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Appendix II: Reporting provisions and clarifications associated with reporting of information other than Article 7 reporting

Reporting provisions and related decisions for reporting of information other than Article 7 reporting

Basis for reporting

Information to be provided

Transfer or addition of production or consumption

(reported as and when it occurs)

Article 2, paragraphs 5, 5 bis, 6, 7

Transfer or addition of production or consumption

Trade with non-parties (Article 4)


Decision IV/17 A, paragraph 1

Information on the implementation of Article 4 of the Protocol, control of trade with non‑parties

Licensing information

(reporting periodicity specified below)

  1. Article 4B – Licensing

The establishment and operation of its licensing system (reported once)

  1. Decision IX/8, paragraph 2

Focal points for licensing systems for trade in controlled substances (reported once, updated as required)

  1. Decision XIV/7, paragraph 7

Information reported by the parties on illegal trade in controlled substances (reported when cases occur)

  1. Decision XXVII/8

Parties wishing to avoid the unwanted import of products and equipment containing or relying on hydrochlorofluorocarbons (notification sent once)

Research, development, public awareness and exchange of information

(reported every two years)

Article 9

Summary of activities

Essential-use exemptions other than laboratory and analytical uses[1]

(reported the year following an exemption)

Decision VIII/9, paragraph 9

Report on quantities and uses of controlled substances produced and consumed for essential uses (reporting accounting framework)

Essential-use exemptions: laboratory and analytical uses

(reported annually)

Decision VI/9, paragraph 4, of annex II to the report of the Sixth Meeting of the Parties

Each controlled substance produced for laboratory and analytical uses

Exemption for high‑ambient‑temperature parties

(reported the year following an exemption)

Decision XXVIII/2, paragraph 30

Report separately production and consumption data for the subsectors to which the exemption applies

Critical-use exemptions for methyl bromide information

(reported once)

  1. Decision Ex.I/3, paragraph 5

Parties that have a methyl bromide critical-use exemption to report on the implementation of the requirement to ensure that the criteria in paragraph 1 of decision IX/6 are applied when licensing, permitting or authorizing the use of methyl bromide and that such procedures take into account available stocks

  1. Decision Ex.I/4, paragraph 2

Parties seeking methyl bromide critical-use exemptions and parties that have ceased methyl bromide consumption to submit information on the alternatives available, listed according to their pre‑harvest or post‑harvest uses and the possible date of registration, if required, for each alternative; and on the alternatives that the parties can disclose to be under development, listed according to their pre‑harvest or post‑harvest uses and the likely date of registration, if required and known, for those alternatives

  1. Decision Ex.I/4, paragraphs 3 and 6

Parties seeking methyl bromide critical-use exemptions to submit national methyl bromide phase-out strategy and describe methodology used to determine economic feasibility in the event that economic feasibility is used as a criterion to justify the critical use

  1. Decision Ex.I/4, paragraph 9 (f), and decision Ex.II/1, paragraph 3

Report on quantities and uses of methyl bromide produced, imported and exported for critical uses in accounting framework

Process agent uses

(reported annually)

Decisions X/14, XV/7, XVII/6 and XXI/3

Use of controlled substances as process agents, make‑up amounts, resulting emissions, emission containment technologies employed and opportunities for emission reduction. Report on quantities of controlled substances produced or imported for process agent applications

Requests for changes in reported baseline data

(reported once)

  1. Decision XIII/15, paragraph 5

Requests for changes in reported baseline data for the base years to be presented to the Implementation Committee, which will in turn work with the Ozone Secretariat and the Executive Committee to confirm the justification for the changes and present them to the Meeting of the Parties for approval

  1. Decision XV/19, paragraph 2

Methodology for submission of requests for revision of baseline data: the information and documentation to be submitted

Other information

(reporting periodicity specified below)

  1. Decision V/15

Information relevant to international halon bank management (reported once)

  1. Decisions V/25 and VI/14A

Parties supplying controlled substances to parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 (Article 5 party) to provide annually summary of requests from importing parties (reported annually)

  1. Decision VI/19, paragraph 4

List of reclamation facilities and their capacities (reported annually)

  1. Decisions X/8 and IX/24

New ozone-depleting substances reported by the parties (reported when new substances emerge)

  1. Decision XX/7, paragraph 5

Strategies on environmentally sound management of banks of ozone‑depleting substances (reported once, updated as required)


  1. The control measures under Articles 2A-2E, 2G and 2I include a provision for parties to decide to permit levels of production or consumption that are necessary to satisfy uses agreed by them to be essential. Decision IV/25 on essential uses states that a use of a controlled substance should qualify as “essential” only if:
    1. It is necessary for the health, safety or is critical for the functioning of society (encompassing cultural and intellectual aspects); and
    2. There are no available technically and economically feasible alternatives or substitutes that are acceptable from the standpoint of environment and health.
  2. The conditions applied to exemption for laboratory and analytical uses, which fall under essential uses, are provided in annex II to the report of the Sixth Meeting of the Parties.
  3. The control measures under Article 2H include a provision for parties to decide to permit levels of production or consumption that are necessary to satisfy uses agreed by them to be critical uses. In decision IX/6 on critical uses, the parties agreed to apply the following criteria and procedure in assessing a critical methyl bromide use for the purposes of control measures in Article 2 of the Protocol:
    1. That a use of methyl bromide should qualify as “critical” only if the nominating party determines that:
      1. The specific use is critical because the lack of availability of methyl bromide for that use would result in a significant market disruption; and
      2. There are no technically and economically feasible alternatives or substitutes available to the user that are acceptable from the standpoint of environment and health and are suitable to the crops and circumstances of the nomination;
    2. That production and consumption, if any, of methyl bromide for critical uses should be permitted only if:
      1. All technically and economically feasible steps have been taken to minimize the critical use and any associated emission of methyl bromide;
      2. Methyl bromide is not available in sufficient quantity and quality from existing stocks of banked or recycled methyl bromide, also bearing in mind the developing countries’ need for methyl bromide;
      3. It is demonstrated that an appropriate effort is being made to evaluate, commercialize and secure national regulatory approval of alternatives and substitutes, taking into consideration the circumstances of the particular nomination and the special needs of Article 5 parties, including lack of financial and expert resources, institutional capacity, and information. Parties not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 (non-Article 5 parties) must demonstrate that research programmes are in place to develop and deploy alternatives and substitutes. Article 5 parties must demonstrate that feasible alternatives shall be adopted as soon as they are confirmed as suitable to the party’s specific conditions and/or that they have applied to the Multilateral Fund or other sources for assistance in identifying, evaluating, adapting and demonstrating such options;
  4. “Process agents” should be understood to mean the use of controlled substances for the applications listed in table A of decision X/14, as amended by various decisions. Amounts produced or imported for use as process agents in plants and installations in operation before 1 January 1999 should not be taken into account in the calculation of production and consumption from 1 January 2002 onwards, provided that:
    1. In the case of non‑Article 5 parties, the emissions of controlled substances from these processes have been reduced to insignificant levels as defined in table B of decision X/14, as amended by various decisions;
    2. In the case of Article 5 parties, the emissions of controlled substances from process‑agent use have been reduced to levels agreed by the Executive Committee to be reasonably achievable in a cost‑effective manner without undue abandonment of infrastructure.

[1] Decisions relating to essential-use exemptions for CFCs for metered-dose inhalers for the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are no longer included here, since such exemptions have been phased out.