Decision XXI/2: Environmentally sound management of banks of ozone‑depleting substances
Recalling Decision XX/7 which called for further study on the size and scope of banks of ozone‑depleting substances and requesting the Multilateral Fund to initiate pilot projects on destruction with a view to developing practical data and experience, Understanding that any such projects approved under the Multilateral Fund would be implemented consistent with national laws and international agreements related to wastes, Noting the significant climate change and ozone layer benefits associated with destroying many types of ozone-depleting substances;
- To request the Ozone Secretariat to host a one-day seminar on the margins of the 30th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on the topic of how to identify and mobilize funds, including funds additional to those being provided under the Multilateral Fund, for ozone-depleting substance destruction, and further requests the Ozone Secretariat to invite the Multilateral Fund and the Global Environment Facility to consider co-coordinating this effort, and to invite other relevant institutions to attend the seminar;
- To request the Executive Committee to continue its consideration of further pilot projects in Article 5 Parties pursuant to decision XX/7, and in that context, to consider the costs of a one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally sound disposal of assembled banks of ozone-depleting substances in low-volume-consuming countries that are not usable in the Party of origin;
- To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to review those destruction technologies identified in its 2002 report as having a high potential, and any other technologies, and to report back to the 30th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on these technologies and their commercial and technical availability;
- To agree that the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund should develop and implement, as expeditiously as possible, a methodology to verify the climate benefits and costs associated with Multilateral Fund projects to destroy banks of ozone-depleting substances, and should make such information publicly available on a project-level basis;
- To request the Executive Committee to continue its deliberations on a special facility and to report on these deliberations, including possible options for such a facility as appropriate, to the 30th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group as an agenda item.
- To call upon Parties, and institutions not traditionally contributing to the financial mechanism, to consider making additional support available to the Multilateral Fund for destruction of ozone-depleting substances, if they are in a position to do so;
- To request the Executive Committee to report annually on the results of destruction projects to the Meeting of the Parties, and to request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, based on this, and other available information, to suggest to the thirty-first meeting of the Open-ended Working Group components designed to help Parties of diverse size and with diverse wastes to develop national and/or regional strategic approaches to address the environmentally sound disposal of the banks of ozone-depleting substances that are present in their countries and/or regions. In addition, this information should be available to the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and the Parties to inform the consideration of the financial implications for the Multilateral Fund and other funding sources of addressing the destruction of ozone-depleting-substance banks;