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Decision XXIX/19: Special considerations for the Caribbean islands affected by hurricanes

Noting with appreciation the successful efforts and sustained commitment of the Governments of Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Cuba, Dominica and the Dominican Republic to maintain compliance with their obligations under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,

Recognizing the extraordinary difficulties now faced by the above-mentioned countries as a result of the category 5 hurricanes that occurred in September and October 2017, which had devastating effects on the physical, economic and social welfare of the people of those islands,

Appreciating the commitment of the above-mentioned countries to meeting their obligations in respect of phasing out ozone‑depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol and the amendments thereto,

  1. To encourage all parties to assist Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Cuba, Dominica and the Dominican Republic by controlling the export of products, equipment, and technologies that rely on ozone-depleting substances through the control of trade, as appropriate, in accordance with decision X/9 and decision XXVII/8;
  2. To request the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, when considering project proposals over the coming year for the above‑mentioned countries, to take into account their exceptional situation and the special difficulties that that situation may pose with regard to the implementation of activities to comply with their obligations in the coming year;
  3. To request the implementing agencies to consider providing appropriate assistance to the above-mentioned countries in the areas of institutional strengthening, capacity-building, data collection and monitoring and control of trade of controlled substances to support continued reporting to the Secretariat on the consumption of controlled substances;
  4. That the Implementation Committee under the Non‑Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol should, in its deliberations in 2018, take into consideration the difficulties faced by the above-mentioned countries as a result of the hurricanes experienced in 2017, in the event of cases of non‑compliance by those countries;
  5. To recognize that the exceptional situation of the above-mentioned countries may extend beyond one year, and to request the relevant parties to provide an update on the situation at the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties;