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Decision XXVIII/12: Membership of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel

  1. To thank the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for its outstanding reports and to thank the individual members of the Panel for their outstanding service and dedication;
  2. To endorse the appointment of Mr. Rajendra Shende (India) as Senior Expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for a term of four years;
  3. To endorse the appointment of Ms. Bella Maranion (United States of America) as Co‑Chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for an additional four-year term;
  4. To endorse the appointment of Mr. Paulo Altoé (Brazil) as Co-Chair of the Flexible and Rigid Foams Technical Options Committee for a term of four years;
  5. To endorse the appointment of Mr. Daniel P. Verdonik (United States) as Co-Chair of the Halons Technical Options Committee for a term of four years;
  6. To endorse the appointment of Mr. Adam Chattaway (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as Co-Chair of the Halons Technical Options Committee for a term of four years;