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Decision XXXII/1: Interim budget for the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol for the triennium 2021–2023

Taking into account the current exceptional circumstances related to the coronavirus disease (COVID‑19) pandemic, and without setting a precedent,

Recognizing the anticipated resources remaining from the replenishment for the triennium 2018–2020 decided in decision XXIX/1, 

Noting that the parties will take a decision in 2021 on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund to adopt a budget for the triennium 2021–2023, including regular contributions, 

To adopt an interim budget for the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer for the triennium 2021–2023 of $268 million, prioritizing those funds for the year 2021 as part of the triennium 2021–2023, until such time as the Parties adopt a final decision on replenishment, including a revised budget, for the triennium
2021–2023, on the understanding that the interim budget will be provided from anticipated contributions due to the Multilateral Fund and other sources for the triennium 2018–2020.