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Decision XXI/29: Institutional strengthening

Taking into account that the Parties to the Montreal Protocol have assumed a firm commitment to recover and protect the ozone layer, Acknowledging that institutional strengthening support from the Multilateral Fund has played a paramount role in acquiring and enhancing the capacity of national ozone units to allow Article 5 Parties to comply with their commitments to ODS phase-out,

Recognizing the heavy workload and future challenges that Article 5 Parties still have to face looking towards the consolidation of CFC, halon and carbon tetrachloride phase-out, the phase-out of methyl bromide and the accelerated HCFC phase-out,

Acknowledging that decision 57/36 of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund limits fund requests for the renewal of institutional strengthening projects up to the end of December 2010 at current levels,

Recognizing that such a decision could have an impact on Article 5 Parties’ capacity to handle the complexity involved in ozone-depleting substance phase-out,

  1. To urge the Executive Committee to extend financial support for institutional strengthening funding for Article 5 Parties beyond 2010;
  2. To urge the Executive Committee to finalize its consideration of funding of institutional strengthening projects as expeditiously as possible, taking into account current and emerging challenges;
  3. To recommend that the Executive Committee does not require that institutional strengthening funding be incorporated within funding for HCFC phase-out management plans only, but allows flexibility for an Article 5 party to do so if it so chooses.