Decision XXIII/24: Difficulties faced by Iraq as a new party
Noting with appreciation Iraq’s efforts to comply with the requirements of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol and all its amendments,
Recognizing the continued difficulties faced by Iraq as the result of its becoming a party to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol and all its amendments shortly before key phase‑out dates,
Recognizing also the security situation and the political, economic and social difficulties faced by Iraq over the past two decades,
Acknowledging Iraq’s commitment to phasing out ozone-depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol and its amendments within a limited time frame,
- To urge all exporting countries to liaise with the Government of Iraq, as feasible, prior to the export of any ozone-depleting substances to Iraq in order to support the local authorities in controlling the import of ozone-depleting substances and combating illegal trade;
- To note the need for extra security and attention to logistical difficulties in the implementation of phase-out projects in Iraq, including resources adequate to enable implementing agency personnel to operate in the country;
- To request the implementing agencies to continue to take into account Iraq’s special situation and to provide it with appropriate assistance;