Appendix I: Data reporting instructions and guidelines
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 The attached data forms have been designed to make reporting easier for the parties. The reporting is prescribed by Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol and further described in various decisions of the Meeting of the Parties. Some decisions introduce additional items that parties may report voluntarily.
1.2 The data reported in accordance with the data forms will be used to determine the calculated levels of production and consumption, upon which the control measures are based.
1.3 The major features of the forms are as follows:
(a) Six separate data forms are provided for imports, exports, production, destruction, trade with non‑parties and emissions of controlled substances. Please use only those data forms applicable to your country and ignore the other forms, after ticking off the respective “No” box in the questionnaire. For example, many parties only import and do not export, produce, destroy or trade with non‑parties in any of the substances. If this is the case, please use only data form 1 on imports and ignore the other forms, after ticking off the “No” boxes for questions 1.2 – 1.6 on the questionnaire.
(b) A row has been provided in data forms 1 (imports) and 3 (production) for each of the substances in Annex A, Annex B Groups II and III, Annex E and Annex F. However, for categories of “Other CFCs” (Annex B Group I) and HCFCs (Annex C Group I), the form is made shorter by providing rows only for substances commonly reported by parties in the past. A few blank rows are provided for more substances, if needed. HBFCs and BCM (Annex C Groups II and III) were phased out by all parties immediately upon inclusion in the list of controlled substance; hence, one row has been provided for them as a formality only. You may use the computerized forms supplied by the Secretariat or paper forms. Parties who use the computerized forms can easily add more rows as needed; parties using paper forms are free to add pages as required.
(c) The following are some of the different categories of uses of controlled substances that need to be reported:
- Feedstock uses for all substances
- Essential uses, including laboratory and analytical uses, for substances as approved by the Meeting of the Parties from time to time
- Quarantine and pre‑shipment applications for methyl bromide
- Process agent uses for specific applications as approved in table A of decision X/14 and updated periodically by the Meeting of the Parties
- Critical or emergency uses of methyl bromide as approved from time to time
- Exemption for high‑ambient‑temperature parties
It is necessary for each party to specify how much of its production, export or import is used for these categories. Where applicable, the Secretariat will deduct these quantities from the total figures. Provision is made in the data forms for these categories. For exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses, provision has also been made for parties to specify the decision of the Meeting of the Parties that approved the use.
(d) The same forms can be used for reporting for baseline years and other years. It should be noted that paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol both provide that the parties may submit the best possible estimates of data for the base years if actual data are not available.
(e) The basis for reporting requirements and definitions are given in sections 2 and 4 below respectively.
(f) A “remarks” column has been provided at the end of each row, and a “comments” box has been provided at the end of each form, for parties to include any additional information that they believe would assist the Secretariat in processing their data report.
Section 2: Reporting of data and clarifications associated with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol
Reporting set out under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, and related requests pursuant to decisions by the Meeting of the Parties
Basis for reporting under Article 7 |
Information to be provided |
Annual data reporting under Article 7 |
(reported annually) |
Statistical data on production of each of the controlled substances |
Amounts used for feedstock |
Amounts destroyed by technologies approved by the parties |
Imports from and exports to parties and non-parties respectively |
Statistical data on the amount of methyl bromide used for quarantine and pre-shipment applications |
Statistical data on imports and exports of recycled halons and HCFCs |
Statistical data on emissions of HFC‑23 per facility in accordance with paragraph 1 (d) of Article 3 of the Protocol |
Excess production above the control limit in order to satisfy the basic domestic needs of parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 (Article 5 parties) |
Actual quantities of controlled substances destroyed |
Volumes of controlled substances imported for feedstock uses by importing countries |
Amount of methyl bromide used for quarantine and pre-shipment applications |
Types, quantities and destinations of exports of all controlled substances |
Types, quantities and exporting party for quantities reported as imports |
Baseline data reporting under Article 7 |
(reported once) |
Article 7, paragraphs 1 and 2 |
Statistical data on production, imports and exports of each of the controlled substances in:
or the best possible estimates of such data where actual data are not available, within three months of entry into force |
Definitions and clarifications on calculating production and consumption using the reported data
Basis for clarification |
Guidance provided |
Subtract the amount destroyed by technologies approved by the parties and the amount entirely used as feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals from production. The amount recycled and reused is not to be considered as production. |
“Consumption” means production plus imports minus exports of controlled substances. |
Calculated levels of consumption and production for methyl bromide shall not include the amounts used for quarantine and pre-shipment applications. |
Beginning on 1 January 1993, any export of controlled substances to non‑parties shall not be subtracted in calculating the consumption level of the exporting party. Note that HFCs are excluded from the requirement to report on trade with non-parties. This provision therefore does not apply to HFCs. |
The import and export of recycled and used controlled substances should not be taken into account for calculating consumption (except when calculating the base year consumption under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol). |
Quantities of controlled substances produced or imported for the purpose of being used as process agents in plants and installations in operation before 1 January 1999 should not be taken into account in the calculation of production and consumption from 1 January 2002 onwards. |
The amount of controlled substances produced and exported for the purpose of being entirely used as feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals in importing countries should not be the subject of the calculation of production or consumption in exporting countries. |
The amount of controlled substances entirely used as feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals should not be the subject of calculation of consumption in importing countries. |
Calculated production and consumption figures should be reported and reviewed at one decimal place only. |
Use two decimal places when presenting and analysing for compliance hydrochlorofluorocarbon baselines established after the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties and annual hydrochlorofluorocarbon data reported under Article 7 for 2011 and later years. |
Use the GWP values of HCFC-141b and HCFC-142b for HCFC-141 and HCFC-142, respectively, and GWP values listed for HCFC-123 and HCFC-124 for HCFC-123** and HCFC-124**, respectively when calculating the HFC baselines of affected parties. |
Amounts of HFC-23 captured for destruction or feedstock use will not be counted as production as per Article 1. |
Section 3: General instructions
3.1 Parties are requested to report the production and consumption of bulk controlled substances in tonnes, without multiplying by the relevant ozone-depleting-potential or global‑warming‑potential values.
