Decision XXX/3: Unexpected emissions of trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11)
Noting the recent scientific findings showing that there has been an unexpected increase in global emissions of trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) since 2012, after the consumption and production phase-out date established under the Montreal Protocol,
Appreciating the efforts of the scientific community in providing that information,
Expressing serious concern about the substantial volume of unexpected emissions of CFC-11 in recent years,
- To request the Scientific Assessment Panel to provide to the parties a summary report on the unexpected increase of CFC-11 emissions, which would supplement the information in the quadrennial assessment, including additional information regarding atmospheric monitoring and modelling, including underlying assumptions, with respect to such emissions; a preliminary summary report should be provided to the Open-ended Working Group at its forty-first meeting, a further update to the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties and a final report to the Thirty-Second Meeting of the Parties;
- To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to provide the parties with information on potential sources of emissions of CFC-11 and related controlled substances from potential production and uses, as well as from banks, that may have resulted in emissions of CFC-11 in unexpected quantities in the relevant regions; a preliminary report should be provided to the Open‑ended Working Group at its forty-first meeting and a final report to the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties;
- To request parties with any relevant scientific and technical information that may help inform the Scientific Assessment Panel and Technology and Economic Assessment Panel reports described in paragraphs 1 and 2 above to provide that information to the Secretariat by 1 March 2019;
- To encourage parties, as appropriate and as feasible, to support scientific efforts, including for atmospheric measurements, to further study the unexpected emissions of CFC-11 in recent years;
- To encourage relevant scientific and atmospheric organizations and institutions to further study and elaborate the current findings related to CFC-11 emissions as relevant and appropriate to their mandate, with a view to contributing to the assessment described in paragraph 1 above;
- To request the Secretariat, in consultation with the secretariat of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, to provide the parties with an overview outlining the procedures under the Protocol and the Fund with reference to controlled substances by which the parties review and ensure continuing compliance with Protocol obligations and with the terms of agreements under the Fund, including with regard to monitoring, reporting, and verification, and to provide a report to the Open-ended Working Group at its forty-first meeting and a final report to the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties;
- To request all parties:
- To take appropriate measures to ensure that the phase-out of CFC-11 is effectively sustained and enforced in accordance with obligations under the Protocol;
- To inform the Secretariat about any potential deviations from compliance that could contribute to the unexpected increase in CFC-11 emissions;