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Decision XXX/16: Membership of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel

Recalling that the terms of reference for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel established in decision XXIV/8 provide for a limited number of senior experts for specific expertise not covered by the Panel’s co-chairs or technical options committee co-chairs,

  1. To thank the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for its outstanding reports, and also to thank the individual members of the Panel for their outstanding service and dedication;
  2. To endorse the appointment of Ms. Marta Pizano (Colombia) as Co-Chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for an additional term of four years;
  3. To endorse the appointment of Mr. Ashley Woodcock (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as Co-Chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for an additional term of four years;
  4. To endorse the appointment of Mr. Fabio Polonara (Italy) as Co-Chair of the Refrigeration, Air‑Conditioning and Heat Pumps Technical Options Committee for an additional term of four years;
  5. To endorse the appointment of Ms. Shiqiu Zhang (China) as senior expert of the Panel for an additional term of four years;
  6. To endorse the appointment of Mr. Marco González (Costa Rica) as senior expert of the Panel for an additional term of two years;
  7. To endorse the appointment of Mr. Sidi Menad Si Ahmed (Algeria) as senior expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for an additional term of one year;
  8. To urge the parties to follow the Panel’s terms of reference and consult the Panel Co‑Chairs and refer to the matrix of needed expertise prior to making nominations for appointments to the Panel;