3.2 In order to avoid duplication, quantities contained in manufactured products should not be included in a country's consumption, regardless of whether the end‑products are imported or exported.
3.3 It is crucial that data be provided separately for each individual controlled substance listed in the forms. Further, as requested in decisions XXIV/14 and XXIX/18, parties should enter a number in each cell in the data reporting forms that they submit, including zero, where appropriate, rather than leaving any cells blank. This provision does not apply to optional or voluntary data in the reporting forms.
3.4 When calculating production, the Montreal Protocol allows countries to deduct amounts of controlled substances destroyed and amounts used for feedstock and for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications. However, when reporting production data, parties should not deduct these figures from their data. The Secretariat will make the necessary deductions.
3.5 Parties with approved essential-use exemptions should report to the Secretariat on the amounts of controlled substances produced or consumed for those uses using the accounting form approved by decision VIII/9, paragraph 9.
3.6 Parties with approved critical-use exemptions should report to the Secretariat on the amounts of methyl bromide produced or consumed for those uses using the form approved by decision Ex.I/4, paragraph 9 (f) and decision Ex.II/1, paragraph 3.
3.7 Parties might import or export mixtures containing controlled substances, in particular Annex F substances, rather than its constituent controlled substances. If this is the case, the parties may choose to report the quantity of the mixture in the designated section on the form. If you choose to report mixtures, please take care to ensure that the quantities reported are those of the mixtures, not their individual constituents. The Secretariat will calculate the quantity of each pure substance from the mixtures and will include the appropriate quantities of those pure substances in the reported data. An illustrative list of mixtures containing controlled substances with their compositions is given in section 11 of these data reporting instructions and guidelines. If the mixture being reported is not included in section 11, please indicate the percentage by weight of each constituent controlled substance of the mixture being reported. For further information about the composition and commercial trade names of chemical products containing controlled substances, visit the “Trade names of chemicals containing ozone-depleting substances and their alternatives” page of the OzonAction website.[1] This worldwide database service is designed to help customs officials and national ozone units control imports and exports of controlled substances and prevent their illegal trade.
3.8 Parties listed in Appendix II to decision XXVIII/2 that produce or consume controlled substances under the high‑ambient-temperature exemption should also report separately production and consumption data to the Secretariat for the subsectors to which the exemption applies (decision XXVIII/2, paragraph 30). Subsector‑specific information should be provided by the country using the exemption, not by the producer country. Production under the
high-ambient-temperature exemption should only be reported if the production is for use internally by the producing country, not for export.
Section 4: Definitions
4.1 “Consumption” means production plus imports minus exports of controlled substances (Montreal Protocol, Article 1).
4.2 “Controlled substance” means a substance in Annex A, Annex B, Annex C, Annex E or Annex F to the Protocol, whether existing alone or in a mixture. It includes the isomers of any such substance except as specified in the relevant annex, but excludes any controlled substance or mixture that is in a manufactured product other than a container used for the transportation or storage of that substance (Montreal Protocol, Article 1).
4.3 “Destruction process” is one that, when applied to controlled substances, results in the permanent transformation or decomposition of all or a significant portion of such substances (decisions I/12F, IV/11, V/26 and VII/35).
4.4 “Production” means the amount of controlled substances produced, minus the amount destroyed by technologies approved by the parties and minus the amount entirely used as feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals. The data forms prescribe reporting of feedstock use and of quantities destroyed separately, and reporting of total production without deduction. The Secretariat will make the necessary deduction.
4.5 Amounts recovered, reclaimed or recycled (or reused) are not to be considered as “production” (Montreal Protocol, Article 1), even though they are to be reported (Article 7 of the Protocol).
“Recovery, recycling and reclamation” have been defined by the parties (decision IV/24) as follows:
(a) Recovery: The collection and storage of controlled substances from machinery, equipment, containment vessels, etc., during servicing or prior to disposal;
(b) Recycling: The reuse of a recovered controlled substance following a basic cleaning process such as filtering and drying. For refrigerants, recycling normally involves recharge back into equipment. It often occurs “on‑site”;
(c) Reclamation: The re‑processing and upgrading of a recovered controlled substance through such mechanisms as filtering, drying, distillation and chemical treatment in order to restore the substance to a specified standard of performance. It often involves processing “off‑site” at a central facility.
4.6 “Quarantine and pre‑shipment applications” have been defined by the parties (decision VII/5) as follows:
(a) “Quarantine applications”, with respect to methyl bromide, are treatments to prevent the introduction, establishment and/or spread of quarantine pests (including diseases), or to ensure their official control, where:
(i) Official control is that performed by, or authorized by, a national plant, animal or environmental protection or health authority;
(ii) Quarantine pests are pests of potential importance to the areas endangered thereby and not yet present there, or present but not widely distributed and being officially controlled.
