aspects of CFC‑11 and related compounds, from production to atmospheric loss, along with environmental impact of the molecule. Attendance is subject to approved by the Scientific Steering Committee. The budget will supplement the costs of the workshop. The workshop is scheduled for March 2019.



By decision XXIX/11, the Secretariat was requested to hold regular consultations with relevant standards bodies with a view to providing, with regard to standards for flammable low-GWP refrigerants, a tabular overview of relevant safety standards, drawing on the 2017 report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel task force on decision XXVIII/4 and the outcome of the consultations. The Secretariat would like to develop an online tool for the overview of safety standards relevant to refrigeration and air‑conditioning, to enable instant updating and easy access of information.



The new, special edition of the Montreal Protocol Handbook was printed in 2017 in conjunction with the thirtieth anniversary of the Montreal Protocol. Only 250 copies were printed due to funding constraints. Additional funds will enable additional copies to be printed, along with other publications relevant to the Montreal Protocol.



Following the successful communication campaign of 2017, Ozone Heroes, a new campaign is being planned for 2019, to collaborate once again with partners to create an innovative campaign. The budget of $70,000 is the seed money for leveraging additional funding from partners to organize the campaign.

Enhancement of the digital presence


The website of the Secretariat and the meeting portal will be modernized, enhanced, improved and maintained; mobile applications e.g., for the Montreal Protocol and its decisions, and data, will be developed.



A temporary programme officer at P-3 level will be employed to undertake the work of digital enhancement and maintenance.



The amount will be allocated for services of a company in developing and servicing the digital presence. In the event that the provision of $130,000 in the 2018 revised budget is utilized, the $145,000 available for 2019 will be reduced by the same amount. The total cost for the company is estimated to be $235,000 consisting of $90,000 in budget line 5401 and $145,000 under this budget line.



The amount is required for new software and maintenance of the enhanced digital presence.