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Decision XXVIII/3: Energy efficiency

Recognizing that a phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons under the Montreal Protocol would present additional opportunities to catalyse and secure improvements in the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment,

Noting that the air-conditioning and refrigeration sectors represent a substantial and increasing percentage of global electricity demand,

Appreciating the fact that improvements in energy efficiency could deliver a variety of co-benefits for sustainable development, including for energy security, public health and climate mitigation,

Highlighting the large returns on investment that have resulted from modest expenditures on energy efficiency, and the substantial savings available for both consumers and Governments,

  1. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to review energy efficiency opportunities in the refrigeration and air-conditioning and heat-pump sectors related to a transition to climate-friendly alternatives, including not-in-kind options;
  2. To invite parties to submit to the Ozone Secretariat by May 2017, on a voluntary basis, relevant information on energy efficiency innovations in the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat-pump sectors;
  3. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to assess the information submitted by parties on energy efficiency opportunities in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sectors during the transition to low-global-warming-potential and zero-global-warming-potential alternatives and to report thereon to the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Parties, in 2017;