(b) “Pre‑shipment applications” are those treatments applied directly preceding and in relation to export, to meet the phytosanitary or sanitary requirements of the importing country or existing phytosanitary or sanitary requirements of the exporting country.
4.7 The Eleventh Meeting of the Parties decided in decision XI/12 that pre‑shipment applications are those non‑quarantine applications applied within 21 days prior to export to meet the official requirements of the importing country or existing official requirements of the exporting country. Official requirements are those that are performed by, or authorized by, a national plant, animal, environmental, health or stored product authority.
4.8 On transhipment and re‑export of substances, the Fourth Meeting of the Parties decided (decision IV/14):
“To clarify Article 7 of the amended Protocol so that it is understood to mean that, in cases of tran(s)shipment of controlled substances through a third country (as opposed to imports and subsequent re‑exports), the country of origin of the controlled substances shall be regarded as the exporter and the country of final destination shall be regarded as the importer. In such cases, the responsibility for reporting data shall lie with the country of origin as the exporter and the country of final destination as the importer. Cases of import and re‑export should be treated as two separate transactions; the country of origin would report shipment to the country of intermediate destination, which would subsequently report the import from the country of origin and export to the country of final destination, while the country of final destination would report the import.”
4.9 With respect to trade in bulk methyl bromide, the Eighth Meeting of the Parties decided (decision VIII/14):
“To clarify decision I/12A of the First Meeting of the Parties as follows: trade and supply of methyl bromide in cylinders or any other container will be regarded as trade in bulk in methyl bromide.”
4.10 “Regional economic integration organization” means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region that has competence in respect of matters governed by the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer or its protocols and has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to the instruments concerned. The only such organization for the purpose of the Montreal Protocol is the European Union.
4.11 The Montreal Protocol stipulates, under paragraph 8 (a) of Article 2, that any parties which are member States of a regional economic integration organization as defined above may agree that they shall jointly fulfil their obligations respecting consumption provided that their total combined calculated level of consumption under Articles 2A to 2J of the Protocol does not exceed the levels required by those articles.
Section 5: Instruction I on data on imports of controlled substances (data form 1)
5.1 Please use data form 1 to report data on imports of substances listed in Annex A (CFCs and halons), Annex B (other fully halogenated CFCs, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride), Annex C (HCFCs, HBFCs and BCM), Annex E (methyl bromide) and Annex F (HFCs).
5.2 All the substances in Annex A, Annex B (Groups II and III) and Annex F are listed in column 2 of data form 1. For Annex B Group I (other fully halogenated CFCs) and Annex C Group I (HCFCs), only substances that have been reported by parties in the past are listed. HBFCs and BCM were phased out by all parties immediately upon inclusion in the list of controlled substance, and hence for HBFCs and BCM one row has been provided as a formality only. If you are importing controlled substances other than those listed, please use the blank space to report data on those substances, and use additional pages, if necessary.
5.3 If your country imported mixtures of controlled substances, e.g., R‑410A (50% HFC‑32; 50% HFC‑125), you may choose to report either the quantity of the mixture or the individual constituents of the mixture. If you choose to report mixtures rather than their individual constituents, please take care to ensure that the quantities reported are those of the mixtures, not their individual constituents. The Secretariat will calculate the quantity of the individual pure controlled substances contained in the mixture and enter the appropriate data under each controlled substance. An illustrative list of mixtures with their compositions is given in section 11 of these data reporting instructions and guidelines. If the mixture being reported is not included in section 11, please indicate the percentage by weight of each constituent controlled substance of the mixture being reported. For further information about the composition and commercial trade names of chemical products containing controlled substances, visit the “Trade names of chemicals containing ozone-depleting substances and their alternatives” page on the OzonAction website.[2] This worldwide database service is designed to help customs officials and national ozone units control imports and exports of controlled substances and prevent their illegal trade.
5.4 Please enter the number of tonnes imported in column 3 of data form 1 for each substance imported. If you did not import any of the substances listed, or if you have imported only recovered or reclaimed substances, please enter a zero in column 3, “New”, for each substance. If you imported any recovered or reclaimed substances, please enter the data in column 4.
5.5 When calculating a party's consumption, substances used as feedstock for the production of other chemicals are exempted, as such substances are completely transformed in the manufacturing process of the new chemical. In reporting total quantities of new substances imported in column 3, do not deduct the quantities imported for feedstock reported in column 5. Similarly, do not deduct the quantities imported for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses reported in column 6. The Secretariat will make the necessary deductions. In column 7, please indicate, for each type of controlled substance imported for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses, the decision of the Meeting of the Parties that approved the use. Should the column space be insufficient, further information can be provided in the “comments” box at the bottom of the form.
5.6 When calculating a party's consumption of methyl bromide, the quantities used for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications are excluded. In data form 1, please enter the quantities of methyl bromide imported for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications separately at the bottom of the form, and do not deduct them from the total quantity imported. The Secretariat will make the necessary deductions.
5.7 Decision XXIV/12, paragraph 1, requested the Secretariat to revise the reporting forms resulting from decision XVII/16 to include an annex indicating the exporting party for the quantities reported as imports, noting that the annex is excluded from the reporting requirements under Article 7 of the Protocol, and that the information in the annex would be provided on a voluntary basis. If a particular controlled substance is imported from more than one country, please indicate the quantity imported from each country separately. Please see the example below.
