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Decision XXI/32: Financial matters: Financial reports and budgets

Recalling decision XX/20 on financial matters,

Noting the financial report on the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer for the biennium 2008-2009 ended 31 December 2008;

Recognizing that voluntary contributions are an essential complement for the effective implementation of the Montreal Protocol; Welcoming the continued efficient management demonstrated by the Secretariat of the finances of the Montreal Protocol Trust Fund;

  1. To approve the revised 2009 budget in the amount of $5,329,104, and the 2010 budget in the amount of $5,400,398 and to take note of the proposed budget of $4,935,639 for 2011, as set out in annex I to the report of the Twenty-First meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer;
  2. To authorize the Secretariat to draw down $1,123,465 in 2010 and note the proposed drawdown of $658,706 in 2011;
  3. To approve, as a consequence of the draw-downs referred to in paragraph 2 above, total contributions to be paid by the Parties of $4,276,933 for 2010 and note the contributions of $4,276,933 for 2011, as set out in annex II to the report of the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer;
  4. Also to approve that the contributions of individual Parties for 2010 shall be listed in annex II to the report of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer;
  5. To authorize the Secretariat to maintain the operating cash reserve at 15 per cent of the 2010 budget to be used to meet the final expenditures under the Trust Fund;
  6. To urge all Parties to pay their outstanding contributions as well as their future contributions promptly and in full;
  7. To request the Ozone Secretariat, in cases where the Open-ended Working Group and the Multilateral Fund Executive Committee meetings are held back to back, to consult with the Multilateral Fund Secretariat, with a view to selecting the meeting location which is the most cost effective, taking into account the budgets of both secretariats.