Decision XXX/2: Adjustments to the Montreal Protocol
Recalling paragraph 12 of decision XIX/6, which agreed to address the possibilities or need for essential use exemptions, no later than 2015 where this relates to Article 2 parties, and no later than 2020 where this relates to Article 5 parties,
Recalling also paragraph 13 of decision XIX/6, which agreed to review in 2015 the need for the 0.5 per cent for servicing provided for in paragraph 3 and to review in 2025 the need for the annual average of 2.5 per cent for servicing provided for in paragraph 4 (d),
Noting the report by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel in 2018 that highlighted the continued need of Annex C, Group I substances for laboratory and analytical uses after 2020 as well as the continued need of Annex C, Group I substances for servicing of fire protection and fire suppression equipment and some other niche applications for parties operating under Article 2 of the Protocol,
Recognizing that parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 may have needs for Annex C, Group I substances in the same applications listed in Article 2F paragraph 6 and those needs will be reviewed in accordance with paragraphs 12 and 13 of decision XIX/6,
Recognizing also the importance of parties’ efforts to encourage the development and use of alternatives to Annex C, Group I substances,
Recalling paragraphs 6 to 8 of decision XXVIII/2 on the linkages between hydrofluorocarbon and hydrochlorofluorocarbon reduction schedules and the provision of flexibility if no other technically proven and economically viable alternatives are available and noting that under decision XXVIII/2 paragraphs 26 to 37 an exemption is available to high ambient temperature parties,
- To adopt, in accordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 9 of Article 2 of the Montreal Protocol, the adjustments of production and consumption of the controlled substances listed in Annex C, Group I to the Protocol as set out in annex I to the report of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties;[1]
- To encourage the development and use of alternatives to Annex C, Group I substances in the non-servicing applications set out in Article 2F, paragraphs 6 (a) (iii) and 6 (a) (iv) and 6 (b) (iii) and 6 (b) (iv) with a view to reducing and ceasing the use of Annex C, Group I substances in those applications;
- To urge the recovery, recycling and reclamation of Annex C, Group I substances as well as the use of stocks and alternatives, where available and appropriate, in order to reduce the production and consumption of Annex C, Group I substances;
- To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to provide in its quadrennial reports to be presented to the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties in 2023 and to the Thirty-Ninth Meeting of the Parties in 2027 information on the availability of Annex C, Group I substances, including amounts available from recovery, recycling and reclamation, and best available information on country-level and total known stocks, as well as availability of alternative options for the applications described in Article 2F paragraphs 6 (a) and 6 (b);
- To examine the flexibility of the HCFC schedule adjustment in line with the Kigali Amendment;
[1] UNEP/OzL.Pro.30/11.