Annex to data form 1 ‑ Exporting parties for quantities reported as imports |
A7_Dataform/2018 |
Note: This annex is excluded from the reporting requirements under Article 7 of the Protocol, and the information in the annex is to be provided on a voluntary basis (decision XXIV/12) |
(1) Substance or mixture |
(2) Exporting party for quantities reported as imports |
Total quantity imported for all uses |
(5) Quantity of new substance imported for feedstock uses |
Quantity of new substance imported for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses* |
(3) New |
(4) Recovered and reclaimed |
(6) Quantity |
(7) Decision / type of use* or remark |
HCFC‑22 |
Country AAA |
50 |
HCFC‑22 |
Country BBB |
75 |
HFC‑134a |
Country AAA |
80 |
HFC‑134a |
Country CCC |
60 |
HFC‑134a |
Country DDD |
30 |
Methyl bromide (CH3Br) |
Quantity of new methyl bromide imported to be used for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications within your country |
Comments: |
* Against each substance imported for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses, please specify the meeting of the parties decision that approved the use. Should the column space be insufficient, further information can be provided in the “comments” box above. |
Section 6: Instruction II on data on exports of controlled substances (data form 2)
6.1 Please use data form 2 to report data on exports, including re‑exports, of substances listed in Annex A (CFCs and halons), Annex B (other fully halogenated CFCs, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride), Annex C (HCFCs, HBFCs and BCM), Annex E (methyl bromide) and Annex F (HFCs).
6.2 Data on re‑exports of the substances listed above should also be included in this form. Decision IV/14 clarified that cases of import and re‑export should be treated as two separate transactions, so that the country of intermediate destination would report both the import from the country of origin and re‑export to the country of final destination.
6.3 The first column (“Substance”) has been left blank because each party may export different substances. Please add the names and relevant information of only those substances being exported by your country.
6.4 If your country exported mixtures of controlled substances, e.g., R-410A (50% HFC-32; 50% HFC-125), you may choose to report either the quantity of the mixture, or the individual constituents of the mixture. If you choose to report mixtures rather than their individual constituents, please take care to ensure that quantities reported are those of the mixtures, not their individual constituents. The Secretariat will calculate the quantity of the individual pure controlled substances contained in the mixture and enter the appropriate data under each controlled substance. An illustrative list of mixtures with their compositions is given in section 11 of these data reporting instructions and guidelines. If the mixture being reported is not included in section 11, please indicate the percentage by weight of each constituent controlled substance of the mixture being reported. For further information about the composition and commercial trade names of chemical products containing controlled substances, visit the “Trade names of chemicals containing ozone-depleting substances and their alternatives” on the OzonAction website.[3] This worldwide database service is designed to help customs officials and national ozone units control imports and exports of controlled substances and prevent illegal trade.
6.5 Reporting of countries of destination is not a requirement under Article 7. In paragraph 4 of decision VII/9, it is stated that parties should report on the destination of Annex A and Annex B substances (new, recovered or reclaimed) that are exported. Paragraph 4 of decision XVII/16 requested a revision of the reporting formats to cover the export of all controlled substances contained in the annexes of the Protocol and urged parties to implement the revised reporting format expeditiously. Please fill in column 2 on the destination of exports, ensuring that if a particular controlled substance is exported to more than one country, the quantity exported to each country is indicated separately. Please see the example below.
1. Fill in this form only if your country exported or re‑exported CFCs, halons, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, HCFCs, HBFCs, bromochloromethane, methyl bromide or HFCs |
A7_Dataform/2018 |
2. Please read instruction II carefully before filling in this form. |
in tonnes[1] (not ODP or CO2-equivalent tonnes) |
Annex A, B, C, E and F substances |
Party: ____________________ |
Period: January – December 20____ |
(1) Substance or Mixture |
(2) Country of destination of exports** |
Total quantity exported for all uses |
(5) Quantity of new substance exported for feedstock uses*** |
Quantity of new substances exported for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses**** |
(3) New |
(4) Recovered and reclaimed |
(6) Quantity |
(7) Decision / type of use**** or remarks |
HCFC‑22 |
Destination AAA |
50 |
HCFC‑22 |
Destination BBB |
75 |
HFC‑134a |
Destination AAA |
80 |
HFC‑134a |
Destination CCC |
60 |
HFC‑134a |
Destination DDD |
30 |
Methyl bromide (CH3Br) |
Quantity of new methyl bromide exported to be used for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications |
Comments: |
[1] Tonne = metric ton. |
Note: If a non‑standard mixture not listed in section 11 of the data reporting instructions and guidelines is to be reported, please indicate the percentage by weight of each constituent controlled substance of the mixture being reported in the “remarks” column or in the “comments” box above. |
* Includes re‑exports. Ref. decisions IV/14 and XVII/16, paragraph 4. ** Reporting of countries of destination is not a requirement under Article 7. In paragraph 4 of decision VII/9, it was decided that parties should report on the destination of Annex A and Annex B substances (new, recovered or reclaimed) that are exported. Paragraph 4 of decision XVII/16 requested a revision of the reporting formats to cover the export of all controlled substances contained in the annexes of the Protocol, and urged the Parties to implement the revised reporting format expeditiously. *** Do not deduct from total production in column 3 of data form 3 (data on production). **** Against each substance exported for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses, please specify the meeting of the parties decision that approved the use. Should the column space be insufficient, further information can be provided in the “comments” box above. |
6.6 If your country is exporting new controlled substances, please provide the quantity in tonnes for the chemical(s) you exported in column 3. If you exported any recovered or reclaimed substances, please enter the data in column 4.
6.7 Under the Montreal Protocol, controlled substances used as feedstock for the production of other chemicals are not included in the calculation of a party’s consumption, as such controlled substances are completely transformed in the manufacturing process of new chemicals. When reporting the total quantities of new substances exported in column 3, do not deduct the quantities exported to be used as feedstock reported in column 5. Similarly, do not deduct the quantities exported for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses, reported in column 6. In column 7, please indicate, for each type of controlled substance exported for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses, the decision of the Meeting of the Parties that approved the use. Should the column space be insufficient, further information can be provided in the “comments” box at the end of the form.
6.8 When calculating a party's consumption of methyl bromide, quantities used for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications are exempted. In data form 2, please enter quantities of methyl bromide exported for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications separately, and do not deduct them from the quantity exported. The Secretariat will make the necessary deductions.
Section 7: Instruction III on data on production of controlled substances (data form 3)
7.1 Please use data form 3 to report data on production of substances listed in Annex A (CFCs and halons), Annex B (other fully halogenated CFCs, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride), Annex C (HCFCs, HBFCs and BCM), Annex E (methyl bromide) and Annex F (HFCs). Generation of HFC-23 that is captured, whether for destruction, feedstock or any other use, shall be reported in data form 3.
7.2 All the substances in Annex A, Annex B Groups II and III, and Annex F are listed in column 2 of data form 3. For Annex B Group I (other fully halogenated CFCs) and Annex C Group I (HCFCs), only substances that have been reported by parties in the past are listed. HBFCs and BCM have already been phased out by all parties and hence one row has been provided as a formality only. If you are producing controlled substances other than those listed, please use the blank space to report data on those substances, or use additional pages, if necessary.
7.3 In column 3 of data form 3, please give the total production or “generation of HFC-23” of your country without making any deductions for feedstock, destruction, export for feedstock uses, or any other use. Do not deduct from your total production or “generation of HFC-23 that is captured” the quantity of production used for feedstock within your country reported in column 4, or the production for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses within your country reported in column 5. Similarly, do not deduct from your total production the quantity of production for supply to Article 5 parties reported in column 7. Please report exports of controlled substances to be used for feedstock by the importing country in column 5 of data form 2 (data on exports), not in data form 3 (this form). The Secretariat will make the necessary deductions. With regard to production for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses, please indicate in column 6, for each type of controlled substance produced for exempted essential, critical, high-ambient-temperature or other uses, the decision of the Meeting of the Parties that approved the use. Should the column space be insufficient, further information can be provided in the “comments” box at the end of the form.
7.4 When calculating a party's consumption, the Montreal Protocol does not include controlled substances used as feedstock for the production of other chemicals, as such controlled substances are completely transformed in the manufacturing process of the new chemical. If your country produced or generated controlled substances for feedstock use within the reporting period, please provide data on the quantity of each controlled substance produced for feedstock purposes in column 4. The Secretariat will make the necessary deductions. Generated HFC-23 that is captured, whether for destruction, feedstock or any other use, shall be reported on data form 3. Amounts converted to other substances shall be reported under the column for feedstock uses. Amounts of HFC-23 captured for destruction or feedstock use will not be counted as production as per Article 1.
7.5 Producers are allowed to produce additional amounts to meet the basic domestic needs of Article 5 parties. If your country produced controlled substances for this purpose, please enter the amount so produced in column 7 of data form 3.
7.6 When calculating a party's consumption of methyl bromide, quantities produced for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications are exempted. Please enter the total quantities of methyl bromide produced for quarantine and pre‑shipment applications separately at the bottom of data form 3 and do not deduct them from the total quantity produced. The Secretariat will make the necessary deductions.
Section 8: Instruction IV on data on destruction of controlled substances (data form 4)
8.1 Very few countries have the capacity to destroy controlled substances using approved destruction technologies. If your country has destroyed any of the substances listed in Annex A (CFCs and halons), Annex B (other fully halogenated CFCs, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride), Annex C (HCFCs, HBFCs and BCM), Annex E (methyl bromide) and Annex F (HFCs) in the reporting period, please use data form 4.
8.2 The first column (“Substance”) has been left blank because each party may destroy different substances or mixtures. Please list only the names of those substances or mixtures destroyed in the reporting year.
8.3 Under the Montreal Protocol, the amount of substances destroyed is not included in the calculation of a party’s production and consumption if destruction occurred through the use of an approved technology (listed in decision XXIII/12 and any subsequent relevant decisions). If you have destroyed any substance in the reporting year, do not deduct the quantity destroyed reported in column 2 of data form 4 from the total production reported in column 3 of data form 3. The Secretariat will make the necessary deductions. HFC-23 amounts destroyed without prior capture will not be counted in the calculation of production.
Section 9: Instruction V on data on imports from and exports to non-parties (data form 5)
9.1 Please use data form 5 to report data on imports from and exports to non‑parties of substances of Annex A (CFCs and halons), Annex B (other fully halogenated CFCs, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride), Annex C (HCFCs, HBFCs and BCM) and Annex E (methyl bromide).
9.2 The first column (“Substance”) has been left blank because each party may import different substances or mixtures from and/or export different substances or mixtures to non‑parties. Please fill in only the names of those substances that were imported from and/or exported to non‑parties.
