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Decision XXIX/11: Safety standards

Recalling decision XXVIII/4 on the establishment of regular consultations on safety standards,

Cognizant of the importance of ensuring safe market introduction, manufacturing, operation, maintenance and handling of zero global-warming-potential (GWP) and low-GWP refrigerants that are alternatives to hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons,

Recognizing that safety standards must maintain or enhance the current level of protection of workers, users and property,

Taking note with appreciation of the report on safety standards for flammable low-GWP refrigerants of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel’s task force on decision XXVIII/4 and the outcomes of the workshop on safety standards relevant to the safe use of low-GWP alternatives held in Bangkok on 10 July 2017,

  1. To request the Secretariat to hold regular consultations with the relevant standards bodies referred to in paragraph 7 of decision XXVIII/4 with a view to providing, with regard to standards for flammable low-GWP refrigerants, a tabular overview of relevant safety standards, drawing on the 2017 report of the task force on decision XXVIII/4 and the outcome of the consultations. The tabular overview should also include any relevant information submitted on a voluntary basis to the Secretariat by parties or by national and regional standards bodies;
  2. That the overview shall provide concise information on the:
    1. Scope of activities, appliances or products covered;
    2. Content, namely the safety and relevant technical aspects addressed;
    3. Responsible standards body and its subsidiary body in charge of the standard, including hyperlinks to publicly accessible contact details as well as to information on content and review process;
    4. Status of the review (process and content under review);
  3. To invite parties to update information submitted pursuant to decision XXVIII/4 by 1 January 2020;
  4. To request the Secretariat to make the information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the present decision accessible on its website and to ensure an update of the tabular overview at least prior to each meeting of the parties up until the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties, when parties should consider whether to renew that request to the Secretariat;