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Decision XXIX/12: Consideration of hydrofluorocarbons not listed as controlled substances in Annex F to the Protocol

Recalling decision XXVIII/1, by which the Meeting of the Parties adopted the amendment to the Montreal Protocol on phasing down hydrofluorocarbons listed in Annex F to the Protocol,

Acknowledging that the substances listed in Annex F to the Protocol include those hydrofluorocarbons that are at present commercially in use,

Noting, however, that there are other hydrofluorocarbons not listed in Annex F to the Protocol, which at present have minimal or no known production or consumption, which have global warming potential no less than the lowest global warming potential of the hydrofluorocarbons listed in Annex F,

To request the assessment panels under the Montreal Protocol to provide in their quadrennial reports to be presented to the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties, in 2023, and every four years thereafter, information on the consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons not listed in Annex F of the Protocol which have global warming potential no less than the lowest global warming potential of the hydrofluorocarbons listed in Annex F, noting that this is for information purposes only, given that the substances referred to in the present paragraph are not included in Annex F;