9.3 For purposes of these data forms, “non‑party” means:
‑ With respect to Annex A substances, all countries that have not ratified the 1987 Montreal Protocol;
‑ With respect to Annex B substances, all countries that have not ratified the London Amendment;
‑ With respect to Annex C substances, all countries that have not ratified the Copenhagen Amendment;
‑ With respect to Annex E substances, all countries that have not ratified the Copenhagen Amendment;
except where the parties have otherwise specified by means of a decision.
9.4 Exports of HFCs should not be reported under data form 5 but should be reported under data form 2. Any export of HFCs that is nonetheless reported on data form 5 shall not be treated as export to non-parties for the purpose of calculating the consumption levels as specified in paragraph 1 (c) of Article 3 of the Montreal Protocol.
9.5 Reporting of information on “exporting parties for quantities reported as imports” and “countries of destination of exports” is not a requirement under Article 7 of the Protocol, and the information is to be provided on a voluntary basis. Please fill in column 2 on the exporting countries for imports or destination of exports, ensuring that if a particular controlled substance is exported to or imported from more than one country, the quantity exported to or imported from each country is indicated separately.
9.6 The status of ratification of the Montreal Protocol and its amendments can be found in a document published by the Secretariat and updated twice a year. That information is also available on the website of the Ozone Secretariat, at:
Section 10: Instruction VI on data on emissions of Annex F, Group II substance – HFC‑23 (data form 6)
10.1 Very few countries will have manufacturing facilities for Annex C Group I or Annex F substances that generate HFC‑23. If your country has such facilities that were operational in the reporting period, please use data form 6 to report emissions of HFC‑23 from each facility. If there were no emissions from a manufacturing facility, please include the facility in the data form and enter a zero in the emissions column.
10.2 The amounts of production or generated HFC-23 that is captured for use, feedstock, destruction or storage shall be reported in data form 3 on production. The amounts converted to other substances shall be reported as feedstock uses in data form 3. The amounts destroyed shall be reported in data form 4, except the amounts of HFC-23 that are destroyed without prior capture.
10.3 The information in columns 2 to 5 of data form 6 is excluded from the reporting requirements under Article 7 the Protocol and is provided on a voluntary basis. The amount of generated HFC‑23 refers to the total amount whether captured or not. The sum of the amounts of total generated HFC-23 is not to be reported under data form 3. However, the sums of the amounts of generated HFC-23 that are captured are to be reported under data form 3 under the corresponding columns. Column 4 in data form 6 refers to the amounts converted to other substances in the specified facilities, and the sum of those amounts is not to be reported under data form 3. Column 5 in data form 6 refers to amounts destroyed in the specified facilities.
Section 11: Illustrative list of mixtures containing controlled substances[4]
11.1 Zeotropic mixtures
No. |
Refrigerant |
Composition |
Component 1 |
Component 2 |
Component 3 |
Component 4 |
Component 5 |
Component 6 |
R-401A |
HCFC-124 |
34% |
HCFC-22 |
53% |
HFC-152a |
13% |
R-401B |
HCFC-124 |
28% |
HCFC-22 |
61% |
HFC-152a |
11% |
R-401C |
HCFC-124 |
52% |
HCFC-22 |
33% |
HFC-152a |
15% |
R-402A |
HC-290 |
2% |
HCFC-22 |
38% |
HFC-125 |
60% |
R-402B |
HC-290 |
2% |
HCFC-22 |
60% |
HFC-125 |
38% |
R-403A |
HC-290 |
5% |
HCFC-22 |
75% |
PFC-218 |
20% |
R-403B |
HC-290 |
5% |
HCFC-22 |
56% |
PFC-218 |
39% |
R-404A |
HFC-125 |
