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Annex III: Declaration on High-GWP alternatives to ODSs

By: Angola, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Fiji, Gabon, Grenada, Guinea Bissau, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Morocco, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papau New Guinea, Palau, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, United States, Zambia.

Aware of the wide agreement among scientists that climate change will threaten present and future generations unless more stringent measures are adopted and implemented urgently,

Concerned that climate change is occurring faster than previously predicted,

Mindful that certain high-GWP alternatives to ODSs used to replace certain ozone depleting substances are powerful greenhouse gases and are contributing to climate change,

Emphasize the fact that the substitution of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) need not necessarily rely on the use of high-GWP alternatives;

Also aware that more environmentally sound alternative substances and technologies already exist or are rapidly being developed and that in various sectors a transition away from high-GWP alternatives to ODSs can already be achieved,

Also aware that the Montreal Protocol is well-suited to phase-down high-GWP alternatives to ODSs, having already phased-out similar chemicals in the same sectors that now utilize high-GWP alternatives to ODSs,

Stress the need to review the possibility of appropriately amending the Montreal Protocol to include a progressive reduction of the production and consumption of select high-GWP alternatives to ODSs as controlled substances, and to ensure appropriate coordination with the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol, including adequate reporting,

Recognizing that certain high-GWP alternatives to ODSs are within the basket of greenhouse gases controlled by the Kyoto Protocol and amendments to the Montreal Protocol should be agreed to in a manner that neither excludes controlled high-GWP substances from the scope of the UNFCCC or Kyoto Protocol, nor affect existing commitments undertaken by Parties thereto,

Encourage all states to urgently consider phasing-down the production and consumption of high-GWP alternatives to ODSs where alternatives exist,

Agree to commit to encourage and facilitate the accelerated development of climate friendly substituting chemicals, products, and technologies for all applications of HCFCs,

Agree to facilitate the access to relevant scientific information, research results, training, and the transfer of technology and its implementation to all Article 5 Parties,

Agree to take appropriate measures to limit the use of high-GWP alternatives to ODSs as soon as practicable.

Port Ghalib, Egypt, 8 November 2009