44% |
HFC-134a |
4% |
HFC-143a |
52% |
R-405A |
HCFC-142b |
6% |
HCFC-22 |
45% |
HFC-152a |
7% |
PFC-C318 |
43% |
R-406A |
HC-600a |
4% |
HCFC-142b |
41% |
HCFC-22 |
55% |
R-407A |
HFC-125 |
40% |
HFC-134a |
40% |
HFC-32 |
20% |
R-407B |
HFC-125 |
70% |
HFC-134a |
20% |
HFC-32 |
10% |
R-407C |
HFC-125 |
25% |
HFC-134a |
52% |
HFC-32 |
23% |
R-407D |
HFC-125 |
15% |
HFC-134a |
70% |
HFC-32 |
15% |
R-407E |
HFC-125 |
15% |
HFC-134a |
60% |
HFC-32 |
25% |
R-407F |
HFC-125 |
30% |
HFC-134a |
40% |
HFC-32 |
30% |
R-407G |
HFC-125 |
2.5% |
HFC-134a |
95% |
HFC-32 |
2.5% |
R-408A |
HCFC-22 |
47% |
HFC-125 |
7% |
HFC-143a |
46% |
R-409A |
HCFC-124 |
25% |
HCFC-142b |
15% |
HCFC-22 |
60% |
R-409B |
HCFC-124 |
25% |
HCFC-142b |
10% |
HCFC-22 |
65% |
R-410A |
HFC-125 |
50% |
HFC-32 |
50% |
R-410B |
HFC-125 |
55% |
HFC-32 |
45% |
R-411A |
HO-1270 |
1.5% |
HCFC-22 |
87.5% |
HFC-152a |
11% |
R-411B |
HO-1270 |
3% |
HCFC-22 |
94% |
HFC-152a |
3% |
R-412A |
HCFC-142b |
25% |
HCFC-22 |
70% |
PFC-218 |
5% |
R-413A |
HC-600a |
3% |
HFC-134a |
88% |
PFC-218 |
9% |
R-414A |
HC-600a |
4% |
HCFC-124 |
28.5% |
HCFC-142b |
16.5% |
HCFC-22 |
51% |
R-414B |
HC-600a |
1.5% |
HCFC-124 |
39% |
HCFC-142b |
9.5% |
HCFC-22 |
50% |
R-415A |
HCFC-22 |
82% |
HFC-152a |
18% |
R-415B |
HCFC-22 |
25% |
HFC-152a |
75% |
R-416A |
HC-600 |
1.5% |
HCFC-124 |
39.5% |
HFC-134a |
59% |
R-417A |
HC-600 |
3.4% |
HFC-125 |
46.6% |
HFC-134a |
50% |
R-417B |
HC-600 |
2.7% |
HFC-125 |
79% |
HFC-134a |
18.3% |
R-417C |
HC-600 |
1.7% |
HFC-125 |
19.5% |
HFC-134a |
78.8% |
R-418A |
HC-290 |
1.5% |
HCFC-22 |
96% |
HFC-152a |
2.5% |
R-419A |
HCE-170 |
4% |
HFC-125 |
77% |
HFC-134a |
19% |
R-419B |
HCE-170 |
3.5% |
HFC-125 |
48.5% |
HFC-134a |
48% |
R-420A |
HCFC-142b |
12% |
HFC-134a |
88% |
R-421A |
HFC-125 |
58% |
HFC-134a |
42% |
R-421B |
HFC-125 |
85% |
HFC-134a |
15% |
R-422A |
HC-600a |
3.4% |
HFC-125 |
85.1% |
HFC-134a |
11.5% |
R-422B |
HC-600a |
3% |
HFC-125 |
55% |
HFC-134a |
42% |
R-422C |
HC-600a |
3% |
HFC-125 |
82% |
HFC-134a |
15% |
R-422D |
HC-600a |
3.4% |
HFC-125 |
65.1% |
HFC-134a |
31.5% |
R-422E |
HC-600a |
2.7% |
HFC-125 |
58% |
HFC-134a |
39.3% |
R-423A |
HFC-134a |
52.5% |
HFC-227ea |
47.5% |
R-424A |
HC-600 |
1% |
HC-600a |
0.9% |
HC-601a |
0.6% |
HFC-125 |
50.5% |
HFC-134a |
47% |
R-425A |
HFC-134a |
69.5% |
HFC-227ea |
12% |
HFC-32 |
18.5% |
R-426A |
HC-600 |
1.3% |
HC-601a |
0.6% |
HFC-125 |
5.1% |
HFC-134a |
93% |
R-427A |
HFC-125 |
25% |
HFC-134a |
50% |
HFC-143a |
10% |
HFC-32 |
15% |
R-428A |
HC-290 |
0.6% |
HC-600a |
1.9% |
HFC-125 |
77.5% |
HFC-143a |
20% |
R-429A |
HC-600a |
30% |
HCE-170 |
60% |
HFC-152a |
10% |
R-430A |
HC-600a |
24% |
HFC-152a |
76% |
R-431A |
HC-290 |
71% |
HFC-152a |
29% |
R-434A |
HC-600a |
2.8% |
HFC-125 |
63.2% |
HFC-134a |
16% |
HFC-143a |
18% |
R-435A |
HCE-170 |
80% |
HFC-152a |
20% |
R-437A |
HC-600 |
1.4% |
HC-601 |
0.6% |
HFC-125 |
19.5% |
HFC-134a |
78.5% |
R-438A |
HC-600 |
1.7% |
HC-601a |
0.6% |
HFC-125 |
45% |
HFC-134a |
44.2% |
HFC-32 |
8.5% |
R-439A |
HC-600a |
3% |
HFC-125 |
47% |
HFC-32 |
50% |
R-440A |
HC-290 |
0.6% |
HFC-134a |
1.6% |
HFC-152a |
97.8% |
R-442A |
HFC-125 |
31% |
HFC-134a |
30% |
HFC-152a |
3% |
HFC-227ea |
5% |
HFC-32 |
31% |
R-444A |
HFC-152a |
5% |
HFC-32 |
12% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
83% |
R-444B |
HFC-152a |
10% |
HFC-32 |
41.5% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
48.5% |
R-445A |
HFC-134a |
9% |
R-744 |
6% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
85% |
R-446A |
HC-600 |
3% |
HFC-32 |
68% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
29% |
R-447A |
HFC-125 |
3.5% |
HFC-32 |
68% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
28.5% |
R-447B |
HFC-125 |
8% |
HFC-32 |
68% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
24% |
R-448A |
HFC-125 |
26% |
HFC-134a |
21% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
7% |
HFO-1234yf |
20% |
HFC-32 |
26% |
R-449A |
HFC-125 |
24.7% |
HFC-134a |
25.7% |
HFC-32 |
24.3% |
HFO-1234yf |
25.3% |
R-449B |
HFC-125 |
24.3% |
HFC-134a |
27.3% |
HFC-32 |
25.2% |
HFO-1234yf |
23.2% |
R-449C |
HFC-125 |
20% |
HFC-134a |
29% |
HFC-32 |
20% |
HFO-1234yf |
31% |
R-450A |
HFC-134a |
42% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
58% |
R-451A |
HFC-134a |
10.2% |
HFO-1234yf |
89.8% |
R-451B |
HFC-134a |
11.2% |
HFO-1234yf |
88.8% |
R-452A |
HFC-125 |
59% |
HFC-32 |
11% |
HFO-1234yf |
30% |
R-452B |
HFC-125 |
7% |
HFC-32 |
67% |
HFO-1234yf |
26% |
R-452C |
HFC-125 |
61% |
HFC-32 |
12.5% |
HFO-1234yf |
26.5% |
R-453A |
HC-600 |
0.6% |
HC-601a |
0.6% |
HFC-125 |
20% |
HFC-134a |
53.8% |
HFC-227ea |
5% |
HFC-32 |
20% |
R-454A |
HFC-32 |
35% |
HFO-1234yf |
65% |
R-454B |
HFC-32 |
68.9% |
HFO-1234yf |
31.1% |
R-454C |
HFC-32 |
21.5% |
HFO-1234yf |
78.5% |
R-455A |
HFC-32 |
21.5% |
HFO-1234yf |
75.5% |
R-744 |
3% |
R-456A |
HFC-134a |
45% |
HFC-32 |
6% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
49% |
R-457A |
HFC-152a |
12% |
HFC-32 |
18% |
HFO-1234yf |
70% |
R-458A |
HFC-125 |
4% |
HFC-134a |
61.4% |
HFC-227ea |
13.5% |
HFC-236fa |
0.6% |
HFC-32 |
20.5% |
R-459A |
HFC-32 |
68% |
HFO-1234yf |
26% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
6% |
R-459B |
HFC-32 |
21% |
HFO-1234yf |
69% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
10% |
R-460A |
HFC-125 |
52% |
HFC-134a |
14% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
22% |
HFC-32 |
12% |
R-460B |
HFC-125 |
25% |
HFC-134a |
20% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
27% |
HFC-32 |
28% |
11.2 Azeotropic mixtures
No. |
Refrigerant number |
Composition |
Component 1 |
Component 2 |
R-500 |
CFC-12 |
73.8% |
HFC-152a |
26.2% |
R-501 |
CFC-12 |
25% |
HCFC-22 |
75% |
R-502 |
CFC-115 |
51.2% |
HCFC-22 |
48.8% |
R-503 |
CFC-13 |
59.9% |
HFC-23 |
40.1% |
R-504 |
CFC-115 |
51.8% |
HFC-32 |
48.2% |
R-505 |
CFC-12 |
78% |
HCFC-31 |
22% |
R-506 |
CFC-114 |
45% |
HCFC-31 |
55% |
R-507A (AZ-50) |
HFC-125 |
50% |
HFC-143a |
50% |
R-508A |
HFC-23 |
39% |
PFC-116 |
61% |
R-508B |
HFC-23 |
46% |
PFC-116 |
54% |
R-509 (TP5R2) |
HCFC-22 |
46% |
PFC-218 |
54% |
R-509A |
HCFC-22 |
44% |
PFC-218 |
56% |
R-512A |
HFC-134a |
5% |
HFC-152a |
95% |
R-513A (XP10/DR-11) |
HFC-134a |
44% |
HFO-1234yf |
56% |
R-513B |
HFC-134a |
41.5% |
HFO-1234yf |
58.5% |
R-515A |
HFC-227ea |
12% |
HFO-1234ze (E) |
88% |
11.3 Other mixtures
No. |
Trade name of mixture |
Composition |
Component 1 |
Component 2 |
Component 3 |
Component 4 |
1. |
FX 20 |
HFC-125 |
45% |
HCFC-22 |
55% |
2. |
FX 55 |
HCFC-22 |
60% |
HCFC-142b |
40% |
3. |
D 136 |
HCFC-22 |
50% |
HCFC-124 |
47% |
HC-600a |
3% |
4. |
Daikin Blend |
HFC-23 |
2% |
HFC-32 |
28% |
HCFC-124 |
70% |
5. |
HCFC-124 |
39% |
HCFC-134a |
59% |
HC-600a |
2% |
6. |
Free Zone |
HCFC-142b |
19% |
HFC-134a |
79% |
Lubricant |
2% |
7. |
HCFC-22 |
65% |
HCFC-142b |
31% |
HC-600a |
4% |
8. |
GHG-X5 |
HCFC-22 |
41% |
HCFC-142b |
15% |
HFC-227ea |
40% |
HC-600a |
4% |
9. |
NARM-502 |
HCFC-22 |
90% |
HFC-152a |
5% |
HFC-23 |
5% |
10. |
HCFC-22 |
82% |
HCFC-123 |
4.75% |
HCFC-124 |
9.5% |
HC-600a |
3.75% |
11.4 Methyl bromide mixtures
No. |
Trade name of mixture |
Composition |
Component 1 |
Component 2 |
1. |
Methyl bromide with chloropicrin |
Methyl bromide |
67% |
Chloropicrin |
33% |
2. |
Methyl bromide with chloropicrin |
Methyl bromide |
98% |
Chloropicrin |
2% |
[4] For more information about trade names for mixtures and pure substances, visit the “Trade names of chemicals containing ozone-depleting substances and their alternatives” page on the UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) OzonAction website, at This worldwide database service is designed to help customs officials and national ozone units control imports and exports of controlled substances and prevent their illegal trade.
[5] A halon alternative.